If WW3 happened, which countries would be fighting?

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by RightToLife, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    As a teacher, you have no need to accept keich!

    I agree AIPAC America heeds no rules not even of common decency, when resorting to degenerate behavior, why else do so many American military personnel commit suicide?

    They know what they have done against innocent unarmed civilians!

    So what is this security your talking about? The goat herder in Afghanistan is no threat to you, the goat herder is attempting to make enough so there family don't starve!

    Yer a bloody idiot or hypocrite or deluded, .you choose!

  2. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    No, I'm sorry I don't agree.

    But perhaps the UN should grow a pair of balls, and simply put bLair and Bush and Cheney to the International courts in the Hague.
    Stand trial in a court of law, if innocent of murdering Americans and innocent of genocide, they can go free.
    Then the UN would prove to be a bastion of humanity regardless of colour, creed or greed!

  3. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    I somewhat believe that World War III has already started. There are so many geopolitical tripwires... so many transgressions that have already transpired as well, so War in some senses is on-going but undeclared in the broader sense. And that is true between several nations. Cyber-warfare has opened a Pandora box, especially recently. Of course, you have the clandestine elements that are always working, always trying to get the upper-hand on every other intelligence agency in the world. Rules are often bent, broken, blurred or non-existent altogether. As the saying goes, "They play for keeps."

    As for the nations involved, I believe that all we have to do is look at what's going on in the world today to see what will be happening tomorrow and in the future. The dilemmas that are plaguing our world, like, the Syrian Civil War, the Iranian Nuclear Crisis, the Chinese - Japanese Island Territorial Dispute, the Rise of China, the Pivot to the Pacific, the State of Palestine, the Withdrawal from Afghanistan, etc ... they're all stories that have a beginning, middle, and an end. Now. The thing to keep in mind, is that each issue is something like a story, per se, now think about these dilemmas and how they're all coming to a head roughly around the same time as one another. How are they going to end? Peacefully? I don't think so.
  4. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Do you think the uber-corrupt UN has a scintilla of a right to determine guilt or innocence?

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Peacefully- we don't know- WW3- a war involving most of the most powerful countries in the world? Unlikely

    the Syrian Civil War,- another Civil War- we have lots of them around the world- look to any decade.
    the Iranian Nuclear Crisis- another 'nuclear crisis'- North Korea is far more of a concern to me than Iran but we aren't likely to invade N. Korea
    the Chinese - Japanese Island Territorial Dispute,- ongoing- this has been going on for a long time- but yes it could blow up- but I doubt it will - both Japan and China depend upon freedom of the seas for their economies- such a war would shut that down immediately.
    the Rise of China- China is certainly rising but has little military ability to project power for at least a decare.
    the Pivot to the Pacific- you think this is part of WW3?
    the State of Palestine- an ongoing issue for over 60 years now- and the most important conflict to resolve- but I see less likelihood now than I do in the '60's and 70's that this would start a worldwide conflict.
    the Withdrawal from Afghanistan- I don't get this at all- our withdrawel from Afghanistan is part of WW3?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Peacefully- we don't know- WW3- a war involving most of the most powerful countries in the world? Unlikely

    the Syrian Civil War,- another Civil War- we have lots of them around the world- look to any decade.
    the Iranian Nuclear Crisis- another 'nuclear crisis'- North Korea is far more of a concern to me than Iran but we aren't likely to invade N. Korea
    the Chinese - Japanese Island Territorial Dispute,- ongoing- this has been going on for a long time- but yes it could blow up- but I doubt it will - both Japan and China depend upon freedom of the seas for their economies- such a war would shut that down immediately.
    the Rise of China- China is certainly rising but has little military ability to project power for at least a decare.
    the Pivot to the Pacific- you think this is part of WW3?
    the State of Palestine- an ongoing issue for over 60 years now- and the most important conflict to resolve- but I see less likelihood now than I do in the '60's and 70's that this would start a worldwide conflict.
    the Withdrawal from Afghanistan- I don't get this at all- our withdrawel from Afghanistan is part of WW3?
  6. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Look at the economies. Look at the players in all of the issues. They're all connected.

    Think of context with this one in particular, please. Syria is backed (Iran, Russia, China). Israel has just attacked Syria. Iran has said that if Syria is attacked, that Iran will interpret it as an attack on Iran, thus, creating a counter-attack and then tit-for-tat War. Maybe. But we've seen Israel take the offensive. Now we wait.

