Steve King: Immigration Would Split GOP, Hurt Obamacare Fight

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Agent_286, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Steve King: Immigration Would Split GOP, Hurt Obamacare Fight

    The Huffington Post | By Elise Foley | Posted: 12/13/2013 1:37 pm EST

    “Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who has made blocking comprehensive immigration reform one of his key priorities, said Thursday that a fight over the issue would hurt his other major goal: ending Obamacare.

    “Anything that starts in the House gets something or maybe many of the things that the gang of eight’s [bill] amended to it, it goes to conference, potentially we end up in a big fight over immigration, it splits the Republican Party and it changes the subject from Obamacare," King told WorldNetDaily, flagged by Right Wing Watch. "The President and the Democrats win, Americans lose."

    The House's inaction was a major disappointment to advocates who thought 2013 would be the year for immigration reform, particularly after the Senate passed a comprehensive bill from the so-called "gang of eight" in June in a bipartisan 68-to-32 vote.

    But House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) didn't allow for a vote on that legislation, or any of the measures that had passed out of House committees. Though he and others have insisted immigration reform will be a top priority in 2014, the fact that it is an election year puts the issue in jeopardy.

    To King, getting through the year without immigration reform passing the House was a major victory.

    "We formed a group in my office back in February to do battle with what was emerging from the Senate and what was starting to emerge from the House, against their amnesty legislation that was coming," he told WorldNetDaily.

    "Our goal was to get through the first month, then the second month and could we get to Memorial Day and then the Fourth of July, then Labor Day? Now could we get all the way to Christmas and we essentially have."

    But he said Boehner's expressed plan for a "step-by-step" approach next year, and his recent hiring of former Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) staffer Rebecca Tallent, could mean he's willing to go against some GOP members and eventually combine House legislation with the Senate-based bill.”


    IMO: So we see how the House republicans delayed the immigration bill for a whole year while the Senate bill lay waiting to be worked on by the House. Their postponing the bill for such shallow reasons show how their mental acuity is lacking in reasoning, because they are actually thinking they made a huge victory by delaying the immigration bill. They just lost potential latino votes!

    These are people we voted into office, folks; elected to do the work of governing not waiting for the holiday seasons to pass until they got to Christmas and ran from Washington early to enjoy their Christmas vacations without caring that the unemployed will not be able to enjoy their Christmas because no bill was passed to extend the unemployment funds. It is the House’s responsibility to fund those checks to the unemployed.

    The immigration bill also sat undisturbed by any House republican, a bill that means so much to immigrants, but nothing at all to the House their strategy was to let it sit...and sit...until they could get out of town to enjoy their holidays, but leaving the unemplpyed without funds to enjoy their Christmas! This is outrageous!

    King’s purported reasons for doing nothing are wrong: the republican party is already split,, and Obamacare is a done deal. And being a Congressman means it is a full-time job serving the people, not a part-time job, and working only on your own agenda.

    And we continue to pay these charlatans for shutting down the government for 16 days, leave important 2013 bills on a table until 2014...a year later? We should pass a bill to have every republican and Tpartyer relinquish their paychecks for every month they have done nothing.

    The stench of Congress is getting stronger, and election day cannot come soon enough !

  2. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Brent Bozell, another RW bloviator, claimed that if the House passed the Ryan-Murray Budget that "conservatives would revolt". we revolt. So maybe King is wrong too. Besides we all know how short the memories of Tea Partyers are....remember, they oppose stuff now, that they supported under Dubya.
  3. Radio Refugee

    Radio Refugee New Member

    Sep 11, 2008
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    King has it just right. Don't distract from the long playing disaster that is ObombaCare. Kill off as many ObombaCare Senators as possible. Show endless clips of Obomba "If you like it..." followed by Dem Senator X saying the same or similar.

    It's doom.

    Don't get off this. They are toast.
  4. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Sure, then run ads on Spanish language channels of Steve King talking about immigrants....throw in Pat Buchanan and Michele Bachmann too....and the tagline

    "Este es el Partido Republicano"
  5. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    Forget illegal immigration for a moment, legal immigration is ridiculously burdensome. Even for productive migrants with lots of experience + university degrees and a job lined up. Let us opt out of all government assistance. I'd take that in a second.

