Global Warming and Environment: Rejecting Alarmism and Focusing on Concrete Improvements

Discussion in 'Canada' started by DennisTate, Jun 18, 2019.


Am I correct to think that a Carbon Tax will do nothing to protect us from rising ocean levels?

  1. No

    2 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  3. I am not sure but I will research this further.

    0 vote(s)
  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    (If you will go to Facebook and search for the public group: "Yellow Vest Canada" that has
    about 105,000 members, and you search for the name "Tate" you will find the following. This
    got quite a kerfuffle going. I would love to be wrong.... but in my opinion unless Mr. Maxime Bernier
    adds something constructive to his policy on the environment.... he will likely lose the 2019 election
    to Scheer and / or Trudeau. I believe that young people are correct that the climate is changing BUT they
    do not yet know that a Carbon Tax would be completely INEFFECTIVE in protecting the vulnerable homes and
    real estate along the eastern Bay of Fundy that is especially vulnerable to the threat of rising ocean levels due to
    the extreme tides there. There is a phenomenal opportunity in this situation to educate a huge percentage of
    Canadians quickly as to what is really happening ) :

    (This link should get you there):
    Yellow Vests Canada

    This is why I've been promoting mega-scale desalination of ocean water since 2007. We cannot do this ourselves here in Canada, this looks like a job for Australia, Israel, California, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Tunisia, Morocco and other nations with lots of desert.

    (A Carbon Tax WOULD DO NOTHING TO PROTECT vulnerable land along the eastern Bay of Fundy as well as Anchorage Alaska that also has extreme tides)!

    "More than 10 billion tonnes of ice was lost to the oceans by surface melt on Wednesday"

    Heat wave over Greenland causing massive ice melt

    Because Mr. Maxime Bernier allows People's Party of Canada members and candidates such a wide range of
    freedom of thought and freedom of speech we are in an excellent position to take this election by telling young
    Canadians the full truth about the entire Carbon Tax hoax......... (but climate change itself is a really serious issue)!

    Should Sorek 2 be in Australia or California?

    If average ocean levels rose by eight to ten cms (3 or 4 inches) could high tide...
    .. rise by one meter in the Isthmus of Chignecto in Nova Scotia, Canada?

    This question is logical because the geography of Canada's Bay of Fundy produces the world's highest tides. In my part of Nova Scotia in Guysborough County there is very little funnelling of tidal waters......... so high tide is only about one to one point five meters above low tide.

    In the eastern area of the Bay of Fundy high tide levels are up by ten to fifteen meters.

    Last edited: Aug 2, 2019
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    There is a very positive side to all of this.......
    the threat of rising ocean levels is hitting us at the same time as
    the possible meltdown in the seven hundred and ten trillion dollar worldwide Derivatives market........

    and to my thinking these two threats..... can be used to significantly cancel each other out??????

    Should we divert trillions from Derivatives market into desalination?

    Here is the interview by CIA economist Mr. Jim Rickards that I believe should be listened to by every PPC candidate all across Canada......... because President Trump may prefer to work with M.P's and M. L. A's in Alberta........ over anybody else on earth when it comes to dealing with the possibility of a Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems??????
  3. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    I voted no.

    In theory, Im we could stabilize ocean levels if we threw enough money and social change at it. I mean, If we went back to living in caves and abandonned fire, we would have almost 0 carbon output, and we could prolly use the last bit of industrial energy before we revert to cool the earth by some means. And hope theres no major volcanic eruptions, solar events or electromagnatic shifts that counter our best efforts. Then depopulation will do the rest.

    But at a certain point- is it really worth it?
    DennisTate likes this.
  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    That is a truly interesting reply!

    I hate to say it... but there is some evidence from parapsychology that you might just
    be onto something..... but what was shown to former Skeptic Howard Storm is debatable
    due to the massive changes in technology that has occurred since his near death experience back in

    Howard Storm:
    Personally..... I think that what really was shown to Mr. Howard Storm is
    subject to a wide range of interpretation because technology is already so miniaturized that
    by the year 2185 many of the trees that Howard saw..... could actually have been video surveillance devices......
    hooked into a massive series of reality films where everybody in this seemingly utopian earth
    have agreed to be on camera...... for many possible reasons. Perhaps:
    1. to reduce crime
    2. to assist in financing reality film projects focused on each family
    3. to finance small scale farming again much as was the norm two or three centuries ago
    4. to finance better treatment of animals than is the case these days.....

    Isaiah 11:9 "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea."
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2019
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    This is a rather sensitive subject so......

    Scheer is Brilliant....... His nickname may soon be "Andrew (The Grandmaster) Scheer....... after my diabolical, dastardly, despicable plan to set him up to throw away a one hundred and seven M. P. lead in this election race gains momentum!!!!!!!!!

