A conservative author tried to speak at a liberal arts college

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Space_Time, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    It didn't go well. Can he sue his tormentors? Is anti-conservative violence now just out of hand?


    Grade Point
    A conservative author tried to speak at a liberal arts college. He left fleeing an angry mob.

    By Peter Holley March 4 at 8:27 AM
    Students protest lecture by Charles Murray at Middlebury College Embed Share Play Video2:40
    Students at Middlebury College in Vermont protested an author who has been called a white nationalist, causing the college to move a planned lecture to another room on campus. (YouTube/Will DiGravio)
    As the co-author of one of the 1990s’ most controversial works of scholarship, Charles Murray is no stranger to angry protesters.

    Over the years, at university lectures across the country, the influential conservative scholar and author of “The Bell Curve” says he’s come face-to-face with demonstrators dozens of times.

    But none of those interactions prepared him for the chaotic confrontation he encountered Thursday night at Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vt.

    “When ‘The Bell Curve’ came out, I’d have lectures with lots of people chanting and picketing with signs, but it was always within the confines of the event and I was eventually able to speak,” Murray told The Washington Post. “But I’ve never experienced anything like this.”

    The demonstrations began conventionally enough, with several hundred organized protesters packed into a lecture hall Thursday, chanting and holding signs. They ended with Murray being forced to cancel his lecture and later being surrounded by an unruly mob made up of students and “outside agitators” as he tried to leave campus, according to witnesses and school administrators.

    After swarming Murray and two school officials, the protesters shouted profanities, shoved members of the group and then blocked them from getting to a vehicle in a nearby parking lot. Witnesses said the confrontation was aggressive, intimidating and unpredictable and felt like it was edging frighteningly close to outright violence.

    [Trump lashes back at Berkeley after violent protests block speech by Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos]

    In a message to the campus community Friday, Middlebury President Laurie L. Patton said her administration plans to respond to the “clear violations of Middlebury College policy” that occurred the night before without providing more specific information. Patton — who was on hand Thursday night — said she was “deeply disappointed” by the events she witnessed and called the night “painful” for many at Middlebury, a top-tier liberal arts college with about 2,450 undergraduate students.

    “Today our community begins the process of addressing the deep and troubling divisions that were on display last night,” her message said. “I am grateful to those who share this goal and have offered to help.”

    “We must find a path to establishing a climate of open discourse as a core Middlebury value, while also recognizing critical matters of race, inclusion, class, sexual and gender identity, and the other factors that too often divide us,” the statement added. “That work will take time, and I will have more to say about that in the days ahead.”
    Charles Murray @charlesmurray
    I don't think physical assault is covered by 1st amendment either. But I'm not a constitutional scholar. https://twitter.com/jonahnro/status/837693945773764608 …
    9:14 AM - 3 Mar 2017
    147 147 Retweets 365 365 likes
    Bill Kristol ✔ [MENTION=24436]bill[/MENTION]Kristol
    What happened at Middlebury to Charles Murray threatens not just campus free speech, but free speech--indeed freedom in America--generally.
    11:10 AM - 3 Mar 2017
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    The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled Murray a white supremacist and a eugenicist who uses “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women and the poor.”

    “Murray, a statistically minded sociologist by training, has spent decades working to rehabilitate long-discredited theories of IQ and heredity, turning them into a foundation on which to build a conservative theory of society that rejects equality and egalitarianism,” the SPLC states.

    Charles Murray. (American Enterprise Institute)
    Murray bristled at the SPLC’s characterization of him and blamed it for provoking protests among college students who have failed to scrutinize his work.

    “White supremacist?” he said Friday. “Let’s see: if you have a guy who was married for 13 years to an Asian woman and who has two lovely Asian daughters, wouldn’t that disqualify him from membership in the white supremacist club?”

    Murray, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, was not invited to Middlebury to discuss “The Bell Curve,” but instead to talk about his latest book: “Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010.”

    His lecture was co-sponsored by Middlebury’s Political Science Department. The other sponsor was the AEI Executive Council at the college, an outreach program by the Washington-based group that operates on dozens of campuses.
  2. DOconTEX

    DOconTEX Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Rioting and vandalism at Berkeley, including beating of four Trump supporters on scene. Shouting down and threats against conservative speakers all over the country.

    Now a liberal woman is injured and the speaker is threatened and assaulted at Middlebury.

    These fools keep thinking they can intimidate normal Americans with uncivilized behavior. They think if they shout, attack, beat and destroy that they will get their way and all the bumpkins in flyover country will see the wisdom in letting the Maoists win and control our lives. Trump's election was the first and civilized response to their barbarism, PC tyranny, globalism, and attempt to turn the United States into an open borders welfare state.

