Last Activity:
May 20, 2015
Jul 28, 2008
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New Member, from United States the greatest country in the world

Past Donor
OneThunder was last seen:
May 20, 2015
    1. justonemorevoice
      did you read his reply to myview? then go down to the one about hitlers birthday.
    2. justonemorevoice
      good gawd, whats up with mindovermatter? :omg:
    3. changed
      OT I can tell you what it mean when it says "I" am modifying post. I am either editing or deleting my stuff. So, basically making room for other to PM me or me deleting something I misspelled just about everything in my post. Which in the last two days, I have been modifiying tons and tons. I Hope that helped
    4. justonemorevoice
      thats weird, ive seen others that say "modifying post."
    5. justonemorevoice
      thats mighty weird, isnt it? :omg:
    6. justonemorevoice
      well, did you find anything out?
    7. justonemorevoice
      i wish i knew how to screen shot, so i could have showed it to you.
    8. justonemorevoice
      any news on what i pmmed you?
    9. HillBilly
      hello , my friend , I hope this finds you well...

      Easter means a lot to me , it's a Holy time of thanks and prayer...

      I wish you well , my friend ... I wish you well...

    10. REDRUM

      As you well know, I've been away from this forum for quite some time and have decided to make my secondary forum. Due to recent forum "changes" in policies and promotions of particular staffers, I've decided it's not in my best interest to continue posting here on a regular routine basis. Glad to see all of my good friends still posting here and hopefully in the near future I can begin to start posting here again. Anyways, good to see you and I wish you joy, peace, but most of all I wish you uncontidional love.

      Your friend always,
    11. flounder
      Thanks for the rep Thunder. You have to admit that was sooo funny. Something as absurd as that and they will defend it,,,hahahaha,,MY GOD!!, What does that tell you,,,LOL
    12. Jiyuu-Freedom
      Thanks again OT. I appreciate it! I woke up not able to sleep so I will stay online for a little bit.

    13. Jiyuu-Freedom
      OneThunder, you really don't know how much your advice means to me. Thank you. I really mean it. You are a very special and gifted person. I am looking into this center and telling my folks about it. I will call them for more personal information. I will let you know, okay?

    14. katiegrrl0
      that's fantastic. i am excited for you. it is always fun to change it up. me i am sitting at home writing and enjoying the family. hugzzzz i missed all of you.
    15. katiegrrl0
      hey you, how have you been?
    16. tresha
      I'm falling asleep in the exercise room....better pack it in for a while....great to see you, even for a bit!
    17. tresha
      Oh yeah....the MRI was an extremely tight fit! (Yikes!) and dadgummit didn't show ANY bone related reason for the sharp shooting, feels like a tiny man with a hammer and spike behind me driving into my lumbar discs....pain.
      So, off to the rheumatolagist (sp?) and prob neurologist I go. (but I don't think until after the move.)
    18. tresha
      Yeah....amber & I weighed the pros and cons for a couple of weeks, but we pretty much knew this decision (and the option) was coming....mostly I'm worried about how much it's gonna hurt and for how long.
      I remember how badly it hurt last summer when I had the one (1!) molar pulled and for how long it hurt after the novacaine wore off.....:blankstare:....eesh!
    19. tresha
      why thank ye!
      Good to be here....I've been quite busy spreading by oh so special brand of rabble-ness!
    20. The12thMan
      You can't do that. Don't try. You must post. ARGH! We are posters FIRST! I'm friends with the liberals I fight with. POST!
    21. The12thMan
      You should post more.
    22. The12thMan
      Thanks, OT. I thought you also might like the line about the left hand not knowing what the right hand was typing.
    23. Ostap Bender
      Ostap Bender
    24. tresha
      Hey....essence of loyalty is reciprocity...
      You've shown it to me---and that was just a cheap ass-punk move.

      *grumble grumble grumble.

      *tresh needs more coffee....& more half-n-half*
    25. tresha
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    You might be a liberal if................You think that consenting adults can engage freely in every activity except capitalism.
    You think the answer to ANY crime, infraction, or injustice is counseling.
    You use the words "right wing extremist" at least four times in any given day.
    You live in constant fear that someone, somewhere, is making a profit.​