Whats with all the Staged Explosions?

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Validation Boy, Apr 19, 2013.

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  1. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Oh yes, you are so right. Because West, Texas (population 2,800) should have a TV news truck on location at all times, with a satellite uplink. And I suppose you were watching late at night to have actually seen it "live"?

    Sorry, I really don't understand where you are trying to go with all of this. Unless it happened while you were watching it, of course it is rebroadcast "previously recorded". DUH.
  2. LivingNDixie

    LivingNDixie New Member

    Feb 15, 2013
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    I think the OP needs to go to Boston and tell the "victims"
    that the bombs were fake.
    Once he interviews a few folks he can come back and report his findings.
  3. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Interview who?

    There are no victims.
  4. Gelecski7238

    Gelecski7238 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 26, 2012
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    A nasty picture emerges if you dig into the undercurrent of terroristic incidents. Consider all the shady aspects of Lee Harvey Oswald's fate and the cover-ups of the Kennedy assassination. Let's not minimize Jesse Ventura's point that the Gulf of Tonkin event that started the Vitetnam War was a known false-flag action. All the loose ends involving the destruction of the twin towers, Bldg. #7, and the Pentagon crash are more than enough to cast heavy suspicion of malevolence by the elites in power. There were plenty of intelligence warnings in advance, but it is clear that multiple levels of responsibility left the path uninhibited. The warnings about the risk and vulnerability in Bengazi also went unheaded, almost as if intended to allow disaster to strike. Years ago the politicians dropped the restriction on oversized bullet clips, restoring the enhanced efficiency of Rambo-style mass murderers. Most of the latest acts and foiled attempts involving shootings and bombings seem to be the exclusive domain of individual misfits or terrorist partnerships, but now we see there are all sorts of incongruences in the Boston incident. If the authorities are guilty of manipulations to bring about such incidents, what is their motive or purpose? I think it's the same old story: We're being attacked! Our vicious enemies are relentless! So as not to be increasingly victimized by them, we must continue our wars against them else we succumb and perish! Hoorah for our wonderful military-industrial complex! Meanwhile our government builds Al Quada groups overseas behind our backs. Yes, it's all really sickening to contemplate. When will enough people wake up?
  5. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    A strong showing here.
  6. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Then you should be able to answer a simple question.

    What was this law that was dropped, when was it enacted, and when was it repealed? Because until a decade or so ago, I can't think of any law on the size of weapon clips. Ever.

    It was even legal to own 50 and 100 round Thompson Machine Gun clips, until only a decade or so ago.

    So please enlighten me, what was the law that was repealed? Because I can't think of a single law on the size of clips prior to around 2 decades ago.

    The first law I can think of that deals with the issue of clip size at all is the 1989 California Assault Rifle Ban. However, that law is also extreme and also bans weapons with items like flash suppressors, a magazine that is not inside the pistol grip, a pistol grip itself (which is contradictory when combined with the previous clause), and a bayonet lug.

    The last one really puzzled me. Are we worried about people being shot, or with people being stabbed with really clumsy spears?

    So forgive me if I flush your entire rant for lacking in any kind of facts.
  7. Gelecski7238

    Gelecski7238 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 26, 2012
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    That law was elaborated on during a TV newscast covering incidents such as Gifford's misfortune, as part of interviews with certain statesmen or perhaps other authorities. It was quite clearly stated that such a law had been in place. I did not retain the specifics.

    Lacking in any facts? Was the Gulf of Tonkin incident not a false flag sharade and not a valid fact? Consider some facts not in the OP: Would you also consider Dick Cheney's wholescale shutdown of NORAD on the date that 9/11 occurred a non-fact? I suppose you're not interested in the fact that the Kennedy assassination involved about ten shots, some seen by witnesses as hitting the pavement and some hitting the grass. Expert testimony described the damage to Kennedy's skull from the sideways blowout of his brain before it was cosmetically covered up.

    It's true that I did not back up all of my statements with voluminous facts, but anyone who devotes a reasonable amount of time checking the many available sources other than the versions favored by the government will find a wealth of relevent disputes and revelations. If you prefer to buy the official versions without serious questioning, then it's easy enough for you to dismiss my OP as a useless rant.
  8. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Sorry, you have presented absolutely no facts at all, just disjointed rambling.

