Events similar to 9/11: Pirelli Tower, Empire State Building

Discussion in '9/11' started by Vlad Ivx, Dec 20, 2013.

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  1. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    As you can see, some Zionist sites are trying to suggest that Bush and Saudi Arabia are the only ones implicated.
    Meanwhile AIPAC and the Zionists are doing a "full court press" to prevent the information from being fed to the public. I'm sure they will be aided by the ZIO-media even if it does get released.

    I just wanted to supply the information from a site which would do everything to avoid implicating the Zionist cabal.
    But if you want to call the New York Post a bunch of liars, be my guest.

    You just denied that the two Senators even read the redacted pages.
    What does that make you?

    I could provide many examples of cases in which the Jews have set certain gentiles up as front men to take the fall in the event something something goes wrong during the implementation of one of their agendas.

    Bush the Boob was the Perfect Patsy. He even had me fooled early on because I recognized him at once as a genuine bumpkin. I would prefer a real bumpkin in the oval office rather than some of the serpents we have had recently. I won't name any names.
  2. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    It will be interesting if this manages to go maintstream despite the Zio-media, to see how they spin it to avoid implicating Israel.
    Well, back in 2003 we were all only interested in punishing Iraq, Afghanistan, and the other Muslim nations that surrounded Israel.

    It's almost funny to read the request to Obama to be "transparency" as though they expected to get any.
    If they do, I sure hope it's not the kind he promised during his campaign.
  3. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    It's hard to see how the Senators could call the report "shocking" if they hadn't read it.
    The statement that some foreign intelligence agencies were involved would indicate that they had.
    Huh Schmulie?

    You don't suppose that foreign intelligence agency might have been the Mossad do you Schmulie?
    I mean, seeing that right about that time there was a hundred or so of them rounded up in the US and sent back to Israel without so much as a slap on the wrist.

    I don't know about you people, but when someone is behind an attack against the country I live in, I'm inclined to call that person an enemy. That would go for Israel just as well as it would for Iraq, even more so considering that Iraq never attacked us to begin with.

    I'd also consider the friend of my enemy an enemy as well. That would apply to anyone residing in the US, citizen, or dual citizen as the case may be, or not.

    I mean, if those kind of people would kill other US citizens to get their way in the world, I would consider myself to be potentially on their hit list as well. Wouldn't you?

    Now how's a person supposed to react to someone who's already demonstrated that they will kill you if it serves their purpose?
    Am I permitted according to your rules of political correctness to object to that, or is it racist of me to say so?
  4. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  5. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    like your obsessive anti-Semitism didn't strip away your credibility weeks ago.
  6. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    So I am curious.

    I hear people say that about anyone who criticizes zionists.

    How is that different from antiobamaism, or antirepublicanism or antidemocratism or antiteapartyism or antichristainism.

    How is your comment relevant on any level what so ever?

    you should watch that clip, she makes it pretty clear the united states is waging war against americans.
  7. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    this is what many Neo-Nazis say.
  8. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    So "twoofers" are Neo-Nazis?

    Or is it just anyone who objects to Zionists helping the Israelis to steal US technology and defense plans, determine our foreign ann domestic policies, alter the Constitution, destroy the Bill of Rights, bankrupt the US with Ponzi schemes and phoney money, trash our religion and heritage, force interracial mixing, flood the US with illegal immigrants, turn the whole thing into one big federalized totalitarian state, and MURDER US CITIZENS when they have the urge?

    You may see all that as home improvement but pardon me, I DON'T.

    I notice your flying the flag upside down. Is that supposed to signify what the wonders of Zionism/Talmudism has done for the US, or are is it just the way you feel towards the US?
  9. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    You won't let anybody present any...or try an have an honest conversation about any. You throw rocks, instead, then you claim 'there is no proof'. Quite ridiculous, really.
  10. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    some are, yes.

    especially the ones who go on and on about Zionists, the Talmud, and Jews.
  11. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Oh bull(*)(*)(*)(*),no one here has 'prevented' you from presenting anything on this board.

    And as for 'throwing rocks' houses,sigmund
  12. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Very good, Adolph.
  13. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    And who goes on and on about "anti-semitism" and wants to push the US into even more wars, and reminds everyone everyday about how responsible they are for the "Holocaust"?

