Misconceptions Based on Race, 'Genetics', et. al.

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by DarkSkies, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. ElDiablo

    ElDiablo Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Egalatarian: "Possibility #2 is the one held by Egalitarians. There are no genetic differences related to intelligence between races and IQ differences are entirely caused by environment."

    O.K. So how do you account for the differences in intelligence amongst one single race? Obviously you do not belive inter-racial differences are caused by environment.
  2. ElDiablo

    ElDiablo Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I will get back to your refusal to acknowledge that genetics plays the dominant role in intelligence...although you do admit that the genes account for 80% of the intelligence of an individual when he matures....yet you seem not to understand the significance of this.

    Irregardless..........onward to the subject of the intelligence gap between Africans and the other races.

    First of all as usual you have bought into the politically correct dogma that there are no differnces between the races....most likely you do not even believe that 'race' exists as a biological fact.

    Let me clue you in .......regarding some modern genetic research:

    Human geneticists have reached a private crisis of conscience, and it will become public knowledge.

    The crisis has depressing health implications and alarming political ones. In a nutshell: the new genetics will reveal much less than hoped about how to cure disease, and much more than feared about human evolution and inequality, including genetic differences between classes, ethnicities and races.

  3. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    there is no one single gene for intelligence
  4. ElDiablo

    ElDiablo Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    To set the stage for my venture into exploring the possibility that Genes do in fact account for the i.q. gap between Africans and the other races.


    Most acknowledge or recognize race. Africans, Europeans, and Asians can be distinguished at a glance because the races differ so obviously from each other. Although the differences are popularly referred to as “skin color,” as if this were where they began and ended, color is one of the least important ways in which the races differ.

    Although many physiological differences are well established and easy to measure, they are often completely unknown to the general public. Perhaps this is because the cumulative effect of a list of physical differences can give an impression of alienness even more powerful than do assertions about mental differences.

    Just as it was once universally accepted that races differ in intelligence, so the study of physical differences was once entirely respectable. Some 19th century investigators, however, hoped to find justifications for slavery and not all were good scientists. Therefore, in the revolt against “racism,” good data from the past has been thrown out along with the bad, and the study of physical differences has languished.

    The modern data now becoming available confirm many 19th century views. The best evidence suggests that races differ markedly in such things as maturation rate, brain size, bone density, susceptibility to disease, and perhaps even personality.

    The races differ in skin color because of different levels of melanin production. All races have approximately the same number of melanocytes, or melanin-making cells, but they differ in how actively the cells make melanin.

    Anyone who has seen an albino African knows how trivial a racial difference skin color really is. The albino may actually seem more strange to a European than a normal African, because negroid features and tightly curled hair seem incongruous in a light-skinned person. No one would mistake the albino for a European. Likewise, West Africans, Dravidian Indians, and Australian aborigines are all “black,” but they are racially very different.

    Color does have one physiological effect: three and a half times as much ultraviolet light from the sun passes through the skin of whites as through that of blacks. Light skin is beneficial in the northern regions where whites evolved, since ultraviolet light converts ergosterol in the body into vitamin D. Dark skin protects against the tropical sun.

    Adaptation to Climate

    There are other racial characteristics that are obviously adaptations to the climates in which the races evolved. Many East African peoples have elongated limbs and bodies that easily dissipate heat. North Asians, on the other hand, have evolved in a cold climate. Their bodies are more squat, they have thick, dark hair, and the epicanthic fold that gives Asians almond-shaped eyes is thought to reduce glare from snow and ice. A flat nose is less exposed to cold, and the virtual absence of facial hair means that condensation from a man’s breath will not freeze on his beard and chill his face. All of these characteristics are most obvious in the Asians who live in the coldest climates.

    Some racial differences are not so easily explained. Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) is a chemical that can be synthesized in the laboratory. To some people, it has a strong, bitter flavor, but to others it has no flavor at all. Seventy percent of Australian aborigines can taste PTC, but only 13 percent of Navaho Indians can. Fifty percent of whites and about 38 percent of Japanese can taste it.

