Jesus is back !

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Victus, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. Victus

    Victus Newly Registered

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Page 59 to 99

    Here we approach a more "technical" chapter by entering into the heart of the philological and intertextual study between the Lotus Sutra and the Gospel.

    There are only two paragraphs in this chapter entitled:



    Not only do we find that the sapiential teachings of the Buddha and of Jesus are similar and complementary in their foundations and in their objectives, but moreover several key words or images used by the Buddha appear to be repeated in the Gospel, often developed, detailed or explained by Jesus.

    This cannot be the result of chance, and what links the teachings of the Buddha with the realization and teachings of Christ for the salvation of all is finally revealed to us.

    Link to Chap III :

    @trevorw2539 :
    This is a study of the Scriptures explaining to us the real links between the Buddha and his successor Jesus, and not on improbable hypotheses like the ones you evoke.
  2. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    This is your interpretation - nothing more.

    There's actually more evidence for my hypothesis than there is for yours.
    Cosmo likes this.
  3. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Jesus did come back from the dead, and we celebrate His resurrection every Easter.
  4. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    Just as the ancients did every spring when they gathered to watch their sun god rise from the underworld.
    Cosmo likes this.
  5. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    And yet only Jesus could split the world into a BC and AD.
  6. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    That was man,. centuries after Jesus. And we don't even know the real date when Jesus was born or died.

    Jews still use the Jewish calendar for religious purposes. Other nations use their own calendars - Japanese, Chinese, Indians etc. The use of today's terms - AD and BC (now BCE and CE in archaeological terms) are simply for trading purposes.
    The Wyrd of Gawd and Cosmo like this.
  7. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    What kind of evidence do you want? Do you really expect the liberal New York Times to tell you, or the Economist?

    A couple of years ago the Edicule containing Christ's tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was repaired. Other than the archeologists, there were the heads of other faiths, both Christian and non Christian watching every moment of it. At the end they just walked out leaving the priests alone.

    I couldn't understand why they walked out, until I read something on a Greek site. I had read before that the machinery stopped working whenever it touched the spot where Christ had lain. What I didn't know though was that blood began to form.

    Now do you really expect the liberal MSM to report on that?

    You're not doing too well. First of all aliens can't exist in our dimension, since time and distances makes it impossible for humans and anything in our tactile dimension to survive -therefore they would have to be from other dimensions. This would make them no different than angels, demons, ghosts, etc. In other words aliens were always known to exist. Only the terminology is different.

    As for the Piri Reis map, I assume it was a copy of an ancient Greek map from some library in Constantinople. The ancient Greek tribes said that the Minoans in Crete who were a seafaring people, knew the depth of every sea in the world - and they probably did. Crete was destroyed by a tidal wave when the volcano at Santorini erupted. They have yet to decipher linear I. If they could we could probably learn a lot.
    When the German archeologist Schliemann found Troy, he noticed that there were 6 cities one on top of the other. He assumed wrongly that the bottom one, which was highly developed and advanced was Helen's Troy. He was surprised to find that it was all covered with mud and even shark bones which meant it was wiped out by a flood. Was it the same tidal wave that wiped out the Minoans? Maybe, but the time element would be way off. But then again geologists are always wrong- unless it was Noah's flood? Who knows?

    The new city Schliemann found above the mud was very primitive, and every city that came after that was more advanced than the former one until they came to the top one - which was the Troy of the Trojan war. Interesting stuff, huh?
    Last edited: May 17, 2020
  8. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    Not so. Life, even on earth, can exist in extreme conditions. Extreme heat, extreme cold, alkali and acid etc all in different forms - but no less life. . . No scientist would agree with you that life of some kind cannot be found in the Universe. We think we are the most intelligent beings. There may be others far beyond our intelligence. They don't have to be from other dimensions. The idea that any being - god or what you want to call it - would create a Universe so unthinkably large for just one creature is beyond belief. If man is capable of colonising Mars, what's to say other more advanced beings with science superior to ours have not visited us. There are many indications that this may have been so - even in the Bible.

