Some History Of The Job Creators Worshiped By The Right Wing

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Brtblutwo, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Great! Then let me keep my tax cuts to pay for my haircut, instead of giving tax cuts to the wealthy. Because all they do is sit on my cash that does no one any good but them, while they get to cut their hair at "my" expense.
  2. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    They just don't get it.
  3. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    We are in a new age now though. What was born as Reaganomics has evolved into the present day Tea Party Cultanomics.
  4. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    The right-wingers refuse to accept how the super rich have nearly killed the golden goose (the U.S. economy and federal treasury).

    The one percent have siphoned off trillions in war profits courtesy of Dubya’s Middle East wars of choice (which were fought using borrowed money thanks to Dubya’s tax cuts for the super rich). Additionally, the federal subsides that financed a major portion of the corporate outsourcing for the past three decades were made up, in part, by tax money paid by those whose jobs were sent overseas. Coupled with these are the many pieces of legislation that led to the deregulation of the financial industry.

    Legislation introduced and championed by the Congressional Republicans, that once enacted, permitted predatory lending, fraudulent foreclosures, and Wall Street corruption.

    The conservatives and neoconservatives want everyone to believe as they do, that the GOP is protecting all Americans. But if the voters don’t kick these greedy and corrupt a$$holes out of office, they are going to protect all average Americans into life below the poverty level.

    The right-wingers are unwilling to accept the simple truth that they will lose just as much as the rest of the 99%. They kiss the a$$es of the one percent believing they will be spared this fate due to their devotion to the GOP. But all people of reason know the right-wingers are wrong.

    The conservatives and neoconservatives have no understanding of human nature, and the greed and lust for power that drives the corporate raiders and the other parasites that take from the economy and force the imbalances we have faced since the 1980s.

    The right-wingers complain about Social Security recipients, those collecting unemployment and/or, food stamps, or any other Americans who rely on government programs that help the poor, disabled, and elderly. This is another situation that confuses conservatives and neoconservatives. They can’t understand how these programs pump tens of billions of dollars into local economies. Buying groceries, household items, clothing, and ensure the survival of many small businesses.

    At the same time, the right-wingers want the many federal corporate “wealthfare” entitlement programs to continue or be increased to help the job creators move more jobs overseas and increase unemployment here. This takes money from the local economies and sends it, along with the jobs, to foreign countries.

    The conservatives and neoconservatives will continue to keep their noses firmly in the a$$ of the one percent and Big Business, cheering whenever corporate profits go up and middle and lower incomes go down. To the right-wingers this proves the American Dream is alive and well, and there is no way to make them abandon THIS alternative reality they call home.
  5. Alaska Slim

    Alaska Slim Active Member

    Dec 3, 2012
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    Many a-people converted from Leftism or Communism, because they discovered neither outlook understood how wealth was created.

    Oh, they talk a good game about how it should be "divided" in order to be "fair", but they could never explain how it was made.

    One such person who converted, was Thomas Sowell, who explains there in-depth where Leftism goes wrong in this area. Others include David Mamet, David Horowitz, and Robert Sirico.

