If Blacks Are So Bad...

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Antiduopolist, Nov 21, 2018.

  1. Taxonomy26

    Taxonomy26 Banned

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Why do Young people migrate to drugs?

    Want to bet?

    I don't know a single person who wouldn't give up Jazz to get rid of Half the Violent crime.
    (Committed at 5-8x the white rate by Blacks)

    Actually "Black folk" have disproportionally weaker minds/Lower IQs.
    Athletes sure, and definitely better.

    There are a certain portion of Ignorant Racist Whites.. like Trump.

    It IS the "other way around".
    Black on White crime is much larger than the reverse.


    I did.
    You made up alot of False Premises/phenomena/BS.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2018
  2. Avery Jarhman

    Avery Jarhman Banned

    May 19, 2017
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    #TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

    Hello, Antiduopolist.

    Regarding Rap music, President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama and social phenomenon.

    With all respect and genuine sincerity, I am curious to learn if YOU believe President and First Lady Mrs. Obama were acting in the best interests of, or promoting a positive HEALTHY image of our responsible, peaceful black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent when they invited to their children's and Nation's home...

    ...more than a dozen apparent or admitted emotionally troubled American urban-TRUTH-tellers composing American music art portraying black or American citizens of African descent, in particular teen boys and adult men, as depressed, angry, frustrated, violent, suic!dal, homic!dal thinking citizens (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors?


    Nasir 'Nas' bin Olu Dara Jones.jpg

    Antiduopolist, do you believe President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and First Lady Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama were acting in the best interests of ALL American citizens when they actively promoted VIOLENCE riddled, female HATING American music art composed by apparent 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims vividly describing our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey passionately addressed during a March 11, 2018, '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma"!

    EYE-OPENING, life changing medical knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

    YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey 'Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

    _Belinda Pittman-McGee Oprah Winfrey_02.jpg

    A *CHILD CARE* Public Health Crisis responsible for inspiring the late American urban-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur, a Childhood Trauma (#ACEs) and homicide victim, to create his #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E Child Abuse, Emotional, Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* concept!

    "The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur

    "We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

    _tupac dr nadine burke harris common.jpg

    Antiduopolist, in the 1980s I became an overworked uniform cop, robbery and death investigator spending near-twelve years of my life serving young 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn Jay Z Carter's and Christopher Biggie Smalls Wallace's Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods.

    During those twelve years, regularly, I witnessed WHY Shawn and Christopher matured into admitted or apparent emotionally troubled teens and adults HATEFULLY denigrating black or American girls, women and MOTHERS of African descent as less than human B*tches and HOES or THOTS undeserving of being treated with basic human respect.

    obama white house guests.jpg

    Antiduopolist, I would like to learn your theory explaining why during the 60-70s Mr. Stevie Wonder, as well as virtually all of his musically gifted peers were adoring, praising, wooing, lamenting, loving and respecting women.

    Yet beginning in the 1980s Mr. Shawn Carter and his American urban-TRUTH-teller peers loudly, as well as HATEFULLY inform our entire world that black or American girls, women and MOTHERS of African descent should be viewed as less than human creatures and hoes.

    stevie wonder, shawn carter HATE.jpg

    Antiduopolist, I look forward to learning your theory about this disturbing, apparent HEALTH and social related phenomenon.

    If you do not have a theory, respectfully, this conversation is over before it begins..

    Antiduopolist, also, I look forward to reading my caring, responsible American or foreign born neighbors thoughts and concerns with hopes of intelligently discussing SOLUTIONS for PREVENTING large numbers of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets from experiencing, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!

