Are Hitler-Trump Comparisons Fair?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Durandal, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Are Hitler-Trump Comparisons Fair? A Holocaust Survivor Tells His Son
    Media | By Itay Hod on March 20, 2016 @ 11:00 am

    TheWrap’s Itay Hod interviews his father, Zeev Hod, about his research and Trump’s rise

    One of the questions I never thought I’d ask my father: Does Donald Trump truly resemble Adolf Hitler?

    My dad, Zeev Hod, is not only one of the smartest people I know — he’s also had the unique experience of being both a Holocaust survivor and a history teacher who spent years educating high school students about the Third Reich.

    Given that people from Louis C.K. to Bill Maher to Glenn Beck have compared Trump to Hitler, I wanted to know if my dad also believed there were similarities between Trump and the man who killed an estimated 200 members of our family — including my father’s father.

    Was he worried? Did it bring back any memories? Did he think that Trump was in fact borrowing ideas from “Mein Kampf?”

    The short answer is “yes.”

    “One of the things people used to say about Hitler when he rose to power in the early 1930’s was that he was saying it like it is,” my dad told me over the phone from Tel Aviv. “They thought he was a bit of a clown, with his big speeches and over-the-top showmanship, but they also admired his ability to say what everyone thought, but didn’t dare say out loud.”

    “Are you worried?” I asked.

    “Not yet,” he answered. “But there is definitely room for concern.”

    I should say, my dad is not easily scared. When he was just 4, his dad — my grandfather — was taken away to one of Hitler’s labor camps, never to be seen again. He was killed at the age of 33.

    The mass murder of Jews in Hungary, where my father was born, began towards the end of World War II, after the Nazi invasion in March 1944. At the time, close to 800,000 Jews were still living in Hungary. Most of them would perish.

    The family story goes that on the day my grandmother and her two small children were eventually rounded up for deportation and certain death, she was saved by a soldier who took pity on her (my grandmother, I’m told, was strikingly beautiful), and shoved her and her small children behind a door. She managed to escape with the kids to a forest near a small village where for nine months, including the dead of winter, they all hid in a hole in the ground.

    My dad later immigrated to Israel, where he served in the Israel Defense Forces’ most prestigious commando unit and fought in four wars.

    But despite all of his hardships, he’s managed to keep a sunny disposition and an optimism that, at times, astounds me. He became a teacher of Jewish history so that his students, and the world, would never forget.

    Here is our conversation, translated from Hebrew.

    So, how much does Donald Trump truly resemble Adolf Hitler?
    There are slight similarities between the two. But there is a difference. Germany was in much worse shape economically in the ’20s and ’30s. It was still recovering from WWI, having to pay reparations to the Allies. Hitler was able to tap into the Germans’ frustration by zeroing in on an enemy, the Jews. He claimed the Jews were taking over the country, stealing high-paying jobs. He was able to galvanize the uneducated by saying that Jews had stabbed Germany in the back.

    Can you give me more examples?
    Sure. Now that America’s minority population is becoming a majority, Trump is able to tap into that same fear among its disenfranchised. Asking his supporters to raise their hand during his rallies while proclaiming their allegiance to him is eerily reminiscent of Hitler’s Nazi salute, which was meant to inspire loyalty and sympathy towards the regime.

    Did Hitler have a lot of fights and scuffles at his rallies?
    Absolutely. If anyone dared to heckle Hitler, the S.A. would beat them to a pulp. They were essentially thugs. Not that different from those we see at Trump’s rallies today.

    What do you think of the fact that so many white supremacists support Trump? Is it because he reminds them of Hitler?
    They seem to think he’s some kind of savior. He’s anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican. He’s also pro-white, at least from their point of view. They see him as an ally.

    What do you make of the fact that Trump’s ex-wife, Ivana, said he used to read “Mein Kampf” before going to bed?
    Well, that doesn’t necessarily make someone a Hitler sympathizer. I’ve read it too, as a history teacher. But it is possible that some of Hitler’s ideas have, consciously or subconsciously, seeped into his way of thinking.

    So how worried are you really?
    Let me put it this way, it could deteriorate and get really ugly. But it’s still an “if.”


    My personal thoughts on the matter are that Trump is very divisive, something 0bama has repeatedly been accused of. I'd also like to get the matter of stupid Hillary out of the way right away - I don't like or support her; I think Bernie would be a better choice, and I think that Hillary's personality/psychological issues make her far from qualified to be president.

