Should Gillard be investigated for fraud and treason?

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by Mario Milano, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Mario Milano

    Mario Milano New Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Remember this bankers whore's statement, selling out Aussie tax payers into slavery to the bankers........?

    International carbon markets will cover billions of consumers this decade. Ask the bankers at your table whether they want Australia to clip that ticket. We’re going to help them get their share. Julia Gillard Speech to Business Council of Australia Dinner


    well this whore has been caught out selling australia out....why should she not be investigated for treason when everyone at the time that the whore lied to us knew full well that the majority of australian's were against her carbon tax scam?????????


    EU carbon collapse deals blow to Australia
  2. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    When this Welsh queen was whoring herself to the Greens in regards to the carbon tax. My mother-in-law in Germany was in fits of laughter about how backward and stupid the people of Australia were, in allowing this bimbo to implement such a moronic policy without so much as a murmur.

    As she was telling me, every country in EU was trying to devalue the carbon tax and phase it out completely, because it was recognised as a complete failure over there due to the massive financial impact on the people and businesses.

    She was shaking with laughter, when at the time the EU carbon tax was about $5.50AUS per ton; Australia was going to impose on itself a carbon tax of $30 per ton.

    She just couldn’t believe how stupid this countries politicians and people really were by imposing such a penalty on our people and businesses without accomplishing anything.

    Considering a reduction of 0000.4% carbon emissions over 18 years is not going to reduce or stop overall global warming. LOL LOL

    Mario, sometimes you can explain things to people, and they understand and comprehend what you are telling them. Sometimes, people just have to experience things for themselves before they understand and comprehend, and unfortunately, Australians have to hit the wall before this will happen.

    My personal advise. Within the next 5 years, get yourself in the best financial situation/position as you can manage. I know this might not be as financially satisfying, but if you have any shares or baking bond, transfer them into Guaranteed Australian Bonds (GAB). Even in times of depressions/recessions, the Australian Government always has to honour GAB’s, because these Bonds are an investment in Australia itself; not in its currency.

    As anyone can see what I have been saying all along. Sleazy foreign countries are investing in “Australia” itself for quick profit, because of our current good credit rating, but they are not prepared to invest any business in Australia.

    These foreign countries are much smarter than Australian politicians and the Australian people.
  3. Mario Milano

    Mario Milano New Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Hi Culldav, expecting a Guarantee from the government that is controlled by foreign bankers is not very smart...especially if the advice is coming from any news source such as SMH, FOX, ABC,Today Tonight etc...don't trust any of these scum.

    The only way your money is safe is to buy gold and silver...oh I don't mean go to a gold broker where he gives you a piece of paper called a certificate and it says you own so much in gold...or silver...that is just paper....physically buy Gold and Silver and safe keep it somewhere that you only know where it is and do NOT tell anyone you have it. Gold and Silver (in your hands) is the ONLY safe form of has only ever been the only safe form of currency.....trusting bankers, governments, brokers, Zio owned media means you will have nothing as they are all focking parasitic thieves and they will steal it.....history over and over and over again says they will. Physically buy (from where ever, Jewellers, friends any where..... but have the metal in your not trust thieves that say they will guarantee anything)
  4. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    What else would you two expect? When so many Australian voters base their voting decision on laziness, envy,selfishness, and greed,not the good of the Nation.
  5. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    From my understanding Mario, and I’m getting this investigate while I type. If you own a GAB, and the country goes bankrupt, the Government of that country still has to offer you “something” of equal value that represents that bond at the time of purchase.

    I can vaguely remember my grandfather saying something about people who had GAB’s during the “Great Depression” being giving/offered Crown Land for their GAB’s instead of currency.

    This does make sense what my late grandfather said, because foreign countries and foreign governments have invested 100’s of $billion into GAB’s. They realise that when Australia goes bankrupt, they can ask for Australian “Crown Land” in place of the currency. They will in fact OWN Australian land freehold.

    Their methodology is fairly basic from an economic point of view. Invest in a countries GAB’s; send the country bankrupt, and you end up owing massive proportions of the countries land freehold - no more 99 year leases. These foreign countries and foreign Government that have already brought up massive amounts of Australian agricultural land, and who have invested 100’s of $billion in GAB’s are definitely looking forward to the future beyond a decade.

    They actually make our batch of Australian politicians look like amateur dickheads in comparison. These foreigners are devious, but you have to give them credit for their intellectual and economic strategy.
  6. 12yearoldmadman

    12yearoldmadman New Member

    May 2, 2013
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    No. She should not be. I'm not gonna go siding with Labor here, but please stop whining about the carbon tax. Australia is fast becoming the largest carbon emmittor per capita in the world, and climate change is occurring on an exponential level. Frankly, I'm annoyed at Julia for doing too LITTLE about global warming. She made a statement and then defied that statement. Was it hypocritical? Yes. Should we waste time trying her for treason when we should be increasing taxes on the mega-pollutants dominating the industries of Western Australia? No.
  7. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Are you forgetting, and dismissing scientific date and facts?

    Mario is proposing that Gillard be held accountable for “treason” towards Australia and the Australia people for placing a carbon tax on the people, when the majority of the people were against the tax, and the tax based on the scientific formula of reducing carbon emissions by 0.0004% over 18 years was NEVER going to stop, or have any significant impact on decreasing global temperatures.