    POVERTY toya graham .jpg

    American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
  3. Avery Jarhman

    Avery Jarhman Banned

    May 19, 2017
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    #TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions
    Kendrick Lamar, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, IMPEACH.jpg

    Hello, Taxonomy26. I'd like to share with you this writing, regarding Racist Americans citizens and Donald Trump...

    http://u.cubeupload.com/AveryJ/NadineBurkeHarrisTRU.jpg (IMPLORE TRUMP)

    How I Learned I Am A “Racist,” Ignorant, Slow-To-Evolve American Citizen, Much Like Donald Trump

    In the early 80s I discovered significant numbers of my American neighbors asserted I am a Racist American citizen when I became a rookie cop assigned to serve the Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods where young Childhood Trauma (#ACEs) victims Christopher "Biggie Smalls" Wallace and Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" WH guest and friend Shawn "Jay Z" Carter peddled life sapping drugs to their depressed neighbors, regardless of their self-harming neighbor's AGE, physical, emotional or MATERNAL condition. #AfeniShakur #ToyaGraham #GloriaDarden #FreddieGray


    Sadly, during this period of American societal and human evolution I learned significant numbers of my FELLOW AMERICAN CITIZENS adamantly believed, and often LOUDLY asserted I was a racist American citizen for simply wearing a blue uniform and walking along any one of Bedford Stuyvesant's residential streets.

    The same RESIDENTIAL neighborhood streets where I, as well as many of my peaceful American neighbors and their children would regularly deal with emotional stresses, as well as FEARS for our personal, family's, neighbor's or co-worker's SAFETY, while counting the number of nearby or distant GUNSHOTS echoing through the community. #MurderedAmericanChildren, #JamylaBolden #LaylahPeterson #BillThao #DeEarlvionWhitley, #AyannaAllen, #JaQuailMansaw, #PaytonBenson, #TianaRicks, (not an inclusive list)


    After a while I got used to the illogical, hateful name calling.

    Though I'm not sure I will ever get over REGULARLY witnessing the VIOLENCE as well as SU!CIDAL, HOMIC!DAL people and community harming behaviors 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn "Jay Z" Carter and his admitted depressed, suic!dal thinking friend "Biggie Smalls" proudly rap/speak about personally engaging in, or witnessing their emotionally ill friends and fellow GANG members engaging in. (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)


    IN ALL SERIOUSNESS, who is raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns, maturing into apparent emotionally ill, violent, suic!dal, homic!dal thinking teen and adult gang-bangers and thugs (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) intentionally causing COMMUNITY FEAR & VIOLENCE, as well as TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing black or African American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent?



    In my opinion, the APPARENT 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims appearing in these recordings UNKNOWINGLY are providing a disturbing symbol for America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment evolving from America’s oppressive, multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

    Sadly, each of the apparent emotionally or mentally ill suicidal/homicidal thinking Americans (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) appearing in these horrifying recordings are exhibiting self, people and community harming behaviors that I, as well as a growing number of my responsible, caring American neighbors believe are impeding our responsible, peaceful black or American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent from fully experiencing the respect and equality all peaceful Americans have a right to enjoy.

    I look forward to reading your reply, with hopes of intelligently discussing SOLUTIONS for PREVENTING large numbers of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets from experiencing, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!

    _Belinda Pittman-McGee Oprah Winfrey_02.jpg

    American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

    Tagged: #Parenting, #ChildAbuse, #MedicalDisease, #ChildhoodTrauma, #ChildMaltreatment, #MentalHealth, #FatherlessBoys, #FatherlessGirls, #FatherlessTeens, #FatherlessAdults, #Sadness, #Resentment, #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E >>>REMEDY>>> #A_F_R_E_C_A_N

    *"America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse and Neglect”*
  4. TexMexChef

    TexMexChef Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Blacks are no more criminals than are Mexicans drug dealers and rapists.

    It's in the soul of the perciever.

    I perceive racists having the brain the size of a walnut.
  5. Antiduopolist

    Antiduopolist Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2016
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    Little Stevie Wonder was the BOMB. :worship:
  6. Antiduopolist

    Antiduopolist Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2016
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    Well, insight the size of a walnut anyway.
  7. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    Your post doesn't confront or acknowledge the very real problems within black communities. What are your thoughts on what problems (if any) might be shaping a general perception of negativity towards blacks as a race?
  8. Mr.Incognito

    Mr.Incognito Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2017
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    One things for sure. No matter where a black person lives in America, he or she will be judged by what goes on in Chicago!!! Lol
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
  9. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Blame democrats.

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