Time for Male Equality Movement?

Discussion in 'Women's Rights' started by LemurianCitizen, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. LemurianCitizen

    LemurianCitizen New Member

    Jul 6, 2012
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    Feminism has already brought forth a lot of important changes and still has a few goals, like equal wages for equal work. However, I believe it might be time that a Male Equality Movement was now born as well. Here are some areas in which I see the need to improve equality:

    1. Parenthood: In recent years an increasing number of fathers are starting to wish to play a bigger role in their children's raising while at the same time saying that they are unable to do so. The main reason for this is the inflexibleness of the job market which is largely unable or unwilling to create flexible working hours for men. Furthermore, society is still not very accepting of stay-at-home fathers since I believe they are often belittled for their decision. Moreover, in the event of a divorce, or separation if not married, women are often given sole custody, as far as I know.

    2. Gender stereotypes/roles: I believe that men are much more subjected to gender stereotypes and roles than women are nowadays. A little girl playing with toys won't raise many eyebrows while a boy playing with dolls certainly will. Furthermore, the ideal of the "strong, masculine" man is still ever-present in the media, while a show of emotion often carries an undertone of "effeminate". Even the things men are supposed to like and enjoy are much more streamlined (e.g. cars, sports, guns,...) than the interests of women are. Any divergence from these "safe" interests is often viewed as a little weird. At least that is my experience.

    3. Underrepresentation in social professions: Due to said gender stereotypes there is an underrepresentation of men in social professions in my opinion. This is especially true in jobs that involve caring for the elderly and young children. And I believe it's these professions which could benefit greatly by a larger male influence, especially were children are concerned.

    Now, I do not demand that all men change who they are and what they do. That would not only be stupid but counter-productive to what I really want. What I want is that male gender stereotypes and roles are opened up and seen as more fluid, just like female gender stereotypes and roles. What are your thoughts on this issue?
  2. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    I prefer just having everyone legally equal and leave the rest. Men and women are different, ignoring such an obvious fact is silly. And since we are actually different we can expect to see that men generally are better in some areas, women in others, men choose that, women that etc.
  3. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Interesting point OP. Here in Canada the Government has bent over backwards in the name of gender equality. For example, a woman can legally go topless anywhere it is legal for a man to do so.
  4. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    hihi, I kinda like that..
  5. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Over here, they`re even allowed to p1ss standing up.
  6. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Now that is just crossing the line. Is nothing sacred anymore?!

  7. Redalgo

    Redalgo New Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    I concur with the sentiments of the OP but would not personally be comfortable being associated with a Male Equality Movement for concern that the movement would be vulnerable to attracting a large number of male sexists more interested in being anti-feminists and reactionary champions of traditional values than advocates for gender and sexual equality. Nevertheless, I’m compelled to say something serious needs to be done about the first two points you brought up, and that the third item is at its roots a product of the second.

    I would add a fourth item to the list in the United States, where men are required to register with the Selective Service, something that essentially makes them eligible for conscription if it is ever re-instituted by the state. Women are exempt from the requirement and, although I’m in favor of an all-volunteer military and unconditionally oppose conscription, consider it sexist of the government to require this when a significant number of women meet the requirements necessary to be effective soldiers - regardless of whether they get assigned to combat units - and an appreciable number can keep up with if not physically and/or psychologically outperform many of their male counterparts on the battlefield. Either start to judge the eligibility of citizens based on personal ability or get rid of the Selective Service.

    Now in regards to Mr. Sweden’s remarks, I acknowledge that men and women differ psychically from one another but consider gender roles social constructs - inventions of the human mind - in much the same way as are ethnicities, nationalities, and races. I am concerned that it restricts the extent to which one can actionably exercise their freedom when people tend to be pressured from early on in their lives to conform to social mores which address nearly every aspect of their lives. People have the ability to defy those norms without being persecuted by the state for it but that is inadequate since it is mainly fellow citizens who punish deviance and demand “proper” behavior.

    Increased permissiveness concerning and widespread acceptance of diversity is still needed in the West, and to combat bigotry and prejudice - with the aim of making individuals freer by removing incentives for self-censorship and discouraging unquestioning conformance to any particular way of life - I think it is important to instill in children values compatible with the development of a highly-individualistic yet also tolerant, open-minded society.
  8. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    I'm sceptical as to wheter that is even possible to achieve actually, due to, as always, human nature. If you're going to stick out there's almost always a social price to pay, and regulating people's thoughts and social sphere is not one the state's jobs in my view. sadly.
  9. Redalgo

    Redalgo New Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    Aye, upon further consideration I imagine you are on to something there. Not only is the regulation of thoughts a nearly impossible task for the state, but also one I wouldn’t consider at all appropriate for it to pursue. And although the views and behaviors of human beings are at least somewhat malleable, some things are simply hard-wired into our genes and present challenges to which governments cannot always implement effective solutions. There is indeed a social price to pay, as well, as you mentioned. But then again, we can’t really have any rights or liberties without sacrificing others along the way. Hmm...