    So once again, when exactly were restrictions on large clips put in place, and when were they removed?

    And sorry, I am also curious as to how larger clips make "Rambo style guns" more "efficient". Because in my experience, one has nothing to do with the other (and I actually find the concept of some moron with a large clip spraying 30 bullets around a crowded room in order to hit a single person about as inefficient as you can get).

    Once again, disjointed ramblings. But please, I am still waiting for an answer and not a ramble.
  9. Gelecski7238

    Gelecski7238 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 26, 2012
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    I gave you an honest answer, yet you insist that I provide you with specifics that you know I don't have, and I don't have time to do a survey on the subject. The statement I made was based on what came out of the mouth of an official during a TV inquiry on the subject. The law in question was one that was allowed to expire. I don't have the details that you insist I provide.

    Since you insist that all other statements also be backed up by direct references, I will have to consider making the endeavor to search and collect citings of sources that elaborate on the issues in question. Whether or not I can afford to neglect other pressing concerns and devote time to such an endeavor is another matter.

    I have to wonder why you settled on the idea that the objective of using a 30-round clip is to target one person in a crowd. That's more than just an odd way of trying to downplay the issue of high-capacity magazine clips. It's an absurdity. The media has already addressed this issue because of the potential for targeting the maximum number of people in a short time frame. It looks as though you are grasping at every available rationale to knock the OP.
  10. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    No, I do not demand sources and references for everything, just for claims that are silly and untrue.

    You see, I as a general rule do not call people in here liars. I simply ask to see their sources. If they tapdance around sources and make excuses as to why they do not have any, then I have proven my claim without actually saying anything.

    And by the last paragraph, it is rather obvious you really do not know what you are talking about, just spouting back talking points you have heard or read elsewhere. You seem to have absolutely no concept that it is not the weapon or the number of rounds that are in a clip that is the danger, it is the individual.

    We recently had scores of people wounded and killed with kitchen cookware. Should we then ban and legislate pots and pans?

    Just today, over 50 people were seriously injured when a driver plowed into a crowd watching a parade. I say we do not need such big and heavy cars, and no vehicle should be allowed that weighs more then 1 ton (and we should mandate that by 2020 that weight be reduced to 1,500 pounds, then 1,250 pounds by 2025).

    This is the stupidity of the vast majority of laws in this country today. They cater to special interests, most of the time paranoids that fear something and really do not understand it. And it really is stupid. And think about it, really think about it.

    At several of the latest shootings, the (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)bags threw away their most potent weapon. Why? Well, because their "large capacity magazines" jammed up and rendered it useless because they did not know how to clear the weapon. We even had one who's rifle jammed in a mall, and then he shot himself. Not the first time, the same thing happened in the North Hollywood Shootout.

    Personally, I say we make a law that every magazine must have 30 rounds or more. The 10 round magazines are almost jam-proof, and a trained individual can change them in seconds. I say mandate large capacities, 100 round drums which make them unwieldy and awkward to carry and kill the accuracy.

    Then watch these mass shooting turn into "A gunman entered a Popeye's Chicken today and opened fire. But only 3 people were wounded as the rifle jammed after 6 rounds. As the gunman was trying to fix his weapon, the customers stomped him to death and shoved a drumstick into his mouth""
  11. Gelecski7238

    Gelecski7238 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 26, 2012
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    I am not lacking the concept that the individual misfit is the main source of danger. The point has been given in opinions from many sources. Sometimes it is painfully obvious that knee-jerk reactionists legislate malarkey and fatten the special interests. However, since we can't always detect and stymie the misfits before it's too late, we must look for practical options to minimize damage.

    As proof that my grasp of the essence of the message provided by the so-called talking points was valid despite generalization, and that the source was reasonably authoritative, I offer the following item:

    High-capacity magazines were allowed back onto the market when the ban was allowed to sunset in 2004, after being signed into law by President Bill Clinton as a 10-year measure.

