What do they DO to people like Hillary Clinton?

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Jack Napier, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    TMR - with respect, it's not even open to question, as I have said before, no man (or women), will be permitted to rise to high office, in America, unless they are fully vetted, endorsed, and given the green light....by their true masters....AIPAC.

    Not a one.

  2. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Hillary is cool and makes more money than you. She can also out drink you, chugging straight vodka from a bottle and has a bad temper. She could probably beat you up, silly chav. She's just the kind of gal we need to bang up the Palestinkies and other mooslimes that annoy us.
  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    And you.

    But not as much as any of us have...compared to the welfare cheque that is written, in never ending fashion, for your real Government...in Israel.

    These people will not stop, not until they have bled every last cent from you, for the Jewish supremacist state.

    Only at that precise moment, when there is literally no more to take...only then will they throw you aside, battered and bleeding.

    Why not just short circuit it, Mandrake? You could sell that farmhouse you have, anything else of worth, and just send it direct to the Jewish state.

    It would save them having to spend your money, to lobby to get your money.
  4. Big George

    Big George Banned

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Caution! More idiotic, anti-semitic racist BS! Caution!

  5. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    We WANT them to send gobs of money to Israel so that the Israelis will blow up muslims. That's why we vote for the people we do, duh. Has it ever occurred to you that we might not like muslims and do like making the Palestinkies suffer?
  6. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Anyone with a neutral POV reading this thread can see the replies from the likes of Mandrake and Big George. It becomes clear to you each time you read one of their comments that they are NOT content with Israel running their country, they are SUPPORTIVE and HAPPY about Israel running their country.

    At that point, It become clear what is going on, at least, psychologically.

    Is there any doubt?
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    No doubt, at all.

    However...don't forget, that simply because one may come on a forum, and claim to be 'American', it does not make them such.

    Indeed, it would be entirely consistant with the hijack things & pass yourself off as something you aren't, if many 'Americans' on the net, esp on any debate forum, may not be American, at all.

    Or at least, if they are American, only in the Stephen Steinlight sense of being 'American'.

    Also look here [video=youtube;wIYhE-hei2Y]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIYhE-hei2Y[/video]

    Or here....(watch the bullying women beater, at 2mins) [video=youtube;uWQYafpEm40]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWQYafpEm40[/video]

    (Also, at the ugly words of the Jewish extremists at 3.12).

    Or look here......It seems probable that even NotMyTribe has now come under attack from the Israel war machine via Israel’s Internet Megaphone tool of waging psychological warfare, otherwise known as GIYUS, or “Give Israel Our Support.”
  8. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Believe it or not, I'm considered open minded and liberal. You should see how most Americans think. You may not be able to wrap your mind around this, but we aren't very nice.

    The majority of the people banned from this site are Americans just being Americans. You may get a tree hugging hippy type or some Emo chick here from America every now and then, but they are pretty rare.

    Think about that Occupy thing and how those people were laughed at and gassed by Americans and the people we paid to gas them.
  9. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Thanks for the admission.

    Why though?

    Have you always been that way, in your view, or did it get to be more that way?
  10. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Personally, I think we are much nicer than we used to be. I think WW2 changed that. Before then, from the stories of my Grandparents, America was a much rougher place, especially in the 1920s and 30s. I think the KKK reached its peak in the 1920s and my town became all white during that time and the sunset laws didn't change until about 1970. I am old enough to remember the signs at the city limits.

    Seriously, though. Have you read about the Chivington Massacre or about the horrible Union wars we had? Heck, where I live, the locals slaughtered a bunch of workers from Chicago just because they showed up here for work. I believe the full account is in a book called Bloody Williamson.
  11. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Okay, well written, but what you are conceding is honest, but also a depressing narrative.

    You are more or less saying that your country has always been nasty and, well, how it is now, but it was worse before?

    It's a very misnanthropic view, it may be accurate, it may be part so, but it's a pretty grim narrative.

    I don't think your country has, for all that you write, even been entirely engulfed, to finance and serve an entirely foreign state before, though, has it?