    Doesn’t it beg the question as to why this carbon tax was forced onto the Australian people and Australian businesses, when it was known that the mathematics behind the formula was flawed from the very start?

    Even the Greens themselves publicly advocated this formula was flawed, and not was not going to work in reducing global temperatures, but they still allowed this flawed tax to be forced onto the Australian people and Australian business without achieving any real benefits.

    This was nothing more than an illogical, ill conceived policy by the Greens, that Gillard and her cronies were forced to water down and implement as a “pay-back” for the Greens support on preference votes at the last election.

    This demonstrate just how illogical and dangerous some of the Greens policies are to Australia and the Australian people, when they are forced into a flawed carbon tax that has NO benefits, but benefits other countries, who don’t have this carbon tax.

    The stupid Greens got these dangerous light bulbs introduced into Australia under the pretence they were more environmentally better in saving energy that the old fashion incandescent light bulbs. How many 10’s of million of these things are now broken in land-fill throughout Australia, and leaking toxic mercury into our land and water supplies?

    Thank you Greens for another one of your ill conceived hair-brained ideas that is now going more damage to the environment than the item you replaced.

    Dangerous, toxic light bulbs, carbon tax with no benefits - what will be the next stupid solution these Greens will come up with.
  8. Mario Milano

    Mario Milano New Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Well done Culldav for bringing up the Light Bulb scam, seriously people can't you see what they did with this....they quadrupled the price of light bulbs but now have poisoned austtalia with focking mercury....these Green nut cases are complete lunatics...they want to save the world because of Globull warming... and any idiot can see it is a banker scam but say jack about poisoning our environment with mercury with these millions of mercury filled light bulbs ending up in land fill....oh and not to mention that they say nothing about those focking yanks going around the world bombing country after country with Depleted uranium bombs. The greens are a bunch of focking lunatics controlled by the bankers...that's why they come across as lunatics!
  9. Mario Milano

    Mario Milano New Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Ahh yes she should be because it says it in the constitution...or let me get this have no freakin idea that we have a constitution....right?

    well here it is anyway....


    Any person who:

    (i) is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power; shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.
  10. 12yearoldmadman

    12yearoldmadman New Member

    May 2, 2013
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    What do foreign powers have to do with this? And also, by the exact constitution, we could apprehend many politicians for small failures that nooone cares about. The question is not if we can do it, it's whether we should do it.
  11. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    There is two extremely valid issues the Constitution Act - Section 44 raises in regards to Julia Gillard.

    1) Julia Gillard was born in Barry, Wales 29th September 1961, and immigrated to Australia in 1966. Unless Gillard has legally renounced her British citizenship; under the Australian Constitution Act - Section 44, she should NEVER have been legally chosen as a legal sitting member in the House of Representatives.

    Unless Gillard can prove she had renounced her legal British citizenship, she is therefore NOT the legal Prime Minister of Australia under the Australian Constitution Act - Section 44.

    2) Barack Obama TOLD Gillard he was installing American troops and a base in the Northern Territory. Gillard didn’t have an opportunity of objecting to these foreign troops being placed on Australian soil - she was just told what was going to happen, and to accept it. Therefore, under the Constitution- Section 44, Gillard has breached this constitution, and should be instantly disqualified as a sitting member in the House of Representatives.

    You might not care about parasite politicians breaking The Australian Constitution whenever they want to fill their own agendas, but not everyone is a “headless chicken”. When politicians break our Constitution with such ease, and no one cares about it. That’s when our democratic rights fly out the window, and we start reverting back into being slaves. It took humanity thousands of years to crawl their way out of slavery, and to gain democratic rights, and it would be a serious crime to just let our freedom and rights degrade, because no one wants to call politicians out and make them accountable for their bad behaviour and actions.
  12. Mario Milano

    Mario Milano New Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Yep Culldav, and to also mention the Zionazi controlled piece of crap that is illegally breaking section 44 of the constitution (he is also not born in Aust).... that is going to be voted in as the next PM......apparently to him we are all now Khazars (goes to show who runs both parties)

    Abbott: We are all Israeli
    March 16, 2012 ·
  13. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Mario, I read the link you provided, and was disgusted with Abbott`s comments, not surprised, but disgusted. Not surprised because, throughout history, Jewish infiltration into every benign society where it`s been allowed to happen, has resulted in behind the scene manipulation of the wealth and power of the host country, by circles of elitist Jewish power brokers. I`ve witnessed evidence of this in this country, manipulation of trade unions by Jewish powerbrokers. How can this be good for any country?

    Whoever controls the finance, controls everything. This sitution has been established in this country for many, many years now. Abbott may simply be dealing with the realities of life, but that dosen`t make it right. We are supposed to be a multicultural society, but we`ve failed in the first duty of care in forming a multicultural society, to include ONLY people who are compatible with a tolerant society, people with that capacity for alllegiance to this country only. People who can assimilate in one or two generations, who can identify as Australians without perpetually being absorbed by traditional hatred. None of the sons of Abraham qualify.

    Effectively, in the eyes of Muslims, Abbott has announced his contempt for Islam. You can`t befriend a Jew without being hated by a Muslim, you can`t befriend a Muslim, without being hated by a Jew. It will be this way in the forseeable future, possibly thousands of years. Descendants of Jews, and Muslims, carry their identity as such, and their traditional hatered, this is all too common.

    It would be all too easy to follow the politically correct, universal lapdog approach, but stupidity and timidity dosen`t make reality go away.

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