What is the end game for race realist?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Thanos36, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Because banks refuse to give black people loans, and foreigners with no credit of any sort can just waltz in and get loans. They get loans before blacks OR whites get them. So think about that. You can say that blacks have bad credit, but that all goes away when banks went ahead and got involved in subprime mortgages, or when we have a country more than 15 trillion dollars in debt. America does not value fiscal conservatism in any way, nor does it value responsible spending. It just arbitarily want to limit economic progress of black people. Trust me, there are plenty of black people who would would prefer to run those businesses, but can't because heavy government regulations, and the state making it virtually impossible for businesses to get off the ground.

    And let's be real, if drugs were legal, blacks would be among the richest. But since it's an illegal trade, they're not. Since the government has decided that economic censorship was the route they want to take, then black people who deal drugs are automatically criminals. Black people are superb drug dealers by the way. And it's not wrong to sell drugs if people really want to kill themselves.

    But you don't understand economics, so you don't understand how the system has always been manipulated to work against black people.
  2. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Black people and white people have NEVER and I mean NEVER competed in a pure free market economy. It has always been a system that historically given whites the advantage. Whites have always benefited from state coerecion in the market. Slavery was clearly a function of the state, as was Jim Crow, and is minimum wage, as is affirmative action. And then you want to pat yourselves on the back as if you accomplished something, when you never really had to compete. But that's about to end. The world will become a libertarian society, and your time is up. We live in a world of crytocurrencies, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and that is going to level the playing field. Soon it will come down to surivival of the fittest. No more big government and central banks protecting the weak. Only the strong will survive. And black people are the strongest right now. You've just been able to keep the beast in the cage, but that cage is not going to hold the beast.

    There are white people in this world who are winners, as are asians, and any other race. But they get it. They understand the free market, and it's power. There is one thing stronger than black people, white people, asians, and anyone else. And that's the market. you can't beat the market, the market is unbeatable. You can kind of tame it, but you only can tame it for so long. Hence the collapse in central banking. Technology is going to turn race realism flat on it's head. And your time is up.
  3. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    I don't understand economics, that's a good one. I've owned and operated multiple business, most of them successful. Koreans get loans but not from banks, from friends and family. Black spend their money on straightening their hair and fancy sneekers. Y'all could learn by watching the Koreans. When drugs become legal White will dominate the market. Take a look at Colorado.
  4. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    It's not a completely free market for drugs yet. And it probably won't be. As long as the government is involved, it will not be fair. And yes you can run a successful business and NOT understand economics. Understanding economics does not automatically mean you're great at running a business. Since it's more of a bird's eyes view of how the market works. I have an uncle who couldn't tell you first thing about economics but runs a very successful electrical business.
  5. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    So how did you achieve your great insight into the inner workings of economics
  6. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    An after thought, the illegal drug trade is about as close to a free market as you are likely to see.
  7. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    It's not hard to understand something you take an interest in. That goes for anything in life. That is what race realist largely underestimate. But my path to libertarianism automatically lead me to understand economics more. Plus before I was a libertarian, I was a socialist, and moved to libertarianism once I found out the weaknesses of a socialist economy. I'm also into cryptocurrencies, and that kind of automatically makes you more aware of monetary policies and central banking.
  8. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    "Social justice" is racism against whites for the benefit of non-whites. That is morally no better than the racism that you believe whites practice to keep themselves "privileged". I have no doubt that the majority of blacks will continue voting Democrat and championing progressive causes because that is the ideology that gains them the most benefits that somebody else pays for. I will continue to fight against this, and I hope more and more whites abandon the Democratic Party and see how it is party that is at war with them and their interests.
  9. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    Yeah, I became a professional golfer by watchin' the Golf Channel and reading a couple of books.
  10. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    I didn't say I was a professional economist. I just said I understood economics, and I follow economics. You don't have to have a doctorates and economics to understand that the deck has been stacked against blacks economically. And the government has manipulated the economy to benefit whites pretty much at any point in history. It's just common sense. When blacks were out competing whites for labor jobs in the North. Whites got upset and had the government pass a minimum wage and set up limits. When black people were successfully competing against white businesses in the South, they inacted Jim Crow. When blacks started to create it's own economic base and business district in Tulsa, white government came and tore it down. When the black middle class was rising, the government came and put drugs in the community.