    That's new.
  12. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Yes, it's much better now, at least where I live. There hasn't been a massacre since that last one I mentioned and the last big murder in my town was when a cheerleader shot dead a lesbian couple over a drug deal 2 years ago. When Afton was asked why she shot one of the girls so many times, she replied "Because she was still moving". That kind of shocked people and was the talk at the local cafe until they shipped that little girl off to prison for life.

    I hear things are much worse now than they were years ago in the big cities, so I never go to those unless I have to on business. I hear the bad parts of Chicago have turned into a regular gunfest because of the insane heat we've been enduring.

    The last time a foreign power was controlling us was when you guys were. We had a couple of little wars with you folks and ran you out, if I remember correctly.
  13. GodTom

    GodTom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2011
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    jack you're from the UK right?

    You want to know why Israel and the Middle East is a mess? You need not look any further then Europe...

    You can't put all your hate on the US. Pretty Much prior to the 1900th century, the US stayed to itself.

    You want to know who is responsible for the chaos in the world now? European Colonialism.

    But I know it's your montra to hate America!
  14. GodTom

    GodTom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2011
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    Why should Hillary try to fix European Colonialism? Shouldn't the Europeans fix that?
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    This is what you do not seem to understand.

    Simply because I may devote more time to the here and now, I am well aware, very well aware, that many British elites, esp during the height of the Empire, did some truly terrible things.

    I am not a monarchist or royalist, nor do I feel a special duty to ever try to justify, that which cannot be justfied, by those that happened to be evil, and British. Now or before.

    When elites make decisions that harm my country, I despise those elites, and want to see them removed, not just them personally, but the whole bloody lot of them.

    They are ALL contaminated.

    When bankers and financiers, who do not care about damaging our economy, harm it, then make money from the back of it, I want my country to put a stop to all of that, and treat these men, in the harshest possible terms.

    If anyone wishes to rock by, and write that David Cameron is an utter plank, and with his cabinet of jolly hockey sticks, he has NOTHING in common with the average British man - that is 100% fine, I will be the first to agree.

    If anyone wishes to criticise Blair, call him a war criminal, and a liar, I am fine with that, I do not define myself by Tony Blair, or my military.

    If someone could show me example, after example, of British troops in Afghanistan, desecrating dead bodies, or soldiers murdering multiples of totally innocent people, or British troops raping a girl, murdering her family, then setting her body alight, please let me know, and I will personally demand that these troops face a firing squad, for utterly dishonouring the armed forces.

  16. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Hillary will do nothing.

    Except perform what was done to her husband, to her masters.

    Metaphorically speaking, I'm sure....
  17. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Equally, with respect Jack, the bottom line is that ultimately its people who elect politicians into positions of power. What these politicians do once they're in those positions of power is a separate issue. Yes, there is undoubtably much arm twisting and other forms of poltical pressure by way of lobbyists etc exerted by organizations like AIPAC. But to ascribe these organizations with 'untouchable' forms of power which is what you are implying, is to overplay the situation and effectively provides elected governments' with the alibis they require to act as mere poodles in the face of the aformentioned corporate/Zionist arm twisting.

    This particularly applies to the current US administration, who it is worth remembering, were elected on a platform of change predicated on a paradigm shift in US foreign policy discourse. The fact that people like Obama and Clinton only 'talked the talk' as opposed to following through by 'walking the walk', is more a reflection on their incompetence, ineptitude and unwilllingness to challenge the prevailing orthodoxy, then it is on the tendency for strings being pulled.

    What we need are politicians who are brave enough to follow through on their convictions by acting on them instead of falling at the knees of insane people who want to do us all harm.
  18. GodTom

    GodTom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2011
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    jack what do you want us to do? Who do you want us to vote for?

    Or should we just start killing the politicians? Is that what you want us to do?

  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    That is an old fashinoned, once was, POV, and I hope one day, we can return to a true form of it.

    For now, imo, it is better to be realistic, and concede to one's self, that yes, the system will always manufacture you their latest model, last time, black pacifist(but not really), this time, tough talking Mormon guy.