    For whatever reasons, the races do not smell the same. Blacks and whites have strong, but differing smells, and many Asians have scarcely any smell. Koreans often have no odor-producing glands in their arm-pits at all and Japanese have very few. Nineteenth-century Japanese found Europeans so foul-smelling that even today, a common Japanese expression for anything Western means “stinking of butter.”

    Though they may not always be willing to say so, sports physicians have found physical differences that give different races advantages in different sports (see “May the Best Man Win,” AR, Oct. 1992). Whites and West Africans, for example, differ in proportions of body fat, width of hips, thickness of thighs, bone density, and proportion of fast- and slow-twitch muscle. Even East and West Africans differ in important ways that explain why they excel in different sports.

    Because blacks have such dense bones, they are less buoyant and less likely to be swimming champions. However, their bones are more resistant to aging. After their mid-30s, white men lose about 2.5 percent of their bone mass every year. Blacks lose less than one percent. Loss of bone mass speeds up greatly under conditions of weightlessness, so blacks could probably survive longer space voyages than whites.

    Studies have repeatedly found that black men have more of the male hormone testosterone in their blood than whites do. Testosterone is directly related to physical and sexual aggressiveness, but it also combines significantly with intelligence. Men who are intelligent but who have high testosterone levels are likely to be more successful, socially and professionally, than intelligent men with low testosterone levels. Men who are unintelligent but who have high testosterone are more likely to be criminals than unintelligent men with low testosterone. High crime rates among blacks are consistent with low intelligence and high testosterone.

    Although egalitarian partisans—most notably Steven Jay Gould in his 1981 book, The Mismeasure of Man—have tried to discredit the evidence, it is well established that average brain size differs from race to race. A study by K. L. Beals, published in Current Anthropology in 1984, reported that a survey of 20,000 skulls shows that the average size of the brain case in Asia is 1380 cc, while in Europe it is 1362 cc and in Africa 1276 cc. Other studies have found that the brains of American blacks are approximately eight percent lighter than those of American whites.

    Studies of brain size and weight can be difficult to replicate because researchers do not often have access to enough skulls or cadavers and may use different measuring techniques. A 1989 study overcame these difficulties by using magnetic resonance scanning to determine skull capacity. Brain size was found to have a positive correlation of about 0.3 with intelligence.

    Not surprisingly, the bones within which brains reside can be markedly different. A child could distinguish between the skulls of Eskimos and Laplanders as easily as he could tell cucumbers from zucchinis. The skulls of Australian aborigines have characteristics not found in any other race, but common in fossils of pithecanthropus. The bones of the skull are twice as thick as those of any other race (10 mm v. 5 mm), and the skull has heavy frontal and parietal ridge lines typical of pithecanthropus. The teeth and lower jaws of aborigines are also larger than those of other races, and more similar to those of our remote ancestors.

    It is little known that Africans have identical twins twice as frequently as Europeans—who in turn have them twice as frequently as Asians. Some African populations have identical twins seven times as frequently as whites. Blacks also have shorter gestation periods than whites or Asians. By the 39th week, 51 percent of black babies have been born but only 33 percent of whites. By the 40th week, the figures are 70 percent and 55 percent. Shorter gestation seems to be a characteristic of blacks that is independent of social status or access to medicine.

    Prof. J. Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario, who has probably studied maturation rates more extensively than anyone else, reports that rapid development of blacks continues after birth. Many African and black American newborns can hold their heads up whereas white and Asian newborns almost never can. The average age at which black children walk is 11 months, compared to 12 months for whites and 13 months for Asians.

    Prof. Rushton has found that blacks reach sexual maturity earlier than whites. By age 12, 19 percent of black girls have full development of breasts and pubic hair, whereas only two percent of white girls do. Black American women menstruate at an earlier age than white women. They then go on to have sexual intercourse for the first time at an average age that is two years younger than that of whites.

