Why Trump is the keystone, and what the left really fears

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by spiritgide, Jan 26, 2020.

  1. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    My apologies for the length of this article; the point needs background to put it in perspective. Trump IS the key element in the politics of today- and few understand way.

    Sometimes our perspective is limited because we get too close to something. It's like the earth being seen as flat, which is obvious from the viewpoint of the average person in the average place. However. When the perspective changes, such as the viewpoint from the space station, it is unquestionably round. Some things are only clear from the comprehensive view, others require the close up view as well. I think this applies to the politics around Trump today- if you fail to see the broader perspective, you will fail to understand what you see.

    Most people think of politicians individually, with a looser connection to the overall body of government or party. And while politicians continue to come and go, some things don't seem to change in Washington. Most don't ask why- but we should, and there is a reason.

    Once you get to the level of Washington politics, there is something like a fraternity where everybody there is part of a brotherhood. Not in their party or platforms, but in the aspect of them all being “shipmates”, passengers on the same vessel. While they may fight, they also have a common interest in protecting the ship itself, in that it is protecting all of them.

    Virtually all politicians come up through the ranks. They learn they must have the backing and support of party leaders. They have to earn approval from senior members in congress to gain any position of influence for themselves, and that means they have to obey rules- the kind not in the books. Literally, an outsider in congress who somehow gets elected and refuses to patronize the established power structure finds themselves neutered, and out at the next election. As you can see from the last election, this long-standing fact is being broken down, and radicals who attack their own party are gaining power anyway.

    Presidents generally come from the field of established politicians and political families- they know the rules of the game and how it's played; they have just risen in ranks. Even Eisenhower, while not a career politician- was totally familiar with the political game, as he dealt directly with all those people for most of his career in the military.

    People in the fraternity have always argued and fought each other politically- but have defended the fraternity like a brotherhood. The fraternity in turn has allowed them a vast number of perks that are not visible to the general public. For example, in 2011 the show “60 Minutes” exposed one of those perks. If you or I have inside information and use it to profit in the stock market- Jail time. If you were a member of congress, you would have access to vast amounts of information that would dramatically affect stock prices, and could be used to reap huge profits. The difference is that as a member of congress- you couldn't be prosecuted for it.

    The show exposed that practice to be common to members of congress- almost all of them. When this became public, they acted shocked; as if they had just found a rat in the pantry, and were anxious to exterminate it. So with great fanfare, they passed a law called the "Stock Act" to close the loophole, and the public was satisfied. About a year later a very small change in the law was passed- quietly, in only 30 seconds, without publicity or discussion, and passed unanimously even though many members knew nothing of it... and that change effectively prevented the original Stock Act from standing in their way, and concealed future activities. That was the brotherhood, the common interest, at work.

    Congress fights over public interests, but protects it's perks like a band of brothers. This same kind of association is also present in the bureaucracies; they have as much or more allegiance to their own positions and power- which they see as property- than they do to any elected administration. Together with congress-
    All this is the fraternity, the brotherhood- Also collectively known as.... The Swamp.

    Then.... Came Trump.

    Not a politician. Not a through-the-ranks member of the club. Not dependent on the powers or approval of the established order. Not someone with a closet full of mutual political skeletons, which others helped put there. A wildcard in the game of politics, an intruder in the Swamp that they couldn't control.

    Trump is the worst possible scenario for the brotherhood- An Outsider, with no vested interest in protecting their swamp, no allegiance to the brotherhood, and a strong motivation to clean it up- becoming President.

    The efforts to derail him started the moment he said he would run, because such a president could endanger all the perks, benefits and hidden powers that the brotherhood has allowed them for many decades. It is seen as a core threat, not an argument of issues. Of course, they can't argue over the core- there is no way to defend it. That is what unleashed the unrestrained slander and character assassination that has been the essence of the opposition from day one.... Desperation and panic took over, common decency, integrity and propriety went out the window.

    Even the republicans were wary, because they too are part of the brotherhood. For a long time, we saw many sitting on the fence not knowing which way to go. That has changed as they saw this was more than a passing disruption, and coherence is returning to the republican side.