    If you have the freedom to talk about such things, then so do I. And I will not wait until that becomes an offense punishable by fine and imprisonment the way it is in Europe to do so.
  14. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    I don't always talk about such things. Don't be dishonest about my comments.
  15. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Demolitions squibs clearly seen emerging from the WTCs.

    Seeing is believing and WHOOMP, there it is!


    Now we are all supposed to close our eyes and just let the whole bloody mess slide because it was all done for the sake of Israel and the better Mashianic Age.
  16. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    But that's OK. Just so long as no one approaches the sacred cow a little (or a lot) of Bush bashing will be permissible, even welcome.

    You certainly don't hear much protests about that from the Hasbarats.
  17. Gamolon

    Gamolon Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    Those were caused be air and debris being forced out through the windows as the debris front descended. Why do we see only one or two per side? If I look at examples of other building demolitions, I see multiple squibs on the same level.

    Explain that holston.

    Show me in this video where squibs exhibit the same characteristics as the ones you think were caused by explosives in the towers. I see "puffs" in the video when explosives go off, not a concentrated, expelled jet of debris.
  18. Gamolon

    Gamolon Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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  19. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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  20. Gamolon

    Gamolon Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    Tell us Koko.

    What are the differentiating characteristics between a "squib" caused by explosives and "squibs" caused by air pressure?
  21. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Squibs aren't even something one would be likely to see in a demolition in the first place..
  22. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    First off, are really naive enough to believe that the people who planned the demolition did so with the idea of trying to make it apparent as possible?

    Wouldn't you think it is more likely that they would try to arrange things so that as few such indicators as possible were visible?

    It seems to me that the people who planned the demolition would want to disguise the fact as much as possible in order to keep from arousing suspicion.

    In case you haven't figured out why, it would be in the effort to avoid getting caught.

    Does THAT sound reasonable to you?

    If so, then need I remind you that the towers were constructed DIFFERENTLY than the majority of those buildings you may see being demolished on YouTube videos and elsewhere.
    In those instances, no pains are taken to avoid the fact that a controlled demolition is taking place.
    Therefore the use of thermite, which would probably require more effort and expense could be avoided.

    In the case of Verinage demolitions, one or two floors are selected to have their supports removed SIMULTANEOUSLY, and in such a location so as to achieve BOTH crush down AND crush UP effects of gravity at their maximum level. Would you agree to that?

    Now, DeBunkers maintain that NO thermite NOR explosives were necessary in order to achieve the complete collapse of the buildings such that they ALL fell as straight down into their footprint as any CONTROLLED demolition COULD POSSIBLY BE DONE.

    Another way of stating the DeBunker position is to say that they believe that the UNcontrolled damage to columns in ALL three buildings coupled with the RANDOM effects of fire were sufficient to bring the buildings down.

    If you are going to argue with that too then you will have to assume the side of the "twoofers".

    What I, and others, are saying is that we do not believe that the above is possible precisely BECAUSE THOSE effects are NOT controlled. That is, they would have to occur purely on the basis of CHANCE alone. AND that there are good reasons to believe that the ODDS of this happening in ONE instance may make the event UNLIKELY. Moreover for THREE such anomalies to occur for the first time in the same location at the same time THREE times in a row are MORE THAN unlikely, thus making the multitude of evidence which suggests CONTROLLED demolition much more feasible.

    Consider these points.

    The WTC towers 1 and 2 were constructed in such a way that not only would the OUTER perimeter be compromised at all corners in order to achieve a collapse in a direct downward path, but that the "backbone" of the structures were CONCEALED WITHIN those walls.

    It is also peculiar that the squibs which you say are all being emitted AT the SAME TIME on opposite and CORRESPONDING faces.
    One may ask, that if these squibs were the product of uncontrolled damage and the random processes of fire, then what are the chances that the resulting squibs would display such SYMMETRY as one would expect to see if they occurred in locations critical to the collapse of the CORE columns.

    It is my understanding that both towers contained a mechanical room and an observation deck. These floors were constructed with additional support because of the extra and variable loads they would be required to support.

    You might like to look up on which floors the mechanical room and the observation decks were located.

    Then find out which floors those squibs are appearing at in the films.

    The disadvantage of the majority of people in reasoning these things out for themselves stems from the fact that most people are not schooled in design engineering, demolitions, incendiaries. The majority of people are not well versed in the physics or possess the computational skills to follow the hocus pocus and razzamatazz that SOME DeBunkers can marshal.