    That said, I am also concerned about things Trump says and about the kind of fanatical support he seems to be gathering, and of course just how he's going about gathering it. Just saw the beginning of his recent speech, where he said some pretty interesting things. Things such as: We need to respond to this attack in America as one, united people, with force, purpose and determination, and "If we don't get tough, and if we don't get smart, and fast, we're not going to have our country anymore. There will be nothing, absolutely nothing left."

    This is fear-mongering, this talk of our nation being lost if we don't act in some undefined way "with force, purpose and determination." How are we to take that? It sounds too much like an intent to target Muslims, which is something that current leaders are obviously hoping to avoid having happen. I think he could excite real conflict in this country, real violence along our ever growing left-right divide, and along that Muslim-non-Muslim American line in what would all too closely resemble Nazi persecution of the Jews, who were likewise accused of terrorism and other bad things as a prelude to what we now know as the Holocaust.
  2. Zorroaster

    Zorroaster Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Leaving aside the fair question, such a comparison is not accurate. The US does not have an externally denominated debt, as Germany did ater WW I. Thus, it cannot be forced into financial ruin form external forces.

    There is a real fear of Muslims, but the situation differs radically. Jews were not in the habit of gunning down their fellow Germans in mass numbers in Weimar Germany. Anti-semitism had a centuries long history in Germany. Prior to 9/11 an American would have had no opinion one way or another about Muslims.

    The comparison to Hitler, in particular, makes no sense. Hitler was a failed paper hanger, not a privileged character. If you want to go down this road, you would be more likely to compare Trump to General Ludendorff, the self-important gasbag who paved the way for Hitler. Maybe you should be looking in the wings for the shadowy figure who will be his successor.
  3. tsuke

    tsuke Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    dictators tend to avoid the media and any situation where they can be held accountable for their actions.

    Trump speaks to everyone even continuing a conversation with a nevertrump radio host when he could have hung up.

    Hillary limits the time she talks to media and even has a private server so citizens cannot easy get an FOIA request.

    Hillary is a better comparison to a dictator.
  4. ChiCowboy

    ChiCowboy Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2015
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    Yes, but how does he fare in Five Degrees of Kevin Bacon?

    (Lord, Hitler's been dead for a long ass time, but we still need you to save us from him. Please.)
  5. 1up2down

    1up2down New Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    only to those who have never studied the life of Hitler which is far more complex than most think.
  6. WittySocrates

    WittySocrates Active Member

    May 11, 2016
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    I would say that he does have racist and xenophobic tendencies but to compare him to Hitler is too extreme.

    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    I will say that Trumpf and Hitler are not exactly the same. What Trumpf is doing is using many tactics of the Hitler rise to power.

    My parents survived forced labor concentration camps in Germany. I wish my Dad was still alive so I could have asked him to compare Trumpf to Adolf. My Mom is still alive and this last Sunday we had a family event so later on after bring Mom home we talked about currents events. She said. " you know Partizan this Troomp man he us lithe a Heat Lear " actually it was " Partizan, toi Troomp vein yeh yak Heatleer. ".

    Well what cam I say she lived through those days so who am I to question her opinion. .

    - - - Updated - - -

    I will say that Trumpf and Hitler are not exactly the same. What Trumpf is doing is using many tactics of the Hitler rise to power.

    My parents survived forced labor concentration camps in Germany. I wish my Dad was still alive so I could have asked him to compare Trumpf to Adolf. My Mom is still alive and this last Sunday we had a family event so later on after bring Mom home we talked about currents events. She said. " you know Partizan this Troomp man he us lithe a Heat Lear " actually it was " Partizan, toi Troomp vein yeh yak Heatleer. ".

    Well what can I say she lived through those days so who am I to question her opinion. .
  8. a sound mind

    a sound mind New Member

    Mar 22, 2011
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    u are suggesting that muslims are gunning down their fellow neighbours in the US :omg: ??

    i wud say that claims as inaccurate as this one about jews led to the eventual rise of hitler - think about that :wink:
  9. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    This is false on its face..

    The "cult of personality" is a salient feature of all facist regiemes. Facist dictators never hide from the media. In fact they crave it, and seek to provide it with a constant stream of product that will attract readers and advertisers. They use that power to intimidate media, as Trump has been doing all along.