    This the real reason that Trump is hated by so many politicians, and that the hate is promoted in those who sympathize with the left. It is the core threat they fight against; the issues they argue are only excuses; the distractions and justification for the attacks. It is why the left has resorted to extremes, and particularly to the peddling of socialistic values, of telling people what they want to hear to sway them to their side- and why that is becoming even more desperate with every failure than it was during the election. Because he is actually doing what he promised he would do, and the brotherhood is losing power- fragmenting, infighting and losing it's grip on us- The new great fear is that he will be re-elected.

    As you watch these ongoing attacks on the president, back away from the point of the moment and put it in the perspective of being one small part of a much larger puzzle- and you can see how it neatly fits into the big picture, of protecting the underbelly of the brotherhood of the swamp.

    We are now entering into a very dangerous time, because when desperate actions fail and panic increases- even more desperate ideas will gain support. Expect it. Be prepared for it.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2020
  2. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    The post is nonsense, and the answer to your question is simple:

    What the left really fears is a dictatorship.

    Trump most certainly is the keystone to that.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2020
  3. BuckyBadger

    BuckyBadger Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2018
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    Thanks for the great read. IMO, Trump being re-elected for another term is the best thing that could happen to this country. I don't like any of the other candidates and don't feel their vision for America is good or positive.
  4. Rush_is_Right

    Rush_is_Right Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2019
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    If you would step back and look at all this objectively you would see the post is spot on.
  5. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    What a bunch self serving pablum. My lord, the left made FDR president literally from his first election to the day he died, almost 12 years. The left would have cheerfully run Obama out there until he died of old age had the Constitution not been changed after FDR. The left doesn't give a tinker's dam about a dictatorship as long as they are running it. Hell Obama with his pen and phone was as close to a dictator as this country's had since FDR and you praised everything he did.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2020
  6. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    What objectivity? It just boils down to the absurd "Democrats hate Trump. The media hates Trump" argument. Which relies on not mentioning the many crimes that Trump has been proven guilty of.
    Moonglow likes this.
  7. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Except he hasn't yet been proven guilty of any.
    Ddyad likes this.
  8. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Who is FDR? I don't remember voting for him/her.
  9. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    They seem to have a memory based upon exultation of their candidate and forget their many crimes.
  10. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    He has to pay back 2 million to a charity he stole from and he has had to pay back 25 million for fraud at Trump University and you think he is an angel from God to save us?
    Pants and Golem like this.
  11. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Explains your politics perfectly, no depth of knowledge, and a level of self righteousness that would make pharisee proud.
  12. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Nope. Most of those God has chosen down from Cyrus the Great on weren't angels. Mostly because there aren't any humans that are.
    Ddyad likes this.
  13. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Nope. Most of those God has chosen down from Cyrus the Great on weren't angels. Mostly because there aren't any humans that are.
  14. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    This post is a violation of copyright laws. But then why would you care, you're a trumper.

    You didn't even post a link. Why? Too ashamed?
  15. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    So to you "self-righteousness" means blind partisanship to the point where I am supposed to blindly defend somebody who was President before I was born.

    Your post clearly paints the extent of your own blind partisanship and, once again, why it's useless to even consider a serious debate with you on anything. This is why I don't even try.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2020
  16. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Nothing to do with self-righteousness. That's the lack of depth of knowledge. Self righteousness is the attempt to speak for all leftist everywhere and Everytime
    Ddyad likes this.
  17. ArchStanton

    ArchStanton Banned

    Dec 29, 2018
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    This short video un-derails your derailing:

    And people wonder how Democrats get rich in office....Queen Nancy:

    Ddyad likes this.
  18. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    If you have a point to make, make it following forum rules. Videos and references are meant to support a point, not to make it for you. So that if I have any reason to doubt that whatever point you're making is real, I can watch the video. But not otherwise.
  19. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    It's not a link to a story- it's an opinion.... MY opinion. Note that the title of this forums is "Political Opinions and beliefs".
    And it's not a violation of any copyright, because it is entirely original. However that would give me a sort of copyright, and I do hereby grant the permission to use any part or all of it, so long as the core message is not distorted in it's use.

