The right for decency

Discussion in 'Human Rights' started by delade, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    If a person was living in a Jail like Country, then I can see how being stepped on with disrespect would be okay. Being treated with disrespect by the 'sane' persons of the world, the ones who are not addicted to substances, those who are not mentally 'chemically imbalanced', those who drive and own cars, those who have children to raise, etc... is a very ill form of life.

    Such persons, after have been granted the gifts of the 'normal', when they live their lives in disrespect to others, to their neighbors, can truly change the outlook of any 'challenged' person. It can be understood if the mentally challenged shows forms of disrespect, but when the non mentally challenged, the non mentally ill show such forms, the tables get switched and the normal begin getting the stigma of being 'wrong' to society.

    Many past murderers, rapists, molesters, etc, can testify to their mental instability. However the non mentally disabled should be 'clear minded' enough to realize that they, the instable, are the weaker and lesser of the vessels. They are not to be stepped upon. If any stepping desires to be done by the 'normal' of Society, they can camp on the State Capitol's Lawn so that their voice can be heard. But for them to 'attack' and surround the already unstable is more mentally unstable than the already diagnosed mentally unstable.

    Fighting with a mentally ill person with empty arguments, although many others may see things their way, is purely a form a immaturity. And when the 'sober minded' move into a place where other tenants were already in and begin to disrespect the ones who have already been there, and then claim mental stability and then begin arguing over 'respect' issues brought forth from already established tenants, there can be little justification for them. If they are mentally unstable, they should not infringe upon the requests of the tenant(s), regardless if they are stable or not. Although many sober minded persons can let things go to the newly arrived tenant, not all want to allow such persons to control the mood of the entire place. Such newly arriving ill tenants cause many good tenants to move and look for other places to live. It may be good or it may not be but with such newly arrived tenants remaining to continue to do those things which were requested not to be done, the other tenants might have to learn to deal with them one by one until the ones who do not care to work with the concerns of the tenants, is the only tenants remaining.

    There are only 2 possibilities to such a situation:

    1- The 'bad' move in and take over.
    2- The 'bad' learns how to cooperate or moves.

    And with the first case, the good tenants will remain to either move or work along the bad.

    And with the second case, the cooperation should have occurred the first time around.

    I cannot see how persons can have so much time on their hands to work, live among, those who have refused any cooperation. Regardless of who is right or who is wrong... Cooperation, if refused upon request, will result in someone moving away.

    And if and when Police can do nothing about it, or if and when the Landlord can or does nothing about it, then surely, that place is not fit for any sound minded person.

    Cooperation does not need any 'brains' behind it. It just takes common respect and courtesy.

    Noone is right.. But everybody wants a piece of mind and a piece of soundness without the ones who cause and provoke always provoking and causing things contrary to soundness. The apartment or home is supposed to be a place of rest and quiet, not a place to cause the other tenants trouble. And an apartment complex, an open apartment duplex, with individual neighbors being so close to each other, should have some form of mutual safety and mutual pleasantries. There is not any major concerns for asking another tenant to keep their music 'down'. There is no major concerns for asking another tenant to smoke 'off' property if needed. There is no major concern. However having equal requests to all the tenants is much less suspicious than to allow 1 unit to smoke their 'weed' while asking another tenant to not smoke his cigarette. 1 unit can have pets while the unit right next to it cannot. Yet the entire building is owned by the same 1 owner. What is that and how can that be justified if all the units are constructed in the same way? There might be no smoking indoors for 1 unit but for another smoking weed indoors is okay... how is that Just and not a cause for mental instability? You have a guest of one of the units hopping the fence to enter onto the property which they claim acceptable and when confronted and asked that his guest not hop the fence and agrees, that they begin to throw trash onto your porch.. Right there should be a definite sign that they are not mentally all there. But for them to receive justifications and continued allowances by Landlord and Police, then what can a person do?

