Why racism matters.

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Brett Nortje, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Look, guys, i come from the most racist country on earth, south africa, and we had a terrible time for racism during apartheid. this was a time of divisions between where people could sit on a bench, to be honest, i didn't really see the mess as i was too young. but, there were divisions in our country along race lines.

    So, why does racism matter? racism does not matter, unless it is acted upon. if you were to look at a office, some people will not like the boss, this does not matter as long as work is going on, of course, as personal likes - let's say the boss is fat, and they do not like fat people? - do not matter with the family unit or with places of gathering.

    If the people that obsesses about this cast the first stone - white people - then it all falls apart. since when do you hear of a black person calling a white person a racist? it is white people calling other white people racists, going so far as to reject them and put a lot of effort into their own personal image of being a 'great person.'

    As far as i am concerned, a 'great person' does not try to destabilize the others of their race by saying they are better than them because of this or that. if you ask a 'racist' if they will like to be 'racist,' they will ask why, if you ask a 'non racist' to be racist, they will destroy you! that is a fact.

    So, why does it matter so much? how many racist attacks go on today? it is all these people that it matters so much to, well, what are they so stiff about, what is so important about racism that it needs to be 'chased?' as far as i can tell, it is those chasing the 'racists' that infers so much pressure onto those peers of theirs that they all agree that none of them are racists and then pressurize each other into total denial of racism.

    ~ Please remember that all racists are usually white people, yes? this is because of the term sounding like "rapist," if you ask me...

    So, the right way to do it is to "forget about it." this would mean that you simply ignore all racism and do not pressurize yourself into liking someone that you do not naturally like. this is like marrying some big, fat, ugly, smelly, old man because you want to make yur parents feel more comfortable with you, yes?
  2. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    I read a story which took place in one of South Africa's largest cities. After apartheid, the blacks moved into the business/financial district and commandeered office buildings. They didn't understand what elevators were and thought they were lavatories - when they filled it up, they went to the next floor to use the elevator shaft as their toilet. It would take years for the squatters to fill up an elevator shaft and move on. After doing so, they'd steal some other building.

    How are blacks flourishing since the abolishment of apartheid? Do whites live in gated communities? How do you think South Africa will be a few decades from now?
  3. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    I'd like to know why it's called oppressive for whites to not let blacks migrate into their cities from the bush.

    Especially considering many South African blacks are ultimately Bantus that migrated into the area from NW Africa themselves, why do they have a right to move into a white homestead?

    Muslims invaded and colonized the Holy Land and nearby environs in the 600s yet nobody tells them they bear a guilt over their invasion and are obliged to open their borders to the backward tribesmen around them.

    What gives?
  4. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    They never had a right to those things to begin with. They were backward (*)(*)(*)(*)s in the bush from the start. White people didn't make them that way, and white people certainly are not obligated to lift them up.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Have you met EgalitarianJay?
  5. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Racism is not silent and racists are prone to make racist statements in public to offend others. I once had a racist English teacher who was half Aboriginal or Melanesian. Despite that, she often made racist remarks in class and she got fired because I reported the problem to the headmistress on other students' behalf. She said that her boyfriend was an IT guy from South Africa and she may have been repeating what he said.
  6. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    I disagree with you that racism is not silent, and that a racist is bound to, sooner or later, open his mouth and spew out some bigotry. I find this to be the understanding of most White people who have a very narrow understanding of the true nature of racism. They are uncomfortable understanding the real dynamics behind racism and fail to comprehend institutional racism. Racism is learned behavior that a person inherits from society's attitude and treatment of minorities. Many White people, well intentioned and otherwise good people, exhibit racist tendencies. They try to dismiss the impact of racism and its power by arguing that a racist is basically someone in a white hood burning a cross and lynching a black person. They have mythologized racism for the purpose of maintaining the White ruling class and the system which keeps White people in power and keeps racial minorities down and weak politically and economically.
  7. monkrules

    monkrules Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2016
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    Why did you have to bring trump into it?
  8. Eyeswideopen1989

    Eyeswideopen1989 Banned

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Your post is inherently racist. Such hypocrisy from those who wish to point out racism in others where it does not exist.
  9. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Anyone wanting to comprehend racism and bigotry need only look at leftist hatred inside the United States of America of all things White and Christian in nature. The vast majority of U.S. leftists routinely generate the impression of being inherent bigots and racists.
  10. monkrules

    monkrules Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2016
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    I don’t understand how this country became so divided. Maybe our lives have become so easy that we no longer appreciate this great country and the opportunities it affords us.

