Here is some news about UFO/UAP sightings by the Navy

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by wgabrie, Dec 8, 2020.

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  1. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Here is some news about UFO/UAP sightings by the Navy. There are still secrets about this phenomenon, but it looks like it's a serious subject.

    Oh, but it may turn out to be a much less glamorous truth than what people imagine it to be. That's something I've considered to be the case for quite a lot of time now.

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  2. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  3. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    I think that the Pentagon is slowly coming around to the idea that fighter-jet pics and videos of UFOs/UAPs are not causing the public to panic (so long as it doesn't contain classified technology/methods of our military). Or maybe we're just uncovering them (the videos and pics) via the normal way of life (Freedom of Information Act requests) is bringing about the uncovering of these things through stumbling into them (leaks).
  4. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    I never believed in Aliens until I recently had 2 inexplicable (what I believe is ET related) experiences... now all I'm doing is googling Aliens :lol:

    One was me awakening during a dream state and communicating (I told them to fck off...what else do you say when you come across an ET) :lol:

    The other was a nightime bedroom visit... no I didn't see anything I felt the mattress dent in near my feet..twice very it was small or very light...then my dog growled twice (my husband was not home that night)

    Has Scarlet gone crazy :lol: I'm allowed two crazy experiences in my entire life...
  5. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Could also have been shadow people. Sleep well. ;)
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2020
  6. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    :lol: thank you, I don't know what shadow people are but they can fck off as well
    Ronald Hillman likes this.
  7. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    I don't know if you're joking, but I assume you're being honest and those smiles you used were out of nervousness.

    Rumor has it that alien encounters happen in families for unknown reasons.

    My personal fear is that the aliens are reaching out to you after you caught their attention while the aliens were studying someone else you may have had contact with. Friends, family, co-workers?
  8. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Oh I am very serious, I'm laughing because that is my nature and I have & had no fear because I believe in God the Creator, the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit....and I live in the light.

    But have no doubt... that ^^^ happened and the reason I know it happened is because although I have not a single ounce of telepathy.... I am very self aware...for example... I can slow and speed up my heartbeat with a thought.... so perhaps don't have a clue what goes on with or in someone else's head, but I am fully aware of what goes on in my own.

    ps. I also don't over agonise things I can't control.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
  9. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Did you see them? What were they like?
  10. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Ok I will tell you exactly what happened but it's your own fault if it's too much information :lol:

    I came out of deep sleep extremely turned on, I slowly became more aware... not quite awake and I noticed a man bending over me...I focussed on him then realised he wasn't as close as I thought he was... there was distance, and there were a few people with him, looking down at me from this oval dome like window....but there was no glass.
    I went from turned on to fury... more like rage because I felt violated. I took all that rage and screamed at them to "fck off" this point I was still believing that I'm dreaming and acting on instinct. When I blasted them with all that anger and lifting myself forward as I screamed at them....they reared back with horrified expressions on their faces.. That was the point where I realised this was their reaction shocked me... I woke up completely off balance and kept thinking holy crap...that was real...:lol: yes sorry I now wish I said something wittier to them and also something more eloquent after but it is what it is, besides they deserve it.

    They appeared human, light skinned but with dark hair and also seemed to have quite large dark eyes.

    Now I also allowed that it could have been "us" not an alien experience and found that MIT actually already do have dream altering technology.

    I'll mention something else, a few days after this happened a man came into the pharmacy (as I was buying eyedrops) and stared at me... he was not subtle. One of the ladies asked if she can help him and he said no...then circled round and stood in the same isle at the opposite end still continuously throwing me glances, this could just be my imagination and have nothing to do with the incident but he was acting very strangely.

    The night visit I didn't see anything, I was wide awake, felt the mattress dent in lightly...didn't move...just waited, them my dog growled twice and I turned to look... nothing.
    I keep my dog close as she was very sick a couple of years ago and I nursed her 24 hours for a week before she came good.

    These are the only strange experiences I've ever had...
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
  11. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Oh, yes. That first one does sound like an alien encounter. I think you acted properly, I won't judge.

    Also, I don't want to panic you, but that guy at the pharmacy seems like a creeper. Definitely don't let him follow you home. Maybe call the police if you see him again. :eek:

    Or that man might be very bad at his job and his appearance means you're under investigation or observation by dark sectors of the government/intelligence world.
  12. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    I’m not really back, although the foreign affairs issues interest me I can’t be bothered with the backward and forwards arguments….sorry.

    I’m here because I had a really strange year since I told the aliens to eff off. I think I may have astra-travelled, was targeted by the occult, renewed my relationship with God & returned to Jesus Christ…. Told you it was strange.

