WISE Founder Teaches Muslim Women Self Defense To Protect Against Hate Crimes

Discussion in 'Human Rights' started by Sane Centrist, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Er, religious dressing up?? And since you're convinced that I'm Islamophobic let me say I disapprove of Jewish religious garb too. And any other ostentatious fancy dress related to religion. Having said that, you might now reflect that you owe me an apology for the hysterical accusation you make against me???
  2. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    You are correct when you say that Donald wasn't talking about Muslims that live here, but the Muslims that live here heard something different, and I'll explain why.

    I know he talked about potentially blocking new immigrants from coming in, but he opened that line of discussion based on what happened primarily in California with the two idiots that killed those 14 people, and "after" he talked about making Mexico build a wall to keep Mexicans out.

    When Donald said those things, Mexicans & Muslims heard: "this guy wants to get rid of all of us"

    Good, bad or different, that's what they heard the same way the gun folks only hear: "Obama wants to take away our guns" anytime some 5 year old gets shot and the president tries to make compassionate, common sense plea's about possibly preventing something like that from happening again.

    So lets be fair here, while "technically" your right, people hear what they want to hear, and interpret what & how they interpret, and all of these people are thinking (once again just like the gun folks) sure he's talking about immigrants "now" but what if he becomes president, what will stop him from also calling for the deportation of all Muslims & Mexicans in the future.

    Shortly after Trump made all these announcements there were hundreds of stories pouring in from all over the country of little kids being nervous about losing their families or being sent to countries that they know nothing about because they were all born here.

    I believe that anybody running for the highest office in the land owes it to everybody to speak in a more "inclusive" manor to "all" instead of just the angry voices. Everyone supporting Trump has admitted that he speaks their language, and that he says the things that they think & say in the privacy of their homes.

    Well that's the problem, he's speaking to them to get votes but he's alienating & demonizing everybody else, and in my opinion that's not being or acting very presidential, and it's got nothing to do with being PC as much as it's all about human decency.

    Donald could have said all the same things he said, and still gotten his message across without being so inflammatory. The real irony here is that he probably would have even more support if he would have approached it in a more nuanced fashion instead of his "hitting you over the head with a hammer" style of speaking.

    There is a rouge element within the Muslim world, I will grant you that, and I'm happy to see that unlike so many others in here you at least recognize that it's not all of them.

    Having said that I'd like to address some of the things you've said here.....

    President Obama can't win for losing, and we both know that. If he goes to a mosque to speak to Muslims, all the crazies come out, and say "see, that proves he's a Muslim". If he doesn't reach out to Muslims people say what you said in the above comment, and the kicker here is that Muslims "already" do a pretty good job of policing themselves but of course they get no credit for this because people don't see it daily in the MSM.

    People are extremely fickle that way, if they don't see something on the 6:00 o:clock news it didn't happen, and what everybody doesn't realize is that the MSM isn't concerned with reporting any positive things from within Muslim communities, all they're concerned about is sensationalism & ratings.

    So to answer your questions, Imam's cleric's, Sheik's, and Mufti's all over the world deal with these issues and talk about them in their mosques to extremely large crowds all the time. Yes, there is a "percentage" of Muslims who (for whatever reasons) become radicalized at some point in their life, and yes there are others that you can't even call humans that commit incredible acts of horror.

    They do this to put fear into people in order to control them, and in order to amass large sums of wealth. The irony here is that this mostly has nothing to do with religion even though these jackals say that it does. Terrorists do what they do to take over oil fields, cities & countries to build empires of wealth. They could care less about the welfare of the people or who they pray to.............or Islam.

    Yet because a few idiots get in front of camera's, and make video's of cutting off somebody's head somewhere & then rant on for an hour about the west, and how evil it is, everybody is convinced that this is all about Islam & the Quran's evil teachings.............it is not.

    The same orders of not shooting first have been standing practice going back to the Vietnam war..............when President Obama was still in elementary school, so that's that.

