Double Talk/Propaganda

Discussion in 'United States' started by Hell Raiser, Feb 1, 2015.

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  1. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    LIBRAL TEMPER TAMTRUM ENDS. Then the Supreme Court------SHUTS DOWN BOBO'S end run around Congress on NOT DEPORTING ILLEGALS. :clapping: HELL RAISER thinks every once in a while SANITY rules the S.C.. That is what HELL RAISER thinks, you decide for yourselves.
  2. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    VICTORY FOR THE BRITISH! As the former London Mayor said Today is G.B. INDEPENDANCE DAY!!!![/SIZE] Now the LIBERALS in the U.S. are shaking in their boots over this vote. For MILLIONS in the U.S. are feeling the same way as the BRITS on IMMIGRATION, CONTROL OF OUR BOARDERS, PROTECTING THE U.S., AND PROTECTING U.S. CITIZENS 1ST. and many other Conservative idea's. And in HELL RASIERS mind this is putting the LIBERALS in danger of LOSSING the next election. That is what HELL RAISER thinks, you decide for yourselves. :evil:
  3. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well a week ago, the "WORLD WAS COMING TO A END" so said the Gloom and Doom people around the world. The "MARKETS ARE FALLING THE MARKETS ARE FALLING". YEAH, that really happened from the Brixit didn't it? HELL RAISER has been watching the NYSE since last Friday. Yes it went down for (TWO WHOLE DAYS) :) But since then the market has been on the rise. Great Brit. hasn't fallen into RECESSION, the world is still turning. What HELL RAISER calls LIBERALS in G.B. you may call them something different. When they don't get their way they try SCARE TACTICS and then POUT, and then call for LONDON to become a Sovern State. And Scotland to depart from G.B.. Just a lot of sore loosers. The RICH ELITE, and the (so called) EXPERTS, are now stamping their feet, because the voters finally said NO to their leadership. POOR LITTLE RICH AND EXPERTS. :( they got their LITTLE FEELINGS HURT. Well HELL RAISER says GOOD FOR THE VOTER, FOR FINALLY STANDING UP TO THESE FOOLS. God Bless G.B. :) Well that is what HELL RAISER thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  4. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well it happened today. The F.B.I. Director James Comey said that he would NOT request charges against Hillary for the SECRET E-MAILS used on her UNSECURE web. In HELL RAISERS thought------JUST-----WHAT----DID----YOU----EXPECT? BOBO has a history of (PROTECTING) his CRONIES every chance he gets. BOBO PROTECTED former A.G. HOLDER, BOBO PROTECTED the I.R.S. women in that SCANDLE. BOBO PROTECTED Hillary in the BENGHAZI------SCANDLE. Did any of you expect that BOBO would NOT protect HILLARY in this E-mail SCANDLE? The A.G. APPOINTED by BOBO even had a 30 talk a day or so ago with ( Can't keep his pants up) Bill Clinton. HELL RAISER doesn't agree with Trump much, but on this, Trump said "The system is RIGGED". Now this is proven true. Anyone think that F.B.I. Comey would go against the A.G. appointed by BOBO or BOBO himself? Not likely! And the So Called Republicans (ie RINO'S) in Congress don't have the back bone to fight this out. In HELL RAISERS opinion, it is now up to the AMERICAN VOTER to be hood winked again by LIBERALS, or do they GET SMART, and put a REPUBLICAN in the White House. Trump can't be worse than BOBO & HILLARY. Well that is HILL RAISERS opinion, you decide for yourselves.
  5. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well what a morning. Dallas Police Officers Ambushed, several died, several wounded. While PROTECTING a mainly black PROTEST in Dallas. The Police (while under fire) risked their lives to get the PROTESTERS out of the line of fire. At the same time trying to find the shooter. HELL RAISER ask, WHERE ARE THE BLACK LIVES MATTER ----PROTESTERS-------crying about the BLACK LIVES that were put in danger by the SHOOTER? Let alone the P.D. that put their lives on the line to PROTECT the Blacks in the PROTEST. WHERE ARE THEY? It seems to HELL RAISER that to the BLACK LIVES MATTER it only protests when BLACK LIVES ARE LOST FIGHTING POLICE. That is HELL RAISERS OPINION.

    Now something you will not or have not seen on LIBERAL TV. ------on 9-21-15-----in Warclaw Poland there were thousands and thousands of protesters (Against) bringing Muslims to POLAND. ie they are against the Islamization of POLAND. Then on Nov 11 2015 there was a PROTEST in Warsaw POLAND with over 150,000 PROSTERS also AGAINST bringing Muslims to POLAND. The Polish Government seems to be listening to the people of POLAND and slowing if not stopping the INFLUX of Muslims to POLAND. Hungary is also blocking the INFLUX of Muslims in to their nation. In HELL RASISERS opinion there is a rising tide AGAINST bring more and more MUSLIMS to Europe because they do not ASSIMILATE into European Society. HELL RASIER asked do these European know something BOBO doesn't know, or just IGNORS.

