Conspiracy Denial & Bad Parenting

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Validation Boy, Mar 12, 2015.

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  1. maat

    maat Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 18, 2010
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    I have no problem with people questioning and exposing bad government. But, to some, it looks more like a religion than actual truth seeking. People need to be credible in order to not promote crying wolf syndrome.
  2. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Excellent position. The debris is gone however, and testing was not done. The president only facilitated the coverup as a party to the conspiracy.

    The port authority conducted the conspiracy. Under admiralty law they are like a foreign country. Very well connected and paranormal type mind control had them controlling lots of presidents as well as others to maintain the secrecy.

    The one thing that is proven is that Guiliani, Silverstein and PBS acted in concert to deceive the public and NIST about the true core structure of the Towers. The true core structure was completely unaffected by fires. It was a cast concrete, steel reinforced rectangular, tubular core. This 2010 stand alone disclosure to the US district court has redundant evidence proving that fact.

    At the following 2 links is proof federal judges are concealing treason. A violation of US code.

    If you know structural steel framing or concrete construction on large scale, it's basically a no brainer to see the deception key to misleading the masses.

    The guy that found "nano thermite" is very likely an MKultra victim because he believes the deception regarding the structural core. R. Gage, the architect believes it as well, and refuses to produce any proof of the steel framed core that the NIST report describes in their analysis. NIST did their analysis WITHOUT building plans because Guiliani took the plans from the WTC room at the NYC department if buildings in December of 2001. Proof of that is a part of the 2010 disclosure, a letter from the NYCLU to Bloomberg complaining of Guilianis violation of state law.

    Currently the latest victims of misinformation is the magazine "Veterans Today". A Russian has provided false info having that magazine invest in nukes as the cause. No way, no radioactivity at GZ and nukes cannot be delayed and hundreds of those are visible and audible.

    There is proof of the paranormal but book burning and courts prevent or forbid any verifications. Probably in the protection of secrecy or an ability to secretly manipulate people.

    Bigfoot, I dunno. I do know the Kurok Indians have legend which is redundant.
  3. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    And just what natural law are you referring to? Do you actually have a clue? But there are many indoctrinated idiots and to find one is but a short trip to the closest mirror. Unity around constitutional content, is that a joke? Have you any clue of what "constitutional intent would be?

    Really? Please explain how one gets rights from the constitution? The only place within the constitutional documents that provides "rights" would be Amendment 14, which is really a misnomer.

    Legal plan, didn't you try that and what happened, you let some idiot move the court to dismiss because you understood so little that you had no clue to prevent it, some plan. All you seem to have are a bunch of scared "citizens" that will grasp at any straw so as to prevent any serious effort at becoming educated.
  4. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    I don't see it myself.

    I have nothing against those who do, I don't necessarily think you've lost your mind, etc - but I don't see it myself. Would be cool if there were aliens though. Unfortunately, they'd almost certainly try to coerce us into an intergalactic form of government. Like the national, regional, and international government of today.

    I'd much prefer it if there were no other lifeforms, and we expanded into the universe ourselves. That frontier period would spring forth unimaginable liberty. Liberty is isolation.
  5. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Go on youtube and checkout the numerous UFO videos. Hundreds are uploaded every month.

    It's not only the videos or pictures that are being released, its the reports and the credible witness accounts.... This has been going on for thousands of years as well..

    Sure, not all sightings are alien, however to claim there is a rational explanation for all of them would be misguided. There is just too much evidence to deny the existence of aliens. Besides to think we're all alone would be irrational given how large the universe is.

    I know most people have no interest in the subject at all and are skeptical when it is brought up but I challenge anyone to investigate the phenomena, once they do they will have more questions than answers.
  6. antb0y

    antb0y Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2013
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    The belief in UFOs and aliens is a curious thing. Most crazy conspiracy theories can be debunked by some critical thinking (that skill which conspiracy theorists believe they're the only ones who have it), but UFOs are different. You can only debunk fake videos or reports - I haven't seen a video yet that couldn't have been easily faked - but you can't rule out the possibility that there's something out there.

    By pure mathematical probability I'm convinced there must be life in other places in the universe, but scientists tell us there's no feasible way the little guys could come here and meet us. I accept that for the time being, but I know that science changes and one day we might a way that nobody ever thought of before. Or get shown the way.

    So my current attitude is, I don't believe in aliens visiting the earth, but I might be wrong.
  7. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Well, wormholes have already been proven to be possible and that is most likely how they travel long distances. Also the speed of light has been proven false as well so they can get here quicker than otherwise previously thought.