    Heck, Robert Sirico married a gay couple and was friends with Jane Fonda, just to show how Left he was. Now, his old friends look at him in shock, especially since he wrote this book.
  6. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    In order to cover itself, the ruling class misdirects critics. You are just repeating some of their wrong answers. Americans sucking their thumbs in college, working without pay and living like 15-year-olds, or living normally off Daddy's Money, puts inferior people in superior positions. These no-talent brown-noses and bluebloods are incapable of making profits honestly and are forced to squeeze them out of foreign sweatshops, no matter what their hired globalist economists babble about a Flat Earth. So the problem is an upside-down structure, which is never addressed through the supplied viewpoints and won't be until it all falls down.
  7. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Also note that both kinds of bloodsuckers can hypnotize people to voluntarily stick out their necks and that both cast no reflections in mirrors, making their most vociferous critics blind to the way the Capitaliban parasites really are. Through luck, dishonesty, or a sick obsession totally addicted to making money, these leeches become "successful." Owners aren't earners.
  8. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    See what I mean by the ruling class giving its critics all the wrong answers? Geniuses create all the wealth but get very little of it. A typical example was Nobel Prize winner (out of sissy sympathy) Kary Mullis, who got a measley $30,000 bonus while his dumb jock bully corporate masters got $300,000,000! Corporate patents are the biggest larceny in history. STEM graduates, if they weren't already castrated by unpaid education, should either organize a strike against parasitic patents, demanding 50%, or embezzle their own intellectual property.
  9. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Just another leg of the conspiracy.
  10. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Socialism is not the opposite of Capitalism. It is a red herring created by the guillotine-fodder Heirheads of your Right Wing gods. The only answer is to cut off all children of the rich from Daddy's Money when they are 18, no matter whether they pretend to be Rightists (Chickenhawks) or Leftists (Limousine Liberals). If we have to do it on our own, so must they. They will become nobodies and we will never hear about their phony alternatives.
  11. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    The alternative is democrats, who have carried on the same policies that almost destroyed us plus adding a bunch more, unsustainable BS to finish the job. Neither party is looking out for the best interest of the nation as a whole, they are only interested in preserving their masters power and authority over the peasants. Neither party in the two party scam is your friend, they implanted foes.
  12. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    I could care less how much money you make as long as you do not make it by keeping others mired in poverty and do not object to paying a relatively high proportion of your income in taxes because, after all, your income is an order of magnitude higher than the average family makes and you enjoy the benefits of government services more than the average person.
    What sort of jobs are these?
    Are they jobs that require tax breaks for employers and charity for employees?
    Do these jobs come with health benefits and pensions?
  13. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    To be honest with you, I have probably made some bad decisions in the last few years that cost a lot more jobs than I created. Some jobs come with pensions and lucrative benefits for those in my immediate control, but most jobs are temp jobs with no benefits. Thankfully, I am still able to take my children on 4-5 lavish vacations per year on what I make and depending on my schedule (sometmes more). I sometimes take some employees with me and we write that off as a business expense. Everyone around me is happy......why is that not enough?
    Why does the left villify someone like me for being successful? You still havent answered.
  14. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Why do you bunch yourself in with a bunch of unethical rich/elite vultures who "use" the government to obtain that which they do not deserve, and then use that misbegotten wealth to sustain and maintain their power over this puppet government?

    And why do people not realize that the two party scam is real and being used to divide and conquer this nation?
  15. Jack Ridley

    Jack Ridley New Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Jew are sneaky like that.
  16. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    because it is easier to lump all of the wealthy into one group and judge them by the relative few who abuse the power of wealth. because this enables them to create a boogieman they can vent their fear, frustration and envy on without looking too close at their own failures.
  17. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    First mistake is assuming that the enemy can easily be defined, categorized, or identified clearly.
  18. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    I dont bunch myself in with anyone unethical or do I? Who are these people you speak of? Please name them and how you came to the conclusion that I am.
  19. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    You are the one generalizing yourself as one of the rich/elites who control the plutocracy. Maybe you are right, how should I know. How many bought and paid for politicians do you own? How many are on speed dial to carry your water and at your beckon call?

    Perhaps you are not part of the problem when it comes to this countries economic demise, or perhaps you are not the angel you want people to perceive. Only you can answer that why ask me?
  20. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    You mean like the specific rich/elites in this country that turn the middle class against all the poor as if they had the wealth to own the government or the power to force it into submission?

    How many poor neighborhoods own their own corporate owned entertainment news channel or an entire propaganda network?

    Who has the clout to sway the government into allowing industries to write their own laws that specifically benefit a selective few?

    How many lobbyists with suit cases full of money, vacations, other gifts and special favors messengers for the poor?
  21. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    you just don't get it and you probably never will. even though the answer is right there in your signature, you will still rant about the abusive rich. it is the failing of government and those who place these people in power that you should be railing against. wealth cannot force legislators to pass insane laws. it is the people you are putting in power that are selling the nation to the highest bidder. the power of the poor is that they far outnumber the wealthy and they should be able to place those in power who will create an environment where everyone can prosper. instead they sell themselves out for cheap giveaways, handing over their power to political animals that will promise them pie in the sky and deliver only rubber biscuits and government cheese. the poor have sold themselves out by allowing envy to win out over reason and failing to recognize their own greed as it kicks them in the face.

