Quick fix to addiction.

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by Brett Nortje, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Addiction is where your body wants to keep the levels of 'things' in your blood at 'a certain level.' this is a new level of homeostasis, or, body balance due to chemicals in blood. this is because your body has now functioned with certain levels in your body, and, the balance is with these things in it, like trying to gain fuels that your body has been using.

    If we were to observe that flushing these things would result in getting them gone right away, we would need to get the actual cells and organs that have absorbed these chemicals in the past eject them immediately.

    So, how do we get chemicals out of cells? this could be done by flooding the cells with fuels, and, this is why people eat a lot when they are trying to, for example, quit smoking. liquids like water would get absorbed quickly, as they are not dense, so, hold on...

    If we were to try to use hydrogen gas pumped into our body, this is the most basic of chemicals and will be absorbed quickly. the problem then is that your body will become addicted to hydrogen surplus, so we mix a little oxygen with it, another essential gas, we could basically rule it out with water being drunk in excess amounts to force cell division, and then the substances will be 'forced out' quickly.

    But, that is not quick enough! we need it to be faster! maybe if we were to observe that the water itself will get absorbed by cells, and then get absorbed by the water too, this will be a case of cells absorbing something that absorbs the bad stuff, so, it is like medicine for the cells, yes?

    Now, to speed it up more, we could get hold of viagra, as this stimulates cell division in hormones, or, growth hormones. this will produce excess cells to replace those that are old, and, naturally, the older the cell, the closer it is to being 'excreted.' sweating will help too, so, exercise is pivotal to quick rehabilitation, of course. vitamin supplements would help too, as these would go straight into the cells, unbalancing the stasis or balance of the body in favor of nutritious fuels.
  2. spt5

    spt5 New Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    Would be interesting to exploit addiction for life span management and metabolism management. That way population dynamics could be engineered.

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