Obama's second term agenda

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by PatriotNews, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    We all know from repeated reports from democrats that Mitt Romney's plan fails because it lacks specifics.

    I would like to hear from democrats, liberals, progressives or otherwise quazi supporters of President obama what specifically does obama have planned for his second term?

  2. HeNeverLies4

    HeNeverLies4 New Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    Does Mitt know how he is going to pay for the 5 trillion in tax cuts or the 2 trillion in defense spending... yet? He could be President in 3 months ya know.
  3. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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  4. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Yah, Third Term!

    We'll get more of the same and much worse if that fascist, socialist, muslim dictator in chief is RE-SELECTED.

    But everything will be and get much worse: economic collapse, debt will go through the roof even more so, unemployment skyrocketing out of control, layoffs, more jobs and industries closing, going overseas, and, with national defense authorization act, and obamacare already in place, be assured, WE, the Patriot American Few, will eventually be rounded up simply because dictator in chief is afraid of U.S. Posse Comitatus and Habeas Corpus are history. We can be detained indefinitely without trial, charge, or reason, even to a foreign prison.

    The Small Arms Treaty / Arms Trade Treaty is NOT dead. It is still very much alive. Though on the surface level, it appears that this treaty is only enforcing stricter importing / exporting, and trading of firearms, but there is a hidden sinister plan and agenda to eventually ban ALL firearms for U.S. Citizens.

    This will be pushed through in his second term.

    I'm wondering if there will even be an election, because tension is so thick.
  5. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    quick! put on your tinfoil hats!
  6. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    that binder is more appropriate in characterizing the specifics of Romney's proposals. It's actually pretty dead on when describing which spending programs Romney has specifically said he will cut to balance the budget (other than sesame street).
  7. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    he plans to not to the things that Romney says he will do--which is why he should be elected.
  8. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    I always have to clarify that I'm not an Obama supporter but his agenda for the next four years is pretty clear even if we question it's viability.

    He wants to reduce the deficit by increasing taxation on those with high incomes as well as limiting increases in the DOD budget and ending US involvement in Afghanistan. I don't have much faith in how much it would reduce the deficit but it is more pragmatic than Romney's plan which doesn't add up at all mathmatically.

    He wants the Dream Act on immigration passed as well as a comprehensive overhaul of our immigration laws. Both candidates agree on principle that the immigration laws are absurd today but approach it differently.

    He wants to continue to be more diplomatic in our foreign relations. This is opposite of what Romney wants which is a greater reliance in military force to achieve diplomatic ends.

    He wants to cut the corporate tax rate by eliminating tax loopholes that allow corporations with billion dollar incomes to pay no taxes like GE. He also wants to close many of the loopholes for the wealthy such as special off shore investment accounts that allow capital gains to go untaxed. I don't know that this will be very successful.

    He wants DOMA to end because if the invidious discrimination against legally married same-sex (gender) couples contained in Section 3. This will unquestionably be a Surpreme Court issue though and is going to happen regardless of who is elected. The SCOTUS is going to unanimously rule to strike down DOMA Section 3 because it clearly violates both the 10th and 14th Amendments.

    Obviously we could go on with this but the point being that we know what his agenda is. I don't agree with it per se because I think the biggest problem is the national debt but then neither Romney or Obama is going to do anything to reduce the national debt. Both promise unending deficit spending which will eventually double the national debt over time. How long that takes is questionable but both will double the national debt.
  9. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    I always have to clarify that I'm not an Obama supporter but his agenda for the next four years is pretty clear even if we question it's viability.

    He wants to reduce the deficit by increasing taxation on those with high incomes as well as limiting increases in the DOD budget and ending US involvement in Afghanistan. I don't have much faith in how much it would reduce the deficit but it is more pragmatic than Romney's plan which doesn't add up at all mathmatically.

    He wants the Dream Act on immigration passed as well as a comprehensive overhaul of our immigration laws. Both candidates agree on principle that the immigration laws are absurd today but approach it differently.

    He wants to continue to be more diplomatic in our foreign relations. This is opposite of what Romney wants which is a greater reliance in military force to achieve diplomatic ends.

    He wants to cut the corporate tax rate by eliminating tax loopholes that allow corporations with billion dollar incomes to pay no taxes like GE. He also wants to close many of the loopholes for the wealthy such as special off shore investment accounts that allow capital gains to go untaxed. I don't know that this will be very successful.