    But, I’ve lived in several different southwestern states and many cities within them. And after meeting loads of people, mostly republicans, I’ve decided there’s not a dime’s worth of real difference between lefties and righties. And the racism is alive and well in people of either camp.

    Throwing insults at one another in senseless since people on both sides are equally racist and hateful. Get out in the rural areas and you’ll meet some of the most racist right wingers you’d ever want to find, anywhere. Just awful people. But, there are also some really great right wingers. So, accusing one particular group of being racist really doesn’t hold water. It’s a wish, not a fact. Every group has good qualities along with many flaws.
  11. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    This actually happens in every society. In the rich Gulf states, Asian maids are treated like household slaves and Korean minorities were slave labourers in Imperial Japan. You have a minority problem, if you have a minority population in your country and the majority people are always discriminatory to some extent. Instead, we need to focus on the extremist types in our midst who vocally promote racism or racist policies.

  12. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    I don't recognize any "right-left" dichotomy. Racism is basically a problem of White people in America. Racism by definition means only those people can be racist who have the power to inflict harm on people of other races. White people are the racists; there are no non-White racists in America. Certainly, there are many White people who are not racist and who are working to uplift minority communities; but those people tend to be on what you call the "left", or at least centrist, moderate and liberal. The right-wing is racist through and through.
  13. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Unfortunately, non-whites are uplifted in white society to the detriment of whites.
  14. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Forget about it, excellent advice. Hard to take sometimes. I need to practice that.
  15. Drago

    Drago Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2008
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    Wow, just wow. You are so ignorant.
  16. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    Nazi and Racist are two right wing. I thinks Racist are bigger capability than Nazi in America.

    In Nazi Germany was Hitler how rise Nazism and then the wars begun.
  17. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    It always about what someone does. If you hate someone, you are not going to give them jobs, give them a fair trail or want to help them in any way. If you think a black person is lazy, stupid and violent, then it makes it easier to discriminate against them.
  18. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    I grew up in a racist South. I understand what racism is, what it looks like, how people talk who are the racists, and how it was institutionalized. I also understand racism comes from human nature, for we evolved as tribal groups. My group, which might find itself in competition with another group, fighting for resources, which means fighting to survival. The American Indians, were racists in that some of the tribes considered themselves as human beings while some other tribe were not human beings. So racism starts as distinguishing your tribe from the other tribe. And your tribe is better, superior. If the other tribe looks different it just reinforces the perception of being different, when added to how they are different because of culture.

    What you are missing is that while racism is about race, white, black, yellow, red, this same mental state seen in racism is the same mental state seen in political tribes, like the left vs the right. What you see coming from the left these days, in their hatred, the way they depict and define anyone not of their tribe is not different from the feelings, emotions, attitudes you see in racism. It is the same MOVEMENT of consciousness. We just see political tribalism as ok, even good, while racism is bad. But it shares a tremendous commonality. For at its root, it is the same thing, for the same thing drives both.

    With all of this said, having lived a part of my life where I saw racism, heard it, all across the south, it is reduced exponentially, as the older generations died out. The biggest problem today is if you do as MLK said and judge people by their hearts and character, and they happen to be darker in skin tone, you are considered racist, when skin tone had nothing to do with it. But the left will not make that distinction. They have dropped the bar on racism so low, and expanded their nets to create racism when in fact it does not exist in the numbers they desire. I think this is what you are doing.