    So yeah, you don't need to be an economic expert to see that we haven't been competing on the same playing field. And for every single dirty trick that whites tried to pull via the government, black people are still catching up. Like I said before you can't tame the beast.
  11. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    Chinese, Vietnamese, Koreans even Mexicans don't seem to have the problems.
  12. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Oh yeah, and it's NOT just black people whites have screwed over economically. They've also screwed over native Americans economically many times throughout history. Cronyism is a huge problem. There are some white who believe in race realism who ACTUALLY believe that whites are just better. But most of them know the truth, that you can't accomplish anything on your own.

    And let me just point out, I am not against white people. But against white people who think that you don't need to compete in the market, because their genes have already selected them to win? no I can't stand these people. These people who ignore history and who pretend that we actually had a free market for all these years. Or pretend that they haven't abused government power to benefit themselves.
  13. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Chinese and Koreans mostly come here as students, generally with student visas and the first thing do is get involved in some STEM program. They rarely if ever had to climb their way out of poverty. Mexicans are about where blacks are economically, and they can only even compete because they're NOT citizens. Vietnamese are mostly refugees and also join gangs and get involved in drugs. Majority of asian gangs like ABZ are Vietnamese.

    Poor asians are involved in the underworld and are generally undocumented and illegal. Illegal immigration from China continues to rise, and if you go to NYC it's pretty evident. And no these chinese are not excelling in any meaningful way.
  14. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    You need to get out more. Most of the Mexicans living in the U.S. are citizens. We haven't had Vietnamese refugees for about 40 years. There are whole districts in Houston and other cites that are completely Chinese, Vietnamese, Mexican with 90% or more of the business owned and operated by them. Only the Blacks can't seem to pull of a self-sustaining economy. You go to a Black neighborhood and their are very few Black owned business.
  15. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Clearly you don't understand that the only economic leverage mexicans would have over blacks is that they're undocumented and can work for way less money as a result. And with that said, there are a ton of vietnamese gangs all over California, Atlanta, NYC, and other cities in the USA. Why? Because even if they themselves were refugees there parents were. And majority of them were poor and never really escaped poverty. When you talk about Asians, most race realist are talking about students who come here basically AT middle and upper middle class level. They're not talking about poor Hmong or Vietnamese people, who actually never really escape poverty. And most Mexicans are poor too, but the less poor ones can generally pass and call themselves white. So that's one of those things that really hard to properly evaluate anyway.
  16. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    When the Vietnamese refugees came to South Texas they didn't have a pot to (*)(*)(*)(*) in or a window to throw it out of. At first the pigeon and stray cat and dog populations went down until they figured out the welfare thing. Forty years later they are business owners and their kids are the validictorians and salutatorians.

    Same for the Mexicans. When I was growing up my town was about 70% White and 30% Mexican. Now it is 70% Mexican 30% White (they call us Anglos). Most of the doctors and lawyers are Mexican. Most of the business are owned by Mexicans.
  17. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    There are a lot more vietnamese in California (where I use to live) and Atlanta (where I also use to live). I know some very successful vietnamese people, so I don't want to even make it seem like they're losing. But there are certainly Vietnamese ghettos all over America, and the same goes for Mexicans. I mean if you want to use subjective experiences, I know very successful black people. My mother, while she in poverty when she raised me, actually became an accountant, by working her way up and starting her own business consulting. My uncle runs a very successful electrical business, and travels all over the country for his clients. He was once in prison for armed robbery, but seems to have worked his way out of his rut. And since I guess I'm in the upper middle class, most black people I know make about the same amount I do if not more. I know a lot of successful black consultants in the tech industry who travel around the country.

    I mean you're sitting here as if black success is this elusive and rare thing, and everyone else is successful but black people. But that's definitely not true. Not every black neighborhood is a slum. I know black neighborhoods in California that are gorgeous with million dollar homes.