    How did the ancient Greeks have a map of the Antarctic Ice sheet. It was been there long before man existed.

    We are not talking about recent cities like Troy.. We are talking of cities far older. Jerusalem itself goes back to 3,500 BCE, and that's only when it was settled permanently. Jericho itself goes back to 9,000 BCE. And we are finding ruins of cities older.

    Noahs flood is impossible. Try reading up on Hydrology and Gravity..

    We've moved on a bit from Schliemann's time.

    German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann was the first to explore the Mound of Troy in the 1870s. Unfortunately, he had had no formal education in archaeology, and dug an enormous trench “which we still call the Schliemann Trench,” according to Rose, because in the process Schliemann “destroyed a phenomenal amount of material.” ... Only much later in his career would he accept the fact that the treasure had been found at a layer one thousand years removed from the battle between the Greeks and Trojans, and thus that it could not have been the treasure of King Priam. Schliemann may not have discovered the truth, but the publicity stunt worked, making Schliemann and the site famous and igniting the field of Homeric studies in the late 19th century. During this period he was criticized and ridiculed of claims to fathering an offspring with a local Assyrian Girl sparking infidelity and adultery which Schliemann did not confirm or deny. '[34] Brian Rose.

    In northwestern Turkey, Heinrich Schliemann excavated the site believed to be Troy in 1870. Schliemann was a German adventurer and con man who took sole credit for the discovery, even though he was digging at the site, called Hisarlik, at the behest of British archaeologist Frank Calvert. ... Eager to find the legendary treasures of Troy, Schliemann blasted his way down to the second city, where he found what he believed were the jewels that once belonged to Helen. As it turns out, the jewels were a thousand years older than the time described in Homer's epic.[1] National Geographic.

    Space photography is beginning to show us sites that have been lost for millennia and not yet excavated for sheer numbers and local conditions.
    Last edited: May 17, 2020
  9. Victus

    Victus Newly Registered

    Apr 12, 2020
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    This is an interpretation according to the truth found according to the correct faith by an "elected" man.
    The demonstration of what is advanced is found in the book presented in this thread, so that in addition each believer can recognize the tree by its (good) fruits as Jesus asked the believers.

    If you have valid arguments to make, open a thread and present the references on what you advance.


    Page 103 to 120

    We now approach concepts of reflection including logic, philosophy, history, metaphysics, leading us to understand the maieutics of souls, of mind in space-time.

    When it comes to Jesus' learning of the Scriptures about the Buddha, two opposing historical approaches - unless they are complementary! ? - are presented to us.

    The first tells us about the reality of the promotion of Buddhism to the lands of Israel and beyond even before the birth of Jesus.

    The second relates to testimonies of the passage of Jesus in Tibet.

    Among various probative approaches demonstrating the realization of Jesus in "awake" (Buddha), you will find a probabilistic and statistical approach which is developed to support the understanding of the prophetic messianic Buddhist fulfillment in Jesus.

    Link for the fourth chapter:
  10. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    This is an interpretation according to the truth found according to the correct faith by an "elected" man.

    Elected by whom?.

    The whole of religion is riddled with interaction between 'unknowns' and indescribable craft descending from and to the sky. Even the Bible. You talk about Buddha but Buddhism is itself full of gods and deities coming to men. The Rig Vedas are hymns to these beings.

    There's no evidence that Jesus ever learned the teachings of Buddha. He was a Jew and preached Judaism. It's all another man's interpretation
  11. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    You forgot about the ancient aliens who made us to dig gold for them.

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  12. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    I just hadn't got round to them. ;) The wealth of information around the world indicates that something happened for men to describe, paint, build, and worship beings from the sky. Personally I think some of the things posted on here indicate the presence of aliens. :wink:
    Lucifer likes this.
  13. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Of course there is life in some form or another on other planets, I didn't say there wasn't. But I don't see how physical life as it exists in our dimension, could travel thousands of light years and reach another planet.
    Of course there is more intelligent life, but they have to be interdimensional such as angels, Saints/Prophets, demons, ghosts, etc.