    So who is going to win in this situation in your opinion? Because the Israelis are not going to allow Iran to become nuclear, and by Obama's pledge, if you believe him, Iran will not become nuclear, "all options are on the table." Iran is not backing down though. I mean, there are reports here and there where they've slowed their program or are unsure or won't develop a bomb, but they are still enriching uranium... and the Israelis and us do not like that. So you tell me. How does this end?

    Again, how does it end? Do they come to the conclusion that one or the other can singularly have the island? Or, that they can joint have the island? What is the end game? Japan just inflated their budget to record levels. They're preparing for War. China is prepared for War. There is cultural and historical reasons for them to dislike each other. Natives of both Japan and China have rioted over lack of government response to the territorial dispute, they're that angry.

    China's economy is a national security threat to the United States. China's rising military budget is a national security threat to the United States. China's available resources for warfare against the United States is a national security threat to the United States.

    Absolutely. China and us are involved in many of the larger geopolitical situations in the world, and, being the #1 and #2 economies, our paths would naturally invariably meet. We're just not friends though.

    It depends on how severe of a raid Israel made into the West Bank or the Gaza Strip, if they used WMD, or if Israel was severely weakened, by say, Iran.

    Well, a lot of people think that 9/11 was the beginning of World War III. President George W. Bush said during his first term that we were fighting WW III. "A Clean Break" is pretty much World War III. The War for the Middle East. Withdrawing from Afghanistan will create a vacuum, as well, invite foreign countries in a la, our withdrawal from Iraq. Suddenly China has more troops in the Middle East, Russia too, and Israel attacks Syria again, or Iran. The chess pieces are being moved the way they are for a reason.
  7. william walker

    william walker New Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    So you think the US would attack China, or the other way around?

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    I am just going off what the British tryed to do.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Hence perhaps a regional conflict within Syria, ala Spain in the 1930's. China is not going to be sending troops or invading anyone over Syria. Russia is not going to get in a shooting war direclty with the U.S. or even with Turkey over Syria.

    Not going to happen.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    No one is going to 'win' in this situation. I think the most likely outcome is that Iran will backdown, perhaps with covert evidence to Israel or the U.S.. Frankly I am not convinced that we can damage their capability seriously enough, and I don't we will invade Iran. However, the United States may do the raid in order to convince Iran that we can. Its an ugly situation. However, we have lived with nuclear N. Korea and I think that Iran is less of a lose cannon than N. Korea.

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    I don't think either the U.S. or China will attack each other. It would be a disaster for either side that attacked.

    I have no idea what you mean by what the British tried to do.
  10. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Neither Japan or China are 'preparing for war'. Yes, the governments of both sides have used the issue to inflame their populations with nationalistic sentament. The most we are going to see is a few shots fired at each other, and I doubt even that.

    China has the second largest economy in the world, largely based upon cargo ships being able to flow in and out of the busiest ports in the world. The day shots start firing, the carriers start diverting vessels, the maritime insurers notify all of the carriers that their coverage doesn't cover war, and trade in and out of China and Japan stops.

    China knows this- Japan knows this. There will be posturing but neither side has the ability to project their power well enough to do serious damage to the other, and what there is to gain would be lost in 2 days of stopped international trade.
  11. william walker

    william walker New Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    I think China will force war with one of America's allies in Asia, most likely the Philippines and the US is forced to help the Philippines.

    You know when Britain support the Germans when they were weaker than the French, then supported the French when they were weaker than the Germans so no one power could dominate Europe and threaten Britain.
  12. Mrlittlelawyer

    Mrlittlelawyer Member

    Sep 9, 2011
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    Interesting thread but I don't think its in the nature of a WWIII to be at all predictable.

    I have already while reading over some of the posts in this thread found mention of nuclear weapons,

    "I know not with what weapons the 3rd world war will be fought but the 4th shall be fought with sticks and stones" - Albert Einstein

    This in all truth the reason it won't be so. No nation would wish or want to go to that extreme as it is illogical or to say it better nuclear weapons usage would be MAD. The ones that would be used would be small isolated and tactical, probably used by some of the smaller third world countries not listening to the super powers they were allied with, and the super powers, not wishing to blow each other to smithereens and gain nothing, would probably ignore it, decimate the third world countries or just disconnect all support or alliances with said country.

    Nuclear weapons would definitely be a key issue for who would be in the war in the first place though and could spark it.

    The weapons and tech that would be created in such a war would be awe inspiring. No doubt such an arms race would out do the Cold War. Who knows the third world war could eventually be the basis for the first large scale war which could not have the term "world" before it, being not waged on this planet at all. bit of a fantasy thought I suppose, and I would definitely not want to actually see a world war, because I am obviously opposed to war I mean its entirely obvious right?

