CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the Vaccine Industry

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by phoenyx, Jan 22, 2021.

  1. phoenyx

    phoenyx Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Found an article over at Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s website, Children's Health Defense, that I thought might interest some here, especially in light of the current rollout of Covid 19 vaccines. Here's the introduction to the article, hopefully will get some constructive discussion going:
    Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a statement that they had worked with Facebook to curb vaccine “misinformation.” Therefore, it appears that an international organization is working with a social media company to usurp free speech and accountable democracy in America.

    In the first Global Vaccination Summit in Brussels on Sept. 12, 2019, Jason Hirsch, Facebook’s public policy manager, said the company was taking its role in the area “very seriously”. “We want to take a two-part approach to improving the quality of information about vaccinations on our platform,” he said. “The first thing that we are doing is reducing the distribution of misinformation about vaccinations and the second thing that we are doing is increasing exposure to credible, authoritative content on vaccinations.” But, is it Facebook’s role to decide what information people get to read regarding vaccine safety?

    Like Bernadine Healy, former director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Children’s Health Defense believes that the public is smart and can be given the facts and make up their own minds about what is true and what isn’t. We are completely confident that the vaccine facts and the science are on our side. We invite any and all to peruse our website and share any articles with friends that you think will help them make decisions.

    Our guiding mission is to stop the chronic health epidemics affecting children today. We believe vaccines that over-stimulate the immune system are one of the leading causes of these epidemics. As the 2013 IOM Report concluded in their Summary, (bottom of page 5), that the entire Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Childhood Vaccine Schedule has never been studied for safety, we believe that, rather than trying to censor Children’s Health Defense viewership, we suggest WHO and CDC spend their money and time on real science and vaccine safety.

    It is regrettable that instead of seriously addressing the issue and substantively addressing parents’ legitimate concerns, WHO and the CDC with the assistance of Facebook have chosen instead to try to silence critical and dissident voices rather than facilitating the exchange of ideas that is so necessary for humanity to progress.

    Here are the major concerns:

    1. There is corruption and conflicts of interest in the CDC, FDA, WHO and NIH whereby big pharma has influence and power over the interpretation of the outcomes/science and the related safety of vaccines. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has persistently urged HHS to perform such studies since 1991. HHS has assiduously refused. There is, therefore, no way to scientifically claim that a specific vaccine averts more harms, including deaths, than it causes.
    2. The latest data and science show that specific vaccines are unequivocally not safe. Yet government officials – with well-documented conflicts of interest with the $50 billion vaccine industry – systematically obscure the risks while exaggerating the benefits of vaccines.
    3. The government has quietly admitted culpability by paying out over $4 billion for thousands of injuries and deaths caused by vaccines underscoring that vaccine injuries can and do happen, including autism. And, an HHS-funded study concluded that fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries are even reported.
    4. Big Pharma is exerting influence over WHO, FDA and CDC to fast track and short cut safety studies in order to gain more profits faster. Big Pharma has zero financial risk when children get vaccine injured because the government prevents victims from suing big pharma – resulting in big pharma not being concerned about child vaccine safety.
    5. State initiatives mandating vaccines regardless of family pre-conditions and/or religious beliefs, if left unchecked, will mentally impair an even greater percentage of our child population resulting in one of the greatest human biological experiments in modern history.

    Full article here:
    Eleuthera and DennisTate like this.
  2. phoenyx

    phoenyx Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Another article along the same lines, this one focused exclusively on the WHO:
    Politics and Corruption at the World Health Organization (WHO)

    This article, translated from French, was written prior to the Wuhan Coronavirus epidemic outbreak.


    The WHO [OMS in French] is the World Health Organisation. ‘WHO’ in English – and that’s much more appropriate. WHO: who is it really?

    Would the world be getting along any better without this outfit, which is in theory such a good idea? Would we be in better health?

    The question is as serious as it is relevant.

    Though even one death is one too many, compared with the alarmist forecasts from this professional organisation that were foisted on all the ministries of health the world over, one could say that the H1N1 viral pandemic, version 2009, has so far produced not much more than a mouse.

    But what a fabulous show for the media!

    What a brilliantly organized panic!

    How many millions of euros spent, and best of all, what worrying rumours, about the health risks linked this time to the vaccination, which might not even work!