    What do you think of the idea that maybe....... just maybe...... Andrew The Grandmaster Scheer may have wanted to push Mr. Salim Mansur over to the PPC in order to set in motion a series of events that would lead to an economic boom in the Middle East................. and in Australia........... and in California......... that would practically dispel any fear over the one hundred and ten trillion dollar meltdown in the world's Derivatives market that CIA economist Jim Rickards warned us about back in 2014??????

    Perhaps... Scheer may not wish to reveal his migrant numbers due to the near impossibility of calculating how many Canadians may wish to move to the nations that go off the hairball Carbon TAx idea..... over to mega-scale desalination of ocean water to turn deserts green as put forward by Mr. Carl Cantrell from New Mexico!????

    .....It is a part of my philosophy to attempt to find something potentially positive in the most evil acts...... .for example.... why did P. M. Pierre E. Trudeau wreck the Canadian taxation system back in 1974......... No kidding... his move made it almost impossible for all Canadians to pay all their taxes.....

    Could he have done it because he was attempting to save the environment from us Deplorables???????

    Would Mr. Andrew Scheer throw away a one hundred and seven M. P. lead in this race to risk cooperation with the PPC in such a way that would definitely answer the question of Splitting the Vote? He might!!!!!!! Especially if he saw doing so as the best way to keep Alberta within Canada...... .which obviously he wants to do!!!!
  6. ARDY

    ARDY Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2015
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    These days so many conservative wish to distance themselves from the carbon tax idea as if it is some crazy liberal scheme.

    Whether or not it is or us not a good idea... the fact is that this also an idea proposed by conservative academics who once thought it was a good idea

    “Some scholars at the American Enterprise Institute, one of the nation’s most prominent conservative think tanks, have been instrumental in leading the intellectual push in support behind a carbon tax. “

    So you and other conservatives may have soured on the idea, but lets not pretend it is a stupid idea because it is a “liberal idea”
    DennisTate likes this.
  7. ARDY

    ARDY Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2015
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  8. ARDY

    ARDY Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2015
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    BTW, lets say there is a “designer”
    Typically, the designer would be astronomically more complicated than the design. Therefore it is reasonable to surmise that the designer of the universe woild be astronomically more complicated than the universe. If we are not close to comprehending the universe... How could we imagine that we are capable of comprehending a designer of the universe.

    On that basis... even if there is a designer of the universe, i do not trust there is any person can usefully elucidate that entity for me.
    DennisTate likes this.
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I may be wrong... I often am...... but if the CPC and the PPC could come to some sort of form of cooperation this election could be nearly a sure thing.................... Because Mr. Scheer has a one hundred and seven M.P. lead over Max some form of cooperation likely leads to Mr. Scheer as P. M. with Max holding the balance of power............. This is the most probable result.......... But... during a sincere attempt at cooperation the vast majority of CPC, M.P's and candidates all across Canada could well just decide that what happened at the 2017 leadership convention was just too unethical...... .and the majority of CPC, M. P's and candidates and active members could well decide while cooperation is being discussed that it is far, far, far, better to have Mr. Maxime Bernier as P. M. than Mr. Scheer????

    So.... at least discussing an attempt at unity between the PPC and the CPC is one of the easiest possible paths to making Mr. Maxime Bernier Prime Minister of Canada in October of 2019..... (or soon thereafter because the CPC M. P's might need a little more time to really think this all through)????

    I personally believe that if Mr. Maxime Bernier had the balance of power and kept P. M. Andrew Scheer in office he could lead both P. M. Scheer and the CPC because all of us know that Mr. Bernier speaks his mind and tells the truth whereas Mr. Scheer says what he believes a majority of Canadians want to hear. Sooner or later we all find this to be annoying.

    Post #7 explains how the CPC and the PPC could perhaps come together at least in the riding where Vote Splitting is definitely an issue......... It obviously is here in Central - Nova, N. S., Mr. Peter MacKay's old riding. Our response to climate change may be the subject that brings us together because the massive amount of melting occurring on the land based Greenland Ice Sheet in the summer of 2019 presents us with a very serious question? Will the eastern Bay of Fundy be hit FIRST if ocean levels do rise any significant amount? Mr. Scheer's policy of supporting the idea of a Carbon Tax will do NOTHING to protect the homes and properties of all people who live along the Bay of Fundy!