    Although it has long been the subject of ribald speculation, the races do appear to differ in the size of their sex organs. The best data seems to have been gathered in 1979 by P. H. Gebhard and A. B. Johnson. They actually took measurements and found that popular myths are correct: blacks are better endowed than whites. In extensive interviews, they also found that black men at least report themselves to be less restrained than whites in their willingness to commit adultery, likelihood of frequenting prostitutes, and number of sexual partners.

    Somewhat comparable differences have been found between whites and Asians. Even after controlling for body size, Danes have testes that are proportionately twice the size of those of Chinese. Whites are also estimated to produce twice the number of spermatozoa per day as Asians.

    Earlier maturation and early sexual activity among blacks may have a biological price. In the United States, blacks, on average, can expect to die six years sooner than whites. Higher homicide, accident, and disease rates contribute to this difference, but it is entirely possible that blacks may also have a naturally shorter life span.

    Medical Differences

    Our society generally keeps quiet about physical differences between the races, but information about them occasionally surfaces in news stories about disease. Alcoholism, for example, appears to strike different races at different rates. Asians (and American Indians to whom they are related) react more strongly than whites to alcohol. More Asians than whites show an allergic reaction to alcohol and therefore do not drink, whereas many American Indians seem to have a biological predisposition to alcoholism. Curiously, Asians are twice as likely as whites to suffer from motion sickness.

    In the United States, the most frequently reported medical differences concern blacks and whites. It is well known that only blacks suffer from sickle-cell anemia, for example, a condition that helps the body resist malaria, and is therefore a benefit in the African jungle.

    Most of the known medical differences, however, seem to disadvantage blacks. Black women are twice as likely to have strokes as white or Hispanic women, and they suffer more damaging aftereffects. Blacks are three to four times more likely to have dangerously underweight babies. This could be due to bad diet, poor general health, or scant medical care, but some studies indicate that even when these factors are equalized, black babies are more likely to be underweight.

    Kidney disease is eighteen times more common among blacks than whites. Left untreated, AIDS kills blacks more rapidly than it does whites or Hispanics, and blacks do not respond as well to the drug AZT as do patients of other races. Glaucoma strikes blacks five times more often than it does whites. It sets in earlier, and the likelihood of getting the disease does not appear to be affected by social status or availability of medical care.

    Blacks are also twice as likely as whites to have high blood pressure, and five to seven times more likely to have dangerously high blood pressure. This is often attributed to the pressures of “racism,” but physiology is certainly part of the cause.

    A study at the University of Maryland found that when black and white students were paired for age, diet, fitness, and medical history, and given a mild stress—their hands were put in ice for 30 seconds—blacks reacted by constricting their blood vessels (a hypertensive reaction) for at least ten times longer than whites. Research in Barbados has shown that mixed-race blacks are more likely to have high blood pressure if their maternal rather than paternal ancestors were African; genes passed down from the mother seem somehow to be involved. One reason for high blood pressure among blacks may be their relative inability to secrete sodium, so a salty diet can be more dangerous for blacks than for whites.

    It has long been known that blood transfusions and organ transplants work best between people of the same race. Until the Second World War, stocks of blood were routinely segregated by race for this reason. Classification by race was ended when it was discovered to be “racist,” but blood banks are reinstituting segregation.

    The distribution of the common blood types is different from race to race, and some rare types are unique to certain races. Only blacks have U negative blood; only whites have Vel negative or Lan negative blood. Dr. W. Laurence Marsh of the New York Blood Center justifies racial classification: “It makes no sense to screen 100,000 whites for U negative when no U negative white person has ever been found.”

    Kidneys and other organs are classified by race for similar reasons. About 20 percent of blacks are so genetically incompatible with whites that they reject organs from all white donors.