    As far as the videos and other photo evidence, the problem with that is plenty have passed scrutiny so there was obviously a "UFO" captured on film the question is just what it is. Another problem is that with skeptics when a video is too clear it must be fake but when it's too fuzzy they will say it's not good enough.

    I only got into the topic because I saw a UFO when I was a kid so I started reading about the topic whenever I could. Then I had a close sighting when I was about 20, and I can tell you there is no doubt in my mind aliens are visiting earth. There is absolutely no way what I saw was a government craft. I was only about 150 yards from this ship - not only that but it came out of Lake Michigan at 1am... What on earth would the military be doing with a craft that defies gravity in Lake Michigan at 1am???
  8. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    You might have a clue if you quote in complete context. You could try using a return for a paragraph when your own context changes in reply.

    The context is included here.

    I'm quite sure you do not know the root origin of the word idiot. Nor will you be able to find it. Academia has lost track of it as you have lost track of where constitutional intent originates and that rights are expression of it.

    Yes. Let's start at the most prime.

    The constitution and framing documents of it intend that Americans should have their lives as an unalienable right government is forbidden to take without lawful due process.

    Do you agree?

    And BTW, I rightfully expect you to define the root origin and meaning of idiot as well.
  9. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    So what about it AlNewman?

    Is the prime right to life a constitutional intent and natural law?

    And what about that root origin and meaning of that word "idiot" you use so often?
  10. oldbill67

    oldbill67 New Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Yep this is America,... where a mind is a terrible thing! You're unpatriotic and maybe even a terrorist if you don't fall in to line with the rest of the "sheeple",... If you don't believe me just ask Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks!:wink:
  11. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Quite true generally. I suppose if every post I make was not about constitutional intent and the principals of the republic, the cognitive infiltrators would be trying to paint me that way. So mostly, the types you refer to just silently run away.

    Attacking people that define constitutional intent in ways intrinsically at the foundation of our framing documents, looks bad. So I get away with making statements that would condemn others who only bash government and spread fear of conspiracies.

    When I credibly promote lawful and peaceful revolution based in a beginning of sharing the purpose of free speech as being to create unity, sincere people seem to know, that what I'm expressing cannot be wrong, but they are afraid to break from the flock and what controls it.

    So I'm still alone working for a lawful and peaceful revolution, but I know people are getting educated and they are thinking on some level about why they cannot break from the "sheeple role". It is just a matter of time until they do.
  12. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I don't think the Govt will allow it.

    They have technology and years of scientific research in the arena of mass mind control to use against the people.

    Its going to come down to a bloodbath, sadly.
  13. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    To each his own, but it's getting kind of hard to continue to deny with all the information that is available. Personally, I like the ancient stuff.
  14. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    That doesn't answer the question. You make a strange reference to natural law, what natural law are you referring to?

    Really: idiot (n.) early 14c., "person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning;" also in Middle English "simple man, uneducated person, layman" (late 14c.), from Old French idiote "uneducated or ignorant person" (12c.), from Latin idiota "ordinary person, layman; outsider," in Late Latin "uneducated or ignorant person," from Greek idiotes "layman, person lacking professional skill" (opposed to writer, soldier, skilled workman), literally "private person (as opposed to one taking part in public affairs)," used patronizingly for "ignorant person," from idios "one's own" (see idiom)

    Well I guess that pretty much answers that, you haven't a clue. Don't really care much for this etymology dictionary as they run around in circles, using the French translation of the Greek and Latin origins. Personally, Latin is the best as it's a dead language and can never change, what is, is.

    So then I take from this little delusion that one hasn't an actual clue about constitutional intent.

    Absolutely not and neither did the founders.

    You really should invest or learn to use dictionaries.

    I would say you expect a lot from one with so little to offer in return. But just to add to the insult:

    Is there ever a doubt that lawyers, hence judges, have the least clue as to the real meaning of things.
  15. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Do you need a cracker? You sound like a parrot that keeps repeating the same line over and over.

    Constitutional intent, some slogan you seem to feel has meaning outside your mind as it seems "dictionary" is a foreign term to you. And somehow, you contend "natural law" which is another code word you keep using as if your strange sense of some unknown vocabulary transcends reality.

    And now you make some strange reference to a "right", another word you seem not to understand but use as part of a strange code.

    Definition, a statement of the exact meaning of a word. An exact statement or description of the nature, scope, or meaning of something. The degree of distinctiveness or clarity of an object, image, or sound.
  16. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Wrong of course, and your post had no proof otherwise.