    And, in the end, they seek to control it and use it to further their ends, as Hitler did, and as Trump believes he can.

    Your claim that Trump speaks to everyone is easily refuted.

    And Trump avoids any media that might ask him a tough question or expect that he be held accountable for his actions.

    Accountibility is not a Trump characteristic. Neither is loyalty, honesty, trust, or empathy.

    Trump is the only US presidential candidate in my living memory to openly discriminate against news outlet that don't tell the story he wants them to tell. He's not subtle about it in the least.
  10. Bluespade

    Bluespade Banned

    Jun 7, 2010
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    Hitler comparisons are unfair to reality.
  11. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    The one thing that keeps Donald Trump from being another Hitler is the man's own laziness.

    Trump is an anti intellectual, a man whose world view is hardly more informed or more sophisticated than his fictional alter ego, Archie Bunker.

    Hitler was a different thing altogether. He was a passionate student of politics and power, and had a very clear and distinctly spelled out vision.

    Trump resembles Hitler in many superfial ways.

    His promotion of violence and thuggary.

    His chest thumping , alternated with raw fearmongering.

    His appeals to white resentment.

    His call to supporter to raise their right hand and pledge alliegence to him, not to the Untied States, is eerily similar to what Hitler did after he came to power.

    His contant stream of ridiculous claims, blatant lies and constantly shifting positions. And his rank self serving behavior.

    Trump's rise in this cycle is eerily similar to teh way Hitler rose in Germany between 1929 and 1932.

    Hitler rose by tapping into a tide of racism and working class resentment, uber nationalism and xenophobia. He played to media constantly.

    And, he took advantage of the fecklessness of weak political leaders who fooled themselves into believing that they could control him if they allowed him into the fold.

    Which is exactly what Trump did to the Republican party.

    There are a couple of cruciual missing pieces.

    As I mentioned elsewhere, Trump has no guiding political philosophy or vision. He says whatever he thinks his target audience wants to hear. He has never articulated any vision other than blatant appeals to white resentment.

    And he is failing with the business class.

    Hitler consolidated his power by forming a deadly coalition with the SDP, and Von Pappen who thought they could control him. At the same time, he went to Germany's major industrialists and publishers and coopted them with promises of wealth in return for thier support. He was even willing to purge his own followers in order to attain that goal.

    Whereas the Nazi party was a well oiled machine, established throughout the country, Trump's campaign is a rag tag slapped together affair, dominated by one man, and characterized by weak and inconsistant messaging and internal feuding.

    In this last instance, Trump and Hitler are very similar. Both like to play their subordinates off against one another. It's not effecient or even a good way to lead, but it reinforces the need for the man at the top to feel powerful.

    Trump's attempts to pivot to the donor and business class have fallen flat. They have know who and what he is for a long time, and they know better than to trust him.

    How ironic, to think that the force in America that finally undermines this malignant and malicious character, are the bankers and the billionares.

    Hitler did not make that mistake.
  12. tsuke

    tsuke Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    Trump had an interview with a nevertrump radio host in Wisconsin. He could have hung up when the host said he was nevertrump but he continued anyway. Show me one instance where hillary Clinton had an interview with someone unfavorable to her.

    How many interviews has trump done? Including with outlets hostile to him like ny times ? How about hillary?
  13. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Trump couldn't afford to hang up on that particular radio host, as he needed to pander for votes.

    Pretending that this one inteview is the rule rather than the exception is dishonest, but that's to be expected.

    And since this thread is about Trump, deflections of the sort you tried are noted, but ignored.

    Trump gave his obligatory sit downs with the Washington Post and New York Times. In both cases what he said with ridiculous and blatantly false, which is normal for him.

    He attacked both papers for pointing it out.

    He also sat for the New York Post, where he did much the same thing, expecting a much friendlier reception given that the NYP is a Murdoch organ. They simply printed his remarks verbatim, allowing the man to make a fool of himself without anyone's help.
  14. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    IDK, has Trump ever hijacked a meeting hall and served 2 years in prison for it? has Trump ever written a book about why it's ok to kill Muslims and why we should?

