Julian Assange being set up by Australian president Gillard and Obama stands firm

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by philxx, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Now we all know and have known for sometime that everything the governments do are predicated onthe lie that somehow Nations are viable economic and social entity's in the period of Globalised everything.

    What wiki represents is the point in time when the monopoly of information by the Capitialist media and governments finished thats all .

    Its not that the information was good or bad for wiki or the governmant ,no what this is about is Total Government control of the Internet and persecution of thoae that are not brainwashed by nationalism.There was a time not long in the past when we were all spoon feed the information 'they" wanted us to kinow .

    That time has passed and good riddence.Governments never just keep 'Some ' things secret they keep everything they do as secret as possible .good reason for that is to cover up Corruption ,war crimes ,and all manner of skull duggery.I think you would agree that the things called governments are a tad Corrupt?

    do Lie blatantly everyday ,are disfunctional ,and generally dimwitted cronies and political Hacks.

    if you do not think this ,then why not? the other 99.9999 % of us thinkso,no, not think so Know so.You think the Governments should be trusted WHY?

    You know they lie!?

    As far as you being a Fascist for defending the putrid corrupt imploding governments of presidents Gillard and Obama ,that in itself a fascist DOSEN't make.
  2. Man on Fire

    Man on Fire Banned

    Mar 28, 2012
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    He cannot be a traitor to America as he is not an American.

    You are kidding? Did you even read any of the releases or were you in some dark room somewhere devoid of the internet? I call a US helicopter crew murdering civilians including journalists pretty horrible crimes also shooting children is a horrible crime as well.
  3. AJ98

    AJ98 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2012
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    Obviously he is not an American. But he is Australian. And he betrayed his country's ally the United States. He is a part of the Western World and he has betrayed all of us.

    Yeah innocent people got killed. But you know what? those pilots didn't see a camera crew on the ground. They thought they saw armed insurgents that posed a threat to other American forces on the ground. Had they known those individuals were just carrying around camera equipment I'm sure they would have thought twice before unleashing those bombs and bullets onto them. As far as the children go? Yeah thats pretty awful. But those pilots weren't deliberately aiming at those kids. They still believed there was a threat in the van and they chose to engage that threat. Certainly not America's finest hour for sure. But given the limited information those pilots had, they probably thought they had legitimate targets in front of them.
  4. Man on Fire

    Man on Fire Banned

    Mar 28, 2012
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    He did not release an Aussies diplomatic files and he did not release any Aussie Afghan war logs or any Aussies Iraq war logs and collateral murder video was not about Aussie troops murdering civilians. So he was not a traitor. You are wrong.

    Yeah and that is why they were having a good laugh and joke when they found out that they had just shot some kids. Save the BS,they are guilty.
  5. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    oh who made you god speaking for the entire western world [Whatever that means]hey he has broken no Australian law at all ,no sorry he is welcome home anytime.Rupert the terrorist murdoch you can have that piece of dog poo back he is a American citizen and we disown the slime.good riddence to bad rubbish .

    They thought they saw did they ,oh did the mass muderer of 16 women and children think he saw 2 and 4year old insurgents as well in his drunken killing spree?

    Why are any Piolots in Iraq or Afghanistan oh thats right George Bush thought WITHOUT any EVIDENCE at all,and the opinion that they didn't have WMD's ,yes do you remember the Pretext for the Iraqi War the WMD's how they going with finding the WMD's .Blix was correct the weapon inspectors were right IRAQ had no WMD's.

    Unless you count the chemical weapons bought from where /Oh thats right the ally of Sadam hussein against Iran the USof A.,

    Time I think you stop faith thunkun and start real world thinking don't you so out of touch with reality that I must ask ,Do you believe god actually exists ,because with your anti-evidence based thunkun my guess is you are a Pentacostal non thunker.

    a Ric Santorum ninkum poop.

    I am right aren't I come on its ok Faith thunkun is mental delusion and can be rejected.
  6. Revocity

    Revocity New Member

    Aug 14, 2008
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    So basically what you're saying is nobody is allowed to act on their own individual consciences unless the Western World approves?
  7. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Wiki did expose the US State department stooge Mark Abib former senator.
  8. AJ98

    AJ98 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2012
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    Well I'm sure if you had a job in which you needed to rain bombs onto targets that have little to fight back with, you probably would want to detach yourself from the reality of the destruction and pain you'd be causing. War is not glorious and its certainly never good. The joking around was not pretty. But war is never any of those things to begin with.

