Democratic field boils down to four-jackasses race

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by APACHERAT, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. Doug_yvr

    Doug_yvr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 8, 2008
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    That GOP approval rating was so helpful for the mid-terms.
    Derideo_Te likes this.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    The GOP wasn't expecting harvest season beginning in November.

    And who would have ever thought that the Democrats would use illegal aliens to harvest ballots ?

    I suppose just another job that Americans refuse to do.
  3. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    What do you think of a President that openly tells the American people, that he is Saudi Arabia's b***h, and is awaiting orders and instructions on how they want him to use our military? This is the same country that bred and financed the same Al Qaeda terrorists that flew planes into our buildings, and killed thousands of our citizens. Now the lives of our soldiers, are in the hands of a terrorist dictator, and an inept, immature, sociopathic narcissist. Not only are we not destroying Al Qaeda, but our President is now working for them. I'm afraid that this "Trumps" any lie that Obama may have told. This is the worst betrayal of everything that our Democracy stands for, and you're cheering this madman on. It appears that the 10's of thousands of body bags, will be filled with our brothers and sisters dying for oil, a pimp, and a terrorist dictator. And, nothing to do with the security of our nation.

    Do you go into denial, spin-doctor more BS, or like most "trumpanzees", simply dismiss the truth as just more anti-Trump rhetoric? Will you still follow your master, when he forces Iran to use their Nukes(if they have any) to protect their sovereignty? Will you follow your master when Iran ask for assistance from China and Russia?(both have a total of 600 more Nukes than America) Will you follow your master, even though this war is illegal, and based entirely on a lie, just like Iraq?

    I don't think that a divided country is exactly what the framers had in mind. The KKK also have a very high approval rating within their ranks.

    Not sure if these video have already been pulled yet. Not that any of this matter to the die-hard "Trumpanzees".

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    You are aware that illegal aliens sometimes referred to undocumented Democrats have killed or murdered ten times more American citizens than Al Qaeda, ISIS, and all of our troops that were killed in the Middle East and Islamic Asia.

    Saudi Arabia plays both sides.

    Personally I wouldn't waste my time peeing on any Arab.

    But it's Japan, South Korea and Asia who are dependent on Arab oil not the USA.

    Because of the New World Order, the internationalist globalist, the attack on Saudi Arabia's refinery affects the entire world. It has a direct affect on the global manufacturing and trade.

    The only ones celebrating the attack on Saudi Arabia's oil refinery are the socialist in Sacramento who expect higher prices at the gas pumps which means more state tax revenues for illegal aliens in California.
  5. Doug_yvr

    Doug_yvr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 8, 2008
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    I love how you guys can just make stuff up.
    Derideo_Te likes this.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    It was progressive policies that made California America's first third world state.
    2ndclass289 and Ritter like this.
  7. Doug_yvr

    Doug_yvr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Lol. You mean one of the richest, with a sizable budget surplus. Trump could learn from California.
    Derideo_Te likes this.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    What Jerry Brown never told you... ->
    California’s State and Local Liabilities Total $1.5 Trillion


    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    All one has to do is read the Reagan Diaries.

    One of the last entries Reagan made in his diary was ..."The Cold War is over."
  10. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Ol' Alzheimer's Ronnie was WRONG. :smh:
  11. jdog

    jdog Banned

    Jul 20, 2014
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    So now you are saying the Magna Carta was voting for the Monarch????

    The only reason for terrorist attacks against America is America's looting and pillaging of other peoples countries. If we stop giving people good reason to hate us, they will stop hating us... Surly even people of limited cognition can grasp that concept...
  12. jdog

    jdog Banned

    Jul 20, 2014
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    If anyone is exhibiting intellectual dishonesty it is you. You have failed to provide any proof of your assertions, and have failed to disprove anything I have said. My reference to the 60K casualties was from the Gulf Wars, mostly caused by guerilla warfare in the form of roadside bombs, and showing the impact of guerilla warfare today. Not the casualties from Viet Nam which we all know were much much higher.

