NBA - playoff predictions

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Superpower, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. arjay

    arjay New Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    I'm with you - holding on to hope. Need to stick to formula: Tempo, ball movement & hitting open shots. I think game 6 is everything. I don't like the Cavs chances in game 5. Win game 6 & then all heck breaks loose in game 7.
  2. BrianBoo

    BrianBoo Active Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Even the local media are writing off tonight's game as a loss. They say, in their opinions, that Cleveland has to win game 6 at home, and then all bets are off and anything can happen in game 7 back in CA.

    So Arjay? You seem to be pulling for Cleveland. How does a guy in Colorado become a Cleveland fan? Or are you just rooting for us to snap our 50+ year drought?

  3. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Looks like GS has had about enough of LeBron James. GS will win the next two games.
  4. arjay

    arjay New Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    It goes like this: If my team(in this case, the Lakers) isn't involved, I'll root for who I want, when I want & for whatever reason. On rare occasions I'll even change who I'm rooting for in the middle of playoffs, series or even games. I don't gamble anymore, so i can root for anybody at anytime. Somebody at ESPN has some "formula" to determine the best NBA teams of all time & there were no '80's Laker teams in the Top 10, but the '15 Warriors were listed at no.4(before the playoffs even started), which was reason enough for me to turn against G.S.. At the beginning of the playoffs, I was rooting against the Cavs. Now I'm rooting for 'em. One reason is that it would be great for the city of Cleveland to get a championship & the other is now I want G.S. to lose. Convoluted enough for ya?
  5. WestFork

    WestFork Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2015
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    Take the Cavs and the points (+4.5 in my morning paper) tonight (Game 6). LeBron doesn't want this to end in Cleveland.
  6. BrianBoo

    BrianBoo Active Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Game time! Let's see what unfolds. :pray:
  7. stanfan

    stanfan New Member Past Donor

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Well, congratulations to the Golden State Warriors, best team in the league all season long, and their first title in 40-years. One can't help but feel happy for them in Oakland, California. Amazing series - sensational team play and shooting, and they came back from a 2-1 deficit to do it.

    Unfortunate for the Cleveland Cavaliers, the injuries to their two star players. LeBron? Sensational also - he easily could have been the MVP, but he was gassed by the 4th quarter in almost every game. GS was blanketing him, and he was still scoring. That's his 6th NBA finals appearance, he has been on the winning end twice - both times in Miami with the Heat. One more year on his contract in Cleveland - lets see - Kobe Bryant is on his last year with the Lakers - if Cleveland doesn't bounce back and win an NBA championship next year, and LBJ exercises his option to become a free agent - good chance the guy ends up in Los Angeles.

    Depending upon what Pat Riley does, and what Dwayne Wade decides to accept (the Heat don't want him gone, but can't afford to lavish a huge salary on him to only play 62-games a year), he could also be gone - and possibly to the Los Angeles Clippers. Not and impossibility is it? Dwayne would never go to Cleveland to join LeBron, and LBJ would never return to Miami. Other possibility for Wade? Return home to Chicago with the Bulls, might be the catalyst that pushes them onto the next level.

    Anyways, the two month NBA playoff marathon (60-days to win 16-games), is over, and the best team takes home the trophy and Cleveland is left in the dawghouse again. Snake bit sports town, LBJ should have known better than to return to that element and those fans who turned on him so when he went to Miami and accomplished what he couldn't in Cleveland.................
  8. BrianBoo

    BrianBoo Active Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Let's not get carried away with the cheap shot about "that element".

    Let's keep it simple....GS deserved it. No question. But accuse me of being a homer.....with a healthy Kyrie and Kevin Love, Cleveland would have mopped the floor with them. I know.....woulda coulda. We'll see next year. You know.....Cleveland's favorite motto. Wait til next year. :shock:

  9. stanfan

    stanfan New Member Past Donor

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Wasn't a cheap shot, LBJ did everything possible in Miami and won two titles and carried us to the finals four straight years. Miami fans didn't burn his jersey, and the owner didn't post a KKK-type letter on the internet calling him a lowlife, and leaving it up there like Dan Gilbert did for three straight years. :steamed: One has to wonder what could possibly be the draw that would pull him back to that city and fans like that. Most people would have let em die.