    And you can say he is not a traitor all you want. But he certainly is not a friend to the United States or its allies. He cares more about himself and his own celebrity than he does about exposing the truth. the cables revealed nothing that wasn't already to be expected with behind the scenes diplomacy. All this did was expose sensitive diplomatic information to our enemies and rivals. Did people get killed from this? I don't believe so. But it has certainly damaged partnerships and relationships with other countries. Again, no crimes or horrible misdeeds were exposed that isn't already routine within the confines of diplomacy that is conducted by most governments. In addition to that, there was also no context provided with this information at all either. For an organization that prides itself as source for journalism, it often gives no context to the information it publishes. Source material is great to look at, but without context to compliment it, it can be difficult to dissect and understand.
  9. Man on Fire

    Man on Fire Banned

    Mar 28, 2012
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    You are really trying to put up a defense for the helicopter crew that shot innocent kids joking about it when they found out? That is pretty low even for you.

    I will say he is not a traitor to American because that happens to be the fact,he is not an American so could never ever be a traitor to the USA. Basic logic.
  10. AJ98

    AJ98 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2012
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    I, and many others view Western countries as closely connected partners. We share similar and intertwined histories. We mostly share common languages and religions. We all share similar belief systems and ideologies and our societies and culture are greatly influenced by similar sources. Therefor I, and many people view countries within the West as equals or as a single unit in some respects. Especially since the West is deeply engaged in the War on Terror. Wikileaks has been releasing documents and classified information that has pertained to the various fronts on the War on Terror. So in my mind he is hampering NATO efforts to effectively combat our enemies and keep our rivals in check. Therefor, if he is on a mission to attack the War on Terror, he is a traitor to all of the Western World.

    I would also like to note that government transparency is incredibly important. But the way Assange has gone about it was wrong and the information he chose to expose was stupid and a terrible mistake on his part.
  11. AJ98

    AJ98 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2012
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    Yeah because killing children is exactly what I want.

    *shakes head and walks away*
  12. Man on Fire

    Man on Fire Banned

    Mar 28, 2012
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    You are the one defending them not me.
  13. AJ98

    AJ98 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2012
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    Killing children is never good. I'm not arguing that those pilots needed to kill the children. They obviously weren't firing their weapons on them for the purpose of killing those kids. But if you remember one of those pilots did argue saying that the driver never should have brought those kids into crossfire. The man driving that vehicle rushed his car over to stop and pick up the wounded. Although thats a noble thing to do, he should have been thinking of those children first and keeping them out of harms way. And the pilots had reason to believe those men were insurgents hunting for American soldiers. Anyone who aids the enemy becomes a legitimate target for American forces. That includes the man who drove his van into the center of the combat zone with the intent of picking up the wounded.

    As far as the joking around goes, I have already said its in poor taste. But then again, I doubt you have ever been an Apache helicopter pilot who has done a few tours in Iraq. I don't think you or I truly have a deep understanding of the mental toll that job would have. Therefore there isn't much to criticize if you haven't walked a mile in their shoes.
  14. Man on Fire

    Man on Fire Banned

    Mar 28, 2012
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    There you are defending them yet again.They killed an unarmed reporter lying injured on the street and they killed two unarmed guys that came to his aid,they also shot two kids and then joked about it but that does not bother you much as you keep defending them. That is very low.
  15. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Yeah it dosen't seem to understand that a WAR CRIME is a WAR CRIME no matter who commits it nor does he understand that some people get a tad upset when their Nation is INVADED ,or are we mistaken ,is Afghanistan part of the USA ,we will have to change the Atlas's .

    he has the classic 'my Nation Right or wrong 'syndrome no principle no thinking just doing what the government tells it to think ,this one is really Brain washed ,may even work for the government,if you know what I mean .

    Lack of empathy and Compassion the things that make us Human more then anything else that which defines us the most basic human emotions he is either sick in the head or he has been desensitised through to many gory video games something is definitely wrong with our friend.

    I wonder what he thinks about the latest rampage of murder in afghanistan were a certain soldier of a certain army killed 4year olds and women and defenceless humans ????????????????????

