Harf: "We can't kill our way out of war with ISIS"

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Cajuncontroller, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    I do not understand at all what has happened to the The United States Of America.

    Where is your backbone and where is your spine?

    Some of the views I have read on this forum make absolutely no sense at all. How in the world could the allies have won WW2 with that kind of thinking? Isis is composed of vermin and the only way to deal with vermin is to get rid of them. Do not negotiate...do not offer them jobs....do not train them or feed them...kill them...kill them all.

    Did killing the Nazi breed more Nazi? Did killing the Japanese radicalize more Japanese?

    And as sad as it is... did we stop bombing factories because civilians worked there?

    Did we win WW2 by "changing their hearts and minds"??? No....We killed until they lost the will to fight.

    The Americans killed.
    The Australians killed.
    The British killed.
    The French killed.
    The Canadians killed.
    The soldiers of New Zealand killed.
    The people of Scandinavia killed.

    We did not win over their hearts and minds....We out fought them. They want us dead...don't you get it yet????

    It is kill or be killed. I hate a weak spine and a bleeding heart.

  2. Michael Francis

    Michael Francis New Member

    Feb 17, 2015
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    The current situation of Middle East represents a major threaten to the stability, both political and economic, of the countries in the area, and Libya problem represents an even bigger threaten because of the priceless strategic values that it has, for Europe and for other African States. In this so critical and problematic condition appears evident to everybody that a military intervention in those countries which find themselves in a situation of chaos and anarchy, due to the increasing power of ISIL.
    However, two points should be taken in consideration, and this points should make us think that a military intervention will not be sufficiently efficient in order to defeat ISIL and to stabilize Middle East region.
    The first one is that this organization remains a terroristic group, and that, as consequence, cannot be defeat by conventional military actions. The peculiarity of terrorism, we all know, is that it is all but conventional. We are not facing an army of one sovereign state, we are facing an international problem of major importance.Terroristic organizations are everywhere, they are in USA, in Europe, in Middle East, obviously, and thinking that just by taking the control of a territory will solve our problem is, I apologize, a bit naïve. We have seen with Iraq that US army never really could stabilize the region, and eliminate Al Qaeda or any other terroristic group. The policy of USA for what concerns Iraq has, expectedly, increased slightly the statistics of security, but for keeping on being effective it should be a continuous policy. US left Iraq in worst conditions than he found it.
    This makes us assume, and I'm getting to the second point, that the phenomenon of terrorism is much more than military, is social. The ideas and the values which the radical-Islamists terroristic group are based on, are also very present in the life of many Muslims for several reasons. The first is, I believe, the education. Arabs children are educated, since early childhood, through the Koran, and this has an enormous impact on the kids. The reform of education system in Arab countries, from a religious-centred approach to a laic one, must be between our first priority. The second is to immediately remove any support to the Syrian upheaval, and restore the strong power of Bashar Al Assad, as the only way to stabilize the politics in Middle East. In a matter of facts, the support to the Arab Spring was one of the biggest mistakes ever made, as it caused a major destabilization of the area, especially of states which have, I repeat, an important strategic position, first of all Libya. For what concerns Iraq is necessary to re-establish the control over the territory, through a military mission, be it an occupation or a peacekeeping mission, sent by UNO, and to create a coalition government, strongly supported and, I would say, manipulated, by western powers, but which would take effective action against the most critical problems concerning the state.
    The involvement of Western countries, as well as of Russia and emerging powers, such as China, cannot be nor criticized neither seen as an act of imperialism toward Middle East, but just as a righteous interest in what is a challenging global business.
  3. Solsbury_Grille

    Solsbury_Grille New Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    This woman should be at the Lancome counter at Dillard's.
  4. Cajuncontroller

    Cajuncontroller Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Shouldn't be to hard when the full fury of the U.S. military is released.
  5. Cajuncontroller

    Cajuncontroller Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Why would you wish that upon Lancome or Dillards? She should take her proposal directly to the leader of ISIS and see what he has to say. I'm guessing she will be speechless.
  6. Cajuncontroller

    Cajuncontroller Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Wonder what jobs can be created when your resume includes burning people in cages, beheading, and raping young women and children?
  7. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    1. You cannot draw parallels between the caliphates of a thousand years ago to modern terror groups. Both had differing agendas, policies, etc....