    Origin of Species

    Clearly, all these differences cannot be dismissed with the fashionable notion that race is nothing more than a matter of skin color. No one knows for how long the different races have been evolving independently, but it might be necessary to go back one million years or more to find an ancestor common to all races. Clearly, a great deal of divergence has taken place during that time.

    In his magisterial work, Race, John Baker suggests that certain racial groups are already so different from each other that they are not, technically speaking, the same species. Certain matings between extremely unrelated stocks—Bushmen and Europeans, for example—are thought to have produced only female children, or in some cases hybrids that could not mate successfully among themselves. These are well-known signs of an unrelatedness that is so vast as to be verging on separation into different species.

    Indeed, according to Dr. Baker, in the prehistoric past different races and sub-races probably avoided cross-breeding and behaved as if they were different species. He points out that in nature, animals that are no more different from each other than northern Europeans and southern Europeans never breed with each other. It is only in domestication that a horse, for example, can be made to mate with a donkey. Man is, of course, the most domesticated of animals. As the French anthropologist Paul Broca remarked, “Man, especially civilized man, is of all the animals the least exclusive in his amours.”

    Separate development is, to use Charles Darwin’s phrase, the origin of species. Apes and humans once had a common ancestor but are now distinct species. Likewise, racial differences are nature’s first steps towards the creation of new species. Left to themselves for long enough, the different races of man would have become so different that they could no longer produce fertile young. This might well have happened if the domesticating effects of civilization had come later, or if discovery and travel had not brought isolated peoples into contact with each other.

    One of the great ironies of today’s quest for “diversity,”—the forcible mixing of peoples as unlike each other as possible—is that it is a destroyer of diversity. It is only through separation that nature can produce that culmination of true diversity: a new species.

    William Robertson Boggs
  5. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Our ancestors likely had sex with Neandertals, but when and where did these encounters take place? The discovery of a 55,000-year-old partial skull of a modern human in an Israeli cave, the first sighting of Homo sapiens in this time and place, offers skeletal evidence to support the idea that Neandertals and moderns mated in the Middle East between 50,000 and 60,000 years ago. What’s more, the skull could belong to an ancestor of the modern humans who later swept across Europe and Asia and replaced the Neandertals.

    The find supports a raft of recent genetic studies. A 2010 analysis, for example, found that up to 2% of the genomes of today’s Europeans and Asians consist of Neandertal DNA, a clear sign of at least limited interbreeding in the past. Two years later, scientists compared ancient DNA extracted from Neandertal fossils to that of contemporary modern human populations around the world, concluding that this interbreeding took place in the Middle East, most likely between 47,000 and 65,000 years ago. And last year, a 45,000-year-old modern human found in Siberia, the oldest modern to have its genome sequenced, was revealed to have harbored a little more than 2% Neandertal DNA, allowing researchers to refine the interbreeding event to roughly 50,000 to 60,000 years ago.

    The new find from Israel’s Manot Cave, reported online today in Nature, provides the missing fossil evidence that modern humans were indeed in the right place at the right time to mate with Neandertals. The cave, located just 40 kilometers north of numerous other sites where both Neandertal and earlier modern human skeletons have been found, was discovered in 2008 during construction work in the area, when a bulldozer shaved off part of its roof. When researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem entered the 80-meter-long cave to have a look, they quickly discovered the partial human skull sitting on a ledge in one of its side chambers. Beginning in 2010, a team led by Tel Aviv University anthropologist Israel Hershkovitz and other scientists has been excavating in the cave, uncovering stone tools and charcoal from several different prehistoric time periods.


    Interbreeding is a crucial part of human evolution. It's presumed that the Nordic race is a pure breed but the frequencies of the native Siberian haplogroup N are around 8% in Sweden and 5% in Norway because European hunter-gatherers in Scandinavia interbred with North Asians such as the Sami people, who originally migrated from Siberia. The Vikings carried Asian haplogroups such as Q, which is primarily found in these places where the Vikings settled across Europe. For example, in the Shetland Islands, a subarctic archipelago of Scotland, a relatively large number (10%) of inhabitants were found with Haplogroup Q.


