Why can't MEXICO contol it's destiny like Lybia and Egypt?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Red_Carpet, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    The people are to cowardly to risk anything to effect change. How many protesters have been killed in the middle east? A lot. If we'd seal the border, they would have no choice but to grow a pair and fight. Unfortunately we enable the cowards to run instead.
  2. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    You vote in politicians who make possible for all those illegals to be here working. Do you think its by accident that ICE and Border Patrol cannot conduct spontaneous worksite inspections of busnisses.. that illeglas are pretty much ignored once they make it past 100 miles from any land border. Illegals are WANTED here in the U.S by the people who exploit the cheap labor.. those poeple make sure congress hamstrings the enforcement of immigration laws. Bush, Bush, Obama, Perry, Reagan.. all the dirtbags in congress and the senate are/were pro illegal immigration.

    In the near future you may have your wish of illegal immigrant eradication... but it will be because it is no longer profitable for mexicans to take the risk of crossing illegally into the U.S... because or currency is so inflated and debased that the Peso is 2 to 1 with the dollar and americans are so (*)(*)(*)(*)ed poor that they are willing to pick lettuce and strawberries to avoid starving.

    The revolution in Libya was not spontaneous. Qaddafi was being courted by the government officials of the U.S , France, Britian, Italy because Qadaffi was making sure they had first dibs on oil exploitation.. Qadaffi got greedy and wanted a bigger cut.. he was rebuked so he severed all future drilling and oil contracts with France Italy and U.K and said he was going to hook up with China and Russia. That sealed his fate.

    There are no such dynamics in Mexico that would prompt the U.S to unstabilize the Government any more than it is now. Mexico provides a scary monster fuel in the "war on drugs". Cheap labor and oil and corrupt government that keeps its country nice weak and manageable.

    Things are the way they are now because thats exactly how the U.S government wants them to be ( in as much as they can control things).

    You want someone to blame for illegal immigration and 'anchor babies".. look in the mirror
  3. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Red wrote: The United States has been very patient and generous with third world Mexico, is it time to get tough?

    The problem is that the U.S.'s idea of getting tough is treaties like NAFTA...

    ... which sends jobs from here to there...

    ... making things tough on the American worker...

    ... instead of the Mexican drug cartels.
  4. Red_Carpet

    Red_Carpet Banned

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Mexico loves it that their problem has become our problem. They love dumping illegals on the United States. The U. S. has been the chumps far too long.

    The United States is tired of play psychiatrist and mother to the rudderless nation of Mexico. Time to push all the problems back over the border, starting with the 12,000,000 illegal aliens we babysit.

    Cost to accomplish this is estimated at $296 Billion and would take about five years. Currently, American taxpayers shell out $113 Billion a year for the education, health care, and welfare of illegal aliens and their anchor babies. http://www.fairus.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=23198&security=1601&news_iv_ctrl=1741 MASS DEPORTATION IS A BARGAIN AT $296 BILLION!

    A total waste of tax dollars with unemployment over 9%. If we deport, we will get some jobs back. We have done it before, we can do it again. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Wetback
  5. Libocalypsenow

    Libocalypsenow New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Libya and Egypt did not and do not control their own destinies. These coups were well supported by the West. Without the West's intervention,neither coup would have worked. Libya & Egypt just have new Western Puppets for leaders. That's the reality. If Mexico is prepared for lots of Foreign Intervention,they may see some change. I can't tell you what that change would be though.
  6. Red_Carpet

    Red_Carpet Banned

    Aug 2, 2011
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    This is crap. Mexico has been making excuses for not taking care of itself for decades. In 1848 After the Mexican-American War, we forgave all Mexico's debts and paid them $18,000,000 for the borders as they now stand. Today La Raza is still trying to turn our border states into a province of Mexico to be known as Aztlan!

