Is Being A Racist The Worst Thing In The World?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by saintmichaeldefendthem, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    It's a question that occurs to me when I see Fox News, MSNBC, etc droning on and on about yet the latest race scandal. So soon after Bundy's senile remarks, now the owner of the Clippers basketball team steals the show. To see it covered on cable news, you'd think it was another tsunami, or terrorist attack, or mass shooting. Meanwhile, real people are dying and lives are being ruined by devastating storms and tornados.

    How many lives is Clive Bundy destroying? How many lives is Donald Sterling destroying?

    The perception that Americans are obsessed with race only becomes evident when you travel to other countries where that opinion is common. As hard as it is to imagine here in America, there are plenty of places on the globe where people of different ethnicities live side by side without being so hyped up about race.

    You could cite our history of racial strife, discrimination, and even slavery, but that's history book material. What we do today has nothing to do with history and everything to do with how mentally imbalanced we are as a society. A sickness has possessed us and like any insane person, we don't see our own insanity.

    People are always going to have ugly, ignorant viewpoints, that's never going to be abolished. Soon Donald Sterling will fade into memory as another jackass grabs the spotlight with his idiotic comments. The same drama keeps going on, some people using it as proof that racism is alive and well and we're a mean, bigoted country.

    I say we're not a racist country, we're just sick and don't even know it.
  2. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    In point of fact none of this has to do with actual racism, and so far as sickness goes it's a sickness born of political opportunism. The Left is filled with professional race agitators -- Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Harris-Perry and (for all practical purposes) Barack Obama and Eric Holder -- and some of them have literally made their political and economic FORTUNE via that route while others of them simply use race agitation as a means to advance various political agendas. The left has created a racism industry and so naturally the Right has got to respond of get painted as such hard core racists that God himself would spit on them. So it's cynical political opportunism on the Left and outright reactive survival on the Right.

    So there's not one iota more real racism occurring inside this nation than inside any other western nation. It's just that this nation has made it a habit to inflate anything and everything that crops up and hints at racism . . . regardless of what resulting effects doing so has on the nation.
  3. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Its a free country, if you want to be a racist, it should by your choice. Hell most of us are called racist by Mod edit,,flounder liberals anyway.
  4. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    There's a documented psychology about families dealing with mental illness. It's often just one member of the family that suffers the illness, but the rest of the family develops an array of coping skills that can only be described as equally insane. I think it's obvious that racial strife is generated by the Left, but look at how we respond to it every time, suffering from our own obsession with wanting to not be painted as racist. Clive Bundy makes his remarks and big name conservatives are tripping over themselves to distance themselves from his remarks. It's a game and we play it too.

    It isn't just the Left that's sick, we are too.
  5. Ex-lib

    Ex-lib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 14, 2010
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    And furthermore, you shouldn't be punished for your thinking. I love blacks. Their culture is so cool (except rap sucks :) ), their skills, their unafraid demeanors, etc. God created MAN, not black man and white man. But if someone doesn't like blacks, they have a right to that, even though they're dead wrong. Until they actually take action against blacks, they should be left alone as being just ignorant.

    It shows the weakness and victimhood tendencies of the left, that they spend so much time worrying about it, and that worry-disease has spread to the Right by threat of calling the Right racists.

    I'm sick of seeing guys like Bill O'Reilly condemn folks like the idiots who seem to be racists, when I know darn well he realizes that it's no big deal as long as they don't act on their hate. He's just afraid that he'll lose ratings if he doesn't LOUDLY declare that these 'racists' are bad, bad. And I love O'Reilly, don't get me wrong.
  6. Ex-lib

    Ex-lib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 14, 2010
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    Exactly. You know what's wrong with the Left? Their biggest fault? The one that basically causes every OTHER fault?

    The movers and shakers of the Left do not have enough faith that there is a God who is accessible for man's help. Every stupid thing the Left manifests is based on the fear engendered by believing they are "in this life alone and must fend for themselves". It explains the Left's "Golden Rule" -- "Do unto others so they'll do unto you back." --the outcome of that "Rule" is often charitable, but the motive is wrong. And wrong motives inevitably lead to trouble.