    Before H.R. forgets. JUST WHERE IS BOBO ON THE SHOOTING OF MULTIBLE POLICE OFFICERS IN DALLAS? Has ANYONE heard BOBO make ANY comment on this AMBUSH in Dallas? BOBO sure makes off the cuff comments very quickly when a BLACK is shot by any P.D.. HELL RAISER thinks this is another example of BOBO BIAS against all but BLACKS. ie he is a RACIST in HELL RAISERS OPINION. But YOU must decide for yourselves.
  6. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    HELL RAISER asks "did you all see this?" quote; WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence officials have finished reviewing 28 classified pages of the official report on the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States and they show no evidence of Saudi complicity, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Friday.-------- And the White House expects the American voters to believe this. BOBO's White House has a very LONG history of LYING to the American Public. We are just supposed to go along with this statement? HELL RASIER says RELEASE THE 28 PAGES THAT ARE KEEP HIDDEN BY BOBO, so we can see for ourselves. Any one want to make any bets on (IF) these pages will be released? :roll: Well that is what HELL RAISER THINKS, you decide for yourselves.
  7. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well it happens, HELL RAISER is proven WRONG! The 28 pages were released. HELL RAISER surely thought they wouldn't be with out being heavenly (redacted) But there is good news today. Another Baltimore Police Officer was Acquitted in the Freddy Gray case. What is that now 0 and 4 for the Racist Baltimore D.A.? But there is more bad news, 3 more Police Officers were AMBUSHED, in Baton Rouge La. Bye a possible Black Racist. Repeat (POSSIBLE) Racist. The evidence is not in yet, so that is why HELL RAISER says (POSSIBLE). Can you think of the OUT CRY if this was a WHITE shooter, shooting BLACK OFFICERS? Just remember the OUT CRY in the So. Carolina shootings last year. But you don't see much OUT CRY now. Yes there are gatherings against the shootings of these Officers. But you don't SEE RIOTS or see hundreds of people BLOCKING STREETS or Intersections in cities-----DO YOU? Even one of the sisters of one of the Black men shot by Police this year said, "It seems as if NO LIVES MATTER anymore". HELL RAISER has to agree with her, that is what it is starting to look like. Well that is HELL RAISERS opinion, you decide for yourselves.
  8. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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  9. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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  10. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    HELL RAISER :evil: has been lucky today. Here is another site for you to ponder. See if it changes or strengthens your point of view on political candidates in the coming elections. You know how HELL RAISER thinks. You decide for yourselves. :evil:
  11. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well, have you seen what happened today? D.W.S. Debbie Wasserman Schultz went to HELL RAISER :evil: thinks the Fla. Delegation to the Democrat Convention. To talk to them about UNITY in the Democrat Party. And what happened was D.W.S. WAS BOOOOOOOOD OFF THE STAGE! :roflol: By Sanders supporters. These E-Mails that were HACKED and now released show the CORRUPTION in the D.N.C. and how they completely denied Sanders a chance at the Nomination. And now HELL RAISER :evil: hears from a friend, that the NEW MOVIE-----"HILLARY'S AMERICA" just rips apart the Democratic Party for CORRUPTION in its long history. All the LIES, and MONEY gotten ILLEGALY from many sources. Is shown step by step in it's history. HELL RAISER :evil: hasn't seen it yet, but will shortly. So YOU decide for yourselves on these matters.