    According to the geologists the ice sheet was there since who knows when, but geologists have been wrong many times. As an example, I would sometimes watch Dutchsinse to find out when and where an earthquake will hit - as well as the magnitude. Dutchsinse only had a high school education, and yet he is right 98% of the time. He even wrote a book on how to predict earthquakes - yet it's not what the geologists were taught so they hate him for it.

    As for Schliemann, no one at that time believed that Troy and the Trojan wars existed. They thought they were myths. Before finding Troy, he found the ancient Greek city of Mycenae.. Of course he made a mess of Troy, the methods they have today didn't exist then. My point is, that if the Troy of the Trojan wars was 3,300 years ago, the first city on the bottom layer that Schliemann believed was Helen's Troy, had to be 4 thousand to 5 thousand years old.

    Therefore it couldn't have been flooded by the eruption of Santorini. Did it happen when the straits of Gibraltar opened, and the Atlantic rushed into the Mediterranean? We don't know.

    I doubt that Jericho or Jerusalem would be more than 5 thousand years old.

    As for Noah's flood, I have a very open mind, I don't discount anything - nor do I accept anything readily.

    It wasn't a stunt, Schliemann literally idolized ancient Greece - and even wanted to be buried with the pagan ancient Greek rites. Up until he found Mycenae people thought the Trojan war was a myth. Anyway what I wrote wasn't supposed to be about him, but at least let's give the man credit for what he did.
  14. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    What do you call 'physical' life? Evidence is coming forward that our Laws of Physics do not apply through the universe. Our science is still in its infancy. 'We' - humans - live within a range of 60-90 years. There's no reason another being in the universe could not live a 1000+ years. A Mayfly lives for a day - a Jellyfish is virtually immortal - it can repair itself if injured or its 'body' is deteriorating. Most die through being eaten by predators.
    That's just on the planet called earth.

    Dutchsinse ( Michael Danitch) doesn't 'predict' earthquakes. He uses science and technology.. Other people do the same, but don't use the internet.

    The Antarctic Ice sheet has been there as I stated. Science has proven that.

    The Straits of Gibralter 'opened' around 5 million years ago.

    And \archaeologists will tell you that Jerusalem and Jericho are far older than 5000 years.

    Schliemann was supposedly an archaeologist and you use him, but there are far more qualified archaeologists that will tell you about Jericho and Jerusalem. The history of any city starts with a settlement of people. This settlement of Jericho goes back to about 9000 BCE. There are also stone towers that are earlier. And the earliest known city wall was at Jericho.
  15. Victus

    Victus Newly Registered

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Elected by the Universal Spirit : God !

    Buddhism is what men have made of the teachings of the Buddha, and what you are talking about are opinions about it that you peddle.
    The teachings of the Buddha are therefore to be taken in their dynamics, and no longer in its transient aspects.
    You had better go into the subject matter as did Blessed Maitreya (P.P.).
    Thus, you would understand like him that the Buddha, by teaching the "Single Vehicle" and by designating Jesus Christ (Buddha Amitabha) as his successor and universal instructor, had laid the groundwork for a gathering in Our One God through Jesus his servant.

    The evidence that Jesus learned the teachings of Buddha is in the work provided :

    Have you read it ?

    Credible evidence of the existence of God is there, in this work, with that man, because it is a question of the fulfillment of divine prophecies.

    That some do not understand this does not prevent this reality!

    As for believers, are there in this forum who are awake and who watch over the return of the Spirit of Truth?
  16. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    I'll tell you what happened. When soldiers would pray fervently before a battle, celestial armies would sometimes appear and fight off the enemies. I'm not joking. It happened when the Crusaders took Jerusalem, and also in WWI. I read in an old book about a battle in Belgium, where Saint Michael and his celestial army fought off the Germans. Later when they asked the Germans in the hospital what happened, they said the same thing, that a celestial army began to fight them.