    Conservatives who don't have faith or claim to believe in God but don't have enough faith in that, are the ones who go most wrong also. It's not just the Left.
  7. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    The left subscribes to conflict theory sociology, which is a viewpoint based on Marxism (literally, Karl Marx was the primary philosopher behind it). Everything in society is viewed through the lens of conflict, and subscribers use this conflict to try and effect change in the society, usually by protesting and rebelling against the actions of the majority so that the minority can gain leverage. As already mentioned, the livelihoods of many people depend on this industry. The same people who scream til they are blue in the face about "racism" are only really talking about racism practiced by whites, because it conflicts with their left-wing goals. Racism practiced by minorities against whites and certain other races are not only tolerated, but are encouraged in a variety of ways because it helps to advance left-wing goals. They don't truly oppose racism, they only care about the politics surrounding it.
  8. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    The media coverage is about what sells, not what is important. That said, I do think the fact this kind of thing sells so well over there is evidence that America (still) has an issue with race. I wouldn't say it's as simple as the country being racist but it's definitely something that seems to cause the nation a lot of difficulty that it doesn't seem able to deal with very well.
  9. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Private racism is just free speech. Even the American Nazis have a right to it.

    Government-sponsored and enforced racism, such as Jim Crow or Affirmative Action, is not acceptable.
  10. Cloak

    Cloak New Member

    Jul 19, 2010
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    You have the right to think however you please, and broader society has the right to shun you for being a bigot. What's the problem?
  11. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Everybody is racist to some degree. I have literally had friends tell me that they had to many white friends and needed more minority friends. This boggled my mind because it doesn't get any more racist than that and yet somehow these liberals actually thought that they were not being defining their friends based on their skin color and determining that they had to many of a particular skin color in their lives. How the (*)(*)(*)(*) does that work in any realm of logic?

    I am pretty open about my views. Individually I assume the best in people and when I meet someone they are a clean slate to me but I have a very low opinion of black society overall because they keep voting in the same people that have run their municipalities since the 60s and nothing has gotten better and in fact it has gotten worse. I split the difference and blame black society for half and I blame the Democratic party for the other half of the damage done by the "War On Poverty" which has been an abysmal failure.

    Conversely I have a very high opinion of Hispanics because I grew up in a county with a large Hispanic population which is probably why I am very pro immigration reform. I can't think of any group including whites that is more family oriented and have a hard work ethic. My contact with Asians and people from the Middle East is fairly limited as its only been in recent years in school that I have met a sizable number of them. Going purely on statistics though both of those groups run circles around even native born Americans when it comes to education, income and other positive metrics.
  12. Cloak

    Cloak New Member

    Jul 19, 2010
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    I think that's racism apologist hogwash. You can dislike cultures without being racist. For example, not all white people are rednecks, but some are and they generally have traits I can't stand. By the same token, hip-hop culture is multiracial, and there are subcultures within that culture ("intelligent" hip hop v.s. mainstream, for example).

    If you write everyone of a particular racial or ethnic background off, than you are not in the majority of Americans.
  13. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    What part are you referring to that is hogwash? I am using the term racism to mean a generalization of different groups specifically based on ethnicity. Everyone has different experiences with different races or in some case no or very little experience with different cultures and ethnicities. At least I am honest about who I have had contact with and who I have only had very recent contact with. This is precisely why I go by statistics. It is a proven fact that immigrant families outperform native born Americans out till the third generation when it seems to level off. Doesn't matter where they come from whether its Asia, Africa or the Middle East. This is why I am so pro immigration.......statistics. The only changes I would make to immigration reform and they might already be in there is requirement to learn English and not have a criminal background (which is already current law).

    Statistics do not lie. Asians and people from the Middle East have higher incomes and better overall education levels while blacks and some Hispanics under perform and blacks more so. We already know from history and from recent successes with charter schools that it has nothing to do with "being black" as some people might claim it has to do with the environment. In my city blacks overwhelmingly support school choice vouchers which is supported by the GOP and completely opposed by the Democratic party...........yet blacks still overwhelmingly vote Democratic even though Dems have controlled Milwaukee uncontested since the 1960s and have turned this city into literally the most segregated city in the entire nation and dead last or 2nd to last in public education. We also have honor of having an over 50% unemployment rate among black youth. Great job Democrats and great job black voters who keep voting the same shills in over and over again.
  14. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Is being racist the "Worst" thing?...

    No..... but its kinda like being a dullard, its not the worst thing, but it is allot better to not be one.

    Most of the hard core racists in America today, are Liberals throwing around racial preferences/pandering and defending themselves via the "Race Card".