    The next response will be one that won't be quite as gentle as winning an election.
  3. Your Best Friend

    Your Best Friend Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    LOL...my so went to school there. Can't say I'm shocked. This reminds me of the late sixties when colleges competed to see who could be the most radical
    and idiotic school in America.

    REALITY CHUCK Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    But, but, but, Liberals are the essence of tolerance. I'm so confused.
  5. Stonewall Jackson

    Stonewall Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2017
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    They can't handle the truth......
  6. VotreAltesse

    VotreAltesse Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Even If I'm am from far left, I'm always pretty shocked by those kind of news.

    The worst is that those people who use unacceptable ways to enforce their opinions feel "smart".

    Those kind of idiots will lead to the worst kind of war : civil war.
    Cubed likes this.
  7. Capitalism

    Capitalism Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Yeah, pissing off the over 200,000,000 Firearm owners in this country doesn't seem like an intelligent move to me.

    "Anti-Nazism", that's what these children should be called. It's what they are. Heidegger. Braum, Wolfe, and 6700 other Nazi professors brainwashed the first batch of them in the 50's, which manifested itself as the "hippy revolution". Those kids went on to teach the next generation and the next generation and so on.

    It's not hard to see, former nazi's adorn the walls of most of our more liberal colleges. Letting 6,700 pissed of scientist, from a country that you destroyed and starved for 7 years following the war, teach your kids probably wasn't a stellar idea.
  8. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    Its plain stupid for students who worked hard to go to an institution of higher learning, only to work hard to deny themselves and fellow students any access to unorthodox or unpopular ideas. I hope the administration takes appropriate action against the perpetrators of illegal conduct.

    As for him suing specific students, I don't have high hopes this author will do much more than recoup his own legal costs .
  9. vino909

    vino909 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    Babies... need periodic diaper changing. The best way to clean them up is to hose them down. Don't bother providing soap. They know not what it is for and will try to smoke or inject it.
  10. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Here's more:



    The Middlebury Aftermath

    Robert George and Cornel West issue a defense of free speech.

    March 14, 2017 6:55 p.m. ET

    Amid the icy Nor’easter that hit the east coast Tuesday, a clear ray of intellectual sunshine emerged: Professors Robert George of Princeton University and Cornel West of Harvard University posted online, for national signatures, a petition in defense of freedom of speech. You may find it at http://jmp.princeton.edu/statement.

    Their statement—“Truth Seeking, Democracy, and Freedom of Thought and Expression”—follows on the heels of last week’s remarkable free-speech statement by professors at Middlebury College, which now has more than 100 signatures at that small Vermont institution.


    Both efforts come in the aftermath of a protest at Middlebury against scholar Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute. That protest turned into a mob action, including an assault on Middlebury professor Allison Stanger, who had questioned Mr. Murray on stage.

    For years, Professors George and West, the former a conservative and the latter a socialist, together taught a class at Princeton on how to listen to contrary points of view. Middlebury’s violence drove home what many in academia have come to see more clearly now—that the most basic tenets of free inquiry and exchange are under unprecedented pressure in the U.S., not least at universities.

    The George-West statement stands as a forceful rebuttal to the all-too-frequent attempt to stigmatize opponents into silence. We hope it gains the national support it deserves.

    Appeared in the Mar. 15, 2017, print edition.
  11. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    But is this a case where Liberals are senseless thugs, or does listening to Right-wing so out of touch crap foster the proper kick them out attitude? You decide.
  12. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Why anybody would book the Bell Curve guy is beyond me. His research was discredited almost as soon as the book was published.
  13. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Here's more:


    Middlebury Takes Unspecified ‘Disciplinary Action’ On More Than 30 Students Over Charles Murray Fiasco
    MAY 1, 2017 By Ashe Schow
    Middlebury College in Vermont announced that it has disciplined more than 30 students for their actions during a campus riot on March 2 against libertarian social scientist Charles Murray. The school said it had identified “more than 70 individuals” who may have violated student handbook policies.

    “We are almost halfway through with the investigation and disciplinary process and we hope to bring it to a close by the end of the academic year in mid-May,” the announcement says. The school said it would not comment on what disciplinary action it has taken until the disciplinary process is complete, so the public won’t know for months whether students have been given slaps on the wrist or stronger sanctions.

    The school also said it found “no unambiguous evidence that any member of the Middlebury College faculty violated faculty policies in regard to their actions on March 2.”

