OC calls out the President as a racist

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by drluggit, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. Jestsayin

    Jestsayin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2016
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    I find it great entertainment to watch Anderson Cooper get all excited almost as much fun as when Chris "tingle up my leg" Matthews gets pissed and starts shouting and spitting at the camera.
    We will see a lot of Occasional Cortex over the next few months especially when she tells the likes of the old liners how the world should be run.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
  2. bradt93

    bradt93 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Good luck with that, because it's a blue district unless she's primaried.
    Aleksander Ulyanov likes this.
  3. bradt93

    bradt93 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2016
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    The right wing still has the senate and WH. Good luck with that knucklehead.
  4. Guyzilla

    Guyzilla Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2016
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    We agree wholeheartedly, and as soon as you stop trying to harm minorities, and advantage Caucasians, we can have a colorblind policy for all things.

    Good idea.
    Aleksander Ulyanov likes this.
  5. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Have you all forgotten that Trump was a Birther? That he took out an ad saying 4 blacks who were convicted of a crime weren't punished enough and refused to disavow it even when it was proven that the blacks had been wrongly convicted? Of course he's a racist and has been one from the beginning, that's why his base loves him so.

    Cortez will be President in 2036 if not 2032
  6. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    This. Actually is the problem. Perhaps you could explain this. Which minorities are being harmed here? I mean, I can actually demonstrate how the last administration went after the minority white male population. Is that what you're referring to here? So, somewhat confused when you say "advantage Caucasians" ... Perhaps if you'd just accept that merit is the best way. If you did, perhaps you could see past artificial things, like color....
  7. EarthSky

    EarthSky Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2018
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    You could not see AC's response from the link you provided but I watched a clip on another source and he didn't seem horrified to me.

    Here is watch Alexandria actually said:

    "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The president certainly didn't invent racism. But he's certainly given a voice to it and expanded it and created a platform for those things.

    Anderson Cooper: Do you believe President Trump is a racist?

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Yeah. Yeah. No question.

    Anderson Cooper: How can you say that?

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: (CHUCKLE) When you look at the words that he uses, which are historic dog whistles of white supremacy. When you look at how he reacted to the Charlottesville incident, where neo-Nazis murdered a woman, versus how he manufactures crises like immigrants seeking legal refuge on our borders, it's-- it's night and day."

    What part of this do you actually disagree with? Trump has been using the language of racial division towards Mexican's and black throughout his campaign and during his presidency including calling Nazi's chanting anti-Jewish slogans very good people and saying a judge could not rule fairly because he was Mexican.

    He has been using dog-whistle tactics from the beginning and lets not forget he has a long history. There is excluding blacks from his real estate, the Central Park incident his embrace of the birther conspiracy, his attacks on NFL players protesting police shootings and his refusal to disavow David Duke among many other incidents.

    There is just no question there is a history there. I don't think that a Latino women bringing this up is such an outrage considering his comments on Mexicans and Latinos in general.
  8. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    OC calls out the President as a racist/

    Hmmm. Hadn't heard that one before.
  9. struth

    struth Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    She should have keep dancing on buildings
  10. EarthSky

    EarthSky Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2018
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    Actually she has a degree in economics and international relations from Boston University. Just to clarify for you.
    Kode likes this.
  11. EarthSky

    EarthSky Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2018
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    Could you articulate how she is racist? I am not following. Do you mean against white people? How does she exhibit this in her public statements and reactions?
    Kode likes this.
  12. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    What's the problem. It's a long-standing proven fact. Denials don't change history.
  13. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Both sides spew it, and a means test for intelligence could involve such an observation. As well as a means test for basic honesty. And yet, I have not seen or heard trump spew such hatred, and would love to see the evidence for that. I think all that you guys could present would be highly subjective, with a partisan bias, and even hatred of trump driving it, infecting it and affecting it. But perhaps you have a couple objective examples to back up your contention? It would be helpful, and it would give your opinion at least some credibility.