    there is a path to wealth and it does not include beating your chest over the imaginary injustices of this illusory one percent. the path seldom leads to the unimaginable riches of those elite you so love to rail against, but it often leads to self-sufficiency and a certain amount of comfort. most of those wealthy folks you love to hate took that path, endured the hardships it entails and gained what they have through honest means. that you insist on concentrating on the few who abuse the system is truly sad. that you refuse to see the abuses of those who pay lip-service to eradicating poverty is sadder still.
  22. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    " wealth cannot force legislators to pass insane laws". EVERY piece of legislation has been written by private interests. Officials don't even read them, much less write them. I don't care how many businesses a piece of legislation hurts, if you follow the paper work you will get to a higher vulture who wrote it and is making a killing. Yes, the pseudo government is a joke. But don't think for a second that it is an entity to its own.
  23. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Man you are all over the road on this one. Poor people who have no power or wealth put people in office so those with money can buy them off so it is obviously the poor peoples fault that the best government corporate money can buy exists.


    I get it, and I never bulk 'all' rich people in a bunch as the problem. That's your straw man.

    Poor people do not determine which corporate sock puppets they will be allowed to vote for in any of the staged elections we have in this country, and even if they could poor people make up an extremely small part of the eligible voters, and most of them do not vote. There is also no way near enough of them to carry either of the corporate financed sock puppet candidates, the rich/elites have at their disposal with the deck stacked in their favor.

    Your willingness to accept the corruption of public officials, and point the blame towards the powerless and underrepresented, shows a sense of dishonesty on your part, that can only recognize you as part of the problem, not any viable solution.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Man you are all over the road on this one. Poor people who have no power or wealth put people in office so those with money can buy them off so it is obviously the poor peoples fault that the best government corporate money can buy exists.


    I get it, and I never bulk 'all' rich people in a bunch as the problem. That's your straw man.

    Poor people do not determine which corporate sock puppets they will be allowed to vote for in any of the staged elections we have in this country, and even if they could poor people make up an extremely small part of the eligible voters, and most of them do not vote. There is also no way near enough of them to carry either of the corporate financed sock puppet candidates, the rich/elites have at their disposal with the deck stacked in their favor.

    Your willingness to accept the corruption of public officials, and point the blame towards the powerless and underrepresented, shows a sense of dishonesty on your part, that can only recognize you as part of the problem, not any viable solution.
  24. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    i really feel sorry for folks like this. so y'all think the common man has no power, that only corporate interests rule the world. you may have given your power over to the state to be sold off piecemeal, but there are a lot of us who retain the power we have as individuals. yes, the power of the state consists only of violence and is intent only on its own growth. still y'all insist on giving it more and more power, naively thinking that authority can save you from your own stupidity. you see the plenty that some have and all you can think is that you want some of what they have and try to justify taking it from them to line your own pockets. you convince yourselves that all that wealth is taken from you, from the people, and that what you want is merely to take back what is rightfully yours. BULL!!! yes, wealth can be taken and sometimes it is. the reality is that far more of that wealth has been created than stolen. it has been given over willingly in trade for goods and services and it has been earned by risk and investment. it is paid back through often usurious taxation and over-regulation. it is paid back through gift and charity, but still it is never enough for the greedy masses. they point to one abuser and then damn twelve others with the same breath, demanding the same state that has sold them out take charge and force the wealth back into the hands of the people.

    i say let the wealthy have their billions. i wouldn't know what to do with it anyway. let them have their inordinately large slice of the pie and allow me to create my own. instead of demanding the state step in and take charge of the wealthy, demand that the state stay out of my way in creating my own wealth. take back some of the power that the weak have insisted we invest in a government that has been corrupted with a glut of power. the drones of the world don't like this idea, but the drones don't really like anything except the free stuff promised by political animals and populist hacks. i've got news for ya, the drones were meant to be poor. that's why these corporate structures can exist in the first place, because the drones lack the drive needed to do more than the bare minimum to survive. the drones care more for their petty comforts than for what it takes to create them. they have forgotten that life is not about enjoying everything you do. it is about struggling and working and striving for something better.

    how long do you think these mega-corps would last without the drones to tend their hives? what do you think would happen if, instead of trying to feed off these giants, the drones tried to create something for themselves? these fools have shackled themselves and have the audacity to blame someone else for their own failings.
  25. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    Only those who realize the wealthy control the government truly know the value of stripping the government down to bare minimum. You actually think getting the poor people to quit voting democrat will make the government shrink overnight. You do realize the republicans had full control of all 3 branches under Bush right? It didn't shrink, it grew. But in the end it doesn't matter. As long as you're for shrinking government, I'm right with you.

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