    I don’t know why I was targeted… maybe because of my posting here On Political Forum about Anthony Sutton, secret societies & the illuminati, the corrupt bankers & how they are stealing from us….

    Listen, I agonised whether to talk about this, just put yourself in my shoes…. Yeah….not good. But what about other people who may also be targeted by the occult … if my solution work for one single other person then it would be worth it.

    Basically the only way, that I know of to counter an attack by the occult is to fill your head with so much prayer and worship, that Allah Akbar, God is great or Hallelujah is still ringing in your ears the next morning when you wake up… because they target you when you are asleep...or come out of sleep into dream state.

    The other reason I decided to talk about this is because I believe these aliens, I call them Annunaki, are spiritual vampires, they feed off your spiritual energy, your soul. Now I’ve waded through an enormous amount of crap on the internet to try and work out what was going on… and I’m still learning, but essentially found David Wilcock to be most helpful as well as Robert Lazar, who read in classified documents that we, humans are basically containers for souls… spinout right? See this interview with Lazar on Larry King (see 1min 40 sec)

    Now consider what these aliens must think when we selfie Tik Tok and worship our containers when the true jewel, the motherload, the most precious treasure is your spiritual energy. Now if you don’t believe humans have a soul or spiritual energy you may want to ask Bill Gates what he knows that the rest of us don’t.

    By the time I managed to shake this evil, my health improved & I also ran faster and tagged an extra kilometre onto my daily run with ease...this change was overnight.

    If you’re still at “there’s no aliens” then you can wait for the Pentagon’s report due by June but they will likely not give you much anyway. They’ll tell you about alien flyovers & sightings but probably say nothing about what Lazar revealed regarding us being containers for souls. They know, perhaps they are even harnessing this power for themselves… Governments know a lot more than they are telling us and this makes people vulnerable, people need to know.

    Some questions you may have;

    a) Did you see the aliens

    Answer: No, all of my experiences were telepathic or perhaps even astratravel… unsure because I’m not knowledgeable enough on these things to be sure, up until my first experience at the start of this thread, I didn’t even believe aliens existed

    b) What do they look like

    Answer: When I post what I experienced I will post images of what I saw in my minds-eye basically two different types of aliens I found under Zeta reticuli Aliens (if you want to google that)

    c) Was all your experiences with the same beings

    Answer: I don’t know

    d) I don’t believe you this is a load of crap

    Answer: whatever

    e) you sound coocoo

    Answer: whatever

    f) What drugs are you using

    Answer: I don’t smoke, use drugs, drink alcohol or use medication like headache tablets & painkillers etc.

    f) do you still have contact with the aliens

    Answer: no, after my last test (which we will discuss later on) my commitment to Christ proven, I have only experienced peace and quiet during sleep and daytime. My current state of mind is very peaceful the experience have left me so much better off spiritually, health wise I feel great and like I mentioned before physically I can run faster and further than before.

    g) Will they kill you?

    Answer: I don’t know, maybe. There is only one thing I now fear more than death, and that is losing my soul.

    h) Sounds like you are going to tell us one crazy story

    Answer: I would be lost today if not for divine intervention, this experience sucked big time, I was pathetic, it was frightening and horrible….until it was over. There is no way you can do this on your own. Think of us humans as spiritual toddlers, trying to cross a busy freeway, you need help, you need God. In my case due to my Christian background, I turned to Jesus Christ and He took pity on me because He is merciful.

    Anyway I will be back and tell my story and you can do with it what you will.
  13. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    In the corners of my mind
    Waiting, stalking by the gate
    A creature not from earth you’ll find
    Silently he stands and wait

    “I see you” dreamily I mumble
    Not awake nor quite asleep
    Confused questions come a tumble
    No response, secrets to keep

    Days intertwine
    Thoughts roll on
    Creature of mine
    Where have thee gone?

    A hand lightly down my spine
    No one there, executed with a thought
    Shivering, in my once peaceful mind
    Annunaki stalks, no caring what he wrought

    Struggling to wake, the fog a sign
    Thick, the darkness holds me, captured
    Lust is heavy, but not mine
    Dark magic is enraptured

    Days intertwine
    Thoughts that haunt
    Creature of mine
    What do you want?

    No more, I beg please let me be
    As realisation dawn, the cost, the toll
    Annunaki set me free
    You cannot have my enlightened soul

    My God, my Lord Saviour, I heel
    Weak I curl up by His feet
    Before it is done, before God you will all kneel
    Or lose your soul in defeat
  14. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I too have had supernatural experiences most people tend to scoff or call me crazy and as the years go by I tend to just not to tell the story and just forget about it and move on with my life. But the stories I could tell...
    scarlet witch and ToddWB like this.
  15. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Energy vampires? That sounds similar to what I believed was happening during my first psychotic break. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks, and I found that medication made the bad thoughts go away.

