Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Natty Bumpo, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    I do not know what experiences you have had, I live in Southern Coastal California.
    We have always had Mexican Americans among us. Nothing recent.
    We have always had Asian populations and a considerable influx in the 70's - 80's along with Muslims, especially Persians.
    They are NOT as universally Democratic Party voters as Jewish and Black voters.
    Check some numbers, you won't believe it from me.

    Do not presume! Check some numbers. Sure Democrats may enjoy a majority, but not the super majority as they do with Jewish and Black voters.

    Moi :oldman:
  2. Idealistic Smecher

    Idealistic Smecher Banned

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Nobody is locjkking up voters for decades, Milenials are changing the game and will stab politicians in the back much faster.
  3. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    The point is that the huge majority that Republicans enjoy among white males will fade, and the size of the white male demographic will continue to shrink.
    Sure the Democrats may not get the 95% of Latinos that the get with blacks, but they will get a majority from Latinos, and a majority from Asians for some time to come, they'll get a huge majority from blacks, and that should be enough.
    Take the states that have gone Democratic in the last 6 presidential elections, add Texas, and the election is over.
    Texas is the only majority minority state to go to Romney, Hispanics in Texas have a 28% turnout, get that turnout up to 50% or 60%, like the Hispanic turnout in Florida, and the Democrats win every statewide office in Texas. That's just community organizing, and you know who is a pretty good community organizer?
  4. RationalThinker

    RationalThinker New Member

    Apr 23, 2013
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    What do you think Chicago style "Community Organizing" means?

    ACORN has morphed into hundreds of inner city groups under non-profit groups under the names and Citizens Service Inc. that basically do nothing but manage names on voting lists and move people around to make sure "someone" votes for "every" name listed. They know every name on these voter lists and make sure the lists are never purged because oversight for honesty is never an issue in these DNC controlled precincts.

    How else would you possibly explain why hundreds of inner city precincts (especially in the battleground states) had over 90% turn outs (In many cases over 100% turn outs) with 99% votes going to Obama.

    Exposure to this stuff is leaking out gradually. Just recently there was a disturbance by a woman in L.A. that was creating a scene because she said she voted for Obama 5 times and was promised her mortgage payment would be paid if she did. Monetary bribes are part of the whole deal.

    And by the way, this massive voter fraud around the country is not B.S., but news the MSM refuses to investigate. Most liberal that are involved in politics know this stuff is going on but the rest of the liberal voters are oblivious because they only see and care about entertainment news and nothing of value.
  5. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    First, Democrats advocate what is essentially unrestricted immigration by groups thought likely to vote for them. (I haven't heard them pushing to loosen limits on white Europeans.) Second, they make demographic projections in which white people become a minority. Isn't this circular reasoning? You assume that your policies will succeed in tailoring the electorate to serve the interests of your party. But these changes are not inevitable, unless the American people give Democrats their way. The United States, just like any other country, can exercise control over how many immigrants are admitted, and who the immigrants are. This is a matter of deliberate policy. It's more than a little disingenuous for Democrats to pretend that their policy will be allowed to remake America, and that it isn't even a policy, but some irresistible natural tendency.

    That aside, is the demographic surgery sought by Democrats good for the country? Is it good for those who are citizens now, and who may set policy to serve their interests? There's little doubt that a nation of poor, uneducated immigrants looking for public assistance will create a constituency for Democrats, but is that the nation we want? If it's an unappealing vision, what does it say about Democrats that they plan to deliberately hurt the country, devastating its economy and its common culture, only because they see it as an easy way to power for themselves? Do Democrats not realize that they would have to live in this crippled country to which they aspire? Do Democrats believe that America's institutions and its uniquely successful civilization could survive such a dilution? Or perhaps they're hostile to America's institutions and to its civilization, and would be happy to see them crumble? One wonders how the vastly swollen edifice of government programs would be paid for when the majority become net recipients. But liberals' weakness has always been arithmetic.
  6. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    I bet you did not check one set of numbers for vote distributions of Latinos or Muslims or Asians
    In order to to "toot" the same bias.
    Am I correct?
    Did you check Latino or Asian or Muslim voting compared to Black or Jewish?
    I bet NOT.

    There is a considerable difference if you care to check.
    I KNOW you would not believe numbers I might present.
    A point on an unsubstantiated foundation, is pointless.