    The people that committed the terrorist's attacks in Paris were terrorist's, and they did what terrorist's do, and the whole world is working on trying to stop these maniacs but it's next to impossible.

    Why, because for every head you chop off, 3 more pop up. You know why 3 more pop up, because we just can't stop blowing up grandmothers & 5 year old's with drones while trying to get a few bad guys.

    We have adopted a policy of accepting unintended casualties as standard operating procedure because as far as the US government is concerned life is cheap over there, and we put no value on these peoples lives. So the children of the families we slaughter grow up burning for revenge, and honestly can you blame them?

    So what's the answer to all of these problems as I see it.....?

    Get the hell out of bed with the Saudi's who fund these terrorist organizations, stop making deals with devils all over the world who stand to profit off of these nonsensical wars, stop blowing up whole families that have nothing to do with terrorist (while then expecting them not to get angry about it), make the media here much more accountable for all of the negative reporting that's done on these people 24/7, and reaching out to all of the Muslim communities more to let them know that we do not see them as the enemy or the outsiders, and work on bridging all of these gaps.
  3. DOconTEX

    DOconTEX Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 24, 2015
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    I am sure you were equally horrified by the stories of muslim men attacking German and Swedish women over the new year holiday.

    What is your recommendation of women in their OWN COUNTRIES attacked by muslim refugees who demand that the women behave more modestly, wear different clothing, molest and rape them in public spaces?
  4. DOconTEX

    DOconTEX Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Sorry. But I want to see some "reaching out" being done by Muslims. A great column in our local paper Saturday said those who want to join us in America should be accommodating our culture and values, not the other way around. We are expected by the PC elite to accommodate foreign nationals and illegal aliens by printing signs in their language, by giving them special consideration in our schools, by being sensitive to THEIR cultures.

    Not the way it should work. I don't understand why there is concern among the PC elites about the effect on illegal aliens or muslims when an illegal murders Kate Steinle or some radical muslims murder 14 people in California. How about the illegal aliens and muslims clean up their own acts to assuage US? Lets see some demonstrations among Hispanics demanding illegal alien criminals be sent home. Lets see some Muslims demonstrating outside of radical mosques demanding the Imam stop preaching radical Jihad and resign his post.

    Let those who want to be part of my community show ME that they are willing to do what it takes to convince us that they are no threat to US. We are already here. This is OUR country. We don't have to show THEM that we need to consider their fears, language, and culture before we consider ours.
  5. GPlauche31684

    GPlauche31684 Banned

    Mar 4, 2016
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    The OP has one little story about violence against Muslims.

    If I chose to start posting stories about muslim immigrants behaving with hostility or violence against native citizens in western countries I would bury the OP. It would never stop. I'd be posting for the rest of my life.

    So while what happened to the woman in the video is wrong I find it telling that the Op would never think to report on the violence muslims are committing because his agenda is PC identity politics.
  6. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    This is 99.9% of all your problems right here, and it would take me hours of typing to explain it all, and I just don't have the time for that so let me drill it all down to this condensed version.

    Nothing your seeing on US television, or right-wing web sites & YouTube channels off of the internet is giving you the other (fair) side of this argument. Hell, if you only type the word "Muslim" into YouTube, the only thing that will come up is videos of maniacs cutting off heads or whack-jobs speaking for hours in the camera making incoherent statements about how America is Great Satan. (these mediums are not skewed?)

    None of that is going to get you from here to there. Listening to one biased side of the conversation or listening to sources that leave everything & anything positive out will leave anybody with an altered view, and a distorted reality of what's really going on.

    Those videos that I provided for you, and all of the things that those imams were saying never to rarely ever gets reported on the MSM, because none of it is sexy or sensational enough.

    Ok cool, but as long as they're not hurting anybody who really cares, I sure as hell wouldn't.

    Then buddy..........you have a bigger problem with Christians than you do Muslims.....

    Take a look:



    Wrong my friend, I don't have a strange kinship with Muslims or Islam regardless of what's going on around the world. It's that I happen to be more informed & educated in this subject both by literature & life experiences. Also I'm not plagued with bigoted, racist attitudes towards these people based on things that the rotten element from their tribe have done.