    I was almost banned from a schizophrenia forum for suggesting that aliens were real. Encouraging people that their experience is real is beyond inappropriate!

    Although I've had my own experiences in the past, and have similar tales, I can't really support this.
    scarlet witch likes this.
  16. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    But I would not want to discourage you from posting about your experience.
  17. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    I understand that you are reluctant, I am doing this and dreading every moment of it, it is deeply personal...most people won't believe you until it happens to them.... hopefully when it does what I posted will help them.
    FatBack likes this.
  18. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    I grew up going to church twice on a Sunday, but by this time last year I had turned away from God, I was an atheist who looked around and couldn’t see God anywhere.

    I was also an alien skeptic and used to make prodding jokes about abductees which I am now deeply sorry for.

    In March 2020 I got a strange rash on the inside bend of my left arm, there was fizzing under my skin which I later found out was my immune system reacting to whatever caused the rash. I used over the counter creams and the rash would retreat but in a week or two come back more aggressively.

    By June the rash on my arm also had infected my eyes to the point I was losing my vision. Over the counter medication wasn’t working anymore so I went to the doctor. He took a swab of my eyes and gave me a prescription cream and eye drops which helped a lot. But several weeks later it was back worse than before, the doctor and test results none the wiser.

    It was around this time when the event described earlier in the thread happened.
    I was at the pharmacy looking for eye drops.

    A few weeks later in July my eyes had gotten so bad I had lost 60-70% of my vision. One morning I could barely see the keyboard to enter my password and just dropped my head into my hands and cried, no idea what to do.

    Suddenly a voice boomed from the sky and the earth trembled :lol:

    No that’s not what happened, but God did speak to me, in my head.

    He said”
    Kom terug na my toe
    kom terug na die lig

    Translated: Come back to me, come back to the light

    My world stopped, I immediately stopped crying, lifted my head and just sat there not moving for a long time.

    From that moment on I went back to reading my religious diary every morning (when my eyes improved enough to do so) and spent quiet time in God’s presence every day.

    I also felt the compulsion to burn the crap out of my eyeballs with a uv light and so tossed my eyedrops & cream in the bin and just went with it :lol: really...

    I would like to meet the GP who would tell you that placing a uv light directly only your closed eye for 1-2 minutes every alternate day for two months is a good idea, but fortunately it appears I have more faith in God than GP’s and after a month I had 100% of my vision back.

    I don’t wear glasses and thought for sure I would at least need glasses if I made it through this 6 month ordeal but I still do not.

    I don’t know why God spoke to me, as I’ve said I had turned away from Him, I clearly did not deserve any help from God. I can only speculate that there are deeply religious people in my life praying for me, or if you listen to David Wilcock talk about the Universal laws & karma, perhaps whoever was targeting me had such evil plans for me, despite my deep flaws and many sins I deserved at least a chance. On the other hand maybe God speaks to all of us and we just can’t hear Him.

    I’ll stop here for now, the rest of the story is about my interaction with this being or these beings, as I have said before, I don’t know if the interaction was with one or multiple beings. I was ignorant and naive and probably made things a lot worse because of it, I can only hope someone else learn from it.
    FatBack likes this.
  19. ToddWB