    Consider finding some proof that the founders thought is was okay for government to take a life without due process as a way to show the constitution does NOT have life as an intended natural law right of the people which is unalienable.

    And not even close on the root origin and meaning of the word "idiot". Dictionaries have avoided it for a very long time because it brings up an uncomfortable truth about the human mind.

    All the definitions you provided agree with current usage, but do not touch on the root origins or meaning.

    The root meaning of the word "idiot" is the Id. With the addition of "ot", or the root of "automatic" or "robot", the root meaning of "idiot" becomes defining a person who is automatically controlled by their Id.

    The reason for this massive deficiency in dictionaries stems from academias association with the church. The Id is very basically the unconscious mind. Something that is more or less heretical to the church. It is the old animal mind in some ways the primordial mind.

    For this reason the definitions of academia focus upon the symptoms of being automatically controlled by the unconscious rather than the actual root origins of the word.
  17. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    That is what the dark tyrants warping law enforcement want the public to think, but the "lawful and peaceful" part, they cannot deal with. What makes it work is a vocal group of citizens in agreement upon constitutional intent.

    We go over their heads at a state level with pure prime constitutional intent.

    An enquiry by petition to state officials-Do you accept that the ultimate purpose of free speech is to enable unity adequate to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights?

    A) Test officials and candidates for acceptance of the root purpose of free speech being to assure information vital to unity needed to alter or abolish is shared and understood.

    B)Test officials and candidates for acceptance of root purpose of free speech as prime constitutional intent used to create unity to conduct Article V with constitutional intent as the prime right for the purpose of protecting unalienable rights.

    C) As an official of government, can you accept that EVERY American can understand and accept A)?

    D) Are you aware that in 1911, 2/3 of the states applied for a convention and congress violated the law, their oath and the constitution by failing to convene delegates?
    Can you accept that such a fact justifies that all delegates be elected in the states by the people of those states?

    Because of that letter, the house finally adopts rule to count states applications for Article V.

    E) Can you understand and accept that any state legislator that cannot accept A), can be impeached in this constitutional emergency as being unfit for office?

    F)Can you understand and accept that A) B) C) D) & E) are legal process and that IF citizens act with D) as justification, and E) to complete the legal process, they WILL be "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts" BECAUSE their states, as led by the people, then will agree that proper preparation for Article V consists of;

    1) Amend Article V to assure the right to "alter or abolish" is enforceable under law by including preparatory amendment as a requirement.

    2) End the abridging of free speech.

    3) Securing the vote.

    4) Campaign finance reform.

    G) Americans need to agree that Officials of states and federal government must accept that such preparation by amendment is completely constitutional and can only enable democratic assertion of the principles of the republic, and, once complete; WHEREUPON all amendment should cease until America can be certain it is competent to Article V by testing itself to assure it knows and can define constitutional intent
  18. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    People who are happy in life simply don't care. They're happy. They're living their dream.

    People who are miserable on multiple levels, love, money, friends, can go nuts on conspiracies, and see a boogieman around every corner.

    Obviously some conspiracies are real. Take for instance all the "New World Order" stuff from the last half decade. The government wasn't honest, nor did the conspiracy theorists guess right on every detail their mind went crazy on. But globalism is very real, and being only a wealthy person could drop "home" and see it as natural, one cannot proclaim it was an organic want of the earth's populace. The great majority simply cannot change "home" when it comes to nations, and home is important to all but the top. It was implemented and supported by heads of state, who are elected to represent America 1st, who couldn't be honest about what they were doing, hence ... a conspiracy.

    But now, what do we do with it as a people? The older generations, for the most part, lead great lives (nice house, 2 cars, 2.5 kids, etc.) and they had no motivation to care. The younger generations are a different monster altogether. The working class have went from middle class to working poor over the course of 2 decades. Those trying to escape said life of servitude are finding out their degrees are worthless.

    Something will inevitably happen. But it will be because their lives are crap, not because the original conspiracy was wrong.

    Simply put, people don't care.

    It's up to the people pulling the strings to make sure everyone else doesn't get too bad off, and it is up to everyone else to do something about it if they do. This will never change.

    The Nazis got nowhere complaining. They took over when they were the only people left with solutions.
  19. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    There are some realistic perspective there. However, there are some cognitive distortions too, but I can see you temper those with caveat. Generally true tho. This one seems to broad.

    "Something will inevitably happen. But it will be because their lives are crap, not because the original conspiracy was wrong.

    Simply put, people don't care."

    I think people do care, but because of the confusion, its easier to take a position of expecting nothing, or the worse. The confusion is intentionally created with partisan politics that divide while media misinforms.

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