    I realize that there are far more Muslims on the planet that are genuinely good people at their core, and I choose to focus on this rather than the bad apples.

    I realize that it's impossible to lump 2 billion people together because of what a few million do, are up to, or have done, which is a drop in the bucket when you look at the math.

    I have seen enough of these people in my lifetime to know about the good, where it exist, and how extremely opposite they are from savages that kill for no reason.

    I choose to think for myself, and not follow the masses while they chant "burn them all".
  7. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    What I know Dixon, is what I've learned from living near these people for all of my childhood into my adult life.

    What I know Dixon, is everything I learned through all of my business & personal trips all throughout the Middle East & North Africa.

    What I know Dixon is based from conversations, experiences, and people sitting me down explaining things to me that most are not privy to.

    What I know Dixon..........is that most of these people are good, and that only a small portion from their overall numbers are bad.

    This, is what I know my friend.
  8. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I could see & understand your reasoning given that you live in England where you guys aren't plagued with the sins we have.

    Whenever I travel away from these shore's I am immediately reminded why I love to travel so much, and whenever I come home I am immediately reminded why there is so much tension everywhere.

    This country has now, has had in the past, and sadly always will have a sever problem with racial relations.

    Everything, and I mean "everything" in this country, revolves around race, and it's really shameful & pathetic that at this stage in history we are still dealing with it while the rest of the world (more or less) isn't plagued with the same issues we have.
  9. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I was.....................but I also think it's horrible the way many right-wing groups in Germany that hate these people, and want all of them out of their country "LIED" about thousands upon thousands of women being rapped in the time span that 100 rapes couldn't possibly, physically happen.

    I'm appalled at the lies & distortions from Germans that hate these people enough to stoop to new lows that make them fabricate anything to gain sympathy from the world in order to help push the agenda that they all need to be thrown out.

    I'm appalled when I see malicious, angry mobs burn down potential homes & centers reserved for people who have been brutalized beyond believe by ISIS who are just looking for a safe place to rest their heads.

    So yes it bothers me...............have I answered your question?

    For the authorities to make it painfully clear to these people that women in these countries can do whatever the hell they want, and they have the choice of either leaving, or going to jail should they dare touch any of them.

    Once again....................have I answered your question?
  10. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Fair enough..........

    Please take a look at my post #271, and please watch all of the videos "in their entirety"

    Get back to me, and we'll discuss it like two civilized people.

    The only way this works is if you watch them "in their entirety", their all in English so this should not be a problem, no rush, I'll be patiently waiting.
  11. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    To your point, sadly there are many, many videos & stories of lunatics doing horrible things to human beings. Most of those human beings are Arabs. I'm partially Arab myself so I hate those videos & stories more than you, trust me.

    I've been a member of this forum for quite some time now though, and I have posted dozens & dozens of threads with many stories & videos of Muslims being the victim of Muslim hate crimes.

    How about this, how about neither one of us try to outdo each other with stories & videos of anybody doing any bad things, and just agree that all of it is bad?

    How about we each agree that lashing out against those that are only guilty of being connected by birth or geography to others (that do evil things) is not only not cool, but also not acceptable, not warranted, and only divides everybody further?

    How about that....?
  12. DOconTEX

    DOconTEX Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 24, 2015
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    I have seen the reports in, say, Finland of people burning down refugee centers. This is what happens, however, when the politicians don't listen to the people and try to interject refugees into the domestic population without the consent of the population. Particularly refugees who have shown a propensity to abuse the domestic population.

    The news reports of what happened and continues to happen in European countries in which the politicians have demanded that local populations accept hordes of refugees who have great difficulty culturally assimilating or absolutely refuse to assimilate and show remarkable ingratitude to the host countries for not accommodating MORE to their needs are bad enough. Even though those news reports were censored and hushed by government to keep the populace from fully understanding what went on. I also understand the governments of several of them have not only covered up the magnitude of the attacks, rapes, molestations, but that they have punished their own citizens on charges of "hate crimes" for complaining or demanding that more be done.