    In 163 years these peons have not assimilated to America or even learned the language. It is time to force these people to assimilate or dump them back over the border. Enough is enough. I am tired of seeing problems with Mexico every night on the network news. These incredibly stupid poor people reproduce like cockroaches. It is time to call Orkin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Wetback
    starbow and (deleted member) like this.
  7. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Mexico has a decent government, and one that is more stable that what is going on now in the Arab world. Aand there are no dictators like the Arab world. However the ones they hire for key positions are often corrupted by extortion or death. But, they are doing well in manufacturing for the USA, and have provided cheap labor for the politicians and wealty in the USA as well as great labor for agriculture to keep food prices down. Mexico produces a diverse line of products licensed by the USA, the Arab world does not produce or manufacture much. Most of Mexico, has great vacation spots and the people in most areas are cool

    As long as the USA continues to buy drugs from Mexico and continues sell guns for Mexicans to ship accross the boarder, it will still continue to have crisis issues in Mexico. As long as Mexico continues to fight a losing war on drugs they will continue to be slave to it.

    Once Mexico stops their war on drugs against the Cartels, they will be able to save up resources to build major Broadcast media (not jewish owned US type), and bulid up manufacturing for a consumer based economy. In fact they can incorporate the drug cartels in their agreculture and charge fees to run cocaine from Colombia through or around their country to the USA via ships. In addition, they can make their war on marijuana a agriculture of medical marijuana to supply the worlds need for medical marijuana, as well as manufacturing hemp products.

    But IMO the middle East sells almost as much oil to the USA as does Mexico and South America. they are two different words one is heavy into muslim religion in their government and laws which will keep them in a 16th century mind set. But Mexico has less religion in their politics and laws and is able to emerge and grow at a faster pace.

    The USA IMO is too stupid to see the value of Mexico in this new world global economy. In fact Mexico is what sepeartes the rest of the great South American countries from the USA, it would be geographicly ideal to be as close to South America as possible, to save on shipping and distribution. Not to mention, that Mexico has great room to expand and grow, something the USA lack and will be paying the price for in the next 12 years. Other countries like China, Korea, and Japan have allready tapped into Argentina Chile, Brazil, and some of Central Mexico for capitalism, and profits, as well as buying Oil resources from Chile, Brazil, and Mexico.

    While the uSA is to short sighted in their isolationist thinking, other emerging countries are all ready one step ahead.
  8. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Mexicans hate Americans because of the war and the resulting territorial loss. Their hatred will never end. Working with Mexico is a fool's errand.
  9. Red_Carpet

    Red_Carpet Banned

    Aug 2, 2011
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    There is so much mis-information here, I do not know where to begin.

    Mexico is a (*)(*)(*)(*) hole filled with slums run by an aristocratic Mexican upper class who see the poor as a "nuisance." I am beginning to agree.

    Marijuana has been used in the United States legally and illegally for decades. When Columbia was the source, the United States did not have problems we get form Mexico. Mexico needs a swift kick in the balls from the United States.

    The Mexican government can not control it's criminals, and in most cases criminals cartels are in partnership with the Mexican government. Anything can be bought and paid for cheaply in Mexico. Mexican leaders have no integrity.

    Americans see Mexico as unstable politically and in terms of crime. Mexican resorts are hurting for business, and this will continue until some cleans up the mess known as 'Mexico.'

    The people of Lybia and Egypt did their revolutions on their own. Mexicans wait for someone to do it for them, or run up to the United States as freeloaders. Mexicans are a useless breed that succeed only in creating slums and popping out babies. Mexico is incapable of solving its own problems, and it is time for the United States to do it for them. We need to replace the cameras on our drones with GPS missles, and give the Border Patrol permission to "shoot to kill."

    I wish everyone would head for South America starting with the 200,000 convicted Hispanic felons the United States deports each year. America is not the mother of the planet, and we really not want foreigners. We have unemployment above 9%, and our citizens come first. Stay home, citizens of the world, and clean up your own countries

    Mass media is not "Jewish" owned as you suggest without documented links. The two largest are Ruppert Murdock's New Corporation and Disney. Neither is Jewish owned or run. You are misinformed. http://www.fair.org/extra/9609/jewsownthenews.html

    No one is attacking emerging countries here. I am directly attacking Mexico as incompetent, and unable to take care of itself. It is time to bottle up Mexico's problems south of the border, and put them in their place. No one wants your papist babies.
  10. starbow

    starbow New Member Past Donor

    Dec 30, 2008
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    agree, with an exception that Mexicans who live here as citizens for more than 2 generations are becoming assimilated. the problem is the invasion of Mexican and Central American citizens who are coming over the border in a flood so great we can not assimilate them. ]

    additionally, you are exactly right that the ruling elites in Mexico have for decades been pushing off their demographic problems on the US. the flood of invaders coming into our country are sending billions back to Mexico in order to bolster Mexico's economy.

    it is time to seal the border, imprison employers who hire illegals, and send Mexico a bill for the damage its citizens have done the US over the past 4 decades.
  11. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Guess you are completely unaware of the downstream manufacturing in Yanbu and Jubail.. Or that Saudi Arabia produces massive amounts of fertilizers...

