New Voter, Looking for Information

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Quie, May 22, 2016.

  1. Quie

    Quie New Member

    May 22, 2016
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    Hello everyone, Please call me Quiet. I am 24 years old, live in the USA, and will be taking my first steps into voting this year. Last few elections I felt like nothing I did would make a difference, but I want to try.

    I came here seeking information on presidential candidates. I was a trump supporter until recently, but I'm hoping it won't have to come between trump and Hillary.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Wish there were more like you back in 2008 who felt the same way and would have stayed home.

    America and the world today wouldn't be so screwed up as it is today.

    Well anyways, welcome aboard Quie.
  3. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    IF the MSM has their way, it will be a Clinton v Trump fight. BOTH are liberal Democrats with Trump flip-flopping on a daily basis. IF Trump has the cahones to stand up to Hillary and not back down on his suggested list for a Supreme Court Justice, that may swing my opinion. The fact is, all Hillary wants to talk about is gun control and the charge of racism because Trump wants to nominate a WASP to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

    The facts are that we have women, Jews, a Black and a communist on the Supreme Court. There is not one single, solitary WASP representing the American people in the Supreme Court. Should Trump point that out, it may give him some advantage over Hillary. I still don't like either of them.

    This time you DO have a choice. Most Americans take the quiz and find out they agree with the Libertarian Party. Their presumptive nominee, Gov. Gary Johnson is polling 10 percent right now before he's secured the LP nomination. You can opt to let the MSM pick for you OR you can check out the following links and vote your conscience instead of voting for the lesser of two evils.
  4. Organic

    Organic New Member

    May 21, 2016
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    what principals do you believe in?
  5. Quie

    Quie New Member

    May 22, 2016
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    I believe a different way on a lot of issues people shake their head at me and tell me I can't be in a certain party because of.

    I am pro-gun, I don't want more gun laws.
    I am pro-life, but it isn't my choice to keep a woman from having an abortion or tell her to get one, though I would never have one or let anyone tell me I had to.
    I am against war, unless we absolutely have to fight to defend ourselves.
    I believe you should marry whoever you wish, but men need go use the men's room and women use the women's room.
    If you don't want to serve someone because of religion (refusal of service to make a cake for Nazis or gays for instance) or whatever reason, like they're being a dickhead. (Though that doesn't give an excuse to be a dick about it, be polite when turning down the offer of a job if against religion)

    I hate common core education.
    I believe more companies should manufacture in the USA to make jobs.
    I believe the minimum wage should be raised a bit, but not to $15 an hour.
    I believe illegal immigration is a problem, but I also believe that the process to immigrate is ridiculously expensive and long, thus why so much illegal immigration.

    I feel like taxes could be redistributed to tackle some issues that have risen up over time and help with the growing USA debt.

    Just to name a few
  6. Quie

    Quie New Member

    May 22, 2016
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    Gary Johnson is who I'm here looking up info on. Everything I've seen from him I sort of agree with, I understand i will not agree 100% with any one man/woman but he feels like an ok guy to vote for.

    But I posted to my Facebook about him and an aunt-in-law got on and posted about how he was anti-gun, anti-war, pro-choice, and so on and so on to make him seem like. A. bad choice.

    When we asked her for proof she said she'd heard it on his interviews on YouTube. But so far I've not seen anything to solidify her claims, but I wanted to check all possible outlets for information on the Candidates before I finally decided.
  7. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Don't vote for any of the current candidates. Start the election all over again, and hope you get some serious ones next time.
  8. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    That impression is an issue with many forms of electoral systems, including in the US. You need to try to see that while yours single vote alone won’t have any obvious impact alone (and nor should it – you’re just one of hundreds of millions), it’s still part of that whole. For example, even if your candidate loses, your vote might have been the difference between their vote being 9% or 10% which is an important psychological line that could still make the difference in how much their views are notices and whether they continue to press on in the future.

    Of course, another way to feel (and have) greater impact is to get involved in the actual political process rather than just ticking a box every four years.