  12. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Have you all been listening to the LIBERAL MEDIA go CRAZY today over Trump? HELL RAISER :evil: got a very long laugh over it. What it was about was Trump asked the Russians (if) they HACKED the DNC E-Mails, if they found the 30,000 MISSING E-mails from Hillary to release them to the LIBERAL PRESS for they would be rewarded by the PRESS. :roflol: Now Trump DIDN'T ask them to Hack the E-mail server, No not at all. He did ask (if) they had and (if) they did find those E-mails. To release them to the LIBERAL PRESS. Now HELL RAISER :evil: and anyone listening to Trumps comments, knows this is true. But, the LIBERALS & the DNC are WHINNING that Trump "invited the Russians to HACK again these sites. Which he certainly DIDN'T DO. And if you don't believe HELL RAISER :evil: listen to Trumps Comments for yourselves and you will see and hear that H.R.. Is correct. Another item H.R. suggest you check on, is if you watch the LIBERAL MEDIA, ie NPR, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and LIBERAL NEWS PAPERS. You will find that these (SO CALLED) fair news outlets are actually IGNORING the SECOND E-MAIL SCANDLE that Hillary and the DNC are now facing. Even one network, don't remember which one. A reporter was interviewing a group of Berny supporters, and NOT getting support for HILLARY. They then CUT OFF THE REPORTER FROM THE INTERVIEW, to--------wait-----for-----it. To cut to viewing the "BOYS TO MEN" performance in the Convention. NOW that is real coverage of what is happening at the DNC CONVENTION. RIGHT? Don't like what a reporter is getting in NON support for HILLARY, so cut to a stage performance instead. Aren't you LIBERALS proud of YOUR party? Well that is what HELL RAISER :evil: thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  13. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Another LIBERAL FEDERAL COURT strikes down NORTH CAROLINA'S VOTER I.D. LAW. And you all can see these LIBERAL JUDGES don't care WHO votes in elections, GHOST'S, the DEAD, babies, anyone. They are afraid of having to have voters show PROOF of who they are. For then the LIBERALS would LOOSE MILLIONS of votes in elections around the nation. Because FEDERAL JUDGES once appointed are there for LIFE. If they had to stand for Election every so many years. You MIGHT see a different outcome to these rulings. Just like the Supreme Court, they continue to break the Constitution by MAKING NEW LAWS that don't exist and CHANGING WRITTEN LAW to suit there idea's. Which is completely AGENEST THE CONSTITUTION SECTION 8. Yet no one stops them, not LIBERALS or RINO'S. Well that is what HELL RAISER :evil: thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  14. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Have any of you read this online? From the Washington Post Head line "9TH BLACK WOMEN SHOT BY POLICE THIS YEAR" Oh how horrible! The Post Headline makes it sound like that is ALL that the Police around the nation are doing is trying to SHOOT BLACK WOMEN all the time. WELL! here is the whole story by the Post. If you read the whole story, After TEN MINUTES of knocking on the Apt. door trying to serve two WARRENTS ON HER and the Guy inside with her. The Cops finially got a key and when opened the Cops found that she was sitting on the floor with her CHILD in her arms WITH A SHOT GUN IN THE OTHER HAND. The Cops had tried for nearly a hour to talk her out of using the SHOT GUN. The Cops then fired one round and she starting firing several SHOT GUN ROUNDS at the Cops. Finally the Cops shot her and she died. The CHILD she was using as a SHIELD was also hit. This was in HELL RAISERS opinion JUSTIFIED Cop shooting. Please read this story and see if you agree with HELL RASIER or not. YOU DECIDE. :evil:
  15. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    HELL RASIER :evil: knows many of you have already seen or heard of this. But thinks this story should be posted here. Here is another chapter in BOBO (BOWING) and kissing the feet of MUSLIM IRAN again. Federal Law stops the U.S. from dealing with IRAN the TERRORIST STATE. Yet BOBO has now PAYED RANSOM MONEY to IRAN for the release of American's. Here is the story Read and listen to it if you will. And YOU DECIDE FOR YOURSELVES------if BOBO paid RANSOM MONEY to IRAN. You already know what HELL RAISER :evil: thinks.
  16. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    HELL RAISER :evil: found this, H.R. admits, not sure how accurate it is. But if only HALF true THIS IS WHAT LIBERAL DEMOCRATS CALL A GOOD AMERICAN? HELL RAISER has read this and is DISCUSTED with Khan even though his son gave his life for this nation. This MUSLIM in HELL RASIERS opinion is one of them that should be DEPORTED back to Packistan (if that is where he is from. Live there and beat his wife there if that isn't against the law. We don't need him here. But if you will read this and decide for yourselves.
  17. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Have you all heard or read the latest from the LIBERAL MEDIA? Well HELL RAISER :evil: has. In UKRAINE they found a Ledger with Trump Chairman Paul Manafort's name in it with (supposedly) 12+ million cash payments to him for (what) is not stated. But there is no paper trail of how and where these (so called) cash payments were made. The FBI has been notified and is investigating. But with NO EVIDENCE to prove any cash payments were really made. The LIBERAL MEDIA is going CRAZY over this as PROOF BEYOND A DOUT that Manafort is GUILTY. In HELL RAISERS opinion, (IF) proof is found then Manafort should be punished for breaking the law. BUT! In the U.S. you are INOCENT till PROVEN GUILTY. But with the LIBERAL MEDIA, IF YOU ARE CONSERVITIVE ------YOU ARE GUILTY TILL PROVEN INOCENT. Unless you are LIBERAL. That is what HELL RAISER :evil: thinks. YOU decide for yourselves.
