Don't apply logic to the vaccine cult

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by Hoosier8, May 22, 2021.

  1. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    In the past, only sick people wore masks. Now with various studies showing that cloth masks are worse than no mask and the hospital mask only marginally better and N95 not much better than hospital masks for stopping a virus (both great for bacteria), the mask mania is either a result of fear porn or cult behavior but science is not a part of it. What I call herd stupidity.

    There is an effort to shame the unvaccinated to get a vaccine. Of course that too is not based on science but on herd stupidity. Did you know there are 9 new pharma billionaires due to the vaccine? I always say follow the money and their political flunkies but that would just be conspiracy theory.

    What isn't conspiracy theory are the various virologists warning not to get the vaccine. These are virologist that have no financial benefit from the vaccines. To me, logic is something that makes sense, not something emotional as many push the vaccine as an emotional thing because they have gotten the vaccine and have bought into the fear porn. Many of them believe that unvaccinated people are a danger. Hate to inform you but you can still contract the virus and spread it, vaccinated or not. Ask Bill Maher about that. He tested positive after being vaccinated and they shut the set down for 2 weeks.

    It doesn't matter if you are vaccinated or not, it only matters if you are sick. This is just common sense.

    A Nobel Prize winning virologist for his work on HIV warns that vaccinate people may be the biggest danger in the future. This novel treatment only targets one protein on the virus unlike being exposed to the virus and covering it with multiple antibodies and viruses work to survive so will mutate into possibly a worse variant. In other words, this treatment may be the impetus for mutations. He says you would be better off not getting the vaccine in the long run and has warned the scientific community. There are other virologist making similar warnings.

    After all, this type of treatment has never been used before on humans. Normally a new treatment would go through animal testing then 4 phases of human clinical trials. These treatments never went through animal testing and only completed 2 of the 4 human trials before being rolled out under Emergency Release Authorization. Previous animal testing all failed for these treatments against corona viruses. Phase three usually takes 1 to 2 years to complete.

    In effect, this mass rollout is phase three of human clinical trials never been done before in modern medicine and these treatments are also not FDA approved with full testing.

    So spare me the hysteria about being skeptical. Getting the treatment is all about informed consent and one cannot give informed consent if uninformed. The FDA's own language is that people should not be pushed to get this treatment but should be voluntary but even now, governments like in CA are threatening unvaccinated people with particular unequal treatment.

    Face it, most people get their 'facts' from biases sources or government propaganda and never look behind the curtain.
  2. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    Take the shots or don't take them. I just hope those who don't will get to live with their faux righteous indignation instead of dying a slow suffocating death.
  3. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    You made lots of medical judgements with no citations to support them and I see why. They're mostly bogus.

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