Government Overstep outlaws responsible religion 50's-70's

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by MikeDwight, Oct 21, 2019.

  1. MikeDwight

    MikeDwight Banned

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Hello. This is my first post on political forum. I'm trying for quality content to make a good impression. However, I'm also here for my specific topic discussion.

    What are the very specific criteria in which we can determine Federal Government legislation's overstep of the 1st amendment's Freedom of Religion and exercise of Religion?

    Has anyone looked to the history of Christianity to discover any responsible Religion in the wrld reaches out in fairness outside of Nationalism? We could assume doing good through a spiritual calling in your local area, but religion otherwise is only responsible above a Ponzi Scheme in being the Sanctuary of all, of being for the outcast, and being to unite all the Nations, in the case of Christianity.

    That's why I'm writing concerning Presbyterianism. This term seems to carry mostly modern usage. Let's review a short history. Why is this not responsible Christian government that Americans are responsible to today? The British Colonies originally consisted of Christians. Lets take a Detailed look at some politics of the religions there. The Reformed Branch broke decidedly more so than Protestants from Catholicism. The Reformed Branch includes from Britain the Scottish Presbyterians and the English Puritans. English Pilgrim Puritans famously created the Plymouth colony, we assume that around 35% of Americans today are descendants with some genetic makeup from the original Puritans. Also the Scottish Presbyterians in greater numbers after the Act of Union in 1702.

    Also present, were Catholic refuge states like Maryland. There were Congregationalists, Quakers, and Anabaptists like the Amish. We note 2 Catholics of the 52 brave signers of the Declaration of Independence, however, 12 of these signers were in fact ministers, and one third of signers of the Declaration of Independence were in fact Presbyterians. Is it no wonder then, that we should consider the Presbyterian approach to "Freedom of Religion", when the British Empire preferred Anglican officers, wished to impose Anglicanism on Scotland, and William Wallace bravely asked for "Freedom" at the end of the movie Braveheart.

    When Andrew Jackson was sworn in, his Presidential Inauguration at the ending for the traditional spot of the speech given at a Presidential Inauguration, Andrew Jackson praises the 'lights that Reformed our Government". Andrew Jackson hardly reads so I don't know who should be credited as his minister, but it is a bold claim, in so far as the New Lights and Old Lights Presbyterian Schism is being referenced as a Government of the United States. Andrew Jackson's protection of his wife, Rachel's Death, his duels, his Trail of Tears removal of the Indians based upon a reluctance against adopting civilized Christian characters, and the Battle of New Orleans are all famous facets of Andrew Jackson, also to note his Hermitage cemetery monument. His speech on indian removal credited the best interests of the states of Mississippi and Alabama, among others in Indian Removal.

    Up to this time many states had laws against Christmas. 12 of 13 colonies were said to have official religions. Is this really establishment? In Lemon v Kurtzman, as well as the concept of "Separation of Church and State" developed by government from the Baptists, which is nowhere in constitutional writing, we have seen further slides away from that sort of "promotional" conduct.George Washington was a convinced Christian without doubt. Martha Washington chose the spot for a new Capitol of the nation in the District of Columbia. During his presidency is the world famous and distributed "Hail Columbia" anthem. So Martha the happy Columbia, lives in this District, where the God-like providential power of Washington, guides this band of Brothers to liberty.

    Review a moment the Christianity to this timeperiod throughout the world. We generally group world Christianity according to theology and relational politics. The Lutherans control Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Prussia or northeast Germany at different times, or sometimes rotating Lutheran/catholic emperors. The Catholics dominate in Spain, France, Italy, and Austria. The Anglican Church has varying theology due to the Via Media principle over the years, the guiding principle being loyalty to the Monarch. Especially since Queen Elizabeth I is excommunicated as a Reformed Calvinist in infallible Papal Bull (Regnan Excelsus). The Reformed actually control in Transylvania, Netherlands, Switzerland, and a sub-branch named Presbyterianism.