    ToddWB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 28, 2018
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    Yes... I have witnessed things not of this world (or dimension) .. the story: Had one of those waking dreams.. the night terrors, wherein you think you are awake, but can't move and there was a black shjadow present and moving around... I dismissed it has exactly what I called it.. and incident of night terrors... a waking dream. Well.. my then girlfriend got mad at me and left her house, where we both were staying and went to my old place (where I'd had the experience) .. she came back visibly upset and I quipped, offhand, "so,,, you'd see the shadow?" she had and she was mad at me about not warning her it was there! She said she never went to sleep and saw it moving about the room.. and she edged towards the door and fled!
    Now, I'm still wanting to write it off as some phenomena that can be explained by science.. so I figure there is maybe some kind of radiation or perhaps chemicals imbedded in the old house.. (a 150 year old adobe) but figure, to be on the save side, that we'd ask the Lord to please remove it.. never saw it in that house again..
    So months go by, we have another rental on the property, the FEMA trailer, we are back in what I call the big house, because my wife still doesn't like to be alone in the old adobe house, and our renters come up and start babbling about something that they were loathe to clearly state... I let them carry on for a bit and them ask them... did you see a shadow? LOL that broke the dam! She's seen it and told him, he tho't it was just because she was cooped up by herself all day, and then they both saw it... at the same time! I replied... you whipped out the Book and asked God to remove it.. didn't you? Haven't seen it since.. it may be hiding there on the ranchito somewhere as we just asked it to leave the houses..
    Do have a room in the house we live in now that is spooky, my wife won't go in there much. She was away for a week or so and I stayed in it *it is colder in there!) and could at times, feel something sit on the bed. The Lord shooed it off.. I am not afraid of those things from the "otherside" because I have the Lord. Anyone who thinks they don't exist or have never seen one is already firmly in Satan's camp or just never recognized it when in it's present.
    There are 10s of thousands of reports of things from elsewhere, some with photos to back them up.. it should be hard to dismiss them out of hand.
    I have removed from my house anything that might invite demons and spirits into the house.. i.e. had some reproductions of Aztec gods that I took out and smashed.. it was kind of hard because it was pretty.. but... so is Satan.
    FatBack and scarlet witch like this.
  20. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    The way they targeted me (as indicated by my first encounter already posted) was through sex, so if you are squeamish you may want to avoid reading further. This is difficult to write since it is such a personal topic, but I believe it is important because they syphon off or feed on your spiritual energy during sex and orgasm. You think you have privacy, you do not. David Wilcock says in one of his seminars on You Tube, your thoughts are not private and this have also been my experience.

    After my first encounter where I woke up feeling violated and swore at these beings, who appeared human to me. I kept wondering if they were going to return. After a while I started to think about our own human telepathic abilities and wondered whether I would be able to return to them. So I stupidly closed my eyes and imagined myself going through the oval window or rather opening and ended up sitting on a steel table in a large brightly lit room, there was nothing in it except a row of steel tables approximately 3-5 metres apart. There were a group of people crowded around the table next to me but I couldn’t see what they were doing as I couldn’t move from my table.

    No one seemed to notice me and I thought, well that was cool being able to make up all this sh!t. So after a few days or maybe a week I went back again and imagined I had a big sword made from very bright light, I could also shoot light from my eyes and chest and I basically wrecked the room…. No harm done right, it’s just my imagination.

    The next time I went back (days or even weeks later) there was a giant spider waiting for me as I tried to enter the room, I don’t like spiders at all but immediately grabbed my sword and slashed it’s fangs then imagined it is a scared puppy and would make it sit in the corner….all huddled up. By now you must be wondering what I’m smoking but this was all just me creating with my imagination. And as I have pointed out, I don’t smoke or drink any alcohol….I was simply enjoying myself.

    So I went back again after several weeks, by now tired of wrecking the room I just sat on my steel bed while these people were gathered around the table next to mine, still unable to see what they were doing… getting a bit bored I started imagining tossing M&M’s into my mouth, then thought it was a cool idea to toss some at them too.

    Just as I thought to leave again one of them turned around and looked straight at me, I starred back but then became uncomfortable with the intensity of his stare. When people stare they either eventually look away or break into a smile or something…. But he just stared with an intensity that made me want to run away. He had large hypnotic almond eyes that were slanted, high cheekbones, small nose and very pale almost white skin… but there was something wrong with his mouth...I tried to see his mouth but couldn’t. I quickly left, using my imagination to slam shut the opening, painted a red X on it then painted the whole thing black….this scared me and I thought well that was fun let’s not do that again.

    This is as close to what I could find to what I saw although I think the mouth was more like the second picture.

    alien 2.png

    FatBack likes this.
  21. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Soon after I had a very erotic dream, it was the most perfect sex I never had and it felt real… the next day I woke up and wondered whether it was this same person, so of course I went back the next night and there he was staring at me. I could see him clearer now and he was obviously alien, I lifted my hand to touch his face, he had a strange beauty about him. I apologised for wrecking his room then left. Thinking if any of this is real then that is truly amazing, also kinda scary, let’s never do any of this stuff ever again. So I just went back to my life putting it all behind me.

    Some time after that the erotic dream was back, but now feeling quite uncomfortable about the whole thing I said no, woke up and stared at the wall until I fell asleep again. A few nights later I again moved from sleep to dreamstate, this time to see someone standing behind me a few metres away…Slowly waking up now I tried to ignore them but then felt someone lightly brush their hand down my spine, I looked around expecting to see my husband or someone but saw nothing. The whole thing was getting creepy.