    Alright fine, "My argument is that war makes rattling good history!"* Its good to read about. :smile: Good thread with great discussion and thoughts.

    *thomas hardy
  13. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    because you've been disarmed and represent no clear and present danger
  14. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    "China is not going to be sending troops or invading anyone over Syria. Russia is not going to get in a shooting war direclty with the U.S. or even with Turkey over Syria."

    Taxcutter says:
    Agreed. Neither Russia nor China can support more than a battalion or two in the region.
  15. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    "The day shots start firing, the carriers start diverting vessels, the maritime insurers notify all of the carriers that their coverage doesn't cover war, and trade in and out of China and Japan stops."

    Taxcutter says:
    ...and two export-driven economies begin shutting down. This is why all the talk of a Sino-Japanese war is just empty talk.
  16. unclebob

    unclebob New Member

    Jan 8, 2012
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    I dont think what people describe here is a World War anymore. WW3 has happened - It was the Cold War. The west was behind the USA, the East behind the Soviet Union - The "world" was involved.

    Proxy wars, political and nuclear stalemate and a over-the-top arms race will result from another such war, as it did then, and it will happen again within our lifetimes. As soon as Chinese military power edges closer to that of NATO, the arms race will start and Proxy Wars will take place....In fact you could argue its already started! China and Russia are the only countries backing Syria, just for the sake of it. They were the only ones backing Gaddaffi. China is making the J-20 to "counter" the F-22, Eurofighter and F-35. Ok, its probably going to be a bag of bolts, but what if it is as good as they say it is going to be? How long before the F36 is commisioned? Or Eurofighter 2? OR MIG-40?

    On the plus side though, It could actually be good for us all - Nothing boosts the economy like a proxy war. The US did alright out of theirs.

    In summary, All future WW's will be cold wars (In my opinion). Anything more than that will be Armegeddon - If anyone invaded the US, Nukes would be launched. The same goes for Russia, EU, and China.
  17. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    But they would be fighting American mercenaries, not a nation!


  18. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    The link isn't very forthcoming as to who these mercenaries might be.

    In fact the link makes very little sense at all.
  19. Panzerkampfwagen

    Panzerkampfwagen New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    The military has been disarmed? LOL!
  20. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Taiwan would be the more likely target for China. They really want to bring Taiwan under heel. What does the US do then?
  21. william walker

    william walker New Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    No there is a much better chance for the Philippines going to war with China. Tiawan has far to good a military for China to be taking on, although they do lack submarine capability and it looks like the Japanese are the only ones willing to sell them any, but the US submarines would do the damage needed. The Philippines in the other hand has a crap military, some good ground forces, but that's about it. It's a much easier target for China.
  22. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    We all have our opinions. My opinion is that China is too smart to do anything so stupid. There is little China has to gain with a war with the Phillipines and everything to lose. China doesn't have the capacity to project its power to the Philipines in any meaningful way, and China knows it.

    China is attempting to conquer the world's economy. You don't do that by starting a war that would cripple your own economy.
  23. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    How would war with the Philippines advance China's interests? There may be some major issue dividing the two nations that I'm not aware of, but China has never fought that kind of war in which they have to fight and supply a force halfway across the Pacific. If China did try to invade the Philippines, their supply line would be extremely vulnerable. And most importantly, the US has a mutual defense treaty with the Philippines. That automatically brings the US in, and the US Navy could make mincemeat of any potential Chinese invasion or supply fleet; at least right now.

    Taiwan on the other hand, is a war the Chinese military has been preparing for for several decades.
  24. william walker

    william walker New Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    The Philippines navy and air force is crap, China has or rather is building a small air and naval base in the island claimed by China in the south China sea near the Philippines, so it isn't to far for them to operate and defeat the Philippines air force and navy. Yes the US and allies could do something about it, but they have done anything yet to stop China taking islands that belong to the Philippines. They need atleast £10 billion worth of investment in their navy and air force to be able to defend against China.
  25. william walker

    william walker New Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    I am rather shocked that you haven't heard about the Chinese territorial claims in the South China sea which clash with the Philippines. The US used to have a base in the Philippines but they were asked to leave in the early 90's, so it would take a number of days for the US to do something about it in naval and air power terms. It wouldn't be a Chinese fleet it would be armed fishing boats and patrol boats, lots of them, the US would need some time to get enough ships their and I doubt they would risk a carrier.

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