Criminalizing Discrimination Against Heterosexuality

Discussion in 'Civil Rights' started by Political Smash, Apr 6, 2013.


    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Well let us know when you get around to it. So far the only liars and deceivers on this issue I have seen are those with a homophobic agenda.

    I disagree.

    One of the main mantras of those who oppose giving same sex couples the same rights of marriage as my wife and I enjoy is that it would be disrespectful or harmful to 'marriage'.

    But if you look at how we heterosexuals- as a group- not individually- treat marriage- we as a group show no great respect to marriage- look at our divorce rate. Look at the quickie marriage booths in Las Vegas.

    So I reject the idea that Jack and John can't get married because it is some affront to marriage- because society doesn't show that kind of restraint for how we heterosexuals treat marriage.
  2. Political Smash

    Political Smash Banned

    Jan 13, 2013
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    I already am on it with presented facts of which you have not contested any of them with so much as a shred of validity! Instead you scramble to make your delusions the issue. There is no such thing as a homophobe, it is just a word devised by weak minded lying deceitful selfish bias insane homosexual activists.

    Claiming to disagree with fact is evidence of ignorance because you are unable to contest fact which is why you so desperately scramble to make your delusions the issue. Facts are either recognized or ignored, they are not agreed upon. Homosexuals making a mockery of marriage disrespects what marriage was created for and in honour of and it is no secret that homosexual activists tried to make anything else the issue while evading what fact reveals and for now swayed some of the weaker minded parliaments. Marriage will soon be restored to the respectable state in which it was created for and in honour of.

    Divorce rates do not disrespect that marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions with hundreds / thousands of years of proof. You still avoid this very fact and desperately scramble to make your delusions the issue.


    / David

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    What facts? Seriously have not seen you post any.
  4. Political Smash

    Political Smash Banned

    Jan 13, 2013
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    Well then for once put your ignorance aside and read the very composition beginning this very thread as the facts are clearly pointed out plain as day for everyone to see no matter how ignorant you prove to be..


    / David

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Oh I am quite okay with remaining ignorant of whatever wierd message you believe you are trying to communicate. You haven't been able to convey it clearly thusfar and I doubt we are the poorer for it.
  6. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    You still have not explained how this involved homosexuals.

    By the way, you are blaming all transexuals for something that only a small number of them do. That is the definition of discrimination.
  7. Political Smash

    Political Smash Banned

    Jan 13, 2013
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    Homosexuals having their genitl mutilated leads to the the discrimination of heterosexuals for our sexual orientation!! What is important is that heterosexuals are no longer being discriminated against by these mutilated homosexuals who obviously can't even accept themselves for what they are to begin with! Here you are encouraging this discrimination through these filthy homosexual decptions!

    Homosexual Activists Proven To Be Insane / Proof And How it All Began

    Take notice everyone, I mean it's obviously transparent but since homosexual activists are getting away with fooling the public other than themselves, here is their exposure.

    Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that what makes a person a heterosexual is that we have sex with / are sexually attracted to those born with the opposite sex genital we were born with. Fact!

    Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that what makes a homosexual a homosexual is that they have sex with / are sexually attracted too those born with the same sex genital that they themselves were born with. Fact!

    Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that thousands of years prove that marriage was created for and in honor of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Fact!

    Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that heterosexual couples who can not have children doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honor of heterosexual unions. Fact!

    Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that what makes a male human being a male human being is that he is born with a penis and what makes a female human being a female human being is that she is born with a vagina. Fact!

    Facts are not agreed upon, they are either recognized or ignored.

    How did all of this homosexual activist insanity begin you wonder? It is really quite simple.

    In the beginning of homosexuality being legalized here in North America for example, it was all about drawing sympathy from the public for homosexuals who just want to have sex with homosexuals and just want to be left alone. They were completely avoiding focusing the public's attention to the real problem which has not been the homosexuals who want to have sex with other homosexuals, but it's always been the homosexuals who discriminate heterosexuals for our sexual orientation. The homosexuals who pretend to be the opposite sex to make guinea pigs out of heterosexuals with such filthy deceptions is exactly what the problem has always been. Since then that problem has escalated to the point of homosexuals tragically getting their genital surgically mutilated, Adams apple reversals, botox, bone shaving so they can pride themselves at how well they can get away with making guinea pigs out of heterosexuals.

    Heterosexuals are not homosexual guinea pigs. We are not bisexuals, we are not homosexuals, we are heterosexuals. If you are a heterosexual and you stand against homosexuals deceiving thus discriminating you for your sexual orientation, that makes you a bigot, a hater, a homophobe says the proven insane homosexual activist bigots themselves.

    As heterosexuals we have a right to practice exclusively heterosexuality. A homosexual deceiving heterosexuals clearly discriminates our right.

    Some of the globes weakest minded of Parliaments are openly encouraging discrimination against heterosexuality by supporting these insane homosexual activist lies and deceptions!