    You just don't read enough.
  17. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    "Dear brothers and sisters in faith, peace be upon you and be joyful: Christ is back!"

    many think Trump is the chosen one, but I call fake news
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  18. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    It depends on what they mean by chosen one. If they mean chosen by the voters to be president, then they're right, he was chosen. Anything other than that means they need to have their heads examined.
  19. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Trump was not chosen by American voters, he got about 3 million fewer votes than Clinton
  20. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    The Universal Spirit? Oh. You mean YOUR Universal Spirit. Sorry, I don't buy it. Fulfilment of 'divine prophesies'. A wise man once said 'Given time all prophecies will be fulfilled' - in other words prophecy what you want now and it will, sometime in the future, be fulfilled.

    Jesus didn't learn his teaching from the Buddha. Study Judaism and you will see that. His teaching comes from the OT and has been often adapted by Christian writers (Gospel) for Christianity.

    Everything this blogger says is from his own mind, his own interpretation. Others have their own interpretations of Scriptures, religious texts etc. It's simply what you want to believe.

    There is no credible evidence for the existence of 'God'. If there were we would not be even discussing it. Even Buddha did not believe in God. He said that the idea came from fear.
    "Gripped by fear men go to the sacred mountains,
    sacred groves, sacred trees and shrines".
    Buddha replaced fear with rational understanding

    Do Buddhist believe in god?
    No, we do not. There are several reasons for this. The Buddha, like modern sociologists and psychologists, believed that religious ideas and especially the god idea have their origin in fear. The Buddha says:

    "Gripped by fear men go to the sacred mountains,
    sacred groves, sacred trees and shrines".

    Dp 188

    Primitive man found himself in a dangerous and hostile world, the fear of wild animals, of not being able to find enough food, of injury or disease, and of natural phenomena like thunder, lightning and volcanoes was constantly with him. Finding no security, he created the idea of gods in order to give him comfort in good times, courage in times of danger and consolation when things went wrong. To this day, you will notice that people become more religious at times of crises, you will hear them say that the belief in a god or gods gives them the strength they need to deal with life. You will hear them explain that they believe in a particular god because they prayed in time of need and their prayer was answered. All this seems to support the Buddha’s teaching that the god-idea is a response to fear and frustration. The Buddha taught us to try to understand our fears, to lessen our desires and to calmly and courageously accept the things we cannot change. He replaced fear, not with irrational belief but with rational understanding.

    The second reason the Buddha did not believe in a god is because there does not seem to be any evidence to support this idea. There are numerous religions, all claiming that they alone have god’s words preserved in their holy book, that they alone understand god’s nature, that their god exists and that the gods of other religions do not. Some claim that god is masculine, some that she is feminine and others that it is neuter. They are all satisfied that there is ample evidence to prove the existence of their god but they laugh in disbelief at the evidence other religions use to prove the existence of another god. It is not surprising that with so many different religions spending so many centuries trying to prove the existence of their gods that still no real, concrete, substantial or irrefutable evidence has been found. Buddhists suspend judgement until such evidence is forthcoming.

    The third reason the Buddha did not believe in a god is that the belief is not necessary. Some claim that the belief in a god is necessary in order to explain the origin on the universe. But this is not so. Science has very convincingly explained how the universe came into being without having to introduce the god-idea. Some claim that belief in god is necessary to have a happy, meaningful life. Again we can see that this is not so. There are millions of atheists and free-thinkers, not to mention many Buddhists, who live useful, happy and meaningful lives without belief in a god. Some claim that belief in god’s power is necessary because humans, being weak, do not have the strength to help themselves. Once again, the evidence indicates the opposite. One often hears of people who have overcome great disabilities and handicaps, enormous odds and difficulties, through their own inner resources, through their own efforts and without belief in a god. Some claim that god is necessary in order to give man salvation. But this argument only holds good if you accept the theological concept of salvation and Buddhists do not accept such a concept. Based on his own experience, the Buddha saw that each human being had the capacity to purify the mind, develop infinite love and compassion and perfect understanding. He shifted attention from the heavens to the heart and encouraged us to find solutions to our problems through self-understanding.