    I'd be allot happier and America would be healthier, if those Liberals became wiser.

  15. Pardy

    Pardy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 11, 2013
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    No, only conflict-theorists subscribe to conflict theory -- and Marxist theory is a macrodiasynchronic, process that focuses on economic relations, not race relations. However, it's not uncommon, when analyzing a political problem, to look at both process and structure -- who has the power, how they obtained it, and how they maintain it.
  16. Cloak

    Cloak New Member

    Jul 19, 2010
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    We all experience different cultures every day. Not all Black culture is the same, nor is Asian, White, etc. Have you ever thought that maybe these statistics are influenced by more than race? Say, socioeconomics?
  17. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    History has seen many victims become bullies very quickly. The line between them is thin and often goes without notice. Fomenting class strife, racial strife, or even sexual orientation strife are the chief weapons of the Left. Such strife is the driving force behind successful communist revolutions, as you saliently pointed out. The fact that it works is aptly demonstrated by the right, like sheep being herded left and right by a barking dog. We're playing right into their hands by allowing them to define the terms of civil debate, race relations, and what can and can't be said. One commentator yesterday said that Sterling "must be made to pay a social and economic price." The Left waxes in demonic rage when anyone steps out of line, visiting endless punishment on any dissenters from their narrative and world view. And we on the right, cowards that we are, go into survival mode, doing everything in our power to not draw the wrath of the Left. By doing so, we're unwitting supporters of their ever growing and oppressive regime.
  18. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    I don't believe that everyone is a racist and in fact I believe that true racists, those harboring the opinion that one race is inherently superior to another, are very few indeed. Like a gallon of water, exposed to fire, fills an entire room with steam, so do a few racists create the impression that racism is afoot everywhere we look. What I see, including in the example you gave, is the hyper sensitivity to race that I alluded to in the OP. There's a nervousness, a fear of being seen as racist, that's promoted by the race hustling industry in this country. People have now been conditioned to see color in everything and that's not racism, it's reaction to the racism of the Left.
  19. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    C'mon, man, that shouldn't even be newsworthy. Tornados have been around for quite a while now. Nothing can be done about them.
  20. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Yeah, you'd think those people would have heard by now. Racism is extinct in the USA. We woke up one day and poof!!! it was gone.
  21. ErikBEggs

    ErikBEggs New Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    Racism is an illness and we are a SICK country.

    We have a lot more racism in this country than people are comfortable admitting.
  22. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    First of all, there is no Left. Those who pretend to believe in that unrealistic perspective are agents of the Right Wing who intentionally provoke you to support economic oppression in reaction to the false-flag agents' threats to society and their pose of being against economic oppression.

    Those who are born rich-- the illegitimate American aristocracy--hate, despise, and fear all other White people. From before he reaches the age of reason, a spoiled-rotten snob is indoctrinated into thinking he has inherited superior genes from his successful father. Whether he eventually turns against his Daddy or not, he maintains the childhood illusion that he and his classmates are a new and superior race, one that is Born to Rule. His clique turns loose the feral races on Whites, to attack us and distract us. It has worked for 50 years, and there is no end in sight as long as people still talk about ideology rather than birth class.
  23. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    You are the problem for defining what is morally superior. There is no such thing as a do-gooder who does good for bad people. Civil Rights for the Uncivilized is anti-social, so you criminals only care about your conceited clique of degenerates who get a sick masochistic pleasure about being overrun by savages.
  24. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    In a way, yeah, we're race-obsessed.

    On the other hand, a lot of the countries that talk about race less have more deep-seated race issues.

    Look at how football fans in Spain have treated Dani Alves. Spain isn't particularly vocal about race issues, but clearly, some of them have issues with people with African heritage.

    Europe often pretends to be more racially tolerant than America, but their record on race is typically more disturbing than ours.

    Generally speaking, the more ethnically and racially homogeneous your country is, the more prejudice you're going to have against people different from yourself.

    Since America is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world, we tend to have less prejudice and racism. Of course, the way outsiders see us is often the opposite, but that's because of how media exaggerates conflicts for the sake of ratings.
  25. Bluespade

    Bluespade Banned

    Jun 7, 2010
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    I can understand why players or the NBA wouldn't want to be associated with this Sterling fellow.

    I just don't see how everyone can get worked up over something something that's nothing more than a "thought crime". It's not like he was in public and purposely made his vile opinions known.

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