    On that day, Murray was scheduled to speak. Protesters arrived ahead of time, angry that he wrote a book in 1994 (before most of the protesters were born) that deals with human intelligence, including noting statistical differences in average intelligence among various races. Murray has attempted on multiple occasions to explain this part of the book, and has publicly welcomed questions on this topic to dispute claims that he is racist.

    Guilty With No Chance to Demonstrate Innocence
    At Middlebury, however, many students weren’t interested in arguing with Murray; they simply wanted to shut him down. A Democrat professor, Allison Stanger, agreed to moderate a debate with Murray, and prepared to ask him tough questions. But students stood up in the audience and chanted “Racist, sexist, anti-gay: Charles Murray, go away!” and other things that made it impossible for Murray to speak.

    Stanger asked students to quiet down, but they wouldn’t. She and Murray had to move to another room to broadcast their discussion by video. Some protesters discovered the new location and started banging on the windows and setting off fire alarms. The two were surrounded by a mob when they tried to leave. In the course of protecting Murray from angry students, Stanger was injured to the point where she needed a neck brace.

    In the course of protecting Murray from angry students, Stanger was injured to the point where she needed a neck brace.
    Protesting a speaker is within students’ First Amendment rights, but when they actively prevent a speaker from giving a speech, or place that speaker and other students and faculty in physical danger, that’s a problem. At that point, the way they are exercising their rights to free speech and assembly is directly preventing others from exercising those same rights.

    The University of California-Berkeley and Auburn University have had similar problems recently, with students becoming violent in response to speakers with whom they disagree. At Auburn, that speaker was self-identified white nationalist Richard Spencer. His speech is abhorrent, but students and protesters who resorted to violence ended up making him a martyr for his cause, which is counterproductive for those wanting to counter his ideas.

    So far, it appears Middlebury is the only school of late willing to communicate that violence is not an appropriate response to speech. Berkeley police, for example, were commanded to stand down during campus riots this spring that included vandalism. These illiberal liberal students need to learn that one counters ideas with better ideas—and physical violence and temper tantrums are not better ideas.

    Middlebury may have only slightly punished the students. They could have been “disciplined” with being required to write an essay or hear a stern lecture from an administrator. Until more details surface, we won’t know whether Middlebury is truly taking a stand against violent and disruptive protesters or just trying to save face.

    This article previously misspelled Allison Stanger’s last name.

    Ashe Schow is a senior contributor to the Federalist and senior political columnist for the New York Observer. She also contributes to a weekly segment on the Enough Already podcast. She has previously worked for Watchdog.org, the Washington Examiner and the Heritage Foundation.
  14. Liberty4Ransom

    Liberty4Ransom Banned

    Apr 24, 2017
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  15. PeppermintTwist

    PeppermintTwist Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 4, 2014
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    I think the new publicity stunt for these authors is to plan speaking engagements when politics are tense and emotions are running high during tumultuous times. They get more attention from these canceled engagements that they would if they were allowed to actually speak.
    Last edited: May 3, 2017
  16. Liberty4Ransom

    Liberty4Ransom Banned

    Apr 24, 2017
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    I can't tell if you're serious, or the world's worst apologist for liberal fascism on campus.
  17. PeppermintTwist

    PeppermintTwist Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Just as grifters like Gingrich, Huckabee and Ben Carson ran for the presidency as publicity stunts for book sales, I see this as becoming very much the same type of scam. Don't give me the bull-**** about fascism when you probably voted for the dictator wannabe in The White House who praises actual murderous dictators.
    Last edited: May 3, 2017
  18. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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  19. Belch

    Belch Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2015
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    Maybe because it hasn't been discredited at all. It's just that there are two competing theories that explain the evidence. The environmental and the genetic. Whether you agree with one or the other is irrelevant to the vast amount of evidence that IQ differences exist between ethnicities.
  20. Denizen

    Denizen Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2013
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    It's more likely to be right wingers who are instigating and fomenting the violence. Right wingers have a history of doing so.
  21. Liberty4Ransom

    Liberty4Ransom Banned

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Stop trying to deflect from the behavior on campus. We all see it for what it is. Even folks on the left are calling this bullshit out.
  22. PeppermintTwist

    PeppermintTwist Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 4, 2014
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    I speak the truth. Right wingers are huge opportunist and publicity whores and their choice for commander in chief is the quintessential of that ilk. Watch and see how many more right wing "speakers" come out of the woodwork to exploit the unrest.
  23. Liberty4Ransom

    Liberty4Ransom Banned

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Hey genius, if idiots on campus didn't act like complete fascist, there would be nothing to exploit, huh?

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