  18. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    As HELL RAISER :evil: has been posting for a very long time. BOBO care does not and will not work. Now there is MORE PROOF that it doesn't. Check out this site. Other HEALTH CARE COMPANIES have dropped out before, but this is one of the biggest. A lot of people are going to be out in the cold and it is ALL BOBO's and the LIBERALS fault. Republicans did not vote for this BOON DOGGLE. But you watch BOBO will try to BLAME BUSH or the REPUBLICANS for HIS FAILURE. Well that is what HELL RAISER thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  19. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    HELL RAISER :evil: was right, H.R. new this would come out and it did. The State Dept. today ADMITTED that it paid RANSOM for the Americans held in IRAN. BOBO CAUGHT IN ANOTHER LIE. Check this out. Several of HELL RAISERS friends are very very LIBERAL. And refused to admit that the 400 MILLION was a RANSOM. H.R. is sorry to say they are very RED IN THE FACE NOW. Hopefully they have learned a lesson that you can't trust what BOBO or HILLARY says. Well that is what HELL RAISER thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  20. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    WELL, WELL,WELL, BOBO finally gets his LAZY BUTT down to LOUISIANNA to look at the FLOODING down there. Do you all remember all the GRIEF that BUSH had to put up with because he didn't go right away after KATRINA? And now the LIBERAL PRESS is giving a PASS to BOBO because BOBO was ON HIS VACATION! What a bunch of HORSE HOCKEY! Well that is what HELL RAISER :evil: thinks of this LIBERAL &%#%. And now we find out that when BOBO was pushing BOBO CARE. One of his main idea's was it would help IIRC was called work lock. The FEAR of moving to a better job and LOSSING their Health Insurance. Well NOW it comes out that BOBO CARE ------Didn't do a DARN thing to help out on that. Check this out. Two studies prove that BOBO LIED. And BOBO CARE is costing BILLIONS MORE than BOBO SAID. And the money ROBBED from Meda Care has NOT BEEN RETURNED by BOBO. YEAH! This CLOWN was elected TWICE buy people who FELT GOOD about what BOBO said. The FOOLS didn't check into what BOBO said to see if it would fly. So now we are paying the price for their STUPIDY, and another CLOWN-----HILLARY is trying to continue this *%@#. Well that is what HELL RAISER :evil: THINKS You decide for yourselves.
  21. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    MORE NEWS ON THE ELECTION FRONT. HELL RAISER :evil: knows that many LIBERALS & CONSERVITIVES like the idea of Computer run voting. And H.R. agrees it (sounds) good. But there are fears being put forward that Voting through Computers can be risky. And many on the LEFT want to do away with VOTER I.D. LAWS. But you all may think COMPUTER VOTING is safe. Well read this. In HELL RAISERS opinion, (if) persons can HACK into Election Computers and get names and other info. They surly can HACK in and CHANGE ELECTION RESULTS. Can't they? Well you decide for yourselves. You know what HELL RAISER thinks. :evil:
  22. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    You can't deport US citizens.
  23. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    "QUOTE: You can't deport US citizens. END QUOTE: Oh! he is a U.S. citizen? HELL RAISER :evil: must say sorry, didn't know that. Yes H.R. can make mistakes. :( But the OWNER of that team, can----------------BENCH HIM-----if he loves the Bench so much. Then let him sit on the BENCH all through the game. And any other game he sits though the National Anthem. No not fire him, that would be punishment for his Freedom of speech. Just BENCH HIM, and in time TRADE HIM to some other team ------if they will have that BUMB. Can.t stamp on his RIGHTS, but can BENCH HIM. That is what HELL RASIER :evil: thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  24. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    HELL RAISER :evil: asks if any of you have seen this online? This picture was taken on Hwy 1 just south of a town called Trang Bong/Bang. I drove along that Hwy, and through Trang Bang, many times a long time ago. Napalm is a very Nasty Weapon. But it does the job of flushing out the bad guys. This photo was taken about 18 months after I left country. HELL RAISER has seen interviews with this girl/women in the last couple of years. She has Scars, but is doing very well. Thank God for her. Don't forget that many G.I.'s never made it home in one piece. And many Civilians lost their lives also. Well that is what HELL RASIER thinks, you decide for yourselves.
  25. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    83 Well HELL RASIER :evil: Thinks that you all have read or heard on the Media that Trump started the Birther story. Well this site shows that it was HILLARY in 2007-08 that started that tune. The LIBERAL MEDIA are again trying to through MUD on Trump because ----well just look at what is happening in the run up to November. HILLARY is spending Millions on Advertisements and LOOSING Ground to Trump. And Trump is not spending anywhere near what HILLARY is, and still gaining ground on her. And with HILLARY Collapsing a few days ago. From (PNEUNMONIA)? It doesn't look good for HILLARY. With the LIBERAL MEDIA-----Slanting-----and spreading PROPAGANDA for her 24/7. And still can't get a good lead on TRUMP now. But! That is what HELL RASIER thinks. You must decide for yourselves.
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