Mr. Sean Fraser, I have decided to leave Canada's Liberal Party.

Discussion in 'Canada' started by DennisTate, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mr. Sean Fraser, for the record, I have gotten the impression that you have a long and productive career ahead of you in politics and although I consider him to be a phenomenal potential leader to Canada's Conservative Party I believe that Mr. Peter MacKay would be making a serious error to challenge you in the next Canadian federal election.

    I suspect that you will be given two if not three terms at least here in Central - Nova and I think that Mr. MacKay would be wasting precious time to attempt to win back Central - Nova from you in the next election.

    Sean Fraser

    Sean, it has been a pleasure and a privilege to have the opportunity to meet you, to cast my ballot for you so that you would represent our Liberal Party in this last election, and although my own wife put a lot of pressure on me to vote for your opponent Mr. Fred Delorey, I just could not do it. I feel very strongly that you are going to accomplish great things for our area, for our nation Canada, and even for all nations that have good diplomatic relations with Canada.

    Fred DeLorey
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Sean, one of the major reasons why I have decided to leave the Liberal Party is because now that we are in a position of majority government we will be less likely to take political risks. I have been promoting an alternative method to initiate stabilization of the climate and I am hopeful that Canada's Conservative Party will now be more willing to consider this option.

    I quoted New Mexico biology teacher and coach Carl Cantrell in my 2008 campaign:

    Since 1950 one nation on earth has experienced COOLING in its climate. That nation is Israel and I believe there is a connect between the fact that Israel is now cooler than it was 6 decades ago and on a per capita basis Israel led the world in planting trees and desalinating ocean water for agriculture as well as reforestation projects.
  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Sean, I am hopeful that Mr. Peter MacKay will campaign for the office of National Leader of the Conservative Party.

    If he will do this I am certain that the dialogue between Liberals and Conservatives will rise up to a much higher level of objectivity and accuracy.

    Canadians 4 Peter MacKay for Conservative Leadership.
  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Sean..... I will very probably soon initiate a bid to become the Conservative Party candidate for Pictou Centre for the next provincial election.

    I campaigned there as an independent back in 2006 and I still remember one guy from Trenton telling me that he would like to see me again...… I assume he meant that he would like to see me campaign there more than merely once.

    Here is a link to my primary campaign writing.... not sure if the radio interview is still available anywhere or not.........

    At least I did make it into Wikipedia...…

    Now Sean....... just in case I lose at the provincial level in the next election but..... make it to the federal level in the next election............. I could conceivably end up being your opponent...… and it may be useful for you to know that I may be one of the world's most completely confused commenTators on Climate Change, Global Warming..... and pretty much every other subject that I get into as well.

    Climate change shock: Burning fossil fuels 'COOLS planet', says NASA
  5. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Good luck Dennis!

    Going independent in 2006 probably didn't get you many votes because people were voting for the other parties.

    Going in the Conservative Party probably will give you a much better chance this time around.
    DennisTate likes this.
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Yes...… you are correct Wgabrie, campaigning as an independent is an almost certain recipe for losing an election but back in 2006 I really wasn't certain which Canadian political party I should join.

    I looked several of them over quite well, not long after my 2006 campaign I was in the home of a local leader in the NDP, (New Democratic Party). I had gotten the impression that I wasn't quite angry enough to fit in there so I tested the waters................ During the meeting I said essentially......"You know, Mr. Peter MacKay deserves a lot of credit for "hiring up", his assistant J... at his Antigonish office was extremely helpful as my wife was going through the four year immigration process to get her Canadian residency."

    Well, Wgabrie........ there was total silence in the room for a somewhat uncomfortable amount of time................. giving any credit whatsoever to one of the opponents........ just did not go over well in an NDP meeting!

    I was never invited back.........… but I saved all of us a lot of bother and nuisance...… I found out what I wanted to know...… I knew for certain now that I wasn't angry enough with Canada's Conservative Party to fit in as a member of the NDP!

    The NDP candidate in Pictou - Centre actually responded to my 2006 campaign writing. None of the other candidates wrote back although I sent it to each of their campaign office e-mail addresses.

    His name was Danny MacGillivray and because of the e-mail that I got from him and because of the discussions that I had with other members of the NDP in Pictou Centre that year I actually voted for the local NDP candidate Mr. Jim Boudreau!
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Yes......… becoming a member of Canada's Conservative Party will greatly increase the chances of my eventually being elected as a M. L. A., (Member of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia).