    It is not a major sin to make a common sense statement having a valid but less than fully tangible elaboration of the basis, just as it is usually OK to rely on conventional wisdom. Errors are infrequent, but the process is not immune to challenge, as you have demonstrated.

    The importance of magazine size surged at first but has since wavered, depending on location:

    (dated February 6, 2013)

    (dated February 18, 2013)

    (dated May 14, 2013)

    However, the major incidents referred to in the following do not fit your suggested pattern of reduced lethality with high-capacity clips. The victims would not get much consolation from knowing that they faced statistical odds that were less severely unfavorable according to your assessment.

    (dated April 6, 2013) New York’s gun owners can again purchase 10-round magazines - but loading them to capacity could lead to legal trouble…. Lawmakers amended New York’s toughest-in-the-nation gun law last Thursday night…. The law, passed in the wake of the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, originally banned the sale of any magazines holding more than seven rounds…. The purchase of 10-round magazines is now legal - but gun owners are prohibited from storing more than seven rounds in each one…. New York’s gun law is a start, said Schimel, who noted that it is already illegal in most cases to hunt with more than six rounds in a magazine…. But the real test for gun control, according to the Great Neck assemblywoman, will be in Washington.

    (dated April 7, 2013) Family members of the victims killed in the Newtown, Connecticut massacre appeared on 60 minutes and said that limiting the sales of high capacity magazines is crucial to any effort that hopes to prevent another similar event [or rather lessens the severity]. The shooter, armed with a semi-automatic Bushmaster AR-15 rifle and numerous 30-bullet magazines, fired 155 bullets in just under 5 minutes (approx 2 per second), resulting in the deaths of 26 people, including 20 children. In the Gabrielle Giffords nightmare in Tucson, Arizona, the assailant was stopped when he had to pause and reload after emptying one of his 33-round magazines in about 19 seconds. A total of 19 people were shot, including 6 that died. In the Newtown shooting, one of the reloads was said to have taken longer than the others. According to Bill Sherlack, whose wife was killed trying to stop the shooter, the pause allowed 11 kids to escape. He said it’s just arithmetic since it increased the favorable time frame. Last week, Connecticut lawmakers passed a series of bills limiting the size of magazines to 10 rounds and banning certain assault rifles. Progress by lawmakers in Congress, however, has been stalemated due to pressure from the powerful firearms lobby.


    Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly became strong advocates of magazine-size restrictions. Searches on this subject also turned up websites describing complaints from police organizations due to drastic encounters with felons and between felons using 100-round clips. I wonder when they, along with certain other government officials will be told to stop their silly rambling because they don’t know what they’re talking about.
  12. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Ahhh, so this is nothing but essentially an uninformed anti-gun rant, that has been thrown into some thread about a totally different topic. That uses for it's sources blogs and misinformation.

    OK, now I am clear.
  13. Gelecski7238

    Gelecski7238 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 26, 2012
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    I don't consider anti-assault weapon or anti-megarounds to be anti-gun, and it was not intended to be an anti-gun rant. Similarly, proposing an extension of existing legally required background checks to include sales at gun shows does not seem anti-gun to me. Insisting that the proposal is a deceptive attempt at gun registry, as some hyper anti-government pro-gunners have done despite the efforts of those who went out of their way to keep it from morphing as such, is a gross political spin showing the all-out ferver that they will resort to for the sake of opposition.

    Prior to that, I was quite wary of the international pressure to implement gun registration, but now I might entertain the idea. It could be done with a requirement to pay annual licensing fees. The money could be used for highway infrastructure maintenance instead of relying on the gas tax from the current consumption level; then there would no longer be an excuse to deny us the reduced emissions of European engine fuel efficiency. But that would be a terrible financial impingement on the freedom of gun enthusiasts who would have to find some other thrill instead of pumping 100 rounds into a watermelon.
  14. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    AJ's last rational thought died of loneliness.

    Did anyone else see that episode he filmed with Jesse Ventura, where they saw a bunch of plastic burial vaults sitting out in the open and deduced that they were equipment for a FEMA extermination camp?

    I think he and Jesse both suffer some form of dementia pugilistica.
  15. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    If there is a deer munching on my rose bushes, I do not assume that that is unicorn poo on the bottom of my shoe.

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