    Perhaps there is an unsettled conflict in me, with a libertarian urge to minimize the extent to which governments can harm, abuse, and coerce individuals often being incompatible with another desire of mine to harness the power of states to socially engineer environs in which individuals seem less likely to be deeply harmed or treated abhorrently by each other.

    However much I try to rationalize the positions I reach, at the root of the matter maybe I am just in disagreement with many other folk about which rights and freedoms are most worthwhile to have. It bothers me tremendously that people are wronged for not always putting up the veneers, having the habits, and selecting the preferences expected of them by others. So what can be done without encroaching on the rights of the people in general to go after the persecutors amidst their number?

    What do you think? Is it one of those issues where it is likely best for everyone in the long-run to be pragmatic rather than inflexibly idealistic... or is there something else that deserves to be taken into consideration?
  10. septimine

    septimine New Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    I can see the reason behind it. I think what happened with women's rights is that they got all kinds of new rights but never gave up the old privelidge. A woman still keeps the right to be taken care of (at least there's no stigma to being a stay-at-home mom), the social convention is still ladies first or open the door for a lady, those kinds of things. Women generally are assumed to be the best caretakers of kids, and should get child support. At work, honestly men are still expected to do much more in the heavy lifting than a man -- If there's a heavy lifting job guys are simply supposed to do it. If there's a dirty or physical job, it's men's work. Men are supposed to be willing to put in more hours and relocate for their job, but women don't. I'm all for equality, but what's happening is not really equality, it's women getting more male privledges while keeping the traditional female ones.
  11. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    The only problem is, the movement would attract insecure, whiny beta males who feel like they're persecuted by those "big bad women" and think women are to blame for the fact that they can't get a girlfriend to save their life. Just like those who make up the feminist movement - the movement appeals to overweight, insecure, misanthropic females who blame the male sex just because they never had a guy ask them to the prom during high school.

    Better solution would be to abolish both movements. Movements that are based on race, sexuality, gender, etc encourage voluntary segregation and division, and appeal mainly to insecure and unremarkable people who have little real individuality and need to base their whole indentity off of a superficial characteristic like their race, their gender, etc
  12. NCstudent

    NCstudent New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    i think you raise perfectly reasonable concerns and i thank you for mentioning them, i find that social expectations are in fact more strict on men than on women. though i do wish to have equal legal rights between the two genders, i also think we should be encouraging a form of equal expecations or at least a greater tolerance of when one gender leaves their expected roles. such as with when a man seems to pay more attention to their appearance, or doesn't like sports they are seen as effeminate. one problem is advertising, i think the advertising that targets specific audiences reinforces gender (and race) related stereotypes. i also believe that when the workplace will allow women to take some form of parenting leave but won't allow the father to, it keeps the father from being present in their childs life. this reinforces the stereotypes that women are the sole caregivers in a family, that they raise the child.
    so i think we should try to convince corporations to alter their advertising, and policies regarding leave, by buying products based upon their tactics. they'll eventually get the idea and change to compensate. though this is a seemingly ineffective tactic, i doubt a law would pass congress. so it is a tactic that is plausible and, if supported in large enough numbers, can work.
  13. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Young white people will move down the food chain economically so that Afro types can move up the economic food chain. Don't expect young white people to cooperate with the Afro types.
  14. Reiver

    Reiver Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Flexible working hours often go hand in hand with lower wages. Those aren't the type of jobs favoured by men. They'd give up their dominance within the family structure.

    I'd go with psychological issues such as eating disorders as a sign of the negative effect of stereotypes. Women are bombarded constantly and the resulting problems are massive. Men are just playing catch-up, as unachievable 'norms' are constructed.

    Deliberate choice again. Social professions have lower wages and, if men are to dictate family choice, they need to go for the dosh.
  15. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Agree. Plus:
    Women don't share risks of rejection, since majority of them never approaches a man.
    Women never do as much for a man as man for a woman. Will you get a refund, if you for example, tried hard to get some women's attention, spend a lot of money and time, and she choses somebody else?

    Because of that:
    Man drink more and do more drugs, just to suppress a bitterness of losses, thus it shortens men's lives.
    Man do more crimes, like jealousy - related, economical crimes.

    Can you compare for example a situation, like 1 women walks into a room with 20 man and says "who wants to have sex with me?". I guess, all of them will try to fight for attention of that women.
    Can you imagine, if man would walk into a room with 20 women and say the same? They will tell him get lost!
    So, women united against man in order to exploit us. And I think that most of the women are whores in one way or another. Some of them sell themselves openly, others just messing with you, eventually choosing the guy with most money and pretend like they love him.