    And Peddling? I'm no more peddling than you are. Do people not worship ancient gods in India and other parts of the world? They must have some reason for accounting these beings as gods.

    Believe what you will.
  21. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    Sorry, but I've read many books in my 81 years of life. You're talking about the Angel of Mons. Interesting story and not unique. Millenia before WWI ancient legends tell of beings coming from the sky and 'interfering' in human affairs. And that is worldwide. Even the Bible has these stories.
    Jeannette likes this.
  22. Victus

    Victus Newly Registered

    Apr 12, 2020
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    @trevorw2539 : Have you studied the Lotus Sutra and the Pure Land Sutras, as P.P. did, to know the whole thought of the Buddha?
    So, instead of being in the dark about what you don't know, read the summary offered by P.P.
    Obviously, you don't believe in God!
    Know that it is more difficult if not impossible to recognize what is obvious on the basis of bad faith and ill will.
    May you however, and may all believers and people be well awakened, read, understand and recognize the "signs" and the "vicar of Christ" by whom we are revealed different keys to understanding in the correct faith.


    P 123 to 143

    This chapter is an enlightened rereading of the Koran in which the divine will is clarified, re-located in its eschatological dimension, and where all the prophets resume their places.

    Thus, for example, the Buddha who is subtly mentioned in the Koran (in a subtle but obvious way), which restores him in his prophetic dimension in the service of the One God.

    However, this prophet had until then been rejected by mohamadism, but it was without taking into account the dynamic, evolutionary, and even Christic dimension of his teachings, so that in fine, his attachment to the unity of God as revealed to our knowledge ( having regard to his last teachings in particular) becomes obvious. There are indeed in his teachings elements relating to the importance of the "Single Vehicle, and others praising Christ whom he designates as his universal successor and teacher to follow in faith.

    The uninitiated also discover that the Koran not only recognizes the eminent role of all of the Hebrew prophets of the Divine, that it sanctifies the Virgin Mary, but that this holy book also confirms Jesus as Messiah. The eschatological part is also treated there, with confirmation the central place of the “return of Jesus” as “sign” and essential role. As, moreover, the end times are common to all the main religions, what was unthinkable for opinion is in fact a reality, namely that the character of the end times in Islam (the expected Mahdi) is at both the character of the end of Buddhist times (the awakened Maitreya). These two characters are just one! He is a man at the service of all. Loving with all his heart all the prophets without favoring one over the other, he contributes to interior peace conducive to establishing a world of peace and equity in a context of just abundance. His presence is also there to reveal to us the Greatness of the Almighty and His ineffable glory.


    Link for the fifth

  23. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    What a load of tripe. Mohammed simply took the OT and adapted it for his own religion. He wasn't illiterate as suggested by Moslims. He was a trader for his wife. . He had plenty of time to read Jewish Scriptures on his trading journeys. He adapted the Tanakh, much as Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons and others have done with the NT. . As for the Hebrew Prophets most of these are mythical, allegorical figures. No evidence exists for any before 1000BCE. Many Jews now accept this. No Patriarchs or prophets Your blogger should read a little ancient history
  24. Market Junkie

    Market Junkie Banned

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Forget this jesus character … Mike is BACK!!!

    Back from his latest stint in that PF prison 8) :rolleyes:

    But for how long is anybody's guess, at this point.

    Anyway, sorry to leave ya hangin', jeannette...

    Unfortunately, I'm gunna have to keep you hangin' cuz I have nothing new to add to my man trevor's excellent work in this thread.

    Now, since the blond hottie is out for a few hours, I'm gunna celebrate my freedom with some old-school Billy...


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