    Moi :oldman:
  7. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    None of that happened, it's all propaganda, that's why you can't find a link to a single credible source for that nonsense....
  8. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Unlike you, I have looked at the numbers....
  9. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    That a load of racist BS you swallowed there.
    The reason that white Europeans are a shrinking demographic compared to asians and hispanics isn't due to immigration policy. It's a demographic shift that has everything to do with birth rates and death rates. And their importance politically is being magnified because they traditionally have low turnouts, so increase the turnouts and you get votes, it's politics.
  10. RationalThinker

    RationalThinker New Member

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Thank goodness it is not propaganda otherwise I would just give up on ever having a legitimate Federal Government again. We have a means to get an honest "One Legal Vote for each Legal Citizen" in this country if we can get a full proof Voter I.D. system in place.

    To have each state have separate Voter I.D. laws is probably out of the question but the future may be eye recognition or finger print recognition on Social Security cards. We can then match up entitlement programs to each legal person to one legal address in one voting district. This is a Homeland Security and Immigration issue as well. It is just plain ludicrous that we allow a person to walk up to a poling place and just state a name and get handed a ballot. No where else in the world do they allow that.

    All this hinges on taking control of both the House and the Senate in 2014 of course.
  11. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Will nationalized WillardCare be as successful as it's innovative statewide version? That's certainly what some fear. You can be sure they are not in such a tizzy to abort it because they wish to avoid the President being embarrassed by it. No, indeed!

    Meanwhile, whilst the berserkers obsess over the latest in their seemingly endless variations on that frightfully amusing "birther" conspiracy, even as Bland Inquisator Issa's fetid breath desperately exhorts the dying embers of his array of fizzled scandal pyres in vain, and the objective of pressuring Assad into surrendering his chemical nasties may well be achieved without a shot being fired, the beleaguered Boehner confronts the prospect of casting the TBs adrift as though undesirables being banished from a plague ship.

    The hissyfit in the offing:

  12. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    National identification cards are mandatory in many nations, but are not used as a means of voter suppression.

    If misrepresenting one's identity at the polls were a real problem with actual instances of its occurrence beyond the extremely rare, the additional government bureaucratic requirement would be justified, but given the reality, the proponents may have to go the universal national ID route and fight it out with the civil libertarians.
  13. RationalThinker

    RationalThinker New Member

    Apr 23, 2013
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    When someone starts with the voter suppression stuff then you know it is a person that knows there is massive voter fraud taking place. The term you should be using is "illegal voter suppression".

    As I have said before, in just one of the ways voter fraud takes place is with illegal aliens. It is a proven fact that there at least 10 million people in our midst using bogus Social Security Numbers. Why in the world would anyone think many of these people would not also vote.

    In my community in Wisconsin during protests due to a change in laws with regards to public employee unions, it was illegal for public school teachers to leave schools to protest so 800 of them got notes from liberal doctors willing to write them notes that they were sick in order to skirt the law. Why in the world would anyone think they also would not cheat to vote as well if it served their political purposes.

    There is just no question, fraud takes place on millions of votes nationwide with maybe 90% of them for liberal candidates. The 10's of thousands of irregularities all over the country is just too great to think any thing else.
  14. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    The key word in your post is "racist." This is the catchall term used by "progressives" to deride anything they disapprove of. Disagree with Obama? Racist! Don't think immigration policy should be used to import Democrats? Racist! This abuse of language has become so endemic among "progressives" that it almost automatically invalidates any post in which it's used. To point out the obvious, it's "progressives" who have made race, sex, and ethnicity central to US politics, and who strive to sniff out any seeming inequity in distribution.

    Still, I'll take your post seriously -

    I don't recall writing that US demographic shifts are "due to immigration policy." Birth rates are beyond our control. But immigration policy can be made, which is why I discussed it.

    The massive demographic shifts which have been forecast are still decades away. Like all long-term forecasts, they assume that current trends will continue indefinitely, which may not be the case. Basing 2013 politics on speculative 2050 demographics is an idle exercise at best.

    White birth rates have fallen below death rates in Europe as well as the US. The reason is the correlation between fertility rates and prosperity. The knowledge-and-skills based economy is both the most prosperous and the least dependent on manual labor. Traditional economies have a limitless demand for manual labor, so it's profitable to have large families. But modern economies need less manual labor, so for the first time in history, children are a costly luxury rather than an economic necessity. Middle class people have children because they want them, not because they need them. A technocrat doesn't want many children; a peasant may.

    Immigrants to the US from under-developed countries will not abandon their traditional culture overnight. It may take a generation for change. Long-time US citizens at the bottom of the economic ladder are also more likely to see children as a form of wealth rather than a cost.

    And this is what may upset the demographic forecasts: upward mobility. As non-whites become better educated and more prosperous, the economic calculus of children is likely to look the same to them as it does to affluent white people now. The many millions of African-American and Asian-American people who have been entering the middle and upper-middle classes may well adjust their fertility rates down.