    He wants DOMA to end because if the invidious discrimination against legally married same-sex (gender) couples contained in Section 3. This will unquestionably be a Surpreme Court issue though and is going to happen regardless of who is elected. The SCOTUS is going to unanimously rule to strike down DOMA Section 3 because it clearly violates both the 10th and 14th Amendments.

    Obviously we could go on with this but the point being that we know what his agenda is. I don't agree with it per se because I think the biggest problem is the national debt but then neither Romney or Obama is going to do anything to reduce the national debt. Both promise unending deficit spending which will eventually double the national debt over time. How long that takes is questionable but both will double the national debt.
  10. Krypt

    Krypt New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Of course he knows...it's all listed out in full detail at the site below...

  11. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    All I know is Romney wants to take a big NUMBER TWO on me if they get the chance being a poor American and Obama won't that is enough for me.

    May I ask why would I vote for anyone but Obama I need the ACA, I need the safety net in a worse case scenario perhaps in the future, I have enough credits for Social Security my only retirement savings as a low income worker that I have, I will need Medicare if I make it to retirement age, I need things I need and that security of a government. Maybe some of you are lucky but I never had luck when I work all out I never made over the poverty line and also never took any government help but I also have no health care and won't get it without government help, most rational people will get that here.

    Romney scares me far more than you get and his policies do nothing for me on top of looking like he wants to do a big NUMBER TWO on me.
  12. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Well, you have to admit, none of the above has specifics and will not fix the economy or create jobs except for ministers who want to perform same sex marriages. The problem is, even if obama did have a plan, if he wins he will be spending the first year fighting impeachment for the Benghazigate scandal.
  13. kenrichaed

    kenrichaed Banned

    Dec 24, 2011
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    We will become the United Nations of America with about 80% of the population on government assistance programs. The rest of the nation will be taxed at 95% and our debt will exceed 30 trillion dollars.
  14. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Actually President Obama has provided more specifics than Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan and at least Obama's specifics on taxation are mathmatically possible whereas the Romney/Ryan tax proposals have been determined to be impossible by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Foundation.

    As both Romney and Obama have stated "The government cannot create jobs" so when both of them claim that they're going to create jobs as president they're both full of (*)(*)(*)(*). The economy is recovering on it's own regardless of any actions by government. The only problem related to future economic growth is the growing national debt that both Romney and Obama support. Under both the Romney and Obama borrow and spend government policies the national debt is going to double, period.

    The idiotic claim that President Obama would be impeached over the Benghazi attack makes about as much sense as claiming that former President Bush should have been impeached over the 9/11 attacks.

    I have, in the past, cited reasons why President Obama should be impeached, as well as why former President Bush should have been impeached, but presidents are NOT responsible for the actions of terrorists. They are, or should be, held accountable for "High Crimes and Misdomeanors" as specified in the US Constitution. Sadly we don't do that or else Bush would have been removed from office and prosecuted for authorizing torture and violations of the US Constitution such as denying due process of the law for individuals held in US custody as criminal suspects.

    Only Republicans want to make the Benghazi attacks a political issue and, while I don't support much of the Obama agenda, I also find this offensive.
  15. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    That can actually only happen under Romney's economic policies that favor ensuring that the wealthy gain a greater share of the US economic pie.
  16. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Yes. He's explained how many times now. He is lowering the tax rates across the board, which will spur new small businesses and create jobs, and create investment. People will feel like spending because they'll have a little more money. The super rich will still pay the amount of taxes they've been paying......but their rates will be smaller and with a limit on some of their current deductions, so that it is held to the same total amt they pay into the federal gov't. Current businesses will feel more confident with Romney as president and will begin to grow their businesses and hire more people. Currently they are unsure and KNOW that Pres. Obama is no friend to them. Also, repealing Obamacare will help because right now......due to Obamacare....more and more businesses are keeping employment on the part time level to avoid the penalty imposed on them. All that creates revenue coming in through new earned income.
  17. JIMV

    JIMV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 19, 2009
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    The Obama second term plan is simply doubling down on the part I failures.
  18. Craftsman

    Craftsman Banned

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Gosh, an OP-ED, how much more credible can we get?