    2. What do you mean by "Islam and why must we readily accept your opinion of what Islam is?
  8. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Too bad that all-powerful, all-compassionate creator of the universe doesn't care about the world enough to have given them a better example to follow all those hundreds and hundreds of years.
  9. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    When ISIS gets a nuke, then what will your approach be?
  10. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    1. The hell I can't. Simply on the basis that these psychos today are doing the exact same thing as they have done over 1000 years which is their "convert or die" tactic. Islam was built on that from Mohammed all the way up until this point. They were the reason for the Christian crusades, you know the era in which Obama blasts Christians and Jews for defending themselves against Muslims???

    That's islams cycle. Create a caliphate, attempt to conquer and much as possible, get their asses kicked in the end.... Rinse and repeat.

    2. That is not my quote.
  11. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Oh, I see, so ISIS has a different Qur'an, and different hadith, and a different prophet/role-model than the Jihadists centuries ago had, eh?

    No, we need to look at the old Jihads to learn what the new Jihad has in store for us non-Muslims. The word "dhimmi" comes to mind.......
  12. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    1. Nonsense; if it was "convert or die", then the regions that the Arabs conquered would not have remained non-Muslim for centuries. Jews wouldn't have had a golden age in Islamic Spain, and there wouldn't have been all the great scientific and philosophical output from the Muslim world. You simply have a Euro-centric view of history.

    2. The quotation mark was a typo.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Your words, not mine.

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    This doesn't even make sense.
  13. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    That won't happen because then Obama would have to give back his Nobel Peace Prize that they gave him in 2009.

    - - - Updated - - -

    What I was really trying to say is where is your "god" when the world needs him(?).....nowhere....just like, say, Bigfoot and the Tooth Fairy.
  14. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Denial approving of mass death over the truth is very dark and counter to human survival and evolution on this planet.

    Violence begets more violence until all of one side is dead, in this kind of conflict. HOWEVER, that's not going to happen in this conflict. The war will just continue forever until our environment is destroyed by the neglect to preservation the populations which exist need to focus upon.

    Your path is extinction for all.
  15. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Not the united states per se. But our aggression created the terrorists. They only do what they do to oppose what we do. There is a lack of separation of church and state in the US. It will be our downfall and is deeply unconstitutional.

    Your cognitive distortions essentially make a case for concealing treason, but you probably deny to much fact to even get close to realize that.

    If you think that is not true, then prepare to deal with facts, because I have them ready. Your unaccountability to reason with fact, and evasion will brand you as a traitor against the 1787 constitution.

    Essentially a betrayal of the human race, because we cannot afford to destroy vital elements with senseless war.
  16. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    God is always there. If you feel so upset with all the evil in the world, then do something about it and stop whinging about God.
  17. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    Not Eurocentric, just going by their History from Mohammed up until now. Congrats, they let a few live as 2nd rate citizens, big woopie. Yes muslim individuals have had some shining moments throughout history but it wasn't because of their religion when it came to science as that was just brains, but Islam itself has left a huge blood trail through the ages and it has honestly not slowed down. Other religions grew out of the old habits, but Islam still hangs on to their more violent ways as we have seen in our time and in the past. For Christ sakes ISIS takes child sex slaves and auctions them off, if they don't kill the child first. Then you have the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Hamas,Hezbollah, Boko Haram, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR and whatever hardcore extremist muslim group you want to talk about.

    Hell without Islam there would not have been a Christian Crusade, because muslims attacking Jews and Christians through the ages is what caused the Christians and jews to mount up and beat that ass back.

    Now again It is more of the same, roaming wherever they can, trying to set up Islamic states all over the place but they have up'd the ante and are killing their own who don't believe in their much more strict ways of old. Once again wanting to beat the Jews into submission because they feel the holy land is theirs even though their religion didn't come about till around 600AD .Its just another crusades they want to start.

    Like I said, with Islam it is predictable, at least with the more violent strain of muslims. Most muslims are not the monsters groups like ISIS want to create more of, but there are a damned good amount of these monsters within Islam and they have no problem showing the world they mean business, and sadly the moderate muslims are too passive to put up a fight unless we are talking about the Turks and now Jordan.

    More muslims need to join the fight to put down groups like ISIS and end the madness.
  18. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    I don't see that as being the case.

    Yeah, I don't see how you think majority= a few.
    And you'll have to explain what you mean by second-class citizens.