    Bazant et al were no dummies when it comes to these things. But to say that they applied these skills with the utmost integrity is to deny the realities of POLITICS, INTRIGUE, and the POWER struggles that go on continuously within the higher echelons of governments.

    Making naive assumptions about the honesty of public officials and even PAID EXPERTS also ignores the possibility of the influence which can be exerted by ORGANIZED crime.

    Add to this the fact that at this time, this country is now occupied by former organized crime members from the Soviet Union who certainly have connections with the wealthy members of the Zionist community who in turn have connections to the governmental and military establishments of Israel.

    It is a mistake to assume that these people are less motivated by National ambition, POLITICAL, SOCIAL, and RELIGIOUS ideology than those considered "patriots" in THIS country.

    For example, if you believe that Joe McCarthy was motivated by a belief in the presence and activities of Socialists and Communists parties in the US, what makes you think that our global neighbors or the people thereof may be any less so?

    The assumption that there are no ZIONIST ideologues, or religiously or politically motivated EXTREMISTS within the JEWISH community is unwarranted. For there is no reason to suppose that they may be any less so than say for instance > a Muslim extremist, a member of the John Birch Society, or a Ron Paul supporter.

    For some reason the media outlets have propagated the unspoken idea that ONLY Muslims can be "terrorists" (commit murder to achieve political objectives) or that "Bible thumping Christians" and NRA members may pose a "threat to homeland security".

    It seems to me that the only security our Congress is really interested in protecting is their own wealth and power. Before that would come the security of Israel. For if they neglect that, then they will surely lose their own seat on the Federal gravy train.

    There who may classify themselves as DeBunkers who genuinely cannot bring themselves to believe that an actual assault HAS BEEN MADE on American soil by agents of foreign powers who wield great political and social power in this country.

    They may be so heavily under the influence of media propaganda that they have lost the ability to think independently of it or they may simply lack information. But I am certain that if they actually believe that everyone whom the media and it's pundits slander as "conspiracy nuts" are neither nuts, incompetent, nor incompetent to proffer an educated and reasonable opinion.

    Other people are merely unconcerned about anything which they do not perceive as affecting their personal lives. They may lack the foresight to see how what is happening on the global stage may indeed one day do just that. But by the time they realize it, it may be too late to protest.

    Some people are just contrary and like to fuss, but I am convinced that there are more paid Hasbarats and Sayinim who have been conducting the campaign to quash 9/11 Truth. I believe this because in every instance where I have debated this issue, they immediately brand me a "anti-semite" or a Nazi the moment I mention Israel's involvement and the role of the Mossad in 9/11.
    The fact remains that those connections are there and they cannot be ignored by ANYONE who wishes to make a fair and objective assessment of what happened on 9/11 and even the way this country is conducting it's foreign and domestic policies at this very moment.
  23. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    I hope you take the time to read my response. In case you don't, here is a shorter one.

    Those squibs are symmetrically located on opposite and adjacent locations at the same levels. They also occur at the same time and at regular intervals which would correspond well with the locations of cutter charges needed to disassemble the inner core columns.

    Since the core columns are located WITHIN the building itself, any resulting squibs will be somewhat concealed due to the floor and office space they must traverse in order to exit the building.

    Similar instances of the appearance of white smoke indicative of heat or explosion may be seen at regular intervals about every third floor down where it has not been concealed by the smoke proceeding from the collapse front.
    This corresponds to the locations of joints of corner columns.

    Anyone planning to conceal the controlled aspect of such a demolition would make optimal use of thermite in order to avoid using any unnecessary cutter charges. They would know precisely where they would need to be placed and would restrict their use to those locations only and allow gravity to do as much of the demolition work as possible.

    The timing of such explosions would be such that they occur in quick succession from the top down with enough time being given to allow the smoke of the collapse front to conceal as many visible indications of necessary explosions such as squibs and flashing lights.

    These detonations could be done remotely. The order and timing of them need not be preprogrammed, but could be selected to correspond to the locations of the plane crashes.

    Such a feat would require the efforts of a highly skilled team of experts such as might be recruited from the ranks of former military and intelligence agencies.

    The planning and assistance of PhDs in those and related fields could be utilized.

