German dad encourages 5 year old cross dressing son

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by sec, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Right. No mother, no sisters, no girlfriend was mentioned.... just daddy and son. Where did the female garb come from? Daddy went to the store and bought them, of course....

    NO normal dad would put on a dress and wear it around in public to make his 5 yr old son who was in a dress 'comfortable'...... wouldn't happen.
  2. fiddlerdave

    fiddlerdave Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Parts of what some people call :gender: ARE "social constructs". Also, though, some parts of gender are innate, although in ANY event gender is a SPECTRUM, not a dichotomy (either/or). And some people are born to be rigidly defined, while other like to or are able to mix everything up in all kinds of ways by both nature and circumstance.

    But age TWO is by NO means "from birth". In that two years, the human mind has learned an ENORMOUS amount of data, feelings, patterns, emotional responses and has been conditioned and learned to express itself in ways most people have NO faintest awareness at all.
  3. fiddlerdave

    fiddlerdave Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Sadly that is true, no NORMAL dad in my experience would do so.

    But SOME dads are INCREDIBLY EXCEPTIONAL HUMAN BEINGS, who love their children more than everything else, and dedicate themselves to teaching their children learn to be INCREDIBLE HUMAN BEINGS as well!

    Hopefully, some day, ALL dads will be willing to buy a dress or do whatever it takes to back his son up against a hostile world and let his son KNOW that his dad will ALWAYS be there with his love!
  4. Dharma1972

    Dharma1972 New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    The ignorance and intolerance that runs rampant on this forum really makes me sad, mostly because it such a horrific reality that is it such a true cross section of society and how many people still think this way. The conservative mind set never fails to amaze and horrify me at the same time. Bound by ignorance and fear they immediately scream "abuse" and "wrong" and "immoral" to things they do not and will not even try to understand.

    I have personally known two transgenders. Both of them will tell you they knew at a VERY young age that they felt they were in the wrong body. It wasn't something that "kicked" in as a teenager, they didn't wake up one morning when they turned 18 and said "hey, I feel like being a woman". And not every transgender is gay. This child is obviously transgender. He is going to have a VERY difficult life. Kudos to his dad for supporting him now and not making him feel like a freak or shaming and belittling him or trying to tell him his feelings are "wrong, immoral and not what society expects".
  5. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    I understand it perfectly, it is abuse, immoral, and exploitive of the child - liberals probably understand this too (other than the ones who truly live in la-la land), but refuse to accept it because they don't have the balls to call a duck a duck.

    Then what they told you was merely their delusions speaking, not reality. Because "they" are their body - it is genetics that determine sex, why are you arguing with science? A person who "thinks they are in the wrong body", when this is physically impossible is suffering from mental delusions and needs therapy.
    Especially with an immoral father who encourages his delusions for the purpose of "social experimentation" when he should be seeking therapy for his son - yes he does indeed.

    No, shame on the dad for encouraging his son to live like a freak and embrace unnatural feelings of self-loathing - when he should be helping his son to overcome his disorder, rather than feed and encourage his social deviation. Were I the child, I'd be ashamed to call him my "father" if I knew any better, but sadly the poor child doesn't.
  6. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Of course.

    Children can be mentally ill just like adults.

    In this case I'd say both father and son are suffering from some disfunction.
  7. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Yes, but liberals just think that the truth is "too cruel" no matter how much hiding it from these children destroys them in the long run.

    They'd rather give a man a fish today even if he staves to death tomorrow, because teaching him to fish is "too mean". It's sad, because holdovers like them are the the only reason that "fathers" like this aren't in prison where they belong.
  8. Dharma1972

    Dharma1972 New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    What I understand is that conservatives love nothing more than to sit in judgement of others rather than educate themselves about the world around them. It is so much easier that way. Obviously you have never actually seen real child abuse.

    I'm so glad you know what a transgender person goes through better than they do. It must be wonderful to be so omnipotent.

