Blizzards and useless chimneys

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by crank, Dec 27, 2022.

  1. gnoib

    gnoib Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    I used to be a Special Force soldier in the Bundeswehr and lived many weeks in my fart bag with a tarp over it. Crawling through high snow in your winter camo, always cold, wet to the bones. Sniper live.
    Loved it. Made my money after the military by doing expeditions, loved the misery I guess. Spent almost 5 years living in a tent and trying to do the impossible, loved it. Try to cross the Inland Glaciers, in the winter, by yourself, in Patagonian, did it, died nearly several time.
    Youth is insanity. I enjoyed to go the max and some, big time some.
    One day I found out that I had been taking on to much some. Crossing the Atacama, having my weight on my back. I died, mentally, not physically, I had reached my limit and barely survived.

    Today I am sure glad that I did all of that and other stupid crap, got away with it and now I can be just an old fart. Just sitting in my house and smile and wait for the final adventure which is building up.

    Live is so much fun, never regret your youth, it built you.

    I love nature, its the ultimate challenge. It tests you and shows your weakness, helps you to grow and become better.
    Adfundum likes this.
  2. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    See now that would drive me mad. I don't wonder that some of you hate snow.
  3. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    LOL. Not surprised!

    I must admit that my tolerance of rude nature is much lower now, in my 50's, than it was in my 20's. I still prefer nature to the works of man, but I like a relatively comfortable version. My grown up rules are:

    I won't sleep on the ground when camping (has to be at least one very thick inflatable)
    I won't go anywhere you can't drink the water or eat the salad (too many years travelling in Third World!)
    I won't go anywhere near a beach unless it's winter
    I won't go anywhere tropical or hot
    I won't go anywhere that doesn't have big skies and vast scenery

    If I'm doing a city holiday (rarely happens, but fwiw), it has to be somewhere like Tokyo, Sapporo, Edinborough, Helsinki, or Reykjavic. In otherwords civilised, clean, and peaceful.
  4. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    I did the nature stuff for years. But when I left active duty I found it much more compelling to do other things. I spent a second career traveling the world visiting Soldiers from the motor pool to Division/Corps Headquarters talking to Soldiers and finding out what sort of things they wanted. Then I would return home to talk to my engineering teams to see if we could design and build such things.

    I'll never forget my youth. I loved West Point... the fun... the competition... the challenge.. the brotherhood. I did my time in jungles and deserts. But it was all designed so I could contribute even more later in life.
    crank likes this.

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