    No one knows how an attack on our homeland would play out, and what the circumstances would be. I know at present the US is behind Russia and China in development of hyper-sonic missiles and that the Pentagon has told Congress we currently have no defense against them.
    If it is possible for Russia and China to develop one weapon for which we have no defense it is possible to develop more. We are probably more vulnerable right now than we have been in a very long time. It is hardly reasonable to reduce our ability to defend ourselves in any capacity.
  13. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Everybody but Biden should drop out now. so we can stop berating each other and concentrate on beating Trump. Most people admit that Biden is the most electable of the candidates and the one most devoted to taking Trump out We can experiment with Single Payer, gun control and guaranteed incomes after the election or in 2024. If Trump wins the main issues in 2024 will be if we can really deport all Hispanic citizens and whether the blacks should be next, along with the war on Denmark.

    When your house is on fire is not the time to plan a new kitchen. Put the fire out, now.
  14. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Those of "limited cognition" are extremely LATE in grasping that concept which was OBVIOUS to the more enlightened DECADES AGO!
    Truly Enlightened likes this.
  15. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    I am not here to prove you wrong. IMHO, you seem cognitively incapable of admitting when you are wrong. I'm here to expand your knowledge, and challenge your level of cognition. Clearly, you are being intellectually dishonest with yourself. You took my statement out of context, and proceeded to argue with your own straw man. You never even addressed this blatant and dishonest act in your response. Your words for making a case for guerilla insurgency were, "...perhaps you would like to tell the Vietnamese that it does not work after defeating 2 major military forces to regain their sovereignty. You may also want to tell the 60K + vets who are now missing limbs or other life changing injuries that guerilla warfare is obsolete and that it was no match for their modern warfare.". Clearly, you were talking about the vets from Viet Nam, 45 years ago. Nowhere, did you mention that you were talking about the Gulf Wars. I can only comment on what you say, not what you meant to say. The correct number of amputees, cripples and severely disabled in the Viet Nam War was 75,000+, not 60,000+. Three times more than in WWII. In the Gulf Wars, since 2001, there have been around 1,650(not 60K +) amputees, among the 50,000 other wounded. These are the true statistics of the Gulf wars. As far as military strategies go, we carpet bomb, and send in the ground troops to mop up. That's it. Guerilla Warfare is only good for prolonging the conflict, intelligence gathering, increasing the number of casualties, and increasing the profits of those funding the wars.

    Again, it doesn't matter what evidence I deposit, you will only dismiss them, deny them, misrepresent or misconstrue them, spin them, or simply ignore them. Ego, pride, and cognitive dissonance are very powerful behavioral modifiers. You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. What is the impact on guerilla insurgency, and the almost 2 decades of warfare in the Gulf? Let me tell you, MORE UNNECESSARY WASTE OF HUMAN LIVES FOR OIL.

    What possible rationale can you even envision, that any country would openly attack this country? Especially knowing that this country has not only the potential to destroy that country, but also the entire world? Do you think that the US would ever attack Russia(has more Nukes)? No. It is called Mutually Assured Destruction. We are the only aggressors in the world. Do you know how many foreign countries we have military bases in --38. . Do you know how many countries we are currently bombing(7)? At least other countries have a rational reason to fear us, than we have to fear them. If any country refuses to trade oil in American dollars, they are demonized, sanctioned, boycotted, threatened with war, or bombed, until they do. If any country decides to nationalize their mineral resources, and refuse to allow the US to pillage their resources to make more profit, they are demonized, boycotted, sanctioned, threatened with war, and bombed. If any country refuses to allow corporate American interests to exploit their fiscal revenue, the same response will be expected.

    Clearly you don't have a clue, about the truth behind WHY America must wage these senseless wars, and become the b***h of Saudi Arabia. It also doesn't take a genius to know that only a nuclear armed country, would ever invade America. But also knowing that by doing so, would also destroy the planet. It will be America, that will be the cause of the destruction of the planet, by giving nuclear countries no choice. Led by a moronic madman, many will be obstinate til the end. Did you know that there are Russian and Iranian bases in Syria? How do you think Russia might respond to an attack on bases in Syria? In an invasion scenario, guerilla insurgency would be woefully ineffective to stop any invasion. It would only be a pathetic annoyance at best, and a total waste of lives at worse. Please stop watching "Invasion USA", with Chuck Norris. It's not real. You have more chance of being attacked by a shark in Arizona, than being invaded by any foreign country.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2019
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  16. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I have said this for a very long time now; Biden will become the next POTUS.
    Aleksander Ulyanov likes this.
  17. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    I have no idea of the relevance of your opening sentence, other than a very morbid and irrelevant distraction, that panders only to pathos. I recommend strongly that you look at the links below, before exposing more of your lack of understanding of world politics and business, and the role Saudi Arabia plays in it. Remember this is the country, that trained the terrorists that attacked us on 911. This is the country that butchered one of our American citizens. This is the country that is "ground zero" for the training and financing of all terrorist organizations around the world. This is the country, that American Presidents(Bush, Obama, Trump) must obey, or risk the real possibility of a devalued American dollar, and an unstable American economy. For a 115% debtor nation, a devalued dollar would be the Great Depression, except 100 times worse. Why do you think that any country that threatens our dollar, nationalizes their resources, refuses to trade in American dollars, or refuses to be exploited by wall Street, are demonized, destabilized, sanctioned, or just attacked by drones?