    More Euro-centrism. Unlike Christianity, Islam encourages the seeking of knowledge. This explains the founding of places like the House of Wisdom, and the fact that Islamic Spain had more books than all of Europe combined. "Some shining moments" indeed.

    No, it was men who did that.

    CAIR and Hezbollah? Really? Anyway, you have merely give me a list of militant groups with mostly secular agendas.

    Lol, wut. Saladin and the Jews beat back the European hordes after the latter had massacred thousands of Muslims and Jews in the streets of Jerusalem.

    So it appears that you are also clueless about the Arab- Israeli conflict.
  19. WSUwarrior

    WSUwarrior Banned

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Muslims have always been the aggressors....Crusades were started after 400 years of Muslims raping, murdering, and robbing Christians. In the infancy of the United States we used to pay Muslim pirates to leave our ships alone...are you even AWARE of the Barbary Wars???????????????? Not to mention terrorist attack after terrorist attack.

    Muslims have been bullying Christians and even the United States up to this day. Stop (*)(*)(*)(*)ing PRETENDING that WE are the bad guy you America hater.
  20. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    All of which will be not only totally ineffective but silly as (*)(*)(*)(*).

    ISIS doesn't give one tiddly damn about any of this. They've gone on record several times as saying that any of their people who are captured and treated this way are given exemptions, the people who do it to them will be given the equivalent punishments in the afterlife.

    Really, if it was going to be that easy the other Muslims would do it, with their imam's blessing.
  21. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    None of the above is true. cowardly ignorant blather.
  22. WSUwarrior

    WSUwarrior Banned

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Muslim aggression sparked the Crusades.
    Muslim aggression sparked the Barbary Wars.
    Muslim aggression sparked every war in the Middle East.

    Who gets blamed (by ignorant libs)? The US...lol

    Its like they forgot 9/11 happened.
  23. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    Your opinion is noted.

    (checks the history books)

    Nope, it's true. Islam has a history of violence and terror. Going back practically to day one.

    What seems cowardly is for our president to refuse to call this what it is: Islamic terrorism. This terror exists because of Islam and for no other reason. It seems strategically ignorant and counterproductive to deny your enemy's reality.

    If Obama plans on defeating these ISIS people with propaganda, where is it? Let's see his bezillions of drones dropping leaflets all over Syria, where are they?
  24. blackharvest216

    blackharvest216 Banned

    Jan 4, 2015
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    Why can't white supremacists go back too promoting murdering innocent mexicans trying too cross the border?

    Mexicans are only a few million but Islam is over 1 billion if I get bombed on my way too work it wont be from a pissed off Mexican

    just stick too what you know hillbillies
  25. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Yea, you have it close. But it was not so organized as all that. And correct, the Euro-centric view is quite deficient, while not making sense.

    It's true, there were significant contributions of knowledge from Arabs and Jews, which were a people adjacent to the Bedouins.

    However, Caesar and Rome targeted that knowledge which had been collected at Alexandria. Undoubtedly a form of jealously and competition with Zoroastrianism that still works to paint the entire peoples as animalistic and bereft of morals.

    It all goes back to the Sufi, including Christianity.

    Ancient and modern sources identify four possible occasions for the partial or complete destruction of the Library of Alexandria: Julius Caesar's fire during his civil war in 48 BC; the attack of Aurelian in AD 270 – 275; the decree of Coptic Pope Theophilus in 391 AD; and the Muslim conquest of Egypt in (or after) AD 642.[2]




    At al-islam.org the brutal truth about the tribal societies which is the distorted paintbrush applied by the Euro-centric perspective is shared.

    At religionfacts.com the shameful victory by Islam is recounted, Zoroastrianism seems to have been all but extinguished by an alliance between Arabs and Jews inventing the name of Muhammad in 641 to try and tame the tribal spirit.

    And it worked until Rome targeted it under its various guises. Whereupon, now, the radical, fanatical tribesmen fight for survival as one tribe loosing the advancements Muhammad instilled.

    Under all of it is the simplicity of sufiway.org as very likely a benevolent spiritual force using very deep
    Invisible trance states upon various peoples to try and develop them. The problem must be animalistic consolidations of infiltration that undo the good in fearful competitions where violence pretends it is winning because it survives.

    In reality, a larger de evolution occurred when that violence was directed against the peaceful uses of the unconscious mind that were integrated by millennia of use into the people and the societies they formed.

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