    Back in 2011 Prime Minister Stephen Harper did something for the nation of Israel that I believe was exceptionally wise under the circumstances, at that time!

    On Israel, Harper stands alone at G8 summit - The Globe and Mail


    At that time the Palestinian people had a leadership who were benefiting so greatly from a continual state of war with Israel that I believe P. M. Harper's action probably saved the lives of thousands or even tens of thousands of Palestinians not to mention hundreds of Israelis.

    Our friend AboveAlpha gave specific figures in another discussion on how many billions Mr. Arafat and his cronies had stashed away in Swiss bank accounts that should have been used to benefit Palestinians but............. Mr. Yassar Arafat and I have a mutual friend now. As I have mentioned to you my wife is a gifted Pentecostal woman from Ecuador. Back in 1995 she went to a Benny Hinn Crusade in Bogota Colombia. On the way up to the stage, Pastor Benny Hinn stopped......… came over to my wife, and gave her a prophecy that she was going to be given a foreign husband and would travel all over the world working for Jesus.

    He gave her the same prophecy again when she attended one of his crusades in Quito, Ecuador so Pastor Benny Hinn played a significant role in making my wife willing to marry a Canadian, me!!!!!!!!

    Of course this information about his being quite gifted got me curious and one day I was watching his telecast and he stated that after his death Mr. Yassar Arafat had appeared to him in a dream and had said to him three times......"Tell my people what the Bible says...… Tell my people what the Bible says......… Tell my people what the Bible says!"

    I explained on this page how the close relationship between Canada and Israel forged by P. M. Stephen Harper could well be used to help in financing an effective movement toward actual stabilization of the climate...…

    Please pray or meditate on Canada's P. M. brokering Jordan - Israel peace deal?
  8. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Dennis you're so smart, testing the waters before picking a political party. I rarely have such wit. (And I'm glad you handle rejection well.)

    I also have to say that I think Mr. Harper did the right thing by not allowing the UN to try and strong-arm Israel into a peace deal, when conditions weren't right.

    By the way Dennis, I have no idea what the ghost of Yassar Arafat was trying to say about the Bible? It's a big book and practically anywhere there could be a phrase hidden in there that was a prophesy to solve the Palestinian problem. I don't know.

    Oh and I'll think about that: Canada's P. M. brokering Jordan - Israel peace deal.
    DennisTate likes this.
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Wgabrie.......... the reason why I like to test the waters to see if I can get along with a group is that I got myself ex-communicated from two Christian churches in roughly one month back in 1991!

    The Worldwide Church of God and the Philadelphia Church of God had rather dogmatic teachings on "Soul Sleep" so when I began to research near death experience accounts I immediately concluded that their teachings were almost certainly incorrect. After advising the local pastor for the WWCG to disfellowship - excommunicate me because I was useless at remaining silent and not disagreeing with ideas that I consider to be incorrect, especially if those ideas are negatively impacting thousands of lives......(if I had been willing to be silent and just attend, I could have remained a member of the WWCG)..... I attended a couple of meetings with the local branch of the Philadelphia Church of God but decided to write off a letter to the leadership and was promptly dis-fellowshipped by them as well!

    I wasn't disappointed....... by kicking me out they just saved me a lot of headaches..... because there is no point in attending with a group of people that I am soon going to have a major kerfuffle with!

    Wgabrie.... a few weeks ago I got a rather surprising message that I believe you can identify with in a special way. I feel that your calling in life.... your destiny.... your gifts.......... your abilities..... correspond with my own in many ways.

    Here is a question that I put on a group discussion on Facebook with most names edited out........

    War Declarations
    by Sandra K. Johnston PhD, LP
  10. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Deserts are also some of the colder places at night. Ask yourself why that is?
    DennisTate likes this.
  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mr. Sean Fraser..... if I am able to convince Mr. Peter MacKay to begin his return to politics in a riding in or near Montreal, Quebec, you would then have less to worry about in the next federal election because Mr. MacKay is one of the only political leaders in Canada who would have at least some hope of being able to defeat you.

    Here is a conversation from my Facebook wall:



    Thousands,perhaps hundreds of thousands of Quebec students NOT free to learn English.
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    My guess at this time is that because deserts have almost no vegetation they have almost no ability to hold the heat in so the desert sand rapidly radiates its heat into the atmosphere at night.