    "If average ocean levels rose by eight to ten cms (3 or 4 inches) could high tide... ... rise by one meter in the Isthmus of Chignecto in Nova Scotia, Canada? This question is logical because the geography of Canada's Bay of Fundy produces the world's highest tides. In my part of Nova Scotia in Guysborough County there is very little funnelling of tidal waters......... so high tide is only about one to one point five meters above low tide. In the eastern area of the Bay of Fundy high tide levels are up by ten to fifteen meters." ......

    .......... "Can you imagine 169 PPC candidates facing no Conservative Party rival in their riding on October 19?
    How about 169 Conservative Party incumbent M. P's and candidates facing no PPC rival in their riding?
    This would be win - win - win - win - win for both the PPC and for the CPC and for all Canadians because this would definitely answer the quite real problem of Splitting the Vote.

    I watched this video ten times...... I think that you should too.... this needs to be shared to all PPC and CPC members all across Canada. This is an option truly worthy of consideration but the momentum for this must build at the grassroots of both parties first before Mr. Bernier and Mr. Scheer will feel free to discuss this publicly.

    Oh..... my solution of an organized series of stand downs might work better considering that we only have nine months to make this all happen. The solution in this video might work better over five to ten years rather than nine months."

    "Global Warming and Environment: Rejecting Alarmism and Focusing on Concrete Improvements "

    Here is the video that I watched over and over again:

    Unite The Right (To Own The Libs)


    People's Party of Canada
    · August 10 ·
    Personally.... I think that P. M. Andrew Scheer would be FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR BETTER THAN P. M. TRUDEAU HAS BEEN........even on one of his worst days...... especially if Mr. Maxime bernier held the balance of power in Ottawa!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
  10. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    This election is going to be extremely interesting here in Central - Nova, Nova Scotia. Mr. George Canyon is the Conservative Party of Canada candidate!

    I am a member of the People's Party of Canada and I am hopeful that some sort of non-aggression pact between the PPC and the CPC might perhaps originate here.

    "Can you imagine 169 PPC candidates facing no Conservative Party rival in their riding on October 21?

    How about 169 Conservative Party incumbent M. P's and candidates facing no PPC rival in their riding?

    This would be win - win - win - win - win for both the PPC and for the CPC and for all Canadians because this would definitely answer the quite real problem of Splitting the Vote."

    I have a question in mind that could potentially give both Mr. George Canyon and PPC candidate Mr. Al Muir a possible way to cooperate with each other and arrive at some sort of compromise before election day.

    We Canadians attempt to be reasonably good neighbours so after visiting Truro, N. S., and
    Moncton, N. B., so many times in my sixty years I find myself asking questions that people in
    Ottawa don't seem to be looking at in a very objective manner.

    "If average ocean levels rose by eight to ten cms (3 or 4 inches) could high tide...

    ... rise by one meter in the Isthmus of Chignecto in Nova Scotia, Canada?
    This question is logical because the geography of Canada's Bay of Fundy produces the world's highest tides. In my part of Nova Scotia in Guysborough County there is very little funnelling of tidal waters......... so high tide is only about one to one point five meters above low tide.

    In the eastern area of the Bay of Fundy high tide levels are up by ten to fifteen meters."

    Mr. Mervyn DePendleton came up with a brilliant and practical possible solution to the situation faced in the eastern area of the Bay of Fundy where tides are the most extreme.

    LOOKING AT THE THREAT OF RISING OCEAN LEVELS SHOULD QUICKLY DESTROY ANY CREDIBILITY THAT A CARBON TAX HAS IN CANADA because a Carbon Tax in all provinces would do little or nothing to protect the Bay of Fundy from the threat of rising ocean levels. So far... . the amount of H2O ADDED to Antarctica has saved coastal communities.

    "According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008." (NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses)

    One of the issues facing the Bay of Fundy is if high tides get a lot higher the topsoil would probably liquify and wash into the Bay more rapidly which would impact the fisheries there. A Relief Channel is a logical possible response for Mr. George Canyon and Mr. Al Muir to study and perhaps debate?

    (Mervyn DePendleton) :
  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am glad that you think that way because
    the people who report a near death experience come back with
    information that in my opinion pales to insignificance the greatest
    writings of Orthodox Christians no matter how many years of research
    that they have put into Theology / Philosophy and the Greek and Hebrew language.

    I don't know of any Christian Theologian who has ever written anything quite as insightful as the following:
    The most ancient Intelligence would tend to view the various religions as well as political party affiliation as a useful test for all of us that might remind us of the Milgram Experiment.

    The Milgram Shock Experiment
    By Saul McLeod, updated 2017
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Larry Braun shared a link.

    U.S. Blames Iran for Attack on Saudi Oil Facilities
    Saudi Arabia shuts down about half its oil output after strikes
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The following message is already on several Andrew Scheer support groups .......