    Welfare or free immigration. Choose free immigration.
  6. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Make no mistake.... Obama and his supporters are going to push hard to try to get immigration to the forefront because they think it will divide republicans and more importantly it will take the spotlight off of the abject trainwreck of a disaster that is Obamacare and put it on immigration.

    That is the ONLY chance the democrats have of winning the 2014 elections. Unfortunately for them, the disaster that is Obamacare will have FAR more of a negative impact on the average American than immigration reform.

    For the record, the only immigration reform we need is getting those thieving illegals out of our country.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why not just stop welfare AND illegal immigration?
  7. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    What part of this sentence don't people understand?

    "We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this."
  8. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    Said I wasn't talking about that - was referring to legal immigration.
  9. A-R

    A-R Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    that is not an option. first, it will cost a lot. and second, it will also hurt the US economy. most of these immigrants do the jobs the regular americans won't do.
  10. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Of course it's an option. I could get rid of the majority of the illegal aliens in this country within five years and they'd pay for it themselves. Hell, we might even make a profit off of it.

    It's really quite simple. If we want to get rid of them we have to address why they are here in the first place. They are here because they believe that they have a better opportunity to provide for themselves and their family here as illegals than they do in their own country. So, if we want to get rid of them we have to take that opportunity away from them.

    The first step is to simply raise the fines for hiring an illegal immigrant and to enforce those laws. Make the fines something absurd like $1M per illegal alien. Once you put a couple businesses out of business, the rest of them will stop hiring illegals because the reward is not worth the risk. You take away their ability to support themselves.

    Once you take away their ability to get a job you have to take away all of their access to the services that should be reserved solely for citizens and legal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are not allowed to rent or purchase homes, apartments or any type of property here. They can ONLY be seen at hospitals if it is an emergency and they can only be stabilized and then turned over to immigration officials. They cannot go and they cannot send their children to our schools. They are not allowed to go to college unless they're paying out of state tuition costs. They can not receive food stamps, disability or any other sort of welfare services. They can not get licenses or drive. They are not allowed to get grants or loans of any type or for any reason. They are not allowed to get credit. Essentially they can not use any of the services or resources of this country.

    Once you do these two things the illegals will be forced to do one of two things. Either they will go home on their own accord or they will be forced to turn to crime. That brings me to the final part of the plan. The best way to deter them from turning to crime is to restructure some prisons so that they are like they were earlier in our history that used chain gangs and hard labor. If an illegal alien commits a crime they will go to one of these prisons where they will break rocks, dig ditches, farm, build roads, pick up trash, etc etc. until they pay off the debt that they owe our society. They will work 10 - 12 hours a day and when they get off they will go to their cells. They won't have tv or radios and they won't be allowed to socialize with their buddies. Once they've worked enough to pay their debt to us, they will then work long enough to purchase travel to their home country and they will be sent home.

    As far as your assertion that it would hurt the economy and that illegal immigrants do jobs that Americans won't... We have ridiculous levels of unemployment especially when you consider those that have "dropped out of the job market". The employers that were hiring illegals would be required to increase wages because the people they would now be hiring actually have to be able to pay taxes. So that would increase the cost of the goods that they produce. However, that will be far outweighed by the benefits we would receive through the resources we would save and the decrease in costs everywhere else. That seat the illegal put his kid in during high school would be open for an American kid or simply empty so that the teacher can spend more time with our kids. The hospitals will have more resources to provide because they won't have to take care of the illegals. It will help nearly every segment of our economy and would save our economy a ton of money.
  11. Radio Refugee

    Radio Refugee New Member

    Sep 11, 2008
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    This is the BIG LIE.

    The only jobs American's won't do are jobs that do not offer the needed wage to attract legal workers. Screw these parasite employers, raping the system by hiring illegal aliens. There are fines. they aren't enforced. Both parties accept this rape quietly.

    There doesn't exist a job American's won't do, only jobs that pay under market wages.
  12. Angrytaxpayer

    Angrytaxpayer Banned

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Bullcrap. It would save BILLIONS in Medicaid and educational costs because there would be no more anchor babies. And furthermore who do you think was doing all these jobs before millions of them came here? That's right. AMERICANS! When I started working in my hospital back in the 1990's a majority of the housekeepers where WHITE! Flash forward to today and most of them can't even speak English.

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