    Haplogroup Q is found predominantly in Central Siberia, Central Asia and among Native Americans. Approximately 90% of pre-Columbian Native Americans belonged to haplogroup Q, and all descend from the branch Q1a2a1 (L54), including various subclades of Q1a2a1a1 (M3) and Q1a2a1a2 (Z780). In Europe haplogroup Q is found chiefly in southern Sweden (5%), among Ashkenazi Jews (5%), and is various isolated pockets in central and Eastern Europe such as the Rhône-Alpes region of France, southern Sicily, southern Croatia, northern Serbia, parts of Poland and Ukraine. Šarić et al. (2013) also found 6.1% of haplogroup Q out of 412 samples from the island of Hvar in southern Croatia (accompanied by 2% of East Asian mtDNA haplogroup F).

  6. DevilMayhem666

    DevilMayhem666 Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Oceanic blacks(Melanesian, Negrito, and Australoid) are more genetically similar to European and East Asian than Africans. That's one of the big reasons why race is social construct and why it was dumped by most anthropologist.
  7. DevilMayhem666

    DevilMayhem666 Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I'm talking stress during pregnancy affecting a child's IQ.


    Also, extreme malnutrition at a very young can cause a person's IQ to be 10-15 points below average. Which explains Africa.
  8. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Differences in intelligence within populations are caused by genetic and environmental factors. Differences in intelligence between populations are caused purely by environmental factors. That is my position. Within group heritability and between group heritability are different. One is not relevant to another unless intelligence were 100% heritable within populations then there would be no room for environment to be the cause of differences between populations (genetic determinism).

    I have stated that both genetics and environment play an important role in intelligence. Genetics play a more dominant role as you get older but you still need intelligence to be nurtured properly to realize your genetic potential. I don't know what your problem with that position is. It's obviously correct.

    It's not politically correct to say that there are no genetic differences related to intelligence between races. This is a scientific fact backed by numerous studies. I'm not really interested in the debate over the existence of biological races. Some scientists say biological races exist in the human species and others don't. These scholars are usually working with different definitions so it becomes a semantic dispute. The fact is that there is geographically based genetic variation. Whether this variation partitions in to races is debatable. Obviously there are some differences between populations but the question is are there genetic differences related to intelligence? Science says there are not.

    This link is an opinion piece on a controversial topic. They rely heavily on the theories of the authors of the book "The 10,000 Year Explosion" for their speculations. I have not read the book. Perhaps I will do this when I have time. The subject of Genome-Wide Association Studies and what they are capable of discovering is interesting. Joseph Graves did some research on this. Rayznack has been promoting some studies by Davide Piffer that he believes conclusively show that races differ in genes related to intelligence. I'm going to examine these recent studies in more detail and have already emailed some scholars about them to hear their opinions. When I get responses I will inform the board.
  9. ElDiablo

    ElDiablo Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    No...just a overly simplified method of trying to explain it. The fact is blacks world wide no matter the environment ...no matter how well they do....consistently and constantly score the lowest scores on i.q. tests......the only way to explain it really is that the i.q. tests are flawed and that is what they do and they are joined by white so called progressives....a huge movement to not only discredit i.q. tests but intelligence itself....the goal...conformity and the ever-eluding pursuit of equalism....which they have not been able to achieve...so their current solution is to try and bring down whites to their level...denigrate intelligence and promote there is no such thing as race to begin with....that is the essence of political correctness....deception and disregard for the truth...thus the huge mess we are in today.
  10. DevilMayhem666

    DevilMayhem666 Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Not true...at all. Places like the Bahamas has an average of 93. And then there is this data from the Cognitive Abilities Test for UK students in 2009/10.



    Not looking good for Irish Travelers and Gypsy/Roma though.