    Were you that "child", you would most likely be EXTREMELY grateful to have a father who understands what you feel and support you rather than grow into a confused and angry teenager wracked with pain. A scared and lonely teenager who ends up cutting himself or doing something even more drastic like trying to kill yourself due to all the ignorant, fearful and judgmental cretins that run around on this planet thumping on a dusty old book trying to tell you that you are a deviant and an abomination.
  9. Dharma1972

    Dharma1972 New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    The only "dysfunction" either one is suffering from are the overly judgmental, heterosexual, Jesus- rode- a dinosaur- bible thumpers.
  10. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    What about this?
  11. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Sorry, but I'll never believe that. The idea that sexual identity disorder "can't be cured" except through transgenderism is a lie, people who say they can't never really tried or know anything about the human psyche. It's really just an extreme form of poor self-esteem and self-hate, coupled with potential mental problems - I honestly believe the average tranny could cure their sickness if they pursued proper therapy and self-esteem development, however they've already indoctrinated into their unnatural lifestyle, so for -transgenderism isn't much different than a cult - it's a lifestyle that people with poor self-esteem choose which does not truly help them find the belongingness they seek, and further alienates them from normal society. I find it repulsive - encouraging a tranny to be a tranny, is like encouraging a herion addict to shoot more herion instead of going into rehab, and claiming that rehab is "too cruel".
  12. Dharma1972

    Dharma1972 New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    I guess you are one of those people that believe you can "pray the gay away" as well and that Jesus rode dinosaurs. Well, you are certainly entitled to your backwoods, outdated opinion but science is rapidly proving you wrong. But realize this. It is people like you that is making life difficult for people like them. And you really don't have THAT right. You can think it is disgusting and wrong all you want but that is where your right ends. You DON'T have the right to push your opinion on people like them or to bully them or make their life more difficult. Your rights end where theirs begin.
  13. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    What does transgenderism have to do with being gay?

    Science is on my side. A person with XY chromosomes is a male, a person with XX chromosomes is female - they can play dress up and live in denial of it, but it is fact - therefore the healthy option is for them to be made to come to terms with who they are, rather than live in denial and self-loathing and pretend to be something they aren't - there's no scientific backing of your theory that you can "be a man trapped in a woman's body".

    Fathers should not have a right to cross-dress their children, that is child abuse. And I'll fight to end their rights to do so, and to keep transgenderism marginalized as the self-destructive disorder which it is, rather than a normal or healthy lifestyle. I hope that this does make it harder to decide to live as transgender, because it will encourage them to stop living that way and seek help for their disorder.
  14. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Here's some disturbing stats, and from a pro-transgender site too:

    If you are like most transsexual and (TG) transgendered people you may be depressed or have a great deal of anxiety with your condition or even suicidal thoughts. Transgendered Folks have the highest incidents of suicide of any groups. Some estimates put the pre-op suicide rate at 50%.

    So, tell me again why it's healthy for a father to be indoctrinating a young child into that type of self-harming psychology at such a young age? And why should transgendered children be "treated" by encouraging their self-destructive disorder rather than seeking help for it?
  15. Dharma1972

    Dharma1972 New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Do I REALLY need to explain my statement and what I meant by that??

    Good. You have basic biology down. It is now time to branch out.

    So according to this, it can start in life between 2-4 years of age. Now, many children outgrow it. Good for the child. BUT if this child doesn't, either way, his father is being supportive through that phase and allowing him to grow out of it on his own or being supportive of who he is going to grow into. Win-win.

    So SCIENCE does recognize this as a condition

    You are not fighting FOR them. You are fighting AGAINST them. And you are doing it based on your own microscopic, distorted view of right and wrong. YOU have determined what is right for someone else and decided how they should live. Right/Wrong, Black/White with no gray in between and you are doing it based on your own sense of morality. And the fact you have decided that you want to make "life harder" for transgenders because YOU think it is not normal or healthy is absolutely disgusting. If you don't want to live like that, then don't. But , again, you do NOT have the right to step all over the lives of others and decide what is right for them based on your beliefs.

    You would absolutely go nuts if someone else decided that you were not living your life to their expectations and decided to force you to change it based on their moral beliefs. They are not allowed to do it you and you are not allowed to do it them.
  16. Dharma1972

    Dharma1972 New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    They have the highest rates of suicide and depression because of people like YOU. People who tell them they are disgusting and an abomination and that they are wrong and immoral. HOW hard is that to understand?? You and people LIKE you do it to them.
  17. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Yes, it's a disorder, not a normal condition - dressing up your kid in women's clothes encourages this disorder - and even according to pro-transgender sites, transgenders have the highest suicide rate of all demographics, so why would it be acceptable to encourage this disorder in children?