    You can vote them in, out, shake them all about.

    You can do the hokey cokey, and all fall down..

    But being on the same side, is what they're all about (and that ain't anyone but Israel).

  20. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Ah, the politics of despair - the old zero-sum game. I just don't buy it, sorry. I'm an optimist.
  21. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    You don't need to buy it, but it's true. Leaders of the western world are chosen and picked before we get to "decide" on them. You will find that these leaders all conform to one logic, which is globalist leadership, corporation interests and Israeli interests. You will NOT get a president of the USA, or prime minister of the UK that doesn't conform to these views.

    That's just how it is right now. We can't solve the problem until we recognize it to be a problem.

    The solution? revolution. Do not partake in the system. Imagine if people DID NOT vote, the power structure would be shaken. Additionally, the central banks need to be state owned. Abolishing the Fed and Bank of England would go a long way to saving this planet.
  22. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Why would a man, Tom, that routintely denounces violence, and lawllessness, wish to advocate that you use violence?

    Let alone take anyone's life, something which must only be done, if there are no other options, and someone is trying to kill you.

    There may also be a case for putting really dangerous sex criminals, esp those that attack kids, to death, but I would have to think further about that.

    There is NO USE cleaning out thuggery, by using thuggery.

    Then you are merely destroying that which is evil, and seeding it with that which is evil.

    And if you use an evil seeding, the the fruits will be POISON.

    Besides being a moral crime, and a law crime, and besides what I just wrote, I would personally insist that in the event of your question being more imminent, that we must be better than what went before, and this would mean that, even in cases in which you wished to get justice from criminal bankers(who have raped your people), criminal political shills (who have misled and lied to your people), and others, that they must be afforded adequate and fair defence, in a proper court, with a jury.

    What I want you to do, is nothing.

    What I would like you to do, if you are an American, who believes in core values, and wants to truly see better politics, a better America, and a better World (because, I have NO DOUBT, and this is what really frustrates me, that if Americans could free themselves from these hucksters, and simply reinvest the wasted TRILLIONS on building America UP, then it two decades, it would be a joy to live in, for everyone).

    It also has the potential to invest more in sciences that help alleviate more pain and suffering, you have the scientific genius, you have the technology, and you even have the manpower.

    Shamefully, criminals would rather you invested time and money looking for ways to kill more people.

    I would say, reject ALL of that, if you are Christian, or even just a good and thinking human being.

    Can't be wrong, being directly opposed to anything/one that does such a thing, it just cannot be right/good.

    My point is that Americans should not just dismiss me, or attack me, perhaps you might want to consider, even from a world view, that I may just want America to be free of this shillery, because I definitely think Americans can only benefit from it, I think the World would benefit from it, if you purged the gangsters, and Zionists, and their affiliates, from high office.

    How you do that, well, that is another matter.

    You CANNOT vote it out, there is no party or candidate that is running with the 'Let's investigate and clean up ourselves' ticket.

    Or the 'Let's no longer accept corporate funding' ticket.

    Or the 'Let's spend the trillions we either give to Israel, or spend on fights which benefit them, on boosting our industries, creating new one's, and almost not needing a welfare state (save for the ill), because there will be so much good employment.

    Don't let them convince you this is not possible - that's the defeated and misanthropic view they love you having.

    It is possible, and once you have rid of them, and have rebuilt your key constucts, so that this may never again happen, it can happen much faster than you think.

    The MINUTE you rid yourself of the toxin, your country will heal, and grow strong, in the right ways.

  23. GodTom

    GodTom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2011
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    If people did not vote then, the Supreme Court would decide the outcome.

    I don't see how making banks State owned would help us out of this mess. Doesn't fix the debt, or inflation...

    I'll ask you what I asked Jack, do you want Americans to start killing people to make a point?
  24. GodTom

    GodTom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2011
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    You're a walking contradiction...

    This is the only part of your post that makes sense.

    If we can not vote them out, then how do we get them out of office?