    Insane homosexual activists Imposing their ignorance upon these facts is what has enabled them to temporarily for now make a mockery of well guinea pigs out of heterosexuals through filthy homosexual deceptions which is quite clearly discriminating heterosexuals for our sexual orientation.

    If any of them try telling you that marriage is about equality then remind them of the fact that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the population we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective imbeciles. Then ask them where is the honor in that. Remind them of the fact that thanks to heterosexuality we even exist which brings us to the next point.

    Homosexual activists impose ignorance towards the fact that homosexuality does not equal heterosexuality.

    Also if any insane homosexual activist make mention of any ancient civilization having ceremonies about gay couples to try and make marriage to be about homosexual activist delusions, remind them of the fact that it was not marriage!

    Everyone has always had the right to marry the opposite sex because that is what marriage is about despite this temporary modern day mockery that these Insane homosexual activists have made of marriage as they are always trying to dictate lies and deceptions as the way it is while forcing ignorance towards the very facts which reveal them for the liars and deceivers they prove to be.

    Share that with the general public on main stream media and see how the public reacts to being deceived by these insane incompetent homosexual activists and you watch how fast marriage is restored to a respectable state globally and you watch how fast that criminalizing discrimination against heterosexuality becomes law globally!

    When presenting these facts, prepare for the first thing that is going to happen, and that is that homosexual activists are going to ignore these facts as they will instead desperately attempt to make their lies and deceptions the issue. Just keep reminding them that they still have not contested these facts which reveal them for the liars and deceivers that hey already prove to be in the first place! Also remind them that sharing fact does not make you a homophobe, a hater or a bigot as well remind them of the fact that standing up for heterosexuality does not make you a bigot, a hater or a homophobe!

    I have spent years being discriminated against for sharing this information. Banned off websites for standing up for all of us heterosexuals with facts backing all of my claims which continue to go uncontested with even so much as a shred of opposing validity to this very day! I've been banned from hundreds of sites attempting to raise awareness to the general public! Then I get slandered by these liars and deceiving cowards after I get banned from sites by people who know I can't respond to a site I just got banned from.

    Point is I do the best work on the globe when it comes to the foundations of primary Canadian and Global issues I address and all I ever get for it is slandered, banned and discriminated against. I want you all to know that this is all worth it and it is my pleasure! I gave up on my own selfishness long ago because I saw the globe heading in a direction of being flushed down the toilet with a bunch of lies and deceptions used to fool the public which means that I am not allowing myself to move on with my life until I have assured that globe globe can start to learn to justify the foundations of issues with primary fact instead of with the delusions, the deceptions and lies of the selfishly insane.

    It's one thing to see a deception, but it's quite another too see right through deceptions as I have demonstrated. Now that you have this information of my years of work and experience presented before you on a silver platter of presented fact, I only hope that you have the sense to make good use of it and help start raising public awareness by sharing this with as many as you are ready willing and able thus finally lead to throw our weak parliaments into democratic submission to finally do what the soon to become "aware" public will demand for actual justification instead of allowing our parliaments to weakly continue enforcing lies and deceptions as they shamefully still continue to get away with in days of now!.

    (A video I just made on this very subject, to find it simply go to you tube, type David Jeffrey Spetch in search then click on my member name to take you to my channel. The video is the feature video of my channel)

    We need to criminalize discrimination against heterosexuality, make illegal surgically mutilated deceptive altercations aka what those with weak minds refer to as a sex change because there is no such thing as a sex change among humans, and restore marriage to a respectable state.


    David Jeffrey Spetch
    Ps. Be good, be strong!
  8. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Everything you just said was pulled directly out of your ass. You are nothing but a troll with nothing to say except bull(*)(*)(*)(*) that you pass off as fact, with no links or to back up your claims and your posts do not even match the reqjuirment for posting on this forum, which is why every other thread you have ever made was deleted by mods. I have no idea why yoiu have not been banned for trolling yet.
  9. Political Smash

    Political Smash Banned

    Jan 13, 2013
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    So easily predicted, you impose ignorance towards facts and desperately scramble to make what is into what your selfish ignorant delusionally frigged up head would rather it be!

    Piece of cake!


    / David
  10. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Provide links backing your so called ¨facts¨ or shut up.
  11. Political Smash

    Political Smash Banned

    Jan 13, 2013
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    And the delusional blubbering homosexual activist desperately scrambles to attempt to dictate to me what I do because this delusional blubbering homosexual activist as so very easily predicted is unable to contest the facts as clearly presented within the self backing response with so much as a shred of validity which is why this delusional blubbering homosexual activist is desperately scrambling to make their delusions the issue which is a fine example proving how insane homosexual activists brains really are as clearly demonstrated and verifies as so very easily predicted that homosexual activists avoid addressing the very facts which reveal them for the liars and deceivers they prove to be and again while they desperately scramble to make their delusions the issue because they base everything on lies and deceptions!

    Break out the champgne :clapping:


    David Jeffrey Spetch
    Ps. Be good, be strong!

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