    Only person LBJ had trouble with was Pat Riley, NBA royalty, when he tried to take over the operation of the club, and the only person whose opinion regarding him leaving counted. Riley's mild comment - this year - as he works to rebuild the club and determines what Dwayne Wade's salary figure they can afford, was "no smiles with hidden agenda's." Of course grabbing James Jones from the Heat - pressuring Ray Allen to go to Cleveland, and convincing Mike Miller to leave Memphis? Just showed that "The King's" ego and basketball knowledge doesn't extent beyond his own talents. He also had problems with Kyrie Irving during the season for control of the basketball on the court, and Kevin Love, possible he leaves the Cavs before next season. With the two, one can speculate how the series might have gone, but really, Golden State was on-top of just about everything Cleveland tried, and was much, much deeper and team oriented than the Cavs, who played with only seven deep. The wore down in the 4th (Kerr called that shot during a timeout in Game 2 when telling the Warriors to keep running), and it worked. Series over in six. It was a great comeback in the final minute but wasn't a LeBron led comeback, some unsung players did that to put the game within reach, and Golden State quickly put the game out of reach again. Great series, great champion. James has only one more year on his contract there - what do you think will be the Cav fans response to the Messiah when he leaves at the end of next year, if they don't win the NBA championship? Very good possibility these same two teams could play a rematch in 2016...........:oldman:
  10. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    Cheer up Cleveland, at least you're not Detroit.
  11. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Yeah I am SOOOO happy the warriors won.I am not a basketball fan or anyting,hate the sport thats why this was the first time since the days of larry bird and magic johnson when they squared off, that i watched it this year

    the reason i was so happy that the warriors won is because with this victory,I think all of Oaklands sports teams will stay in Oakland where they belong.matter of fact I have heard there is a lawsuit that could block the warriors from leaving to a cozy stadium in San Fran and with this victory,I think they will win that lawsuit in court if they do indeed try to leave.:thumbsup:
  12. stanfan

    stanfan New Member Past Donor

    Mar 15, 2015
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    They have been in Oakland for ages, and went 40-years before winning another title. Even I have trouble remembering Rick Berry. I hear any particular drumbeat for that club to move over to San Francisco, it represents both cities actually. That is why it is called Golden State. Oakland certainly isn't any paradise, but the fans are loud and proud, the Oracle is a much better arena than Key Arena in Seattle, where the Super Sonics were robbed of their team of over 40 plus years, for, of all places, Oklahoma City. League should never have let that happen. Meanwhile - should be a good parade, the the GS Warriors future is very bright...........
  13. BrianBoo

    BrianBoo Active Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Talk of D Wade coming to Cleveland to join his buddy LeBron. the Cavs will really be hated.

    Can anyone say the Big 4?
  14. arjay

    arjay New Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    ...or to the Lakers? Actually you can have him. If he has anything, it'll be of more use to Cleveland than the Lakers. Demarcus Cousins on the other hand...:cool: - but I'm not holding my breathe for it to happen.
  15. BrianBoo

    BrianBoo Active Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Gotta love Cleveland's draft last night, which better was suited for the Comedy Channel.

    First we traded our 1st round pick so we wouldn't be tied to another guaranteed contract.

    Then you gotta love our three (3) 2nd round picks, none of which have a prayer to make the team. First we take some no-name guy (Cedi Osman) from Turkey, who does overseas commercials for Head & Shoulders....

    Then we follow that up picking 2 guys named Christmas and Sir Dominic Pointer! :eekeyes:

  16. arjay

    arjay New Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    Not very sure of what Cleveland is doing either.
    Based on what I hear, I'm very happy with the Laker pick, DeAngelo Russell. Now, I would like to see them sign Aldridge, Gasol or Love(preference in that order). It would be a start to claw our way back.
  17. BrianBoo

    BrianBoo Active Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    I question the Lakers' pick. Russell is good, but it seems they passed on Okafur, thinking they're going to land one of these big guys in free agency. I don't see it happening. I think Love resigns with Cleveland, Gasol resigns with Memphis, and Aldridge signs with 1 of the 3 Texas teams (where he's from).

    Just my amateur opinion.

  18. arjay

    arjay New Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    You may, or may not, be correct about the future of the 3 - my best guess is you're more right than wrong. But that to me, is still separate from whether the Lakers made the right choice on Russell over Okafor. In the unlikelyhood that they BOTH are superstars or just Okafor is, then yes the Lakers should have taken the big man. But if they both turn out to be average or busts, then does it matter? Obviously, L.A. is hoping Russell turns out to be great, but only time will tell on any of it. Whether center, forward or guard, the Lakers need a superstar.
  19. BrianBoo

    BrianBoo Active Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    You're right.....the Lakers need a new star. And I wonder what Kobe thought on draft night, when during the interview of Russell he said he wondered how much gas Kobe had left in the tank?


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