  11. ElDiablo

    ElDiablo Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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  12. DevilMayhem666

    DevilMayhem666 Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    They do strongly correlate with IQ.
  13. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Is that your best defense? You know full well that such tests strongly correlate with IQ and earlier in the thread you tried to point to a school achievement gap as evidence that Blacks were not on par intellectually with Whites. You're playing games and moving goal posts. You were proven wrong in your assertions and you know it.
  14. DevilMayhem666

    DevilMayhem666 Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Notice how the black-white mixed are on par with whites.
  15. ElDiablo

    ElDiablo Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Gcse and Sat tests are not i.q. tests and all such tests are skewered towards students that meet a certain profile as in....... the type of student desired by the university or college. These highly desired students are wanted or preferred in order to meet certain political goals the school has. The students that fit the university's preferred list have greater access to educational resources and opportunities that are set up to train students to perform better on such tests through practice questions etc..... there are of course plenty of "tricks" that savvy pc tutors can impart to their students

    One of the problems with schools now and they have been highly critisized for it...is that they spend an extraordinary amount of time ...not actually educating students but training them on how to pass tests through various means that skewer the intended goals of the tests

    University-level entrance exams are not intended as intelligence tests, as Colleges aren’t looking to enroll the smartest students; but rather being devoted to political correctness they seek service oriented students of multi-cultural backgrounds that fit the profile that the federal government insists upon.
    College admissions departments evaluate a student’s credentials and achievements against that student's perceived opportunities. They maintain rigorous expectations of a student who has grown up with many privileges, and reasonably modified expectations of students who have overcome perceived disadvantages not even to mention affirmative action. Thus it is not a level playing field. Colleges are committed to providing financial aid and pro-bono tutoring to minorities or so called dis-advantaged students and those who have historically been under represented in fields of higher learning aka students of color primarily but also other minorities....diversity being the goal.

    There's no getting around the fact that it's not a levelized playing field and that doing well is in large part dependent on whether you can get test prep classes. For that reason such tests as the gse and sat etc. are not good indicators of intelligence. The grades given to minorities are also highly suspect.... as they they can be significantly influenced and altered by how highly the teacher is devoted to political correctness and the fact the teachers know the schools administrators are extremely devoted to making minority students look as good as possible and teachers that go along with that and have a good record of helping minority students succeed......are rewarded. That is the reality of our politically correct academia...much,much pressure put on teachers to close the white/black gap.

    As someone who sat through the SATs and the LSATs and the bar exam, I can say you do not have to be smart to do well on those tests. You just have to work hard and know what to study and how to answer. Those tests are games, which is why those review courses charge so much money to teach you how to play the game.

    And the really pathetic thing is that even though these under-qualified students (primarily students of color).....even with all the help they get....still have great difficulty and often drop out....hence the controversy concerning affirmative action etc. Many saying it is a waste of resources not even to mention that it is unfair to put unqualified students in positions where their chance of academic success is dismal.

    It is true though that the students actually from Africa out-perform American Blacks....because they are so motivated, work and study much harder plus they have superior social skills vs. American Blacks. Yet even after graduation many of them encounter much difficulty not only finding jobs but being able to live up to the expectations that employers insist upon.
  16. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    In other words according to ElDiablo there is a liberal conspiracy to help minorities succeed. :roll:

    What then would you accept as evidence that Blacks are reducing the gap in IQ?

    What would you accept as evidence that the Black-White IQ gap is entirely caused by environment?
  17. ElDiablo

    ElDiablo Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Schools are highly over-rated....especially the radicalized so called...prestigious east coast universities.

    Politics aka affirmative action should be shelved. Such government programs are highly prejudicial and essentially racist by todays definition of racism.