    This world suck. No wonder that Europeans have a lowest birth rate, highest devoice rate, these all over "gay rights".
  16. septimine

    septimine New Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    I think the problem is that Women haven't given up any of the priviledges of femaleness while at the same time demanding the rights of maleness. Which essentially means that women end up holding ALL the cards. Women are still presumed to be the default caregiver -- which means that short of injecting the kid with crack cocaine in open court, she'll win custody of the kids, while daddy will be freakin' lucky to get him every other weekend and maybe 1/3 of the major holidays. Women are still expected to be the support income, thus they don't need to take jobs that require set hours or overnights, frequent travel, and frequent relocations. If anything, the male does that stuff while the woman simply works a fairly simple job that she gets off by 5 or so, never has to stay overnight to upgrade a server, never has to travel outside of the state and live in a hotel, never has to do anything but show up, put in 8 hours and go home. She certainly won't be expected to move to get a higher position. Men are still the hunters in the relationship in the dating world as well -- buying her stuff to prove that he's rich enough to support her, while she doesn't have to do that. Men get cards perhaps, women still expect expensive dinners, jewlery, that kind of stuff. And if you don't play, forget about it, you'll be alone. Women are still presumed and given the benefits of being too weak to take care of themselves as well -- if a guy get drunk and wakes up next to a strange woman, he has to pray with all his might that he didn't get her pregnant, as it will be his fault, while a woman who gets drunk and wakes up next to a strange guy can ruin his life be crying "date rape". In fact she doesn't really need to be drunk, just decide that she didn't like the sex, and he's a rapist. Which potentially means being labelled a sex offender and having to explain that on all future job applications, to all future friends and girlfriends, and while registering his address with the cops every time he moves. All of these are holdovers from the bad old days of "women as chattel" or whatever, when she didn't have any rights. Now she has all the rights, and yet she hasn't demanded equality in responsibility. She demands the right to the same wage, yet claims the privilege of rejecting any man who will not work to support her. She wants equality of the childcare, but come divorce time, she won't say a word as you through the "fault" of being a man, are denied access to your own child except on a few weekends. She wants to date equally, so long as she still gets "treated" to expensive dinners, and if she decides you aren't good enough in bed can cry date rape.

    If it was true equality, I would be much more supportive, but it's give me your rights, but I'm keeping the female privileges too.
  17. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Exactly. You are d*amn right! Well said - they demand more rights, but keep the privileges.
  18. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Men are strong and don't need a "male equality" movement - that's for women.

    Male equality movement = feminizing men.
  19. Nanninga

    Nanninga Member

    May 6, 2010
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    Such a movement is illusional. In the Western states a ruling ideology of political correctness. The root of the ideology is that the White man is evil as the smallest ideological compromise they could all agree on. Feminism is a move of the White women to be on the moralically good side to complaint against the White men and get priviledges by that. Sometimes they more successive, sometimes less to be accepted as legitimate co-haters of White men.

    A typical example I'll give Margarethe Mitscherlich, who first became of of the strongest critiziers of the German post war society in which people were blind for their own personal guilt. Later on she wrote a book containing her view that women were not guilty of anything happened in Germany, they were the first victims. Of course this caused an outcry by Jewish critics, even feminists. This trial of fraternization of German feminists with the Jews failed, from that on they took revenge for the rejection and described the state Israel as a supressor of the Arabs in the interests of the White men. These discussions are so silly and the motive is so clear that I dont even call it underlying. Eeveryone of these groups of the political correct classes want to be born into the good group and want to have a bad group to blame for everything bad in her/his life.

    Sweden as the country with the most radical political correct line in the world has the highest rape rate of the whole civilized world, although there are countless laws and debates which implements man hating and feminism as a state doctrine. This os because of other groups as those protected by political correctness stand higher in the hierarchy, e.g. radical muslims whoc sees it as their right to rape women not under the burqua. The rape rate is 50 times higher than e.g. far more patriarchal Japan.

    And here is my problem with a male equality movement: I dont see a reason in fighting feminism and female supremacists alone. It's easy to get thousands of anti-feminist allies, but many of them to hate me or other White men for other resons. I dont care if in Sweden in 30 years islamists stone female supremacists to death or if female supremacists enslaved them successfully with all the other males. I dont care if anti-feminist Negroes implement a law for the genital multilation of girls in 30 years in the UK. If its that far the White men is either dead or he had to be enslaved voluntarily under a female rule or had to converse to Islam.

    Humanist individualists have the structural problem as individualists to be inable to form influencial and powerful groups. That is to some degree pitiful, I think it has never been a majority of women hating men or Negroes hating Whites. I think even in the times of slavery in the US there would not have been a majority of Whites hating Black, but when it comes to the question of power those reasonable and sometimes good-hearted people are nearly irrelevant.

    The only solution to the problem is to handle the political correctness simultaniously. I see them as mental ill people who are extremely dangerous and must be wiped out.
  20. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    >Men are strong...
    I like that. So, weak should parasite on strong and have more privileges? I like that attitude. Let's strong do everything. I think strong should have more privileges then, because strong does all the job. Not otherwise. This is why we need this movement. Who does more should get more. It's not USSR.
  21. Longstreet

    Longstreet New Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    Make that a White male equality organization. I'm sickened as how White males are frequently portrayed in advertising.
  22. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Here is a good Russian article about sex war and why it's there. It's auto-translated. If you need original, it's here.
    Disharmony in society is beneficial for business. Also it brings down European birthrate, so that our population would reduced, mixed and replaced eventually by people from 3rd world countries. Note, there is no "sex war" in their countries. Practically all European - made countries experience that. It's a slow genocide. I blame Zionism. We are subhumans to them and we need to be eradicated.

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