    Racism,, tribalism, whether cultural or socio/ideological/political are all ONE. It has the same mentality at its core, and it is a product of human nature. The only way it vanishes is for human nature to change drastically by evolution. For it arose in some form in every culture to have ever existed. And it is so ironic that the people who are so concerned with racism, are guilty of what drives it, but they just exchange racism for tribalism, for one is unacceptable to them, but the other is acceptable, and they use the similar means to justify their hateful ideological, political tribalism, as the racists did in my youth. A very inconvenient fact.
  19. BlackHogGranolaBrown

    BlackHogGranolaBrown Banned

    Feb 20, 2017
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    A prejudiced, or racist insult is hardly different from any other kind of insult.

    Calling someone ugly, fat, short, big nose, big mouth, a jerk etc. all can hurt, and may, or may not be based on observation, the same holds true for an racist insult, which can hurt, and may, or may not be based on an observation.

    The thing is people have been brainwashed into thinking ONLY racial, or prejudiced insults matter, because they think there's a historical problem with "Racists"

    But, here's the thing, most of the historical problems with so called "Racists" were in fact overwhelmingly greed motivated.
  20. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    I don't really buy your argument that political affiliations such as right or left have taken on tribalistic tendencies. Biologically we are protective of our families, but you cannot compare race, which is basically populations of people closely related genetically, to something like political ideology. There can be and often is differences of politics within a family itself. And the "left" as well as the "right" are quite diverse and in fact very fluid descriptions. It seems you have a problem with the left. I myself tend to be conservative politically and socially, though in America I disassociate from the conservatives because the conservatives in America are working to protect the White ruling class while I happen to belong to a racial minority. Thus while I agree with conservative ideology generally I don't align myself with the conservatives of my own locality because of the racial factor. This alone should demonstrate to you how race is a stronger component than political ideology. And this explains why minorities are predominantly voting for political parties on the left. Does it mean all non-White people are inherently "leftist". Of course not, but it proves that minorities know that their priorities and interests are best protected by the left.

    And like I said, the left is not homogenous. They differ on a range of issues, as does the right. This binary division of American society into left and right, democrat and republican is just too simplistic. Now of course there are issues which both the mainstream left and right are united upon which dissent from is simply taboo. This is why the "Alt-Right" with its advocacy for white nationalism is just as scandalous to the mainstream conservatives as it is to the left. But apart from that fringe group, there is a healthy room for dissent on virtually any major issue that is tolerated. I simply don't see what you claim to be a persecution complex that White conservatives are allegedly suffering at the hands of the left. But if this "persecution" in the sense of social ostracism is as a result of their racist views, then it is most definitely justified and a good thing.
  21. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I have some questions:

    1) Why do some of you think "racism" is bad? What is the alternative?

    2) The Muslims are destroying the world to make their culture the only one. Do those of you condemning racism have a problem with that?

    3) If a tribe, culture, race or identifiable group of people opt to separate themselves and promote their own kind, what, exactly, is evil about it?
  22. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Racism be definition does NOT mean this. Check a dictionary
  23. Jack Inthebox

    Jack Inthebox Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    In the 60s there were de-facto segregation, Jim Crow laws, unequal educational opportunity. These things had been hanging around since the Slavery era, since the Emancipation Proclamation. They were evil, institutionalized, enforced inequality. Most people opposed this state of things, had opposed such things for scores of years - but their duly elected representatives were busy backing the moneyed interests who paid for their elections, i.e. congressmen and senators were ignoring the voters, people they took oaths of office to represent. So the people took their demands to the streets, risked their necks against the armed "authorities" and forced their will to be accomplished by their elected representatives - affirmative action, busing, help for inner city ghettos, (in the same way that peoples' protests, and those alone, put a stop to the Viet Nam war). All this bespeaks a massive failure of constitutional rights and freedoms. The right wing, racism, ignorance, blind-self-interest on the part of the "silent majority" quickly put a stop to all these social programs, which were never allowed to accomplish the changes for which they were designed. Now with this demagogue Trump in power, it looks like it will be quite a while again before those we elect to represent us will do anything for this unconscionable unjust society.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017

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