    Your statement that governments make it clear to the refugees that their malevolent behavior will not be tolerated is amusing in that the PC atmosphere that bends over backwards to accommodate them means that governments will not do what you say they should. All of which makes the threatened domestic population more angry at the muslims among them.

    All of that means nothing when it is ordinary citizens, including German and Swedish women who are the victims of the refugees who would not have been victims had the refugees not been there. Ordinary citizens, particularly women are paying the price for the elites to feel good about themselves. None of them live where women are molested or threatened. None of them go to the swimming facilities have had to be segregated because of so many instances of women molested by refugee males, sometimes multiple males attacking a single teen age girl.

    If the safety of the domestic population is put at further risk by importation of a population, the subset of which will not assimilate and commits crimes, it is incumbent on government to stop the importation. The government's first duty, like it is here, is to protect the citizens who belong here, not to foreign nationals.
  13. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Now tell me, what Islamic controlled country could an American patriot such as myself go around alone in a city alone dressed in a nice shirt like this:


    ..and not be knocked in the head like the Muslim girl in your thread?
  14. GPlauche31684

    GPlauche31684 Banned

    Mar 4, 2016
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    How about the mainstream media stop covering up the violence muslims are committing against native citizens in Europe?

    How about the political left stop denying that radical islam is a very real threat to western civilization?

    How about people like you stop equating random jackholes like the guy that hit the woman in the video with roughly 10% of a 1 billion strong major world religion who wants to kill anyone who does not agree with them?

    How about the morons in the US who scream about the patriarchy in the US but won't say a damn word about the way women are treated in many muslim countries shut the f--- up?
  15. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    It's humorous how the West is so insecure about Islam. If the West is superior to Islam, then the former has nothing to worry about. But you know it isn't superior, thus your desperation to ban Islam.
  16. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Welcome back Goomba, I sorta missed you... Sorta :)
  17. Zorroaster

    Zorroaster Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I am agnostic as to the question of whether Islam is superior or inferior. It is irrelevant in statecraft terms. Saudi Arabia prohibits all expression of the Christain religion for a quite valid reason: it wishes to preserve the existing character of its society. The same consideration falls within the legitimate provisions of Western nations.
  18. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    You're correct on that although you should add that it is Arabs who are the Arabs worst enemies, and happily chop each other heads all day long.
  19. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    There are Millions of Muslim American's living in the U.S....a Nation with a population over 320 Million people and when you have that many people there are bound to be a few idiots.

    But I would say that the vast majority of American's are very accepting to peaceful people of any religion.

    It's just over the past 15 years American's had to deal with large terrorist attacks which is something American's never had to deal with before.

    But on average...American's are much more accepting to Muslims than Islamist's in the Middle East are to American's.

  20. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I totally understand everything your saying in that post, and I would even go so far as to say that you make some valid points, but there are some slight adjustments that I'd like to make to it just so we can keep things balanced here. Good post by the way.

    Just as you are, I am also fully aware of all of the stories of assaults & rape, and everything else. I'm fully aware of all of the reports about how "allegedly" the police & law enforcement officials "allegedly" told citizens to downplay some of these events or not even report them in other cases.

    I'm fully aware that in certain countries, in certain areas people from Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan snuck into some of these European countries along with Syrians. I'm fully aware of all the mass phony Syrian passports that these other people that I mentioned made in order to sneak in with the Syrians.

    If you didn't know......all of these European countries only opened their doors to Syrians, and of course many others going through hell in their perspective countries (because of ISIS) saw an opportunity, and took it. (can't blame them really)

    Almost all of these people have already been sent back to their countries or kicked out, but of course the MSM doesn't report things like this. Also the MSM doesn't report all of the success stories of how well over 90% of all (true Syrians) are adjusting & doing just fine. They are not the problem in places like Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden, Amsterdam & Finland.

    I've stated this several times in other threads but it bears repeating again here with you, I know of a young man that left Syria several months ago, and landed in Germany at the end of last summer. He's already damn near learned the language, and he's also started his paperwork for a permanent "Blue" card for Germany.