    How did her saying to impeach the MF,(without evidence that would call for that) have anything to do with the accusation of him spewing hate? Hell, even making such an accusation intimates that the democrats are not guilty of spewing hatred, as if there is some moral high ground being held by democrats. ha ha.

    I don't expect to see any objective evidence from you of the hatred that trump spews, but please, surprise me and present it. I am old, very old, and am well acquainted with what hate being spewed sounds like, as I saw it during the 50s, coming from racists, who loved to lynch black men who looked too long at a white woman. And I have known several genuinely hate spewing scumbags in my long lie, so I would have not problem in discerning hate being spewed by trump.

    Of course, I think the trump haters just invent this stuff, and are enslaved to it, but I can change my mind and would love to change my perception of these people. You can help in doing this.
  14. chingler

    chingler Banned at Members Request

    Jul 25, 2018
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    ha ha, yes. lol. yet she still can’t properly name the 3 branches of the government she is now a part of. not sure if that reflects more poorly upon her or upon BU.

    hence, my point stands. she would not pass a middle school civics quiz.
  15. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    It's really interesting how much the right is driven absolutely CRAZY by a new politician who represents less than 700,000 people and about 128,000 voters. That 700,000 is just 0.2% of the population. Yet look at them!!! I guess they're scared shyt that her politics may become popular. LOL!!!!
    EarthSky likes this.
  16. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    You mean the media.
  17. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Do you normally watch the news?
  18. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    To those people like OC, everyone who is white is automatically a racist.. Anyone who is not white who fails to agree is a racist.
    We are witnessing one of the most disturbing phenomenons of group mental dysfunction in history.
    drluggit likes this.
  19. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Well, if the same standard is used as is used for trump, not only could she be an accused racist, but everyone in america could be, except of course, for democrats. ha ha.

    I can spot a racist rather quickly, as they communicate that in words and deeds. I was schooled by living in a very overt racist South in the 50s and 60s, and have seen racism up close. I doubt many of the younger crowd here has ever lived in it, and would know a real racist if it bit them in the arse. The bar has been dropped so low as to be under the ground, and it reminds me of the boy who cried wolf. It has been falsely used by the democrats so badly that it has lost much of its original meaning and evilness. Hyperbole tends to do that, with anything.

    I do see racism when it comes to the very small groups of people like the KKK, Black Muslims, and Neo nazis. And with a person that might hold those evil beliefs, who would defend any of these racist groups. But the number of these genuine racists are so tiny in proportion to our population as to be utterly insignificant, although the modern left and MSM work very hard to try to convince americans that these kinds of people are in great numbers and prolific, that they are behind almost every tree. SO, the dems and MSM have no problem with lying like hell, even as they incessantly point out that trump lies with every breath.

    I live in the South, and know one racist, as 99.9 percent of them died out with my grandparents and father's generation. Of course this does not serve the modern left, and they find the truth untenable and unacceptable. So they create racists in their own minds, most never having lived in a genuine racist society.
    EarthSky likes this.
  20. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    I get my news from CSPAN, and various online news sources, where journalism is still practiced, like Greenwald's site. I do not waste my time with MSM, but do occassionally watch a clip from Tucker Carlson, although he isn't the news so much as commentary on current events. In short, I am interested in non biased, non agenda driven sources of info. I do make a habit of using the internet to get a verbatim remarks from pres trump, without the circus that is generally brought in by biased so called experts, who then tell me what trump meant when he said this or that. I have a decent brain, and an education and feel no need to be told what he said, or what he meant, or what his motives were. I find that to be what people who cannot think depend upon, or the ones who want their biases to be affirmed without having to use their own brains.