    Living next to one another is not a means to dig up evils in the other tenants' lives. It is for safety's sake.

    Proverbs 3:29
    "Devise not evil against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee."

    This applies to young children who are not yet old enough to attend any school. If cries and shouts and painful outcries from the child is being oftened heard and when a tenant shows concern for the safety of the child and yet is deemed guilty of aggressiveness by Police, then that whole city Police department might be the ones who are in need of Psychiatric Evaluation. Yes, true. Children have a right to cry out in pain.. Sure, that is granted. But when Police can not even check to see if the child is safe and okay and even if the Police cannot check upon the parents' mental stability, even after information of possible methamphetamine drug use is given, and even if the parents are mentally stable enough to own expensive cars and drive around lavishly, and yet if Police will not keep the safety of the child in mind, then what might be wrong??

    How in the heck would CPS get involved if Police say all is well?

    The mental instability was already clear and evident when they might have thrown their left over fast food meal bag with its empty contents to the one who lives upstairs from them... As far as them coming up the stairs to an upstairs unit to smear their dog's feces on the window pane is a whole different incident. And even when Police is advised of their behavior, they deem them okay. Yet the little child who lives in that unit with them and who is not yet old enough to attend school cries out in pain and anguish from time to time.. I guess it is the child's right to do so... It is the child's right to bang upon the screen door. It is the child's right to scream out in pain. It is the child's right to say 'no' to any who ask if anything is wrong. It is okay.. It is their right. But for having a set of parents who don't find smearing dog feces onto a window sill might cause concern as to the stability of the parents' mental faculties. And as far as them not having any adults come by as friends but are only visited by young adolescents under the age of 13 seems a bit strange. Not only that but allowing such young guests to 'hop' the fence onto the property instead of coming in through the drive entrance can cause anyone to begin to wonder on their adult mental stability. Who knows what such unstable minded persons are capable of doing if they don't care if their hands were used to smear dog feces onto another person's window sill?? I would only have to assume that such behavior is the norm seen by the Police for them to be able to dismiss it so lightly.

    So you have a child, 2 adults, possible methamphetamine use, Police, tenants, respect. All persons working together in a form of respect. Yeah, right.

    Living in such places can get a person very afraid to even say anything contrary to crime and its adherents. Even the seniors can get pretty timid and quiet when looked at with that look. Maybe it's a secret quiet code.

    'Leave us to do what we do and we will leave you alone to let you live.'

    Even IF this is an extreme, the child, the adults, the feces smearing to another tenant's window sill, midnight slamming of doors, incoherent speech, lack of employment, lack of schooling, and Police being intimidated by such persons, may not be too far out of the way it appears to be.

    And to think that all this may have begun by some underage and overaged drug users.. In this State and/or in every other State. The mentally ill getting the best of Law due to the fact that their 'normal' has become everybody's high. Their normal consists of them needing to do those methamphetamine hits. Without those meth hits, they cannot reason between their left and right hand. They are unable to get out of bed without their meth hits. Nor can they do anything without their meth. Their meth is needed in order for them to function as they did before they began using drugs.

    Sure they might be able to go to work and hold down the job, but without the meth, they would be as very unable.. They need the meth in order to do daily routine tasks every non drug user does. They might not even be able to speak logically or type normally without the meth in their system.

    Time and time again, people try to help them.. Time and time again they tell them to mind their own business. Time and time again people try to help them. Time and time again they 'prove' that they are 'normal and functional'. Time and time again nothing gets done.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
  2. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    For every 1 pound of meth cooked, ~ 6 pounds of Toxic Waste is left.

    Five to seven pounds of toxic waste are produced per pound of meth. These hazardous chemicals may be dumped on the ground or in nearby streams and lakes, buried or simply left behind. Toxic wastes can contaminate drinking water.