    Looking from the outside, it all seems even more of a mess than US Presidential (and national elections in general) often are. I’m not convinced you can trust what the candidates of their supporters are telling you and should really focus on what the responses, within the US and beyond, to each candidate being elected would be.

    It’s also worth remembering that Democrats and Republicans won’t be the only parties putting up candidates. This election seems like one where a good third party or independent could make significant inroads. They’re highly unlikely to even come close to winning but, as per the 9%/10% example above, it could still be a key point in breaking the two-party stranglehold in US politics (which I think could be a good thing). None of the other candidates will get much (if any) mainstream coverage but I think you should put in a little effort in to at least finding out what the alternatives might be.

    The other function of the Presidential situation is that the other parts of government could well become even more important than they are (and if anything they’re already more significant in practice than the President). I think US voters would do well to put more effort in to votes for other seats, during the general election and otherwise. Again, all the media focus will be almost exclusively on the Presidential candidates so you should actively seek out information about all candidates in elections you’re voting in to determine which individuals (regardless of party) you think would do the best job for the people of your nation.
  9. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Welcome, if you want America to look more like the poor and violent 3rd World, more like Brazil, more like Syria, more like South Africa---then please vote the democrat ticket straight down the line.
  10. Quie

    Quie New Member

    May 22, 2016
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    I never said I was going to vote for Hillary...I'll vote for Trump before I vote Hillary
  11. LokkiFreeWorld

    LokkiFreeWorld New Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    My personal recommendation would be to research a third party candidate... I understand I can't change your vote by force but I really don't think Trump is the right man for a president.
  12. Sundance

    Sundance Banned

    Jan 18, 2016
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    We're kind of busy right now.

    Try again in a few months.
  13. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    If you are pro-gun and pro-life you cannot vote for any Democrat, and only a few Republicans. Your list of preferences aligns fairly well with Trump.
    Nevertheless, learn how to write in alternatives. It will probably come in very handy. ;-)
  14. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Check here to see what Gary believes:

    Don't believe the crap people are spewing, telling you that agree with Trump. Trump is a Democrat. Yeah, he will give you that crap about being pro-gun, but what does that mean?

    Will he support bans on imported guns? The first Bush did and he was endorsed by the NRA

    Will Trump support a ban on full autos for civilians? Reagan, a former Democrat did, and he was endorsed by the NRA

    Where does Trump stand on high capacity magazine bans? Waiting periods? Universal background checks? Nobody knows. All he had to do was utter a few pro-gun sentiments.

    No, we aren't going to agree with candidates 100 percent, but you and I think alike on most issues. You're a realist. So, now is the time we support a third party candidate. While they may not win, they might bring serious issues to the table and force the mainstream candidates to either champion your cause or risk losing the election (as the Ds and Rs did to Jesse Ventura.)
  15. Sundance

    Sundance Banned

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Gary Johnson is an open borders loving creep.

    If he gets 3% of the vote he's lucky. And, it will be from Hillary's side.
  16. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    There are a lot more issues than the precious "open borders" argument. The OP has already acknowledged knowing that coming here is way too complicated. The Trumpeteers seem not to have much knowledge regarding the fact that one need not become a citizen in order to do business in the United States.

    The Second Amendment, Obamacare, and a government spiraling out of control are really more important than infringing on the Liberties of employers over an issue that could be taken care of in ten minutes at no cost to the American taxpayer.

    I had to come back and edit this post to say something:

    Gary Johnson has not officially gotten the LP nomination. That event is only hours away. Johnson isn't even the nominee and is polling 11 percent according to the MSM. With four more points, he could be in the debate with Trump and whoever the Dem nominee is (Hitlery Clinton.) Those who push to get Johnson do not have to vote for him and if he does get into the debate, maybe some issues will really be debated and something different will come out of it.
  17. Sundance

    Sundance Banned

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Being for open borders is the death of any candidate to Trump supporters.