    At least on CSPAN, on Washington Journal, you get both sides, as they will have a guest from both sides of an issue, and are given equal time. When it comes to the news, the reporting of an issue, a story, an event, you will not find journalistic standards being used in MSM, where all sides of a story, an issue is conveyed to the listener or reader, so that the customer can process the info, both sides and conclude where ever the facts might take him. In short, I try to avoid the propaganda driven MSM, including FOX, and opt for anyone employing standards in their journalism. NO standards? You are listening to or reading nothing but propaganda, and deceit. I detest that and will not play that game. But I am in a minority, as most people on forums and the media want cheerleaders, not journalism.
  21. EarthSky

    EarthSky Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2018
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    The reaction is really interesting. Before long it will make them forget about the "what about Hillary" thing and we will get a whole new red/commie scare.
    Kode likes this.
  22. EarthSky

    EarthSky Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2018
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    Yeah, but I don't think America has ever come to terms with it's race issues. Conservatives like to pretend that race is not an issue and that there is a level playing field but from the beginning of the republic, race has been a huge factor in how the nation has developed. From the end of slavery to Jim Crow to now, I don't think the systemic problems have gone away in terms of economic advantage to mass incarceration to life outcomes.

    I do agree that we all have preconditioned prejudices and reactions to race issues that do not necessarily make us racist and that the real dangerous violent racists are a probably a minority but the systemic issues are still there and dealing with them has proved incredibly contentious and difficult.

    I like your post, btw
  23. Guyzilla

    Guyzilla Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2016
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    We agree wholeheartedly, and as soon as you stop trying to harm minorities, and advantage Caucasians, we can have a colorblind policy for all things.

    Good idea.
  24. TexMexChef

    TexMexChef Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Then you prove her point. ...it is all about the perspective of the viewer. You and she are viewers.

    I don't view Trump as a racist. Trump thinks EVERYONE is inferior to him.

    Trump will deal with anyone of any race with the understanding that he is the alpha male.
  25. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    What race issues would those be? I just do not see them, having grown up in a genuine racist society, the South of the 50s and 60s.

    Does US law allow racial discrimination? If so, point it out. At one time, it was allowed, in the South but that is long gone. So where is it, this institutional racism? Hell, groups like the ACLU would be on it like stink on fecal matter.

    Having lived under genuine racism, it is difficult for me to discern where all of this racism is. I just do not see it, and I live in the South, where I don't see any at all. So where is it? And outside of these nuts in the KKK, or neo nazis groups, I need it pointed out so I can see what you guys are talking about.

    I am not saying some racism does not exist, which is primarily socially, but hell, racism to some degree will always exist, given some of us are just hateful or low IQ people. And there is no way to end it, given some of us are not intelligent enough to see the stupidity involved. And given some of us are just hateful people, and always will be.

    IMO, most of the accusations of racism are BS, especially when some of us act as if it is prolific within the US. And it isn't. It is blown out of proportion, so that a few genuine racist people, suddenly get blown out of proportion and suddenly the whole nation is a racist nation. That is an outright lie, IMO. Or at best a tremendous amount of hyperbole.

    But perhaps I live in the wrong area? Where do you live, that you experience so much of it? I will try to avoid those areas. Perhaps the rest of the nation did not change as the south did?

    What we have, in place of racism, is the division of classes. And that is confused with racism because there are quite a few in the lower class that are black americans. Hell, the democratic party no longer represents white working people, and they were called deplorable by a democrat, and that if this had been said of black working americans, it would be racism! It seems that a couple of things are called racism today, when it has nothing to do with race, but class.

    I could be convinced that racism is prolific and a big problem, if given the evidence to back it up. Thing is, I have not seen such evidence, no more than in my daily life here in the south, that I see racism in operation. Ironically it is probably the South that exhibits less racism than say a northern state does. And it isn't a racism that is coded into law, it is a social problem that comes from low IQ or a weak moral compass. Or no moral compass. Or perhaps just hateful people, who if they didn't hate other skin tones, would hate someone else because they must hate someone. I think you find an inordinate number of these people within the group that irrationally hate pres trump, as soon as he beat hillary. ha ha

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