    Maybe they were all insurgents so when a soldier goes mass murderer,he should pay particular attention to the Tiny Toddler Terrorists,a new group of insurgents the TTT.
  16. AJ98

    AJ98 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2012
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    And if you watched the video it was obvious they believed those journalists were carrying RPGs and rifles. Also note that some of those men accompanying the journalists were carrying weapons. I don't believe any of them were actually insurgents or that they did actual pose a threat to anyone. But you have to understand it from the pilots' perspective. They thought they saw insurgents armed and aiming weapons at nearby American soldiers on the ground. They were simply following the Rules of Engagement based on what they saw and how they interpreted their movements. Does that make it right or inexcusable? No. But they were simply acting on what they thought was necessary. The jokes they were cracking is a different story. I have already stated how disgusting it is. What else is there to say?
  17. Man on Fire

    Man on Fire Banned

    Mar 28, 2012
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    I am not talking about when they fired on the guys on the corner. I am stating that they fired on an injured reporter that they had already shot and who was unarmed and crawling a long the pavement,they murdered him in cold blood. They also murdered two more unarmed guys who came to help him and at the same time they shot two kids and then joked about it. They knew that the guy who was injured and crawling on the pavement was unarmed because they were saying along the lines of pick up a gun and then we can shoot him. You continue to defend these murderers.
  18. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Oh the poor over worked slaghterers of innocent people inTHEIR own COUNTRY,if the USA is ever invaded we should expect a civilised non resistance,it must be really hard after a long day of killing kids ,I can really empathise with the butchers of the IRRAQI and AFGHANISTAN peoples .if only they shot themselves and left their lands .

    What are they thinking resisting the Murder of their children how dare they.So we can expect you to just roll over if the US is ever INVADED by a Foriegn power can we?????

    Or wil you just shot yourself and your entire family to advoid the stress of the enemy doing it ,and BTW ,have they found the WMD's in iraq Yet??

    Remember the reason for the whole debacle starting???

    And if any soldier has aproblem with stress I prescribe ,return home and bring down the Government that sent them their in the first place ,and the One that continues it,the War without end.
  19. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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  20. AJ98

    AJ98 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2012
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    Yeah man, sh!tty things happen in war. It happens. What else is new?
  21. Man on Fire

    Man on Fire Banned

    Mar 28, 2012
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    Yeah man,sh!tty things happen on the internet also,like you defending these murderers.
  22. AJ98

    AJ98 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2012
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    What you are arguing is really a matter concerning the nature of war and not something that is exclusively America's fault. Innocent people get killed in the crossfire. Its terrible and I wish it wouldnt happen either. But who are we to criticize incidents like this? I'm willing to bet you haven't walked a mile in their shoes or had to deal with constant threats on the frontlines of a battlefield like those soldiers have. After so much death and destruction cracking terrible jokes might be to the only thing to help you get through what is without question a terrible act. These guys deal with a lot of mental stress and have a lot of baggage to deal with. Yeah they sounded insensitive and inhumane. But they were just doing their job and following the ROE on what they believed were legitimate targets. I'm not saying what they did was right or that I'm glad they killed those kids and the journalists. But from their perspective and the limited information they had, I can understand why they chose to kill them.
  23. efjay

    efjay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Assange is an idiot that only has HIMSELF to blame for his troubles. He SHOULD be in jail for his actions, either that OR a firing squad.
  24. Man on Fire

    Man on Fire Banned

    Mar 28, 2012
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    Wrong. There was no one else there but Americans,so it is Americas fault. What kind of silly argument are you trying here? It is not going to work. Those American crew murdered innocent people,that is what they did and you still defend them,which is very low.

    They did not get killed in any crossfire,they got murdered by an American helicopter crew. One reporter was crawling along the pavement after having been shot by the Americans and was unarmed and they murdered him in cold blood. They also murdered the two unarmed guys who came to help him and they also shot two young kids and then had a joke about it and you continue to defend them.
  25. Man on Fire

    Man on Fire Banned

    Mar 28, 2012
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    So you are all for shooting journalists now? Assange is a journalist who spilled the beans on Americas wars and you want him shot.He released the truth but you do not want to know anything about the truth and want him shot. Disgraceful.

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