Irate fundamentalist Christian mom: "Stop forcing dinosaurs on kids!"

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Gorn Captain, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    They are so barbaric that they give their own children (they don't know that they won't turn out gay!) a book, "the best moral guide of all time" no less, that says to kill them if they turn out the way their god (apparently) made them (i.e. gay). Incredible. Not nearly as loving as Modern Secular Humanist parents on this important issue.

    And the huge Christian movement to improve said book is where? Nowhere? Proves my point.
    Have a great night.
  2. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    If they weren't so arrogant then they would admit that their book is WRONG. But to do so....oh....we know what THAT leads to....a slippery slope that I myself went on....and the greatest thing in my intellectual life so far. "But if the bible got THAT wrong I wonder what ELSE it got got evolution wrong, so Adam/Eve is wrong, but Jesus approved of Adam/Eve, so......oh no, that might mean that....." [Well you get the idea.]
  3. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Well since there is slavery in the Bible I don't think Jesus would really think there was anything really wrong with it lol

    Well no, I don't know why you neglected to quote the rest of my post but Im sure you read it and got the entire point I was making. Religions hold over law and "morality" is dying. Gay marriage is the biggest example of that as I said. Be patient my friend, religion is quickly becoming the thing that people are free to practice on their own but is dying in the eyes of how we create law. That is a huge step in society.

    To be honest I was actually shocked. 80% of America is Christian, due to the extreme role that politics plays in society I honestly didn't think that so many states would start adopting gay marriage and completely blowing off the majority of their voting block like that. I thought that since Christians are the majority of the people who vote then they would forever hold a stronghold over how policy is conducted. When I saw that so many states just did the right thing over bowing to the majority rules I was impressed and proud.

    That is progress, things are changing. They may not be changing as quickly as we'd like but they are changing indeed. Give it time.
  4. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Ask your Muslims friends: "if, repeat if, hypothetically here, Mohammad had sex with a 9-year-old girl, would that be immoral?"
    If they say "not for back in those days", then say "so the Qur'an is wrong when it says that Mohammad is a role model for all time then, right?"
  5. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Jain men walk around stark naked, and I can't remember the reason, but it seemed like a perfectly INSANE reason to me. But hey, what do I know, since I'm so dumb that I don't believe that a talking snake is real. Silly me.
  6. vino909

    vino909 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    You can accept what they say as symbolism. which I do, or you can take the opportunity to spew venom.. The choice is of course yours....
  7. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    the reason is that they don't want to hurt any living creature, not even a flea hiding in clothing. keeping in mind these are the 'priests' of Jainism, not the regular folk. the regular folk are just incredibly peaceable vegetarians :)

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    so is the resurrection symbolism? how about jesus being the son of god?
  8. vino909

    vino909 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    You can say the same about Greek and Roman mythology. If you choose not to believe, fine... have at it. But you seem bent on making sure everyone knows how angry you are at those who choose to. Kind of a waste of energy, don'tcha think?
  9. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    few would ever stop to think that one through. and THAT'S the problem, not so much the wrongness pointed out above.

    they never consider the implications

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    preach it in hell? yeah!
  10. vino909

    vino909 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    Are you looking for an opinion and honest discussion, or merely looking to belittle people for what they believe?
  11. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Well you have to try to understand things from their point of view. Human beings as whole like to feel like we are special in some way. We like to feel secured and it brings comfort to know that someone is watching over us. The most terrifying part of anyone's life is dying. To know that when you die then that's it, life is over, you rot in the ground, is a terrifying thing to accept. People want to believe that there is something after this, maybe even something much better. It gives them comfort to believe that there is an afterlife and a deity looking over them in this life. People like to know that if they need help something is there to help them, if they are upset something is there to comfort them etc. It scares the living crap out of people to accept that they are going through life alone without a guiding hand with no deity to turn to when things get tough. It scares the living crap out of people to accept that when you die then you're dead, lights out, you rot in the ground.

    I think a lot of religious people are jut way too afraid to accept the possibility that they might be wrong. It's just simply too terrifying of a prospect to believe that you only have maybe 70 years of existence if you're lucky then you're gone. I think that's why many just plug their ears and accept things that they know in their heart is probably wrong.

    I can understand that. I wasn't always an Atheist I used to be a Christian boy growing up. When I finally started rejecting the premise of God it really was a bit scary at first. I thought to myself "Wow, Im all alone here, when I pray nobody is listening to me, nobody is up there helping me, everything I do is me, when I die Im just...dead". To go from believing that when I die I will meet God to accepting that when I die I rot I rot in the ground was scary. I didn't want to accept that by any means, I didn't even want to believe it. I actually tried very hard to NOT believe it. God HAS to be real, I can't just die, no there HAS to be something after this life, there HAS to be, PLEASE be something besides this I dont want to die and just be dead.