    Days or perhaps a week after this I again woke into a dream state feeling incredibly turned on, this time I knew I was being manipulated and asked them to leave me alone. Soon as I mentally said that, I felt physical pressure on my ….cough... clitoris, keeping me in an aroused state while this giant reptile like eye appeared as if right in front of me…. I am now awake, rather freaked out, my eyes still closed, highly aroused, terrified and looking into this highly intelligent reptilian eye. This is not normal especially not for a woman, to be aroused and terrified while not even thinking about sex… just doesn’t work like that for us. I was beginning to get very scared, asked the eye to leave… then added please, because it was intimidating me, it left. This is where I finally realised that I was actually dealing with something “other” and that I have lost control of what I thought was my private imagination & thoughts. It also felt like this…. eye was paging through my head like a book.

    When I ignored any further attempts to arouse me, not wanting anything more to do with this and mentally telling them to leave me alone they became spiteful. A week or so later I slowly woke with my most painful memory, my mother’s death. She died 8 years ago and the pain I experience now was what I felt shortly after her death. I was crying or more like bawling mentally. As I became more awake it was as if someone was pushing on the pain, intensifying it or turning it up like a dial. The pain woke me completely and I mentally said “I know what you are doing and it doesn’t matter, because I am no stranger to emotional pain and will deal with it as I always do”. Which is wrap myself around it, or fold it into myself… it belongs to me after all. So that is what I did, shook the incident off and went on with my day.

    A week or so later I suddenly started questioning myself, I became incredibly insecure. After several hours of mental anguish about insecurities I realised this is also being orchestrated. You see, I have never been someone who have been very insecure, I don’t really care if someone is richer or more beautiful or nicer or if they have nicer things… for me to suddenly experience these feelings was suspect as far as I was concerned. So I went on my knees and asked God to please help me as I didn’t know how to deal with these insecurities and I was seriously struggling with this mental problem I’ve never had to deal with before. As soon as I stopped praying everything faded away, I was back to normal. Insecurities just washed away.

    This all faded away for a while but then I woke on the 6th of March 3am with an unbelievable sexual need…..ok so I am awake, starring at the wall, not even remotely thinking of sex and physically have an incredible physical sexual need that I had no control over. This is not normal, it was obvious to me that someone was using dark magic on me. So I turned on my side and prayed & begged God for help until I fell asleep. Now you may say….ooh Scarlet this is all so sexy, but what you may want to consider and was going through my mind was that to create dark magic whomever is using it, have to hurt someone and often they use there’s a bucket of ice water for you. I wrote the poem about a week after this happened. I specifically remember the date because although I’m not catholic I was interested to note at the time the pope was visiting Iraq and the Great Ziggurat temple.

    All of these experiences were driving me closer and closer to God, but it was not over yet. A few weeks after this I again had an erotic dream, I was incredibly turned on physically, there was this man wrestling with me trying to have sex with me in a dream. I was not attracted to him, there was something off about him, something foul and yet I was more turned on than I have ever experienced in my entire life. He said “come on you want this” I just kept repeating no, no no…by now my commitment to Christ was stronger than when all this began and when I woke up I knew something important just happened. I believe it was a test and I passed. This was also the moment everything for me went back to normal and I've not experienced anything out of the ordinary since.
    ToddWB and FatBack like this.
  22. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Last edited: Apr 6, 2021
  23. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    It's nice that you aren't currently suffering, but do you have a plan in place if these nightmares return?

    As someone who has had 3 psychotic breaks, I would suggest you make plans now, while you are of sound mind.

    I know no one likes advice but I'm giving it anyway out of an abundance of caution. Specifically, find and make use of any mental health services available to you. Find phone numbers if you have access to mental health crisis units, or find out which hospitals have mental health services (also called psych wards). Have this all written down so that you or someone you know can act on it to get you help in an emergency.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2021
  24. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I well know what you mean about the violation of the mind, it comes as a great shock to realize your innermost private place was never private, all along. We just lived under that assumed illusion until the day events revealed to us that was not the case

    I believe it is given to all of us to have our day where the veil is removed and we see things that challenge the foundation of our thought processes.

    I believe it's a unique version for each of us, but one thing is's up to us each to decide what it means to us.

    In my early 20's I ate lots of pscilocybin mushrooms....many, many times....

    I was not under the influence during many of my experiences, I just believe they opened a door. I was seeking and I was willing to travel very unpleasent paths to find my way.

    That's all my mind can write for now, perhaps I will share more later on.
    scarlet witch and ToddWB like this.
  25. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Thank you for your advice I appreciate it. My plan is the same plan that got me through this strange ordeal, commitment to Christ, commitment to God and doing my best to repair what I have damaged. Focusing less on what God can do for me, and more on how I can be of service to Him.
    ToddWB likes this.

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