OK, conservatives... You WON!! ... Now what?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by bobnelsonfr, Mar 6, 2017.

  1. Blackbeard

    Blackbeard Active Member

    Nov 10, 2014
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    Mop up.
  2. GW in Ohio

    GW in Ohio Member

    Aug 29, 2008
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    Trump's inclination seems to be to add more money to military spending (even though we're currently spending more on military stuff than the next 7 countries combined) and to cut spending for things he doesn't consider important, like the EPA, the arts, NPR........
  3. GrayMan

    GrayMan Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2010
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    We should have cut them all including the military. Environment can and is more regulated by some of the individual states anyways.

    The problem with cutting the military is that we already have a global mess on our hands and have made ourselves a key part of it. We cannot simply pack up and leave.
  4. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Are you for real? Where have you been all this time since November 8, 2016?

    -The pipelines
    -The Mexico city policy
    -government hiring freeze
    - 2 for one regulations (for each new regulation 2 are to be eliminated)
    -the overhaul of government agencies
    -Tax reform
    -Obamacare replacement
    -Trade agreement revisions
    -Border protection
    -Immigration law enforcement
    -Foreign aid cuts
    -Extreme vetting
    -reviews of NATO, military alliance
    -Moving the embassy to Jerusalem
    This is certainly not a complete list, just a sample of things that have already happened or are on the agenda.

    Hmm, we'll let the military decide how best to handle these issues, will equip them to their teeth with the best most sophisticated and modern equipment and we will not hold their hands tied behind their backs, the way previous administrations did.
  5. Danneskjold

    Danneskjold Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Everything in life is luck.
    -Donald Trump
  6. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    And a big


    for you!

    Fully a third of Republicans in both houses of Congress ran on the promise that they would refuse to govern. This 1/5 of the entire congress wags the governing dog by refusing to even look at any proposal that is not 100% their agenda. This means the Republicans cannot pass anything but the most innocuous of legislation.

    In the House, propose anything to the left and lose those 70 cacausuckers and you can't pass w/o 50-60 Democrats. Move to the right and you get the freedom cacausuckers but lose all the Democrats and maybe 30 Republicans.

    Too far right and the Senate filibusters. Get rid of the filibuster and you still have to hold on to at least 50.

    Those 70 Congressman and 17 Senators will keep the Republicans from accomplishing anything of import.
  7. GW in Ohio

    GW in Ohio Member

    Aug 29, 2008
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    Trump's philosophy of America first, and screw everybody else can't ultimately work. The world is too interconnected and too interdependent economically for that philosophy to work.
    Two examples:
    • If Trump tries to make Mexico pay for his stupid wall by increasing tariffs on Mexican goods, they'll simply raise the price of their goods and we'll end up paying higher prices.
    • If Trump pulls us out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, it will just create a vacuum in the Asian economic sphere that China will be only too happy to fill. So China's influence and clout in the Pacific will increase while ours diminishes.
    dadoalex likes this.
  8. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    It works for China

    YOU will end up paying higher prices perhaps, the rest of us will end up buying the same goods at the original prices from Mexico's competitors... which is why they won't raise prices and risk losing their entire market share to these competitors.
    mbk734 likes this.
  9. God & Country

    God & Country Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Due to the snarky tone of this post I'll begin my answer with, we are going to fill re-education camps with liberals, communists and anarchists and water board every one of them until they come become rational. Once they become reasonably stable it's off to forced labor facilities that are owned by the 1%. Next we will eliminate all federal workers with the exception of the actual number of people it actually takes to do those jobs. I think the evil Democrats need to be taught a lesson and so we will impose upon them term limits and Obamacare. I think we'll give California back to Mexico, oh wait didn't that already happen? Speaking of Mexicans we're going to put a wall on the border, a wall of gun nuts with a 700 mile free fire zone. We're going to shut down all the media outlets except Fox, Breitbart and Drudge. I think we should suspend all entitlements so those folks will have to go find a job. The only abortions that will be legal will be ones for anyone who works for Planned Parenthood, that is, retro-active. We'll consider from their birth to whatever their age is now to be the third trimester for a really late term procedure of say an ice pick thrust into the brainstem, painless and humane dontcha think? But seriously if we can fix the economy, healthcare and immigration that'll be a good start and hey we won so that means doing whatever we want no matter how shrill the opposition becomes. Post Trump America is going to look well, more like America and it's never going to be the wasteland the progressives would have created. I think this is going to be worse than the progressives fear but that's mostly because they haven't grasped yet the their sudden catastrophic and irreversible loss of power.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2017

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