    ...... "Although I am an active member of the PPC I have to admit that Mr. Andrew Scheer is a talented writer and speaker and a worthy political rival indeed. I actually sent him an e-mail back on August 13, 2018 just before the PPC was formed:

    ..... "Mr. Andrew Scheer, would you be willing to allow a Conservative M. P. to table a private members bill to ban intra-cardiac potassium chloride injections on singletons?

    Technically this would be an anti-feticide bill..... not an anti-abortion law..... and if I got elected here in Nova Scotia I would have to be a sitting member of parliament for at least one year before I could put this before parliament."

    ..... I received no reply...... so when Mr. Maxime Bernier formed the People's Party of Canada a month or so afterward it was clear to me within a few hours of research that going with Mr. Maxime Bernier was the only logical choice for me to make.

    Mr. Andrew Scheer........ I have another question for you.......... WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO SET UP THE ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN CONSERVATIVE PARTY M. P'S TO FACE NO PPC rival on election day?

    Theoretically.... this could be arranged.........
    probably not in all ridings... but surely in many of them where Splitting The Vote is obviously a major problem.

    Here is how I worded this back in February of 2019:

    "Global Warming and Environment: Rejecting Alarmism and Focusing on Concrete Improvements"
    (post #7):

    ...... "Can you imagine 169 PPC candidates facing no Conservative Party rival in their riding on October 19?

    How about 169 Conservative Party incumbent M. P's and candidates facing no PPC rival in their riding?

    This would be win - win - win - win - win for both the PPC and for the CPC and for all Canadians because this would definitely answer the quite real problem of Splitting the Vote."
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
  14. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Who profits from "climate change"?

  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Canada's politically right vote has got to learn to generally be more respectful to political opponents and give credit when it is due even to somebody who we are opposing. We can learn a powerful lesson from the terribly flawed manner in which Mr. Andrew Scheer treated Mr. Maxime Bernier. My number one choice in the 2017 leadership race was Mr. Kevin O'Leary. I wrote his name in even though he had officially withdrawn from the race. My number two choice was Mr. Andrew Scheer but although he is an exceptionally good writer and did an impressive campaign......... his ability to do diplomacy cannot be compared to the way that Mr. Peter MacKay deals with friends, foes, supporters and political opponents alike.

    I predict that Mr. Peter MacKay, if he is chosen to lead the Conservative Party of Canada will try his very best to lure Mr. Maxime Bernier back into the CPC. I don't know if he will succeed or not....... but I am pretty sure that he will try.

    I also think that he will attempt to lure Mr. Salim Mansur back into the Conservative Party of Canada because Mr. Mansur is perfect for an initiative that I feel Canada must begin over the coming several years. Our unique geography presents us with certain challenges....... that carry with them great opportunities.

    I heard Mr. Maxime Bernier on January 18, 2019 in Halifax and he is an astonishingly powerful speaker who is willing to address topics that most political leaders shy away from but..... I felt that his platform on climate change was terribly flawed. I copied and pasted the link to his platform paper and explained what I felt the error in his position was:

    "Global Warming and Environment: Rejecting Alarmism and Focusing on Concrete Improvements"

    Since 2007 I've been promoting an alternative theory on stabilization of the climate. I take climate change itself very seriously, especially the threat of rising ocean levels but......... I regard a Carbon Tax or Cap and Trade System as a colossal waste of money, time, energy and talent. I believe that only nations with lots of desert are in a position to do what needs to be done to address the threat of rising ocean levels.

    If Canadians were aware of how much H2O was being ADDED to the central region of Antarctica they would know that a Carbon Tax is a joke played on an under-informed population.
    We Canadians attempt to be reasonably good neighbours so after visiting Truro, N. S., and
    Moncton, N. B., so many times in my sixty years I find myself asking questions that people in
    Ottawa don't seem to be looking at in a very objective manner.

    If average ocean levels rose by eight to ten cms (3 or 4 inches) could high tide...

    ... rise by one meter in the Isthmus of Chignecto in Nova Scotia, Canada?

    This question is logical because the geography of Canada's Bay of Fundy produces the world's highest tides. In my part of Nova Scotia in Guysborough County there is very little funnelling of tidal waters......... so high tide is only about one to one point five meters above low tide.

    In the eastern area of the Bay of Fundy high tide levels are up by ten to fifteen meters.

    (THIS QUESTION COULD PLAY A SIGNIFICANT ROLE IN DEFEATING THE TERRIBLY FLAWED CARBON TAX PLAN and could therefore play a role in setting the stage for making the residents of Alberta feel truly welcomed within a Canada that breaks out of the political correctness and intellectual dishonesty of the P. M. Trudeau era)!

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