    How do we get them peacefully out of office if we can not vote them out? Purge is quite a strong word for not meaning to kill...
  25. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    What WOULD it take to convince you that....

    A) That unbrindled corporate funding has reduced true democracy, to a farce?

    B) That all of those corporate 'donations' are really a means of buying policy which is favourable to ..

    C) The corporation, the billionaire, which happens to be consistant with...

    D) The exact same sort of policy, esp foreign, which would be drawn up for you, if in fact you were being worked from the outside/inside, for the benefit...of Israel?

    E) That there shall be no man who can rise to be President, or take any other position of high office, who is not endorsed...by Israel and AIPAC.

    F) That no President or serious candidate would be ALLOWED to suggest cutting off the welfare to Israel. Even if he wanted to spend it on Americans.

    G) That no President would be allowed to ever ask Israel....'Account for your nukes'.

    And that takes no account of all those that operate outwith the Democratic process.

    Chairman of the Fed Reserve? Want to have a crack?

    Ben Shalom Bernanke.

    Obviously a non Zionist Hindu, I am sure.
    Assistant Chairman? Donald Kohn. A non Zionist Skih, I would imagine.

    Attorney General of the US Department Of Justice? Michael Bernard Mukasey. Mukassey is a Talmudic Jew who views Christians as “idolaters.”

    Mukassey supports the extremist Zionist Jews of the Likud Party of which Ariel Sharon was a leading figure. Mukassey is linked with the Chabad Lubavitcher Movement .

    Director of the Anti Defamation League?

    Abraham Foxman

    In his recent book, Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism, Foxman pronounced the New Testament as “Anti-Semitic.” Foxman is seeking to have the New Testament banned from being published.

    Hmm, all much of a coincidience, I am sure, I am certain that ALL of those people, do all they can, to make Americans better off, right?

    Let's take a step back a decade or so, see if anything resonates here....

    Okay, here is what I said, on another thread. It is salient, to the discussion though....

    'Seriously though, I think back to those that died in 911, and Larry Silverstein was swanning around, trying to make a few billion, filing law suits against insurers, etc. 3000 dead - and he is thinking of how to cash in, on that.

    One can dress it up how they wish, but that strikes me as the actions of a ghoul, and not one of a thinking and feeling, human being'.....


    'follow the paper trail from people like Silverstein, and you don't have to go far, before you find this..

    Lewis M. Eisenberg (born 1942) is an American business financier and investor, with entrepreneurial roots known for co-founding and heading a private equity firm, Granite Capital International Group L.P. Lewis Eisenberg has a multi-decade history in American political fundraising circles and is most notable for the various national, state, and bi-state appointments he held throughout his career, specifically as the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey at the time of the September 11, 2001 .

    Eisenberg began his career on Wall Street after completing his education at Cornell University. He began working for Goldman Sachs & Company .

    And here is Larry's 'mate', Frank Lowy...

    Wow....what a shock....a former Haganah terrorist.

    Must ALL be a coincidence, I am sure...

    And, would you credit it.....Marvin Pierce Bush was on the board of directors of Securacom from 1993-2000, which maintained security for the World Trade Center Towers up until September 11, 2001.

    Go find out which company operated out of the 16th and 17th floors, of the North Tower.

    I will save you the bother - Zim American Israel Shipping. That is the name of the company that operated out of those floors.

    Broke their lease, weeks before 911, and opted to pay a $50k fine.

    The company is owned by Zim Israel Navigation - which just so happens...to be owned by the Gov of Israel.

    None of these names are fictional, none of these details are created.

    For a terrible event, that Zionist, Netenyahu shamefully went on to claim was 'GOOD FOR ISRAEL', there seems to be an awful lot of...billionaire Zionists, who just so happened to, in one way or another, be just kinda milling around...'


    Seriously, it's YOUR country, don't assume that because I am not on Fox, nor am I an 'official source', that I cannot come with truth.

    Do not assume, not that I think you do, that simply because I shine a light on such things, that I 'hate Americans'.

    I never understand that 'logic'.

    If anything, my motives for informing you (which you can always check yourself), are not born of hate, at all.

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