    No, Trump is no where near Hitler and anyone who attempts to compare Trump to Hitler is a moron that doesn't know anything about Hitler.
  15. Nat Turner

    Nat Turner New Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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    More Mussolini than Hitler. Benito was a dangerous but still buffoonish clown. Adolph anything but. Besides< I'm sure we have nothing to worry about as how many ad nauseum times have we heard from the 2nd Amendment crazies that the reason that Hitler was able to seize power and kill all the Jews is because he took away their guns and they wouldn't let He, Trump do that. They'd fight back in the bloody streets. Ya sure, ya betcha.
  16. tsuke

    tsuke Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    needed to pander? He is at like 1500 delegates. He could have lost wisconsin (and did) and it wouldnt have changed the results of the NE (it didnt)

    again he sat down for those interviews which is more than hillary did. You discount these things which actually happened. Whereas Hillary has done everything possible to prevent the press from reaching her.

    Trump has been the most accessible candidate for both sides by far.
  17. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    The most recent cult of personality was Obama. Obama continues to act more like a lawless ruler. Comparisons?
  18. running

    running New Member

    Jun 14, 2016
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    Todays nazis are present day radical islamic terrorists. The super race nazis. The super race radical islamic terrorists. Present day nazi sympathizers are making excuses for the terrorists, and not calling them what they are. It has less to do with personality imo. It has to do with actions. Just as some sympathized with the nazis. History repeats itself.

    Im sure many people are thankful that many countries stood up against the nazis. Some of them with personalities far stronger than trump. Such as Patton!
  19. Overseer

    Overseer New Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Of course comparisons between Trump and Hitler are fair.

    The greatest similarity between the two is that they are both demagogues who manipulate the gullible masses with skill and ease.

    Those who claim that Trumps rise is because of peoples anger with the political establishment are talking nonsense.

    Trump is manipulating the gullible masses like a puppet master. That's all there is to it.
  20. alan78

    alan78 New Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Thanks OP!

    Open up the history books and look at Hitler when he first ran for Chancellor of Germany. Hitler's platform was populist, racist, law and order, isolationist and targeted specific religious groups and races/ethnicities.
    Compare Trump's platform, populist, racist, mysogionist, isolationist and targeting specific religious groups and races/ethnicities.
    All Hitler is missing is being a mysogionist. All Trump is missing is the little Charlie Chaplin mustache (although he has the odd hair thing).

    Trump was a joke, now he's becoming scary.
  21. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    To your first point, about the debt situation, I would point out that this is about comparing a man to a man, a would-be leader to a past leader, and not the American nation to the German nation at the time of Hitler's rise. It could be argued that such a debt is not strictly necessary as an ingredient for America to get a new Hitler, but rather a situation that has a similar situation on the mindset of the people, and a would-be leader who similarly exploits that situation to rise to power, and who then proceeds along a path that might be compared to that of Hitler.

    Regarding the perception of Muslims, there is a great deal distrust, and it grows as incidents such as this one occur. I believe that it is leading to frustration, as expressed by Trump recently, with leadership that is at present "weak" and failing to counter a perceived problem that is imagined to be growing worse and, in Trump's words, threatening to destroy the nation. If such thinking spreads widely enough and is taken seriously enough, it could create a situation not unlike the pre-Nazi German situation, don't you think? People might be ready to take drastic action in order to alleviate their fear of the nebulous threat of radical Islamist terrorism.

    Regarding Ludendorff, this is an interesting point. Indeed, it could be that someone worse than Trump, someone more radical, perhaps more charismatic and narcissistic, will come along after him. In 2020, perhaps? 2024? If Trump or his competition, whoever happens to win, fails to alleviate current feelings of fear, if conditions worsen and more attacks occur, then we must anticipate even more frustration and more radical thinking, I would say.
  22. Esau

    Esau Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    You can't get away with those things now. Trump is Hitler reincarnated though. They're both German, racist, extreme and have horrible hair styles
  23. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Yes, he needed to pander. The incident you are talking aobut happened months ago. So your attempt to paint the past as present fails.
  24. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    LMAO...That's because he's an attention whore who takes every opportunity to lie to his mindless chumps.
  25. tsuke

    tsuke Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    whatever the motivations the press has more opportunities to hold him accountable for his words. He even speaks to press figures in the nevertrump group. Hillary hides from the press every chance she gets.

    Dictators hate giving anyone the opportunity to question them.

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    agian no matter what happened in WI he was going to win the NE. Every single anti-trump person already factored it into their calculations which is why indiana was the next stand. I have done numerous paths to 1237 for this site and he did not need WI.

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