    But eventually I just had no choice but to accept it. As hard as I tried to return to the peacefulness of knowing that there was a Heaven I simply couldn't do it. My logical brain just couldn't accept that. It made no sense to me. I didn't WANT to believe that there was no God or afterlife. I didn't WANT to believe that I was alone on Earth so I plugged my ears and I kicked and screamed at my self every single time that I let such notions of no God enter my head.

    It literally became the 5 stages of grief for me

    1. Denial - There is no way there is no God I don't care what my rational brain says. There has to be a God and an afterlife, there HAS to be!
    2. Anger - Damn myself for thinking there is no God, why did I even start thinking there was no God? I was so happy before now I'm terrified, I don't want to think like this I want my God back.
    3. Bargaining - Alright well maybe there is no Christian God but there has to be something right? Maybe there is no "heaven" per say but theres SOMETHING when I die right? I don't just die and rot right??
    4. Depression - There is no God...There is no afterlife, I am all alone here, when I die I'm just dead. Now what do I do, I don't even want to live anymore, I'm terrified and afraid and there is nobody to help me.
    5. Acceptance - There is no God and there is nothing you can do about it. No amount of kicking and screaming is going to make God real. When you die that's it, lights out man, so enjoy what you have here now and live it to the fullest, this is literally all you get, make the best of it and be happy. Think on the bright side, there's no God so that means there's no Hell either. So now you can do all of those fun "sinful" things you've always wanted like hook up with the cute girl next door and sneak peaks at dad's dirty magazines. See, its not so bad.

    That is exactly how it went with me. I can completely understand why people won't even allow that sort of notion to enter their brain. I was literally shaking terrified for weeks going through that. I didn't want to believe there was no God, and I tried my best to force myself to keep believing. It was hard, scary, and lonely, and I don't blame people for just plugging their ears and accepting there is a God instead of going through the gauntlet like I did.
  12. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Agreed. They unfortunately are like I used to be, driven by emotion and fear and tradition and superstition.

    PS as apparently hell-bound atheists, we'll supposedly meet in hell, crank, and I'll look forward to that. :-D

    [crank is now thinking to herself: "Uh, er, I THINK that's a compliment....but nobody has ever told me I'm going to hell, so I'm not sure FreedomSeeker is not on drugs right now, or has no social skills whatsoever, but..........] :-D
  13. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    You are very insightful. Yes, that's the #1 reason why they jettison their belief in science, reason, critical thinking, and common sense, in favor of a belief in magic, superstition, incongruent texts, clearly immoral texts, etc.
  14. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Awesome post.

    I'm off to bed.
  15. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    You are relentless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love it!!!!
    You make me proud to be human!
  16. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    post of the day!


    having said that, I had no idea it was such an ordeal, growing out of superstition. I didn't have to make that journey, raised without religion, so never had any idea that this life WASN'T all there was. I've only ever known we get our 75+/- years then dust. it's strange to think of it being a depressing thought. I've only thought such in terms of duration - ie, dying young. I've always felt that living well past 80 in good health is the ultimate achievement in terms of the measure of physical life.
  17. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    I'm asking you who determines what is symbolism and what isn't. And for information on precisely what is and isn't.

    No one ever answers this question, and it's very frustrating. We see Christians talk about allegory and symbolism all the time, yet when asked how and why certain things are determined to be allegory/symbolism, silence. We get even louder silence when we start asking (which is only reasonable, given the apparently freely given qualifier of allegory) if other biblical claims are also allegory.
  18. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Thank you

    I think that is why I don't really give religious folks a hard time. For much of my childhood I was a Christian (Baptist) and I understand full well how it feels to believe like that. It really is a comforting feeling. Just the overall thought of something watching over you is comforting. To hear my mother say things like "No matter how hard things get, God will never give you more than you can handle" was amazing. I knew that God was there with me through the thick and the thin and even though things were hard I could do it because God wouldn't give me more than I could handle. Even when I was upset and I would pray at night before bed it was amazing to believe that someone was listening to me. Even when I didn't see direct results of the prayers I made I knew that someone was listening to me when I prayed. That was a wonderful feeling. When a member of the Church fell ill and was hospitalized we all said our prayers for her that day. And 3 days later she returned and was ok, our prayers worked, collectively God listened to us, he saved her. It really does work.

    When I would see horrific things on TV of people dying my mother would always comfort me by saying "Don't be upset son, the Lord has simply returned them to Heaven to be with him, they are with God now, do not be upset be happy for them". That was very comforting. To know that even when I die everything will be ok because I will then be with God in Heaven. I had no fear of death, I rejoiced. I get to live this life of mine and then die and live for eternity in an even better life, that is amazing.