    Those need not come from the US, but they could have been recruited from among the ranks of the Soviet immigrants who belonged either to organized crime and or the Soviet military.
    There are many PhDs and skilled people who belong or have belonged to both those entities who reside in the US. Their motives could be ideological as well as financial.
    Their members would also have access to materials from Soviet arsenals. Exotic weapons OF MASS DESTRUCTION can be bought for the right price for those with the right connections from members of the "Russian" organized crime syndicate(s) now residing within the US and elsewhere in the world. They have major shops in Brighton Beach and Florida as well as Israel. All the big "players" carry Israeli passports according to CIA and FBI reports.

    Do you think for a moment that there aren't Soviet communists as well as Zionist militants who wouldn't like to strike a blow at the US? You cannot possibly believe that all of them are so humanitarian and compassionate that none of them would be insensitive to "such a loss of life". Since when have mob bosses and military types cared too much about the expenditure of life. One, two, three, or three thousand. "Whadeva".

    One may see himself as a champion for Stalin, Lenin, or Marx. Or he may simply carry a residual pride for his own country which is accompanied by the sore wound of having his precious Berlin Wall dismantled and his Stazi organizations dissolved.
    The other could be a profit motivated megalomaniac who just wants to strut his stuff on the world stage or leave a legacy in history in the effort to immortalize himself according to his atheist philosophy.

    Then there are the many religious Zionists who seek to usher in a Mashianic Age where Israel and the Jewish tribes become the "go to" nation of the world, dictating to whom they please what they may and may not say, and how they may and may to worship as well as what they believe.

    You could select a combination of players from any or all of these groups you wish for suspects. They are all possible. Subordinates would be those "worker and soldier" ants who simply obey orders without question. Those may or may not have any suspicions at all. If they did, their instincts might tell them that it would be prudent to keep their doubts to themselves.
  24. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    I've known people personally who wouldn't bat an eye to snuff someone out if they could make a buck from it. Some people don't even need that good a reason. If you believe that everyone who is in Congress, in the military, or in some branch of the intelligence community is a "bleeding heart" who cares about people or even whether or not he is honest, you are either living in a fairy tale or you are a fool.

    Open your eyes. They are in the US... NOW. They have their own agenda and it doesn't include the preservation of freedom or the United States OR it's Constitution.
  25. Gamolon

    Gamolon Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    Wait. So NOW it's ok to bring up the differences in construction and design compared to other buildings and how they react to certain scenarios? Explain to me why truthers continue to say that no other steel structure has ever collapsed due to fire (they forget jet impacts), so that proves that the towers were brought down by demolition? How can they say that when no other building in history with similar designs like those of the towers and WTC7 have ever been subjected to unfought fires and jet impacts? Please explain.

    No. The argument by truthers is that an upper, smaller section of a building cannot destroy the larger, "lower section" of the same building according to Newton's laws. I proved that wrong with the Verinage video I posted. How about let's talk regarding that little tidbit.

    WRONG! They didn't fall into their own footprints. Is that why the radius was about 600 feet from the center of the towers? Stop parroting that garbage because it's simple not true.

    Random or not. The fires and impacts STILL weakened structural components that were designed to function as a WHOLE. The loads that were distributed to the entire structure NOW had to be redistributed to the remaining components.

    No I don't as explained above.

    Yet you yourself just stated above that the three building designs were not common.

    Show me "squibs" in any other demolition, prior to collapse and caused by explosives that get expelled like a "jet" at the source and then dissipate in a cloud. I suppose you think whale using their blowholes have explosives in them right? I have more evidence and comparisons that it was air pressure being released than it was caused by explosives.

    There were three main mechanical floors for each of the elevator "zones" in each tower, not "A" mechanical floor. Those floors contained electrical panels and elevator motors. There were 23 express elevators (one bank of 12 and one bank of 11 on each side of the core) and 24 local elevators that serviced each of the three zones. The bank of 11 express elevators had a freight elevator in the back. There were also two additional freight elevators in the core.

    I know where they are, do you?

    Sorry holston, but I'm not one of those. I worked in construction for many years. I was on site at a couple of disaster locations to do damage assessment (look up Shell Oil, Belpre, OH and IMC/Angus explosion in Sterlington, LA). I worked with the Army Corp of Engineers (look up Tooele, UT, helping to design pipe supports for the Deseret Chemical Depot). I worked at many steel mills designing hydraulic sysytems for the steel processes. I was an onsite project lead for blast furnace relines. I designed oxygen pipe runs for steel mills. There's lots more than just those few. So yes, I'm well versed. What are your "credentials"?
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