    Thus arose a psychosis that might have stolen the headlines even from a much more palpable threat, much more deadly and with effects that have already been felt to the bone by a large part of the world’s population: the climatic effects of pollution and of the way of life engendered by the currently prevailing ideology, that of extreme and unfair capitalism, “deregulated” as it is called in the sober phraseology of its well-heeled master thieves.

    Meanwhile the media, ignoring for a moment its celebrities and football matches, chose to focus the limelight – and thus the gaze of the spectator sheep – on the representatives, experts and spokespersons of this organization, the WHO. Until this year its existence may have been news to some people, but now its importance is plain to see.

    We have been shown people with serious faces and a professional air, the sort to whom ordinary mortals tend to ascribe genuine competence and evident integrity.

    Their herald, elevated by some to hero, is called Margaret Chan. If her manner does not excite much sympathy, her curriculum vitae speaks for itself.


    The financing of the WHO

    Have you ever heard anything about public-private partnerships?

    In the beginning, the WHO was supposed to receive funds only from the governments of United Nations members, but a few years ago, in order to swell its coffers WHO set up what it calls a “private partnership” that allows it to receive financial support from private industries. But which industries?

    Since that time its credibility, seriously tarnished, has not improved very much, and its independence is seriously questioned because of its total lack of transparency with regard to the scientific proof that supports its recommendations, and its collusion with the multinationals. It is obvious that on the world stage, business and politics have a powerful influence on health. (2)

    The spotless reputation of the WHO was already besmirched by a book that came out in 1997, Le OMS : Bateau ivre de la santé publique [The WHO, the drunken sailor of public health], ed. L’Harmattan, by Bertrand Deveaud, a journalist, and Bertrand Lemennicier, professor of economics, who had spent two years making enquiries throughout the world and consulting numerous official and confidential reports. Two medical journals well-respected by the profession had already sown doubts as to the integrity and the infallibility of the WHO, The British Medical Journal (BMJ) in regard to the management of the bird flu in 2005, and The Lancet (3), which described the WHO as an institution that was corrupt and on its last legs.

    I leave you to ponder awhile these phrases, reported by the journalist Sylvie Simon in one of her articles (4), particularly the passages in bold (my emphasis):

    Doctors Andrew Oxman and Atle Fretheim, from the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services and Dr John Lavis, from McMaster University in Canada, interviewed the management of the WHO and analysed its various recommendations. Andrew Oxman concluded that “it is difficult to evaluate the confidence thatone can have in the recommendations of the WHO without knowing how they were prepared.”* (*Obscurity).

    “We know that our credibility is at stake,” admitted Dr Tikki Pang, director of research for the WHO. “The lack of time and the shortage of information and of money can sometimes compromise the work of the WHO.” Some senior officials of the organisation have also admitted that in many cases the proof that was supposed to be the basis of a recommendation did not exist.

    Many testimonies have revealed that when the results don’t match those that the industries and companies are hoping for in order to validate their products, standards are altered and the results manipulated.

    Contrary to any procedure that is genuinely scientific and independent, which should base its conclusions on the verified results of its experiments, it seems that the tendency is to do just the opposite, and that results are adapted to produce the desired conclusions; desired that is by the firms producing the medicines, vaccines, and other products concerned.

    Full article here:
    DennisTate likes this.
  3. Dr.Phibes

    Dr.Phibes Newly Registered

    Jan 17, 2021
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    The CDC and WHO are nothing more than fronts for mega-corporations to launder money and resources to their companies.
    The CDC and WHO have no interest in any of the people they spew out their lies to.
    Unless you are someone with power and money, they have no interest in you.
    Eleuthera, DennisTate and phoenyx like this.
  4. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Need more Tinfoil?

  5. phoenyx

    phoenyx Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Come on Bowerbird, if you're not going to take this thread seriously, just don't participate.
    DennisTate likes this.
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The number one TRILLION has came up when calculating possible revenue from the COVID 19 vaccine.

    Those kind of numbers tend to bring out the worst is humanity.

    The organization structure of huge companies can also be problematic.

    phoenyx likes this.
  7. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    What you say is the unvarnished truth. Dr. David E. Martin has gathered data, facts and proof of what you say from the public information at the US Patent Office. It's worth reading.

    At Freedom Platform TV down at the bottom left, you can hear part of Martin's work with Linguistic Genomics

    Digital Freedom Platform | London Real

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