    Some of the ingredients such users put into their bodies circulation system are:

    Lye - used to decompose 'road kill'
    Toluene - used in brake fluid and strong enough to dissolve rubber, as in rubber tires, rubber.
    Sulfuric Acid - Used in toilet bowl cleaners.
    Hydrochloric Acid - It can remove rust from steel. (Coca-Cola is known to be able to do the same).
    Lithium - Used in batteries and in rocket propulsion systems.

    What does anyone figure? That their brains and organs are going to be stronger and tougher than tire rubber?

    Now we are seeing Heroin and opiate abuse.

    Heroin has just the same detrimental quality ingredients, just not the exact same ones as meth.

    Along with the problem of not knowing the strength of the heroin being used, the safety of the additive substance is nearly impossible to account for. An analysis of heroin samples, which have been confiscated by law enforcement, revealed a long list of poisons and household items have been found as cutting agents.

    Pure heroin is what the majority of addicts strive to acquire. However, it is much more likely that the drug is cut with an additive substance before being sold on the street. Substances typical used as additives can vary widely – from powdered milk or starch to even poisonous substances, such as quinine or strychnine

    Recently, Afghanistan was identified as the leader in world-wide heroin trafficking according to the 2014 UN World Drug Report.

    Heroin Contaminants
    As communities and countries grow alarmed at heroin’s rise in prominence, they have enacted legislation that bans the growth of poppy crops. That means heroin’s main ingredient is growing more and more expensive. That extra expense is prompting some people to add things to heroin. Common additions include:

    • Talc
    • Caffeine
    • Laxatives
    • Aspirin
    These are very simple, easy-to-get substances that look a little like powdered heroin. Adding them to the stash could allow producers to keep their supplies up while keeping their costs down. That could be vital, as the worldwide production of poppies continues to drop.

    In addition, some producers have been adding other drugs to heroin in order to create custom drugs with a bigger kick. The Baltimore Sun reports, for example, that batches of heroin spiked with the drug fentanyl have been found in Maryland, and in the fall and winter of 2013, more than 30 people died due to that contamination.

    People might continue to use, but from whom they get the stuff might be more of a danger than the drug itself.

    If and when a person uses a drug for personal use in private setting, that is one thing. But when their private personal use begins to affect neighbors who are strangers, that is a completely different thing. There might be less persons concerned about their general health than there are persons concerned for their 'own' safety when strangers and noises never cease from the places that the drugs are being used in.

    I never see a Senior phoning in a 'drug call' for people in the Parks but i do see them phoning in 'drug calls' when their neighbors are seen as peculiar.

    People want to live in safety. That is why they pay rent or mortgage.

    It is sad when HUD recipients, due to disabilities, become neighbors with those who receive HUD due to lack of Employment.

    But however way you look at it, drugs costs monies. They cost more than the rent paid with HUD assistance.

    Some HUD recipients struggle to have enough food for the month while others struggle to have enough drugs for the month.

    And so what would be so wrong for any person to want safety and well being in their homes or apartments?

    Being neighbors to HUD recipients has shown me the poles of HUD recipients. Some are the nicest persons you can ever meet. And some are the most addicted you can ever meet. It is going to be much harder for the 'addicted' to get out of the HUD system than it is for the one who is mentally not all able to get by. Well at least that is how I view it. But hopefully, people will receive what they are truly worth.

    How would any Professional believe that a person with a psychosis that needs to be monitored can keep down a full time life long job?

    Just as there are relapses, or so they say, with drug use, they say it also occurs with psychosis.

    However, there is one very strong tie with drug use and mental psychoses. Drug use, if done for a long enough time, has a higher probability to develop into a psychosis the longer a person stays on the drug(s).

    Not every person who has done LSD or Meth once became mentally 'ill'. But most of those who have done LSD or Meth 100 times has. It may not be diagnosed but when they are alone, they might be wondering why they are entertaining strange ideas and thoughts... If the long use of drugs does not cause a mental disorder, it may cause a personality disorder.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017

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