    Libertarian philosophy is often even more odious than liberal philosophy. Populist Nationalists (Trump voters) reject it outright.
  18. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    The problem with Trump supporters is that they are single minded issue voters. As such, they fail to see the big picture. By harping on that one issue, I hope that the OP gets the message. Even when you guys are proven wrong, wrong, wrong, you continue to come back like an angry mob.

    The one thing America does not need is mobs of people who have a single issue without an understanding of how that one issue impacts all the other issues. The anti-immigrant crowd gave us the so - called "Patriot Act," the National ID / REAL ID Act, the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, assaults on the Fourth Amendment, assaults on private property Rights, 24 / 7 / 365 womb to the tomb monitoring / surveillance, a weakened Second Amendment, a LEO community that is more indicative of militaristic thinking than it is of peace officers protecting and serving.

    Donald Trump is a Democrat. He is a liberal, playing the right wing. IF he ever got into power, he would be trying to ban high cap magazines, support import bans on firearms, outlaw full auto for civilians, sign on to universal background checks (and eliminate private sales.) He would walk back his anti - immigrant rhetoric and tell you did his best when the Supreme Court busts his chops.

    Those who like Trump have forgotten their heritage and the principles upon which America was founded. They have to have the last word, but America can still be summed up one word: Liberty. Hate it all you like, but you can't kill an idea.
  19. The Great Zeus

    The Great Zeus New Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Psssssstttt...he means fascists.
  20. Sundance

    Sundance Banned

    Jan 18, 2016
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    If liberty isn't backed up with traditional values, morals, a strong military, and strong borders, it means nothing.

    The Founders were for all the things I mentioned, including liberty. The farther we get from the Founders, the further we sink as a nation.
  21. Sundance

    Sundance Banned

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Oh look, a Cultural Marxist. They weren't even around when the country was founded. Stirring up trouble elsewhere, before they begged America to let them in the 1930s.
  22. cupAsoup

    cupAsoup Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Do yourself a favor and air out your political laundry here. Facebook and family are two places you should leave politics out of.
  23. pricelessppp

    pricelessppp New Member

    May 17, 2016
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    Hello i have a lot of similar view points as you do and wondering how to do a mail in vote or a vote at the election office.I am a Trump fan Socialism scares the heck out of me and Hillary is will just crooked.Sanders wants more gun laws banning Semi-Auto type weapons and Hillary/Slandering Sanders do not like Self-defense unlike Trump.Sr.I think to be fair we swore a oath the same oath the Military takes when registering to vote so Crooked-Hillary/Slandering Sanders are out of the question for me.
  24. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Trump is still a Democrat and one must only look at his history to see where he's going in the future. He openly admits that he routinely lies to get what he wants. He always returns to his roots. BTW, weren't you listening when Trump called the politicians in New York "great men" as a counter to Ted Cruz's New York values comment?
  25. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    At least you are consistently wrong about the same issue. "Strong borders" is a euphemism for building a wall around the United States. The notion has been shot down time and time again. For instance, build walls, they dig tunnels. But, being obsessed with immigration, you cannot function outside that single issue.

    In fact, our forefathers were for "open" borders as you like to call them. They believed that America was the New Jerusalem... you know that city without walls (see Zech. 2 : 4 in the Bible.) emry/old jerusalem not new jerusalem.html

    You need to educate yourself as to what our founding fathers believed. While only whites could be citizens and public office was restricted to white Christians, America filled up with immigrants from all over the world. Our founding fathers had a different view about unalienable Rights versus the privileges of citizenship. You need to learn the differences as well.

    Today, all you have to do is create a Guest Worker program without any automatic path to citizenship. Get rid of anti-discrimination laws and allow employers to hire whomever they want. Some will exclude foreigners (whether you characterize them as legal or "illegal.") Give serious tax incentives to employers that hire Americans and take people off welfare, unemployment, etc. Learn and implement laws that recognize the difference between unalienable Rights and the privileges of citizenship.

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