    Are you also unaware of the fish and shrimp farms in Arabia.. they export worldwide.

  12. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Ah yes, the simple ones with a simple global view of the world as it stands today. And no understanding of what is realy going on in buisness and trade. Fact is, Mexico will soon be heading South of the boarder to the greater South America for work, and while other nations around the world who the USA owes money to, will soon surpass the USA with the large consumer market in South America. What I have here is what media propaganda does not tell you. So most of you do not understand it. But those in the know, have insight to what is happening and they know the USA is tapped out on innovation and capitalization, so they have turned to the other countries of the world for their resources and manufacturing. If the USA continues to isolate itself from it's neighbors In south Anerica, other countries will seize this opportunity to close in on the USA's weak groth market, and weak outlook for trade. If you can't evaluate the global market without the broadcast media to help you, than you will be like all the others who will fail. Others who know this is happening are already capitalizing on the opportunity.

    Mexico has already considered the Idea of letting the coca dealers run drugs from South America to the USA, as well as turning a blind eye to weed cartels in Mexico. And, the Mexican government is also considering diverting their government resources to the ecomonic development of their country vs fighting a losing war on drugs. Just like Colombia did. With that in mind, they are starting to look into becoming open to other countries for trade. Why, because they are losing the drug war, and they seen how much countries like Brazil, Chile, and Colobia has grown over the past 10 years. And the president is now less interested in trade with the USA and more trade with the Greater South America.

    American's hatered towards Mexican will cause themselves to watch other countries around the world take advantage of the Mexican. In fact if you still do not understand what I am saying here, you need to read this and the other post a few more times over to get a real picture of what is going on. Because there will be discussion on this in the near future on public radio and PBS talk shows. This is cutting edge stuff here, and investors are already capitalizing on it. By the time broadcast media talks about it, two years from now, it will be too late. And these investment opportunities will be lost.
  13. Libocalypsenow

    Libocalypsenow New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Mexico currently has half the Unemployment Rate the U.S. does. They're at 4.5% while the U.S is at 9.1%. Mexico's expected GDP Growth is 4-5% while the U.S. isn't growing at all. So i think Mexico is doing ok these days. Americans might have to head South for Jobs in the near future. I think Mexico is already controlling their destiny. They still have a lot of problems but so do all Nations. Mexico seems to be on an Up-Swing while the U.S. is definitely on a Down-Swing. So don't be too down on Mexico. They're doing better & better as the years go by.
  14. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    I know that the Middle east is self supporting in agriculture but I did not know their were big into seafood.
    The agriculture and trade in the Middle East is great for the Middle east and is mostly for the Middle east, but I'm talking capitalism, export, and commerce.

    Religious laws will always dominate their people, and appointed royalty will all wasy dictate. Unlike Mexico where they have limited laws of religion, and they (although somewhat corrupt like the USA) have elections and term limits for those in power. And by the change of prisidents over the past 20 years, their political voting system seems to work.

    Nevertheless, there is an ongoing major power grab for South America. Which is happening right now between the emerging financial super powers of Asia and South America. I'm talking the massive trading of manufacturing, goos and services, with capitalism seeping into the process. As well as new technologies of solar pannels, props for wind turbines, and other consumer based luxuries. For a growing consumer base that will be prime for taking advantage of with broadcast media and add marketing. One needs to look at just how fast the countries of South America has grown in the past 15 years, and look at how much more room they have to grow.

