9-11 Truthers & Holocaust Deniers

Discussion in '9/11' started by Ronstar, Sep 11, 2016.

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  1. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Thus in part answering OPs question. The overlap of 9/11 Trutherism and Holocaust Denial is partly due to both being rooted in the Alt-right, and partly in attracting people with bad critical thinking skills who watch too many Youtube woo videos.
  2. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    You have no clue who is more qualified than I ... I look for engineering and construction failures everyday ... it's what I do for a living ... finding out what's effed up or not working to try and make sure the end user gets what he paid for ... I look at drawings, load them onto an iPad and then head into the field to see what is actually there (or still there) ... I'm with city and county building officials on a weekly basis asking who signed off on a set of plans ... I have no bias and will throw a government official under the bus without hesitation ...

    don't pretend to know who I am and accuse me of being an OCT defender ... you fail to look at the impossibility of your theory of CD ... get a new hobby Bobby ...
  3. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    I have more than a clue, I have your posts. They tell me your qualifications don't even rise to the level of a first semester student in comparison to the many credible experts who have done the research.

    If that's what you do for a "living" those living in buildings you've looked at are risking their lives in your hands.

    Yeah I can tell by your posts how trigger happy you are.

    I don't pretend, I have no clue who are and never said I did but that you're an OCT defender comes through crystal clear based on your posts.

    You fail to look at the impossibility of the OCT, despite that it's not just unproven but has been proven to be impossible. The CD is not theory, it's the only REALITY left when there's no other explanation that makes sense other than CD. Fires don't cause high rise buildings to be perfectly and fully destroyed in seconds just like a CD, any fool can reach that conclusion with minimal common sense, never mind one who claims to be qualified. There's only one known, PROVEN and indisputable event that can cause a high rise building to collapse globally in seconds just like a CD, it's a CD. Even an earthquake can't do what a CD can do, never mind an office fire. Get a new job Shiner, you're risking the safety of many (assuming that's really your job).
  4. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Exactly how do you think that applies to the demolition of the towers?
  5. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Oh you do? wow! So what does an engineering failure look like on your ipad? :roll:

    koko fills the tub to wash feet and rolls up his pant legs so they stay clean.
  6. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    How do you know he doesn't use colored crayons?
  7. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Let me ask you a question, are you seriously saying you're more qualified than this guy?

    (just the first 45 seconds if the rest of the video bores you)


    Or that you've peer reviewed his research and have the standing to contradict his primary claim?

    How about any of these people?:

    (pick anywhere in the video)


    And for bonus points, who do you believe a normally intelligent person would and should find more credible? Any of the above in the videos or an anonymous internet jockey who alludes he's more qualified than they are?
  8. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Leroy Hulsey is being funded by Richard Gage's fraudulent nonprofit, ae911truth.org. This thread is a treasure trove of information:


    I suspect the people in the other video have been similarly entangled/scammed by truther personalities, but I don't have time right now to research each one. Maybe later.
  9. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    And NIST was funded by the fraudulent US government. You'll never catch the US government funding Leroy Hulsey so someone had to do it, thanks to Gage and people like him. So the question is, why would anyone trust a known pathological lying entity filled with politicians (whose number #1 tool is .... LYING)? You believe all these people are in on a fraud to deceive you about the government lying about 9/11? Cool, I'm ok with that. There are millions just like you. The rest of us know the US government is scamming us big time, all the time, on every level and 9/11 was far from an exception.


    Good observation, most of the threads in this section are, including this one:


    Sure be my guest, knock yourself out, I'm personally so convinced.
  10. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Use my posts against me then ... tell me what I don't know about mechanical and structural engineering ... I certainly know a lot more than you ... what is it that you do by the way? ... I mean other than being a brainwashed,anti-government crusader ...

    No, they were risking their lives with developers, contractors and government officials ... that's why independent engineers are needed before turning over a building ... you obviously know nothing about engineering consulting firms ...

    whatever ...

    I'm a realist Bob ... you're a tinfoil hat connoisseur based on your posts ...

    The OCT has not been proven to be impossible ... when you can even fathom a scenario that these building somehow got rigged for CD, I might take you seriously ...
  11. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    since you are on the subject of water ... how about a roof fire pump test on the 64th floor blowing out a 6 inch 90 on the 17th floor destroying 18 apartments and 3 elevators with 30,000 gallons of rusty water? ... you want to know what the problem was? ...
  12. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    The "fraudulent US government"?