    I had not a care in the world because I knew that through all of my trails and tribulations God was by my side and no matter what it was nothing I couldn't handle.

    To go from that to realizing that it was all a hoax was devastating. All of the positive things that I looked forward to were gone. It was pretty much akin to being a child and having both of your parents vanish. You drew a nice picture to hang on the fridge and nobody will see it. You got an A in school but nobody is proud of you. You want to read a book but nobody will read it to you. You are upset and need someone to talk to but nobody cares about you. You are hungry and nobody is going to feed you, feed yourself. All of your loved one's who died and you looked forward to seeing again in heaven you will never see again. Nobody loves you or even knows you exist, you are all alone.

    So it was hard, extremely hard. But then as time went on I stopped dwelling over all that I had lost in God and started realizing what I have in the world. I don't need God to feel loved my family loves me and I love them. I don't need to be afraid to do things because God isn't by my side I just need to try HARDER than before because I know nobody is helping me. I don't need to not do bad things because I'm afraid of Hell I need to not do bad things because they are just wrong. I don't need to do good things because I think God is watching me I do good things because it's the right thing to do. I don't need to be afraid of dying because there is no afterlife I need to enjoy LIVING because there is no afterlife. I don't need to be afraid of anything. I need to be happy. And happy I am.

    That's why I tend to spare religious folks much of the criticism that other Atheists give. I understand exactly how it feels to believe in God. It's a feeling of security and comfort that nobody will understand unless you actually believe in God. Fortunately for me I am one of those people who have lived both lives. And I can tell you with 100% honesty that being a Christian was more comforting than being an Atheist for me. Sometimes ignorance really IS bliss. Although I live my life to the fullest and I have zero regrets, I still often really wish that I was still a Christian. Part of me would really rather go through life believing there is a God and an afterlife then dying and saying "well damnit..." over living my life knowing that there is no God or heaven. Sometimes I honestly do wish that I would never have "figured it out" as a child.

    One time flat out openly asked a Christian member of my family "What would you do if humans were able to indisputably prove there was no God?"

    Her response

    "I wouldn't want to know".

    And I understand EXACTLY what she meant.
  19. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Another great post :)

    I'd only add that you only THOUGHT someone was helping/watching etc. Since no one actually was, you gained nothing but self-soothing. Of course self soothing is accessible to anyone, and comes in all manner of forms (religion being just one). kids engage in it all the time - in fact it's a feature of childhood.

    the need for high levels of validation and support beyond childhood is a whole other kettle of fish. complex stuff. either way, a happy and fulfilled life (with full knowledge of one's mortality) is not just possible, it's relatively easy. most of the things that stop us from getting there are ego driven, so a maturation beyond that is a good start.
  20. vino909

    vino909 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    you can ask 20 people and get 20 answers... there is no concrete answer to your question. For me, it is what I decide for myself.
  21. Dood

    Dood New Member

    Nov 3, 2014
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    An atheist could certainly be determined to be a kook by other standards, but by their unwillingness to adhere to one doctrine safely keeps them out of the "kook by association" dilemma Christians and other religions are subject to.
  22. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Most are smart enough to know that if 1 person is a kook in a group that doesn't mean the entire group is a kook. Unless, like the mom in the OP and her group, yes they are all 'kooks'. But not all christians are kooks because of them.
  23. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Pretty much I have done much the same.
    Don't know if I'll ever go to complete acceptance of NO god for one really doesn't 100% know. But I am as close to 100% certain as one can be that the god of abraham as described in the bible and the actions one must follow is not the god of all.

    I understand christians also as my entire family(s) are christian. And those that make a mockery of the faith as a few do, certainly in these forums, does tick me off.
    The ones claiming christian and then act/post in the most unchristian manner is a great disservice to the religion. Those types are IMO wolves in sheep clothing. Voice of the dark one.
  24. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Funny, because a WHOLE lot of Christians are fine with painting ALL Muslims as terrorists.
  25. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    BTW, there's a lot of talk about how "stupid" the woman in the OP is...but that's not really it.

    She's SCARED...scared of "ambiguities"..."grey areas"...."partially true, partially myth"

    What really scares her her mind "If dinosaurs are true...then Genesis isn't true....and if Genesis isn't true, then the whole Old Testament becomes suspect.....and if the OT is suspect......why not the New Testament?"

    Most Christians are able to deal with this dilemma. Resigning themselves to saying "Just because Adam & Eve were myths in the Bible and not real....doesn't NECESSARILY mean that Jesus didn't come back from the dead."

    But it's harder....and more frightening.

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