    Why should the other countries in Asia dominate and take advatage of the opportunities of South America? North America shold have priority of South America trade and commerce. Why should countries go almost half way around the world to make a profit in South America?
  15. Libocalypsenow

    Libocalypsenow New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    4.5% Unemployment and 5% GDP Growth? Mexico is actually the envy of many Nations right now. Sure they have their problems,but who doesn't? The reality is that Mexico is on the rise. And I can't say that about my own country. So people shouldn't be so hard on Mexico.
  16. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    You apparently do not adhere to propaganda broadcast media for your information, and you piece togeather the facts well. These conditions you speak of are multiplied when you look into South America's growth outlook. That is some of the reasons why I predict more Mexicans will be heading south for opportunity. Another factor is they will assimilate easier in the South American societies, and be able to progress faster taking their American dream with them. If people look at outcomes vs live in the past they will see the opportunities and potential.

    As the Chileans say, why do it today when you can pay someone else to do it tomorrow. Now that is a saying eager job seeking Mexican want to here.
  17. Libocalypsenow

    Libocalypsenow New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Yea Mexico has a lot of problems but their Economic Growth has been great the last few years. The U.S. can't even come close to their growth. Once they get the Drug Cartel thing under control,they will grow even more. Who knows,maybe Americans will have to head South for Job prospects in the future?
  18. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Good point. Sure there are "slums" in Sao Palo, Colombia, and Mexico City as is everywere in the world. The weathy and privilage will always seperate them selves from the help. But the fact is whlie isolationist in the USA continue to think they are superior and waiting for the Government to fix all their problems, other countries are laughing under their breath and saying "yea sure you are USA, your the best", and they are going around America's back door through South America for massive trade and commerce, of oil, high technology, agreculture, intellectual property, and research and development. By the time the USA gets beyond themselves, the other emerging countries around the world will have a major foot print in AMERICA, not the USA. And we will be blaming the democrats and government for our desperate condition.
  19. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    yeh we will send them more subsidies
  20. Libocalypsenow

    Libocalypsenow New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Lots of Americans like to laugh at and ridicule Mexico,but the reality is Mexico is beginning to laugh at America. America is the one with 9.1% Unemployment and a catastrophic $16 Trillion Debt. So it looks like Mexico may have the last laugh in the end. Something for Americans to think about.
  21. kilgram

    kilgram New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Mexico has a neighbour that doesn't help to a real fight against all that system.
  22. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Mexico has a neighbor that has a segment of its population that profit hugely from promoting the status-quo. Law enforcement agencies, prison industries, chemical, fuel and texitle industries, Agriculture all work together through lobbyists to make sure our politicians feed the monster tht keeps Mexico weak.

    Its no surprise that all the latin American countries that have distanced themselves from the WB and the IMF and subsequently the U.S; have flourished while Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.. who maintained close diplomatic /corporate ties to the U.S have lagged behind in developement and standard of living. Even so... thousands of pink people have discovered that they can immigrate to Mexico and live in relative luxury in thier retirement years...the decline of this great country is already creating an immigrant class in segments of its population.
  23. RomanTimes

    RomanTimes New Member Past Donor

    Aug 31, 2011
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    Mexico is a corrupt country. It has been for decades. Various administrations from la Madrid to the current one have tried with various reforms to end corruption. Mexico is so corrupt though its like pouring a bucket of water in the desert. It will take time to end it. For example. If you are in Mexico and get pulled over for a traffic violation you will be asked for a bribe. This does not happen ever time but it happens often. You pay then and there and no ticket. Its fairly common for people in Mexico city to never get a ticket. In The Mexicans, a Portrait of a People the officer interviewed said that they should ask for the ticket instead of bribing the officer. But most do not, or will not. And the circle of corruption continues.

    I have hopes that Mexico will ascend from the corrupt mess it is in.
  24. tehduder

    tehduder New Member

    Dec 10, 2009
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    What does this have to do with anything? STOP SPAMMING!
  25. Libocalypsenow

    Libocalypsenow New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    I do have to say they can shove their Mexican Flags straight up their asses. Don't come to the U.S. to (*)(*)(*)(*)(*),whine,and wave your Mexican Flags. That (*)(*)(*)(*) doesn't fly with me. And it wouldn't fly if Americans did it in Mexico either. So to La Raza i simply say...(*)(*)(*)(*) OFF AND DIE!!!

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