    This seems to at least partly verify Mr. Carl Cantrell's assertions:

  13. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Deserts have virtually little cloud cover. The Hadley cell flow determines where deserts are located. It is also why they are dry.


    With little cloud cover the desert regions lose heat readily to space. It is also why they heat so easily. Regions with the most cloud cover can be hot like the equatorial regions but vary little in range between night and day.
    DennisTate likes this.
  14. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Thanks Dennis for the insights.

    And Dennis? I've been having the strangest feelings these past few days, and I thought I should check up on your posts and see what you were up to.

    I feel like there are things that are starting to be arranged for a great play, but we'll have to wait to see the result.
  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Yes..... what I just posted here in this thread I sent to AboveAlpha in a P.M. about a month ago....... and then I was in something like a state of awe for a month because I personally rarely think in black and white or in any sort of dogmatic manner.

    The way that that message from Sandra came out........ it kind of scared me......… because I know from my wife that some people do indeed get messages that are so direct..... so clear...… that they know that they can alter the course of their lives based on the clarity of the message.

    My wife decided to marry me......… because apparently .... somehow or another .... Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus told her to do so?!!!!!

    Back in about late August or early September of 2000, Yeshua told her somehow.... to fast and pray for me for five weeks and she did it. For four weeks, three days/ week.... only fruit juices, no solid food... and he would wake her up somehow and get her to pray for me....... I was 3000 or so miles away from her.... going through something like Mark chapter 5......… I was being delivered from The Legion of fallen angels that I had opened up a door for.

    Mark 5:15
    "And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid."

    What I began back in 1990 had some pretty serious consequences.......

    Rabbi ........, linking Jerusalem Third Temple with Grand Unified Theory of Modern World Problems.Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:00 PM
  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Wgabrie........ about a month or so ago I sent off some of AboveAlpha's writings to a friend of mine who I know has similar gifts to my wife.

    Within days she sent me back a prophecy......… for AboveAlpha........ and what she wrote was amazing.......... Here is a little bit of background to set the stage for this...........

    AboveAlpha...… I hereby bid 1.5 billion "Dennis Tate Volunteerism Hours"..... (that may be printed up through a proposed micro-nation here in Central Nova ..... HaShem willing.... within weeks or months!

    There is a catch........... you will need to donate them all over the place because each volunteerism hour will be deemed to be worth about 12 dollars Canadian.......(about 8.5 dollars US these days)...… and will be taxable so..... just about the only thing that you can do with them would be to donate them to charities willing to accept them?????!

    I want the rights to interpret the role of you Sir...… AboveAlpha.... to Mr. Brad Pitt???!!!!!
  17. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Brad Pitt is much too small and short.

    Thor or Chris Helmsworth would be much closer to the reality.


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  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    True......… but just as Patrick Swayze did a great job of playing the role of Dalton in "Roadhouse" so also...… I know that Brad...… could do such a phenomenal job of playing out his interpretation of you............................ that I am certain you would be impressed by the final product!

    And wow...… can you imagine Angelina Jolie's version of that dark haired woman who isn't with you yet......… whose non-presence in your life... is somehow holding you back??????!

    She was awesome in "Salt!"
  19. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Your getting me laughing and I am in a great mood!!

    DennisTate likes this.
  20. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Oh..... that 1.5 billion Dennis Tate Volunteerism Hours... that I am bidding to interpret the role of you Sir........ could all be donated to Pope Francis if you wish............… which would save you some paperwork and headache.........…

    Pope John Paul II and President Ronald Reagan did such a brilliant job of working together to bring down the Iron Curtain...… that you donating 1.5 billion hours to him......… to ramp up that treaty - agreement - relationship......… would make a lot of sense........ I already did my best to get he and his helpers thinking about some aspects of the probable results of climate change that you have explained to us...........

    Notice post #4....... where I quote you again Sir!

    Dear Pope Francis...... how about we assist the Jews to get Rabbi Nachman back?

  21. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    And..... I know that you will know that I am not writing this...… as some sort of a joke.... but I really think that this is worthy of discussion........... in very high places of influence!

    Dannion Brinkley for V. P. in 2016 and President of the USA in 2024.

  22. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Thank you for this suggestion...… doing more research on him right now!

    The proposed documentary and reality film version of this...… will have a very different feel from the eventual Hollywood theatrical version!

    I am actually thinking that quite a few actors may eventually wish to take a shot at becoming the best ever artistic version of AboveAlpha!
  23. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    And speaking of dark haired lost soul mates.... take a look at the 2006 cover photo of Maxim!