    I don't want methamphetamine to be legal - I don't want meth-heads to have any unnecessary encouragement in pursuing their self-destructive lifestyle, what's your point?
  18. Dharma1972

    Dharma1972 New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Not normal according to you. Science is rapidly recognizing that people are born this way.

    Are you really comparing meth to transgenders?? Meth?? Meth, that causes irreparable damage to the body, that when made causes the are it is made in to be a freaking HAZ MAT zone that put everyone in the immediate are in harm's way. Meth, that causes people who are addicted to commit crimes against innocent people to feed their addiction?? Yeah, good analogy.
  19. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Oxymoronic - if that were the truth their chromosomes would be born that way. That's why they call it a disorder.

    Transgenders have a very high suicide risk, as much as 50% suicide rate, so it is a self-destructive disorder.
  20. Dharma1972

    Dharma1972 New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    No one can or cannot determine that yet. But since it can start in children as young as two, I would imagine that it might very well be in the chromosones. Or at least in the chemical make up of the brain. Science hasn't gotten there yet but I don't doubt it eventually will.

    Did you even read my earlier post? It is because they are not accepted by society. They are condemned and treated like pariahs by so many. I bet once they become more accepted and treated less like some kind of freakish abomination that number will go down significantly. People like you and your attitudes toward them are part of that problem.
  21. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    just because you have some paid whackjobs who make those wild points for your movement doesn't make that pile of stinking dung anything but dung

    when my family member took her own life it was HER DECISION.

    It was not a failure at that or a failure at this. We all face hardship and I'd hate to burst your bubble but life is hard.

    Was it hard on the betcha. But, it was her choice. She was loved (and still is) and the majority of people will never understand how things can be so bad to take one's own life. At the end of the day she just wasn't right.

    If you try to impress your point that gays are more likely to commit suicide then like my family member, there must be something wrong in the head with gay people. You must draw that conclusion for your false claim to hold water.

    Do you really want to go there?

    stop the BS and discuss that this "Dad" in the story is an abusive parent trying to push his whacked out desires upon his child
  22. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    a prayer from sec

    Lord please tell me that this poster is not a parent or at least is merely trolling this thread.
  23. yguy

    yguy Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Excuse me?

    And why exactly would anyone be impressed by that?

    Please, no one is more responsible for that kid BEING a freak than his father. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, after all.

    What I understand is that leftards love nothing more than to project their own judgmentalism into others.

    Oh, but he will. The only question is whether he will try to deal with that conflict within himself or commit himself to cultivating it in others by convincing them that they don't see what they see.

    I don't need a book to tell me this kid has been turned into a freak, just common sense.

    They're both products of excessive female influence.

    Obviously you don't see how you're contradicting yourself.

    If there is a distorted view, then there is an undistorted view. Why should anyone think yours is the latter?

    But you're not condemning those who hold to traditional morality based on your own sense of morality?

    Your diction is faulty. What these faux scientists are actually doing is deciding people are born that way, because they are empowered by the existence of an underclass of emotionally dependent misfits whose sense of self-esteem is founded on such lies as mental health professionals have become dispensers of.

    The lie of transgenderism is been the cause of irreparable damage to quite a few bodies, to say nothing of the souls which inhabit them.

    No, the problem is those who encourage child abuse like yourself.
  24. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    I have a black kid who wants to be white (like Michael Jackson), so I'm going to bleach his skin and give him 50 plastic surgeries at age 5 - I'm the best, most tolerant, loving dad in the world. :rolleyes:
  25. fiddlerdave

    fiddlerdave Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Well, bad news for YOU!

    I am a guy who has taken ON the children that people like you have blamed and abandoned with these cruel ideas.

    And I believe they ALL are MUCH happier when they they got away from the moral harpies who "know better" without learning ANYTHING.

    Yeah, life is PARTICULARLY HARD when your OWN family says you are "unnatural" and "evil".

    One common thread with the Morality Police is that THEIR place in the world seems to be to make LIFE HARD for anyone ELSE who lives differently than themselves.

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