    So you're right that "it's politics." But "progressives" base their politics on the assumption that non-white citizens will stay poor. An odd assumption for those who claim to have the well-being of non-whites close to their hearts. And that's real racism.
  15. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    When someone pretends there is massive identity fraud at the polls, you know it is either due to paranoia, a desire to suppress votes, or both.

    No study, by even the most fanatical, has demonstrated the problem for which they demand more bureaucratic impediments. To alter the outcome of elections, no conspiracist of even limited intelligence would do so by coordinating sufficient numbers of folks pretending to be someone else. If that were ever to happen, enough cases would be routinely uncovered to readily reveal such a plot.

    Manipulating absetee ballots, hacking computerized tabulations, sure. Getting myriads of impersonators to risk fine and imprisonment (who, if they actually existed, would merely flash fake IDs to fool the poll nanny) poppycock.

    As they are wont to say in Missouri, "Show me."
  16. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    The imaginary "progressives" or "liberals" that infest the minds of some maintain such bizarre notions, certainly.

    The same folks then snivel about "affirmative action" when real "progressives" or "liberals" advocate educational assistance for the poor in order to give them the opportunity to prosper.
  17. RationalThinker

    RationalThinker New Member

    Apr 23, 2013
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    You have a point when it comes to just showing a fake I.D. considering there are at least 10 million we already know have fake Social Security Cards.

    That is why our country has to move to eye recognition verification for anytime it is important for the security of the law abiding public including at polling places. Who would not want security for hundreds of millions of voters with the possibility of maybe suppressing 10 votes nationwide.

    We certainly cannot allow the people that run the polling places to be totally honest either. As I mentioned 800 public school teachers used bogus notes to leave their schools to protest in my city. Many of these same people work at polling places. Why would they care to be honest when there are candidates with their own self interest running.
  18. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Any evidence of voter fraud, I mean besides the vote actually reflecting the polls, and Obama winning?
  19. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Romney didn't win in a landslide like Dick Morris said....ergo that proves there was voter fraud!!!!
  20. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    The GOP is and has been "the Minority Party".

    That the GOP can command one or both houses of Congress and obtain the Presidency at times indicates it is the Democratic wing of the RepubloCratic Party that needs to worry in 2014 & 2016 similar to the end of Clinton's two terms.
    Regardless of the Clinton Recovery for the Rich, Gore lost to Bush. Sort of. In the end.
    The Republican wing of the RepubloCratic Party is certainly poised for a "power" win.
    Those from the Democratic wing would do well to remember recent history rather then believe the GOP is a goner.

    Moi :oldman:
  21. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    No, the ten million folks who conspired to pretend to be other folks were all very, very careful and went entirely unnoticed.
  22. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    A few cases of fraud were actually uncovered and documented:

    Of course, only the two caught last November - of the ten million (and two?) - actually misrepresented their identities at the polls.
  23. JBG

    JBG Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2008
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    I think both of you have points.

    The G.O.P. was great at alienating immigrants that came in the 1890-1910 wave of immigration, and that was partly responsible for the Democrats having some very good years from 1932-1980. I am one of those Democrats.

    The arrogance of Democratic policies, especially those of Carter and Obama, have converted most of my votes to G.O.P. votes despite my status as a registered, generally liberal Democrat. I feat that the .G.O.P. is making the same error they did back in the 1890's. As Moi621 points out, more established immigrants, say second or third generation immigrants, have little truck with policies that give them little or no benefit. They don't want to hear about reducing the carbon footprint in order to free China to pollute more. They don't want their education and other services wrecked by hordes of immigrants that want no part of the American way of life.

    I hope that the G.O.P. will lose its tin ear on the subject and find ways to work with urban, striving lower-middle-class to middle-middle class people.
  24. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Yeah, what are the millions of Republicans who successfully voted twice (just testing the system to show how easy it is) waiting for, shouldn't they come forward now to show the world how easy it is to fool the system.
    After all, if the only Republicans who were demonstrating how easy it is to commit voter fraud got caught, it would be evidence that there isn't very much voter fraud, if only two Republicans tried to commit voter fraud, and both of them got caught, that's proof that it's pretty hard to get away with voter fraud.

    Wouldn't it be ironic if millions of Republicans were "testing to show how easy it is to vote twice" and they all voted for Obama, to show how easy it is to vote twice for Obama, and that's why Obama won.....
  25. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    "As Moi621 points out, more established immigrants, say second or third generation immigrants, have little truck with policies that give them little or no benefit."

    The exception being Black people and Jewish people who stay with the Democrats longer.

    Muslims, Asians, Latinos do move on to the GOP with the generations.

    That's why the objection to the idea as America becomes less "white", the GOP will be DOA.
    NOT TRUE ! A presumption based on Black and Jewish voting habits.

    Moi :oldman:

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