    The Declaration of Independence , crediting the Creator that governs the Nations, does credit the only balance of politics and power of any importance to date of these independent Colonies.

    The Rest of this issue is going to be direct interested and debatable comparison to the results and fruits of the 1800's French Revolution. Because, that government came about with a historic principle known as Laicite.ïcité
    To unite the citizens, all religion of any kind is limited and restricted out of the public sphere. We should assume in principle anyway, any of our professional and professable actions in France, cannot include any strain of actions from religion? We would not have a professing Muslim Professor whom we buy a prayer mat, because, headscarves and things are not allowed in school. France is a strongly secular nation from this exact moment in history.

    All actions today are focused on the US Civil War. I want to take the rare position of actually honoring those who fought for our freedoms today on both sides without any of these modern hypocrites today whatsoever. I referenced Southern Presbyterian R.L. Dabney and his fascinating book on Stonewall Jackson. Dabney is said to be from an English Puritanism strain, whom also joined the Stonewall Brigade of fame. We see a young man who served as some sort of warrant officer. Stonewall Jackson once unhorsed a man in debt for the said horse by securing it past a swinging barn door. Dabney refers to even the Jackson family as its own race of men. They describe his service in the Mexican-US war like most of the officers of the Civil War, promotion from Lieutenant to Major for bold artillery actions. Descriptions are given of finding Presbyterianism with a Pastor back in the States. Dabney goes to a Pastor's caring lengths on the heritage, stock, and family ties of the man in the Appalachians, the Scot Appalachians and in Virginia. Compared to the many grim providential decrees they note his maxim several times of with determination a man 'is whoever he determines to be'. He despised parties, tobacco, of reserved character, and Christian character. He determined to teach to African Americans and he had his own Bible study course when he was a Deacon in the Church.

    Dabney makes several pointed arguments. Do we see that when the Northern States to date, did not so much abolish slavery, as rid themselves of African Americans in any version? Of the 90% of African Americans in slavery, which were removed from these Northern States, and not all those who are free are in the North either. This particular line of thought I don't hear very often. Much more often we do hear the typical line of thought, that everyone must acknowledge the full right of the States who first formed the Articles of Confederation, who only entered into the Constitutional Union, in any sense, by their own best interest! Also the suggested lawful right of those States to secession is present, but the important instrument here is how we assume where it does not exist, when all politics to this time was about the United States Confederacy, that none of the public Presidential Inauguration of Jefferson Davis, the common media, the propaganda or marching songs of the war period, ever included one time the one word "slave" or any similar mention, that some wish to totally murder men in their own homes, steal their property, cover up and dismiss the death as we do today, is the very definition of Satan, AntiChrist, and also Sinner.

    So moving on to mention Jefferson Davis, proclaimed from the outset the "God of our Fathers". Did we misstep to proclaim the God of our Fathers of a Nation whom "protected from" various foes to be Presbyterianism specifically? We know the Anglicans directly under control of the Monarchy fled the Continent. Anglicanism did not support the revolution. Today the term "episcopacy" only denotes the Anglican church in Scotland and the United States, where a Episcopal Bishop is a go-between in the Church. In small numbers existed Quakers, Anabaptists and evangelical movements and various congregationalists. The Battle of Princeton put George Washington in intimate contact with the center of Presbyterian knowledge and Ministry, a painting was commissioned and presented of Washington hangs at the University.

    Jefferson Davis also proclaimed this denomination to develop a storyline that helped the legal claim of Confederacy, obviously. When at a very specific time the Puritans and Presbyterians were Confederate (to unite in British terminology with no superior member), the Presbyterian Scottish Covenanters began the English Civil War. They captured in Northern England called Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The Puritan parliament agreed to this action that overthrows the personal Union of the King over the three countries, in consent to the celebrated Presbyterian Westminster Confession for Scotland and England. This Confession pressed by Scotland only united the countries in religion for only a handful of years however. I assume even Oliver Cromwell upset this compact somehow. So we see how the "Bonnie Blue Flag", Bonnie being a stereotypical Scottish word for pretty, the blue flag suggesting a National Flag of Scotland historically getting covered up in the Union Jack by the English and Northern Irish flags, in fact has a single Star in the background! How comedic!