    ................ Wow! Man you have excellent taste in stars to play the role of you Sir.........… These two have to alter the world for the better for the sake of their three young kids!!!!!!!!!

    Is a Unified Theory of Modern World Problems even possible?

    I began to use this phrase about five years ago.
  24. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Dennis and AboveAlpha,

    My meds stopped working after I switched Pharmacies and they were using a generic brand. I ended up in a hospital Psych ward, for 2 weeks, until I was released today.

    During my downwards spiral...

    It was the first time I was seeing a spiritual influence in the world.

    But my paranoia level was thought the roof.

    I thought that I was attached to an Entity and that it was taking what I was looking at, or reading into consideration and was able to do something about it to save the world. And I was seeing secret messages everywhere. But that Entity was using me as a battery and there was a real possibility that I might die...

    And I went to the Emergency room twice, two days in a row. First because my Primary Doctor sent me to the emergency room when I visited him, and then a second time when I started exhibiting a symptom that I needed to get medical care for.

    I also thought that there were dark forces who were after me for interfering in the chaos around the New Years celebrations.

    I thought there was going to be a terrible new form of terrorism unleashed on the world.

    That there was some trouble brewing in California with parties involving drugs and alcohol.

    And then there was the fire at a Mumbai India building, if I remember correctly. And I saw a news report on the Emergency waiting room TV. And I thought it was speaking to me to give the entity attached to me information on how to find the site and help put out the fire.

    After that I was paranoid that dark forces were mad at me for putting the fire out and I thought they were going to start a fire in the hospital where I was staying at.

    I thought that I was being trained to think a certain way and be aware of the world around me. And I thought the world was changing around me when I succeeded at identified the problems.

    At one point, in the emergency room, I pressed the Nurse about how they would react to an emergency since she said their phone system was down, and a moment after that an announcement came over the loud speaker that the Fire alarm system was back online.

    And I felt like I just dodged a bullet, that the entity attached to me had learned of the danger and looked around the hospital to fix the problem.

    It's all strange stuff. I'm glad all of this was just my medication not working for me. I would hate if worrying was my new superpower...
  25. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Back in 1988 I began to take a nutritional product called Matol and within two years I began to become rather psychic. I haven't touched the stuff since 1999 because thank you very much....... I do not want to attempt to handle all that extra energy that I got back then. So....... I can empathize to a significant degree with what you went through Wgabrie!

    Wgabrie...... you might want to research because I have been using it instead since 1999 and the positive effects correspond exactly with what was predicted by two research physicians who wrote a book about MSM - nutritional sulphur. One of the side effects is a general significant increase in what could be termed .... Shalom.... peace of mind..... even joy... .but without the off the scale energy boost that Matol gave me. Don't go off your meds.... keep taking them... but this will also help out in ways that may surprise and greatly encourage your physician.

    I am taking 5000 mgms of MSM daily and up to ten thousand mgms if I feel a cold coming on or if my lower back pain is especialy bad!

    The number one thing that MSM seems to do for us is assist our cells to detoxify........... it is helpful to drink extra water if you add MSM to your diet because as the toxins come out of the cells.... they go into the bloodstream and drinking extra water is the easiest way to get rid of them fully out of the body.

    Most physicians know little about MSM - nutritional sulphur, because they do not make commissions off it and it is available at a very low cost even at Walmart. MSM is not a drug.... it is food and often is taken from the bark from trees as a by product of forestry! The best source of info on it is to read the book yourself...... because your physicians is unlikely to do that for you... and the two research physicians.....(who almost certainly know much much much more about nutritional sulphur than any of your of my doctors will ever know.... have covered the topic of how it reacts with other medications.) The only possible negative repercussion of MSM that I can remember from the book is that it can sometimes assist the body to get rid of toxins..... and if your life depends on a variation of rat poison..... a blood thinner...... then you might want to start with smaller doses of MSM and work up..... because it will assist your body to get rid of all toxins.... even a blood thinner that your very life may depend on....... So before asking your own physician about it.... you may wish to read the book..... that is by two physicians who know much much much more on the topic than your own physicians is ever likely to find out.

    Oh... AboveAlpha.... the man in this video takes 5000 mgms of MSM daily:

    Mr. Yehoshua Sofer is considered to be playing around in the same league as Bruce Lee!

    MSM assists his body to repair itself after intense training and after matches.


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