    So- there you go... Again.
    IF you understood the picture this post illustrates- you would be a Trumper too.
  20. MississippiMud

    MississippiMud Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I think everyone, left, right and middle should be wary if not fear a dictatorship. Trump is no more a dictator wanna be than his predecessor. I recall righties voicing similar fears of Barack Obama. It was silly then, it is silly now. It makes good copy for those who WISH to hear it.

    The OP does bring out some points that go along with observations that i have made about the inner workings of our government. Trump is a wildcard that has upset status quo for both republicans and democrats. The rise of the extreme left is a direct result of Trump.

    Both parties fear him because he isn't a player. Therein lies probably his only redeeming quality. No doubt this country needs change ... real change. Hopefully trump will have been the catalyst that we need.

    Will Trump be enough to start the decline of the DNC/RNC co-op power share in this country? I am on the fence with that. I would be willing to bet (and give odds) that if this whole impeachment fiasco was actually allowed to play out with real witnesses and facts that we would see a drastic and swift change in the power structure. The way it has played out just reinforces to me why we need to end the DNC/RND monopoly on power. Neither side wants what the people want in this whole mess. They both have way too much to loose. They both are playing their part in the game.
    Idahojunebug77 likes this.
  21. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I think most people have been shocked by the viciousness of the narratives involved here. There is a reason for that too.

    When a politician is pushing some kind of policy for legislation- something for the people- what they have at stake is their acceptability to the voters. Obviously that hinges more on telling people what they want to hear than what they need to hear, but that is politics.

    That IS NOT the case today. While they portray it that way, the real issue is that what is at stake is their own position- not just as as member of congress, but as one with access to all those perks and benefits. In other words, a normal political clash is more about the people's benefits- But this one is about the politicians benefits of position, especially the ones that are "fringe" benefits that result from the power of holding office, not from the authority of the duties and compensation of holding office. Another example is what we are learning about the Bidens, where political connections have been used to make 5 Biden family members wealthy- and that is something common in politics. Because Trump threatens their position and the power to do those things rather than what affects the people, the outrage is far more intense than they might feel about the welfare of voters.

    It's personal to them- very personal. The added level of outrage gives us an idea how much more important they think they are than you are.

    Change is in the process. This is a huge entity, and it will take time- time beyond Trump's possible tenure. However, it's very likely that Trump is setting a new standard and that his successor will follow. It's going to be a long process. Something that would help greatly would be term limits for congress, so we don't build these dynasties where one person can control an office for 50 years and more. I suspect that somewhere along the line in this process, we will see Trump or his successors supporting that.
    Hotdogr and Seth Bullock like this.
  22. ArchStanton

    ArchStanton Banned

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Don't come up in here with your 'high and mighty' crap yapping about forum rules when you violated forum rules to begin with. You violate forum rules all the time but when you're called on it......
  23. blueline

    blueline Newly Registered

    Jun 11, 2018
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    As you can see from most of the replies above, people see it from a simple small brained right -vs- left viewpoint. This, as you mention is much, much bigger. Ask yourself how these politicians come in with little money and leave multi-millionaires? Ask how their kids get into the best schools without the academics to support it? Ask yourself how they get these million dollar jobs for their kids, family members and friends but have no experience in the industries? Ask how they get put on large corporate boards where they don't even have to show up to get a monthly check. Ask how they or their people get away with crimes that we would spend years in jail for.
    Do you, your kids your family get those opertunities?
    Of course not. You are not the elite.
    That's what Trump is trying to uncover and expose. That is why he was / is being accused of being a Russian puppet. That is why he is being impeached. It's not Republican or Democrat issue. They are cornered and will do anything to stop the threat of Trump and his movement.
    Open your eyes. This is what Trump is fighting for. It won't stop till they are exposed.
    It will be a long fight but God and good will prevail or the country is lost.
    yabberefugee and Hotdogr like this.
  24. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Oh God was a fan of Cyrus eh? Ok....:icon_picknose:
  25. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Her husband is rich also they made their money in real estate like the president Trump...

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