    Put your tinfoil hat down for a moment and remember what you learned in civics class, not from Alex Jones Inforwars:

    Governments are made of many quasi-independent departments that act as checks and balances to each other. Yes, corruption happens, and there are investigative tools in place to check this. These tools work reasonably well, most of the time. It is very unlikely a small group of conspirators behind the worst terrorist attack on US soil would be able to remain secret with no evidence leaking out in going on 15+ years. The most you have is GW using the attacks as a pretext for war. But antiwar activists were already saying that. The conspiracy idea GW was behind the attacks is completely unnecessary to explain his misguided foreign policy.

    However this conspiracy idea is necessary to rally and organize the militant alt-right. You are a pawn in a propaganda marketing scam to mainstream radical racist conspiracies as "just asking questions". I would say it was a sophisticated scam, but your posts imply you're pretty naive about how these things work.

    Well, there are lots of us. But I'm not sure there are millions of people who pay too much attention to conspiracy culture. As far as AETruth being in on a fraud, try to think carefully: Richard Gage is certainly a conman. AETruth operates like a fraud in that it acts to fund Gage's lifestyle, when it's supposed to be a non-profit. Whether every person involved is also a conman, is unknown. Certainly the organization has been caught in shady activities: like funding the 911blogger website, which claims to get no organizational funding. The owners of that website know they're lying about that, but they may be fools. Or they may be delusional fanatics who think any deception is justified to fight the New Word Order.

    This is a pure irrational conspiracy world view. The gubmint is not scamming you "big time, all the time". What does that even mean? Every media story is "faked"? You explanation for hitting a string of red traffic lights? "Chemtrails" in the sky? Fluoride in the water? Vaccines cause autism? And 9/11 is "part of a pattern"? Do you see how ridiculously paranoid that sounds?
  13. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Right, stay under your rock where it's comfortable for you and I'll keep my "tinfoil hat" on, it is what you were fed, right? All these ready made quips for the gullible. Talk about uneducated, sleep tight.
  14. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Yeah that's it, I'm a "brainwashed,anti-government crusader". It couldn't possibly be that the US government LIED about 9/11, despite the overwhelming evidence. So don't you worry about me, it's all "tin foil" hat, same as the other indoctrinated one.

    Yeah I can tell.

    Exactly, it's "tin foil" card time.

    Not for you of course, my bad, what was I thinking? 3 buildings can all collapse just like a CD all on the same day from fire, it happens all the time. And you're such an expert, it's what you see every day. I'm not an expert so I don't get to see these daily events.

    No worries, it's all "tin foil", they taught you that, didn't they?
  15. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    So you didn't read the rest of the comment, which was pretty low-quippy as these things go?

    and remember what you learned in civics class, not from Alex Jones Inforwars:

    Governments are made of many quasi-independent departments that act as checks and balances to each other. Yes, corruption happens, and there are investigative tools in place to check this. These tools work reasonably well, most of the time. It is very unlikely a small group of conspirators behind the worst terrorist attack on US soil would be able to remain secret with no evidence leaking out in going on 15+ years. The most you have is GW using the attacks as a pretext for war. But antiwar activists were already saying that. The conspiracy idea GW was behind the attacks is completely unnecessary to explain his misguided foreign policy.

    However this conspiracy idea is necessary to rally and organize the militant alt-right. You are a pawn in a propaganda marketing scam to mainstream radical racist conspiracies as "just asking questions". I would say it was a sophisticated scam, but your posts imply you're pretty naive about how these things work.

  16. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Sorry but I've heard it all before, you posted nothing new, including this "alt-right" BS you keep promoting. All the US government (or key elements of it) need to do is nothing and/or cover it up to be complicit in 9/11. So whether they were fully involved or not, they were still criminally complicit.
  17. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Let me help you anyway:

    Governments are made of many quasi-independent departments that act as checks and balances to each other. Yes, corruption happens, and there are investigative tools in place to check this. These tools work reasonably well, most of the time. It is very unlikely a small group of conspirators behind the worst terrorist attack on US soil would be able to remain secret with no evidence leaking out in going on 15+ years. The most you have is GW using the attacks as a pretext for war. But antiwar activists were already saying that. The conspiracy idea GW was behind the attacks is completely unnecessary to explain his misguided foreign policy.

    However this conspiracy idea is necessary to rally and organize the militant alt-right. You are a pawn in a propaganda marketing scam to mainstream radical racist conspiracies as "just asking questions".
  18. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    It's more like you're trying to help yourself with your repetitive BS. If you're convinced I'm ok with that. If you think you can convince me with your gullible indoctrinated ****, you would be delusional. I'm probably 3 times your age, maybe much more (at least physically, mentally you sound like a grade school child). So I've been around the block more times than I can count.

    And are you one of those tools? I hate to clue you but these "tools" are only for tools like yourself. The fox watching the hen house works real well, for the fox. You forgot to add "wacko" and "tin foil hat" to your tool set.
  19. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Whew! Okaaay!