    The Yemeni Houthi's are the freedom fighters in Yemen, fighting Saudi Arabia's proxy government fighters. They don't want to live under this radical Islamic ideology, that their government wants to accept. These freedom fighters are winning. Now the Saudi's want Trump to pimp out the lives of American citizen, to be used by a terrorist dictator to use as he sees fit. This moron is no leader, and certainly doesn't put America first.

    These are the only comments you can make? What is sad and tragic, is that this level of political and global ignorance is more than just the norm. It is now the status quo in America. We are just becoming more like "marks" to corporate America, who only wants us to consume, and not think. It is no wonder how a spoilt immature rich narcissist, can fail at everything he touches, and still be voted in as President of the US. It's true, people do worship power, even though, it is us that gave them the power.

    Socialism is just more "red baiting", by those that don't have a clue what it means. Without socialistic government programs, you would be tripping over the sick and dead, couldn't afford any education, have zero retirement security, and many other socialistic programs.

    I was hoping that Tulsi's common sense policies would resonate, and clearly show people that "we the people", can affect change. And, that she would be our champion, to lead the Government. But, if this level of apathy and ignorance is the majority view, then maybe we are just not worth saving. So, lets just watch the poor become poorer, the rich getting richer, fight and die in one war after another, affect zero social reforms, and keep increasing our national debt for us all to pay. Corporate America, Mainstream Media, the Oligarchs and Plutocrats, have truly succeeded in "dumbing down" America. The dangers of Capitalism is coming into fruition, and we are now too dumb to see it. God help America, and God save the world.
    Aleksander Ulyanov likes this.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    If a liberal were to hold an AK-47 to my head and I was threaten to vote for a Democrat for President or have my brains matter splattered into the wind...I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard.

    Like what I pointed out in which Tulsi Gabbard made clear to her fellow Democrats, that it wasn't the Taliban who attacked us on 9-11-01 but Al Qaeda.

    Do you know how many over on CNN and MSNBC and how many Democratic members of Congress In the past few weeks have claimed that the Taliban attacked America on 9/11 ?

    As for Afghanistan, it should have been a punitive action war...CRUSH and BOLT.
  19. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    It is exactly this kind of divisive, hyper-partisan tribalism, that Tulsi was trying to warn us against. I couldn't care less what political party, or political ideology any person espouses. All that matters to me, are their policies and their person. It is these self-imposed mental barrier that divides us, feeds corporate fiscal interests, and prevents any real social changes from happening. How do you tell our foreign visitors, who are tripping over our bums, beggars, addicts, and homeless, that we are the richest country in the world? Even school children know the meaning of "divide and conquer".

    If that person's political policies can address, and solve our urgent social needs, without using band-aid platitudes, or corporate sound-bites, then they have my attention. If that person has a very unique perspective, molded from a unique experience, that is copacetic with the requirements of becoming Commander-in-Chief, and Chief Executive, then I am really interested. But, if the person has all the "X-factors", that makes them stand out from the pack, then that person has my vote.

    Tulsi Gabbard is a once-in-a-lifetime candidate. Who was the only candidate that got your attention in the first two debates? Who was the only candidate who destroyed two candidates, by exposing them to the truth, and not to lies? Who was the only candidate that has been the focus of smears, lies, insinuations, red-baiting, rigging the nomination process, false direct associations, and personal attacks, since the start of her campaign? What is corporate America, the Fossil Fuel Industry, the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Big Agra, and Big Tech afraid of? Is it that these corporations are profit driven, and that people are only relevant, as long as they don't interfere with this Corporate mandate? Is your worth only defined by how much, or how little you can consume? This is OUR country. All socio-economic systems carry the seeds of their own destruction. This is now becoming a country run by plutocrats, oligarchs, and meritocrats. And, we are not only letting this happen, but we are defending it.