    And you tell me I should get out? I've spent at least the last 5 years consulting and traveling. Working with different business on technical solutions, and instilling best practices. I see people of all different races when I go to a client's location, with white and blacks being the minority. Tech shops are loaded with Asians, and I actually don't mind that, they're usually very cool people. Which is also annoying because race realist keep trying to pit races and communities against each other, when the reality is if united by common interest, people more or less get along. I see it in corporate America all the time.
  18. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    So you are saying Black can be successful if they work hard. I agree. Most Black are content to sit on their ass.
  19. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    If African Americans are born with an IQ score of 94 on average, their poor academic achievement later in their lives may be attributed to bad schooling or bad parenting. The Russian average IQ is 96 and we are not that different from each other. It's also wrong for Hispanics to be given ethnic preferences in college admissions just because they have an IQ of 89 on the Lynn-Vanhanen scale where white Americans equal 100. The IQ gap could be a language or cultural issue and over 30% of Hispanics are racially white.
  20. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    If frogs had tails they wouldn't bump their donkey when they hop. Black Americans have an average I.Q. of 85. which explains most if not all that is wrong with Black America. Both Blacks and Mexicans receive preferences in school admissions.
  21. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    No adult IQ test in the US has put the average black IQ at 94, but around 85.
  22. Taxonomy26

    Taxonomy26 Banned

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I'm a 'Race Realist'..
    Also called 'Evolutionist'.
    It's simply that because of PC politics, and a history of Racist abuse in the early-mid 20th C, discussing differences ONLY among human groups/Races/subspecies is Taboo.
    That's it.
    Do you object to taxonomic separation of Gorilla or Chimp Species and subspecies? (Each has both)
    Should we do away with Genetic study.... only in humans?

    One doesn't have to do anything about it.
    Like all science pursuits it's a way of explaining the state of the Universe or Humanity.
    And it works quite well.
    Using it, we can see why the country and continents are they way they are. Is that not useful?
    Should we fabricate other reasons, rationalize, or Lie about it?

    What should we "do about" the expanding universe?
    Should we not have inquired/found out?
    Should we stop all science pursuits that don't have solutions?

    This one just gets people angry. There is NO more sensitive social issue than pointing out the simple truth that groups evolved geographically apart for Thousands/Tens of Thousands or years, aren't all identical in physical appearance or mental ability.
    Speak to Darwin.

    Posts like yours are simply baiting for/intimating Eugenics or Genocide answers as a way of Stifling this very relevant and interesting area.
    You've lost/concede the debate outcome, and now want to question/quash us talking about it any more.

    Oh, and feel freed to Chime in on some of it's use:
    It ran for 7 weeks and 700 posts.
  23. Taxonomy26

    Taxonomy26 Banned

    Jan 24, 2016
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    We're waiting with Baited breath to heart your
    "..guarantee strategy to make sure that blacks, and other minorities will Continue to out compete whites in the foreseeable future.

    1. They cannot "continue" to out compete (LOFL) because they Haven't out-competed. This is Deluded.
    2. Blacks haven't "innovated" anything except in music. (Jazz and Michael Jordan). And the only way they will in Tech/etc is when Intermarriage or Genetic manipulation of the brain enables their IQ to catch up.
    3. Little noticed a few days ago, a Jewish doctor died at 96.
    Fairly obscure Henry Heimlich did more for humanity than any black man who ever lived. Race Realism.

    Only AA/Holistic admissions allows 5% of Blacks to get into good/elite schools.
    Otherwise, as at meritocracy Caltech, it would be app 1%.
    "Out competes"?

    1/3 of Black Males have been in the Penal system
    American 'Blacks' commit Violent Crime at 5-8 times the White rate... in America/Inner cities, AND in Africa/Caribbean. (and London).
    72% of Black Babies are born out of wedlock.
    One in 5 American Blacks have IQ's of 75 or less. 85 is their average IQ, 70 in Non-mixed sub-Sahara.
    This is evidence of/guarantees what we see here and in sub-Sahara. An ungovernable rabble in the latter.

    Nothing on my above post either.
    You claim to be "married to Logic" but your posts are downright Goofy.
    Saying 'Blacks would be rich if drugs were legal'! WTF!
    It's Racist and it's certainly not true. They only do well in the illicit because smarter people understand what 'jail' means.
  24. Crcata

    Crcata Banned

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Perhaps its to force factual information down liberal anti white racist throats to the point that America finally sees that white people are not the enemy, and that the portion of the black community and liberal community that continuously spouts anti white rhetoric while making excuses for blatant actual racism from the black community finally die out. To show that there is no systematic racism and that there is factual, statistical reasons why blacks are over represented in certain areas.

    And I am sure that there is a portion of white people who actually find themselves superior. They are just as trash as any liberal.
  25. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    I wonder what percentage of the roughly 7 billion folks on Earth are "White". I wonder what percentage of Earth's achievments were by White folks, ya know like electricity, airplanes, space flight, computers, internet, etc.? I know Blacks invented the flush toilet and the stop light. Orientals invented the abacus.

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