    *shimmy shimmy shimmy*

    You appear to be really upset. What do you expect to accomplished here? Did someone tell you battling debunkers on the Internet was an effective method to convince people there was a 9/11 conspiracy? It's great you're okay with people like me not believing in 9/11 "truth", but then what would your goals be since you do?

    If I believed there was a government conspiracy to murder 3,000 people and I believed they had actually been successful, I wouldn't be wasting time posting on the Internet. I'd be trying to organize with people to pressure Congress to investigate. If I really believed all Government was corrupted beyond salvation, or at least the one responsible for 9/11(USA), I would never step foot in the US and I certainly wouldn't call attention to myself by posting on Internet forums with US servers where said Government could track me. These are the same people who allegedly murdered 3,000 citizens.

    This is one of the many reasons conspiracy world views don't add up. If its really that gawd awful terrible out there, why are you on a forum pushing information that is a "danger" to " the powers that be"? If it really was that bad, there would be no 9/11 conspiracy forums on US servers, and any on European servers would be blocked by Google. We know how this works; it's what the Chinese government does to censor its citizens.
  20. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    With you? Absolutely nothing.

    Nonsense, I don't "battle debunkers" if that's what you think I'm doing, I'm just posting my opinions for my own personal reasons.

    At least you're willing to admit you're not interested in the truth about 9/11, I knew that anyway.

    It's self-explanatory, you don't even read what you write.

    I'm not interested in your personal what if scenarios, they are irrelevant to me.

    The rest is not worth addressing.
  21. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Interesting. If you're not trying to convince people who don't believe there was a 9/11 attack conspiracy, who are you trying to convince?

    You repeatedly engage with people who don't buy and actively debunk conspiracy theories. Obviously you do engage with debunkers. If you consider the public forum a private place for truthers to socialize, that could explain your frustration.

    What I actually wrote was 'not believing in 9/11 "truth" '. The quotes indicate a reference to the conspiracy theory of 9/11 truth, not any documented facts. Why do you habitually misrepresent what people say? It's not the first time you've done this when you're upset.

    It's self explanatory what your goals would be? But you just said you were interested in "absolutely nothing". Maybe you don't read what you write...

    Those aren't my "what if scenarios". Those are your for realz, legit, you claim to believe scenarios. I'm just trying to put myself in your shoes. And if I was in your shoes, I wouldn't be wasting time arguing with peeps on the Internet if I thought my govn't murdered 3,000 people. (!)

    Let me repost it anyway:

    This is one of the many reasons conspiracy world views don't add up. If its really that gawd awful terrible out there, why are you on a forum pushing information that is a "danger" to " the powers that be"? If it really was that bad, there would be no 9/11 conspiracy forums on US servers, and any on European servers would be blocked by Google. We know how this works; it's what the Chinese government does to censor its citizens.

    If could be really helpful in understanding your wold view to explain some of these contradictions.
  22. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    No one, it's not my job. I post the facts and my opinions in order to discuss these issues with those who are really interested in 9/11. That way I get to learn what others know that I may not be aware of. It's called education (you know, an exchange of information - maybe you don't know). Many of us want to learn the truth about 9/11, we don't need to keep hearing a regurgitation of the 9/11 fairy tales the US government and its puppet media feeds us daily.

    I repeatedly engage with people, period, as I see fit and you're starting to not fit.

    Who told you I expected that? Try not to invent things about me.

    It is exactly what you said it is, that's pretty sad. The OCT is a conspiracy theory you defend, not fact. I understand it's fact to you but that's your problem.

    The rest is becoming a waste of time for me. I'd much rather discuss 9/11 than you or I, especially you.
  23. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    which of course dodges the fact the oct has not been proven to be possible.

    you have not shown me anything outside rhetoric, why would any one believe you even know how to use a calculator?

    Engineers do not accept hypothesis as fact, you do, conclusion you are not an engineer.

    NIST's own fea proved their 'collapse' theory is false on its face. Engineers see this. Why dont you?
  24. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    nobody knows what caused the collapses ... nobody witnessed the failures (or CD sequence) ... the collapse initiation of 1 and 2 is pretty damning evidence or the "OCT" ... seeing that it started at the impact points ... coincidence? ...

    I have tried to show that the as built drawings are not what they seem to be as evidenced by experience ... nobody knows what corners were cut in the
    construction of these buildings ... have you ever heard the term "value engineering" ???

    I have presented you with an example of a building failure and you did not respond ...

    don't tell me I'm not an engineer ... tell me what you do for a living ... step up to the plate ...
  25. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Well you finally agree that NIST is wrong then? They claim they know of course and this is the first time I've read that you disagree. So then if fire didn't cause the collapse, what are the other possibilities? Which of them do you believe is the most likely Mr. Engineer?

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