    If it takes someone to put a gun to your head, to force you to vote for someone, who will,

    Stop all wasteful regime-change wars
    save trillions of dollars, to decrease our national debt.
    save thousands of lives
    use the "war dividends" to address our homeless crises, universal healthcare, education, environment, infrastructure, immigration reform, prison reform, free speech, etc.
    get money out of politics, and close the "revolving door"
    breaking up "Big Info Tech", abolishing Private Prisons, Banking practices, and ending the federal ban on Marijuana,
    get back into both nuclear treaties, de-escalate this nuclear cold war, and stop all these crippling sanctions(acts of war) on foreign countries.

    If you still need a gun to convince you, then with all due respect, you are not worth the bullet. Not voting for anyone based entirely on what party they belong to is just self-imposed ignorance. Would you not buy a ford, only because it is a ford? It is this level of ignorance, that is why Tulsi is polling in the single digits. This corporate-created political chasm only serves corporate needs, not ours. It is this level of tribalism that is holding us back from improving our future. It is this hyper-partisan attitude, that is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    Why were we in Afghanistan in the first place? Bin Laden(the mastermind of 911) was killed over 8 years ago, so why are we still there? Because Saudi Arabia tells us to. It is ironic that bin Laden was also a Saudi. Looks like he wins in the end, at controlling the infidels. Like Tulsi says, we will never stop, or supress any religious ideology. It is up to the people of that country to make that change. Like the people in Yemen are trying to do. I seriously think that there is more to Tulsi Gabbard, than her knowledge of who flew planes into buildings on 911. Now we are being lied into a war with Iran, and we still do nothing. Even when the Yemenis Houthis admit that they did it, and will attack the UAE next, we simple ignore them. We simply can't let the truth get in the way, of a war we really want. This time it will be because of the American people, and a foreign dictator, that will be responsible for the deaths of our fighting Americans. Shame on you all.


    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Back in 2001 we thought OBL was the mastermind of 9/11.

    But by 2005 we learned that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) was the mastermind of 9/11 not OBL.

    KSM was captured in 2003 during the Bush administration and is still at Gitmo today.
  21. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    It is only alleged that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind of 911. After undergoing waterboarding 183 times, I wouldn't call his admissions, reliable, legal, or credible. What we can say for certain, is that KSM, OBL, Mohammed Atef(killed in Afghanistan by Americans in 2001), and Mohammed Atta, were all the principal players complicit, in the attacks on 911. Why are we still have American bases in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Kuwait, Israel, and the UAE? Why? We will never stop the religious ideology, of terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Isis, Al-Shabaab, and over 130 other terrorist groups around the world. As Tulsi said, these groups are as strong today, as they were before we started attacking them.

    All we have done is strengthen these group's resolve, by making them more determined and more popular. It is ironic that we want to attack Iran, who is fighting Saudi Arabia(by proxy), which is the home of Al Qaeda. Its religious ideology is exported all over the world by the Saudis. The Saudis must be laughing their butts off at America. And, especially our President. I have never been more ashamed to be an American. My prayers go out to the brave soldiers, that will be wasting their lives for the terrorists, that they were supposed to be fighting against.

    Some of us are standing up, to protect the lives of our soldiers, against the whims of an idiot, and a religious zealot.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    OBL and other jihadist have used America having military base in Saudi Arabia as a reason to wage jihad against the United States.

    But nobody will explain why Al Qaeda and other Islamist terrorist organizations have attacked the UK, Germany, France, India and even the Philippines who have no military bases in the Middle East.

    The USA has a military presence in Turkey because back during the Cold War Turkey was strategically located being able to block the Soviet Navy from entering or exiting the Black Sea. So the real European NATO members decided to allow Turkey to become a member of NATO.

    Today Turkey is a NATO member in name only.
    I believe the current military acronym for Turkey today is NATOINO
    US Conservative likes this.
  23. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    And then there were 3 jackasses...

    I think Bernie is out.

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