    We talk on the phone regularly, and I ask him all the time if everything we hear about fantastic stories of roves of gangs roaming the streets looking for women to rape or hoards of kids riding the trains harassing & beating people up are all true. He tells me the same things my military friends that live in Germany tell me.....................it's mostly all bull chit.

    So yes, there are problems in these countries, and I don't want to get into a peeing contest regarding how much is true, and how much is fantasy. What I do know is that most Americans (such as yourself) are using these stories to spread them here in an effort to convince everyone how dangerous these people are, and how we should not make the same mistake by letting them in.

    The reason why I went into such lengths of explaining the differences between Syrians & everybody else is because Syrians are the only people that the US was contemplating on letting in, but because these idiots from Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan came into Europe, they ruined it for everybody else.

    You went into great lengths to explain how "the will of the people were infringed upon" citing that as the reason why there is so much angst & pushback. I would submit to you that almost all Germans were on board with Angel Merkal's decision to allow them in. Check out this article:

    Why Germany Welcomes Refugees

    Ordinary Germans have backed the government, turning out to do their bit where the thorough and slow-moving bureaucracy fails to resolve bottlenecks. According to a recent opinion poll commissioned by the TV channel ARD-DeutschlandTrend, 88 percent of Germans have donated clothes or money to refugees or are planning to do so.

    The same poll showed that 38 percent of Germans (a higher percentage in former East Germany) worry there are too many refugees coming in. Yet that doesn't mean some of those people aren't sympathetic or willing to help. Here and there, extreme right activists have set refugee hostels on fire and dark-skinned people have been attacked on the street. But any attempts at open agitation against refugees are meeting resistance.

    On Wednesday, a rally of the far-right NPD party was scheduled for noon in front of the Berlin registration office. Local volunteers warned the refugees to stay on the lawn, and police massed in the vicinity, putting up barriers and keeping riot helmets at the ready. Half an hour after the announced time, it became clear that only a handful of the nationalists would show. Using a loudspeaker mounted on a truck, they shouted insults at "fake refugees," but were drowned out by about 200 anti-Nazi protesters, who screamed "Go away" and chanted: "Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here."

    Read the rest here:

    People here either don't want to bother making the distinction between these groups or don't care to, because (true to American form) it's much easier to just lump all these people together, and color them all bad.

    And "that" my friend is the rub with this entire situation. I could apply everything I just said to every "Muslim" conversation that any of us have ever had or will have. Most people (not everybody) see the brutality & horror from a select few, and they apply it to all.

    That in turn shuts off minds, closes hearts, and destroys any hope of dialog.
  21. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    No, we're plagued with a bunch of political nonentities on the front benches of our Parliament; I can think of a few on the back benches who ought to replace them, then this country might get back on track.
  22. Map4

    Map4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Just thought you might want to know there was an attack in Belgium this morning.

    Reports of people shouting in Arabic...so far reports say 13 dead.

    If this is what it looks like it is...

    You might want to tell your Muslim friends to hurry up with those self defense classes because this won't help their cause.
  23. GPlauche31684

    GPlauche31684 Banned

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I would have done 137 smiley's but it will only let me do eight at a time.

    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  24. GPlauche31684

    GPlauche31684 Banned

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Hey OP, there are 34 dead and counting in Belgium today thanks to radical Islam. How many muslims were killed today be westerners?
  25. El Cid

    El Cid Banned

    Jun 14, 2014
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    No........this is who you ARE:

    A bunch of effeminate guys who let small girls get gang raped by Muslims........

    Hundreds More Muslim Rape Gang Cases Discovered in UK ...


    The Muslim rape gang scandal in Britain just keeps getting worse. Last August, the BBC reported that “at least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual ...

    One Million Child Victims of Muslim Rape Gangs in the U.K ...


    Goddard promised the latest effort would put survivors "at the forefront and the whole center" of her inquiry. She will travel to the UK to meet Secretary May and ...

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