    You are whining about a President that has for the last 4 years been the dealing with the GOP whos stated number one goal is to make him a one term President?
    You want specifics out him but not your own party?
    What is the matter with you?
    How do you close your eyes to what you support but only open them to what you hate?
  19. Craftsman

    Craftsman Banned

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Well now theres the well thought out, learned opinion we have come to expect from the far rightists!
  20. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Obama's voters in 2008 voted in him on nothing but a promise of "hope and change." Absolutely NO specifics. In fact, that's about as general and non-specific as you can get. Romeny's not going to tell you exactly what now....because he can't. As leader, he sets out the goal and then works with members of BOTH parties....yes, BOTH parties; something foreign to Obama.....to achieve those goals. Romney will NOT do what Obama did on Obamacare......turning it over to Pelosi and her office to write....and then tell the public they'll have to wait until it's passed to find out what's in it. We STILL don't know what all is in it.....because they have purposefully put off the public finding out until AFTER the election. It was designed that way.

    It's odd that Dems seem to be so onboard with that from Obama and yet are demanding specifics from Romney.
  21. Craftsman

    Craftsman Banned

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Which we know, after 30 years of trying, doesn't work.

    No they won't, they will pay down debt.

    Which will be ZERO.
    And pink unicorns will fly out of the popes butt!

    Really? Why? What would cause them to do that, a sudden up swelling of good cheer? Or maybe it's those pink unicorns?

    BS! You have never owned or operated a company, big or small and it shows. Who the President is has NO bearing on what you do with your company, NONE. Only one thing matters....DEMAND. Getting half a chub over the President doesn't make you expand your business of hire anyone. How do you cons fall for this (*)(*)(*)(*)?
    DEMAND!! That is all you need to understand, the fat drug addict on the radio is LYING to you again!
    Obamacare will not be repealed, deal with it. Obamacare does not do what you have been brainwashed into thinking it will do!
    It comes down to DEMAND!
  22. Craftsman

    Craftsman Banned

    Feb 18, 2012
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    In 2008 the republicans had screed the nation sideways, you know it everyone knows it and no one has forgotten it.
    The reason President Obama was elected was, he wasn't a republican. He could have been purple and he would have won.
    The stench of bush the failure and the rightwing is still in the air, that is why mittens is having such a hard time, couple that with the fact that mittens id (*)(*)(*)(*)ed hard to like and even harder to trust and you are looking at a losing ticket. At this point President Obama doesn't need a spefic plan, we already know what he has in mind and what he wants to do, it's been blocked by the *********s in Congress for the last 4 years!
    The only one the NEEDS a plan, and (*)(*)(*)(*)ed good one is smiling empty suit named mittens.
  23. Craftsman

    Craftsman Banned

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Good lord.

    REPUBLICRAT Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    That website is awesome!!!!!
  25. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The Tax Policy Foundation, a nonpartisan reseach group, has flatly stated that the math doesn't work. We have Paul Ryan arguing that six studies say that it works but people should read the Bloomberg analysis of these reports.


    We can also note that both Romney and Obama agree that the government can't create job growth so any claims that Obama can create jobs or that Romney can create jobs is poppycock.

    Romney's estimated "12 million" new jobs is pure fantasy. It relies on a long term 4.5% GDP growth rate over ten years THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED and that can't happen with the national debt at $16 trillion and rising under Romney's budget proposals. Based upon CBO prior estimates on the effects of the national debt (at $12 trillion) on GDP growth the estimate was for a 2.5% rate of growth down from a historical average of 3.5%. With a $16 trillion (and rising) national debt the GDP growth is going to be suppressed even further.

    Think about just one item in Romney's agenda and that is to impose tariffs on Chinese goods. Does this cost China more? No. So who pays the tariffs? How about low income workers that purchase Chinese goods at Walmart. This is an indirect tax being imposed on those least able to pay for the tax. Does it result in more, higher costing, US goods being produced and sold? No. The tariffs cannot be so great as to drive the cost of Chinese goods over American produced goods because thay would violate our trade agreements. Basically this is a "screw low income workers" Romney policy that's the same as his tax policies that only benefit the wealthy and the upper middle income workers and that don't do anything for the "bottom 47%" that Romney doesn't care about.

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