    Students that do not have good i.q.'s should not be encouraged or helped to attend our best universities....all the effort, time and money wasted on trying to close the racial gap should be diverted to actually helping students of good or high intelligence but whose families lack the financial means to send them to college. No foreign students should be given preferential treatment...and only allowed into our schools or universities where there is ample room for them....American Students should be given priority. The ridiculous costs of getting a good education today must be lowered.

    I would say the so called stats showing any decrease in the black/white gap are flawed...that the gap is actually much wider than is claimed due to the skewering of the tests in order to try and make blacks look better.

    The black white i.q. gap is no more a result of the culture or environment than the gap between high i.q. whites and low i.q. whites....intelligence is overwhelmingly due to genetic factors. Whilst in the past it has been impossible to prove that intelligence is inherited....it has long been noted that certain families, groups and nations produce more intelligent children than other groups or nations.

    Modern genetic research is making progress in this area...to be able to prove where intelligence comes from and or how and what causes it....as the recent discovery of the genes that 'determine' intelligence have been just recently identified.
  18. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Your cherry-picked data is junk. IQ's are inherited along racial lines. The very best studies show that 80% of one's intelligence is inherited. The rest is dependent on environmental effects such as home structure, schooling and health issues.

    Modern Liberal Anthropologists are among the most politicized, underhanded, and subjective "researchers" in the field of humanities. They are not nearly to the level of scientists---and should not be confused with them.

    Real racial IQ data must be performed in a randomized, uniform testing manner (such as digit span tests). It must be done with DNA saliva swabs to get a complete genetic profile, and rounded-out with MRI's to precisely measure brain morphology.

    However, tests like these have not been attempted since DNA testing came online during the mid-1980's.

    I say, "Put up or shut up."
  19. DevilMayhem666

    DevilMayhem666 Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Here is more.


  20. DevilMayhem666

    DevilMayhem666 Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    No, the one that is cherry picking here is you. It's 80% in late adulthood(60+) and that's on average.

    Do you know that fetal alcohol syndrome is the leading cause of retardation? If not, know you do. So stop downplaying the effects of environment on intelligence.
  21. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    You didn't answer my questions. You seem entirely convinced that racial IQ gaps are caused by genetic differences despite all the evidence to the contrary.

    When the evidence is not to your liking you claim a conspiracy on the part of those providing it. With this line of reasoning it is impossible to have a rational discussion with people like you.

    I would personally like to see if the conclusions of the racial admixture studies cited by Nisbett can be replicated using modern genetic testing.

    Scientists now have the technology to analyze DNA profiles and determine a person's continental ancestry based on them. They can also estimate the genetic composition of a person. With this sort of technology it would not be hard to get conclusive results on the subject of race, genetics and intelligence.
    They could administer psychometric tests with different types of designs, get complete genetic profiles of each individual subject and see if there is a correlation between IQ, continental ancestry and even brain morphology using MRI data on the same subjects. I welcome this type of testing. But you're going to need to get the cooperation of psychometricians, geneticists and neuroscientists to perform this type of test.
  22. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    It's accepted that East Asians have the highest IQ average of 105, followed by Europeans (99) and Africans (94). The five-point gap between Europeans and Africans may be genetic but it's not as significant as claimed by eugenicists. Despite their superior intelligence, only Japan could rival European powers in the pre-war era among Asian countries and IQ is only a factor which determines one's success in life.
  23. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Down's Syndrome, or Trisomy 21 is a genetic cause and the leading cause of retardation, like most other factors that are genetic.


    Your definition of retardation sounds like something from a progressive defense attorney during a murder trial.

    Stop making stuff up. Do the DNA testing or face heckling.
  24. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    They already know what the results will be, so they won't do them. Also bad for employment and tenure.

    Just like the Flat Earthers don't bother sailing to the edge of the Earth to prove their theories.
  25. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is in fact one of the leading causes of retardation which is clearly an external factor.


    If you don't want retarded kids tell your wife not to drink alcohol during her pregnancy.

    Of course it's also a good idea not to have kids with someone with mental retardation in their family.

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