    Abraham Lincoln was not an organized Christian anyway. We don't list his denomination. What I'm more interested in is that Abraham Lincoln never took any offense against Presbyterianism. Mary Todd Lincoln was Presbyterian, he never condemned any version of the Southern Christianity that I'm aware of and Abraham Lincoln wanted to confirm the God that everyone prayed to. He was a Western yokel as far as many were concerned. In that, he seemed by his hardwork, to offend those who gain only by inheritance, wealth, and dynasty. He is known as Honest Abe. Abraham Lincoln I read Somewhere, had the campaign promises against Twin Evils, the Mormon Polygamy and Slavery. He did in fact have an army that capitulated Utah at one point in time. We see polygamy today very much on the fringe in Utah.
  2. MikeDwight

    MikeDwight Banned

    Oct 12, 2019
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    So Dabney continued to proclaim in this book in 1866 no less the hero known in two hemispheres ,Stonewall Jackson, a bright mind, a man he followed in the Brigade, and the political context of independence of the States. Southern Presbyterianism should be an indispensable American phenomenon. Southern Presbyterianism stuck rigid to the origins of Presbyterianism, the Westminster Confession as a subscription, and to any other historical Presbyterian principle. The Church had two million 'colored' or "African American" today in 1900's. The Church in 1950 , including Northern and all branches had 7 million there were definitely 7 million in 1900 as well. Exacting theology did not necessarily in Any Way put it in the center of any racist or guerilla actions against the United States. We see in the film Birth of a Nation by Griffith, a scene where, the raise the Stainless Banner to say, the cross of old Scotland's hills of an unconquered race of men ,and an outraged civilization. That is largely besides the point to the moviegoers who picked up on the white-American reconciliatory message of the racist film who made a nationwide rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1910's era.

    One problem was of course president Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the film 'the truth' on its screening in the White House. Woodrow Wilson was the son of the founder of Southern Presbyterianism. He was said to have held Robert E Lee's hand as a small boy. No other president is more misunderstood in single-minded character, I am led to believe. This is because he was led to a war in world war one he protested the entire time. Suffrage was signed from women wishing to get engaged in politics, while his wife and family denounced the impropriety of the idea. etc. Woodrow Wilson's orthodoxy is only changed in proclaiming like the film, one Nation, and not the 30 or so separate fiefdoms, of the original movement and intent. So the Bonnie Blue Flag is also the flag of the League of Nations I argue, to any but the most unreasonable. The Christian movement for world war one peace interests other parties.

    Particularly, in Korea, Japan has just begun to tyrannize another state in an imposed Union of usurped rights and powers hitherto unknown and illegal, with Korea. A Provisional Government formed by Korea in the recuperation of the expected rights of the Sovereign Character of the State by provided by Almighty God. "Hananim" in this instance. Korea pleads to be a part of the League of Nations. The government of the King of Korea was forced to sign an annexation treaty of the state of Korea to belong to Japan. King Gojong, Queen Myeunseung, the Yangban and many others were very receptive to the Americans and their mission. The only issue at debate here is would this undoubtedly Western, Undoubtedly civilized, undoubtedly technological nation be called Presbyterian in the first place? That haunts us today. They would prefer it were the Missionaries of Freedom, I wager, we have no doubt. The King helped the freedom lovers in a number of ways, the Christians were granted missionary lands. Business opportunities in gold mining or trolley rail were allwed to take place. Yonsei University today sister of Princeton University, develops at this time from US Ambassadors Horace Allen and Horace Underwood's medical mission. One famous graduate is Ahn Chang Ho, possible author of the national anthem today, "Aegukga", and founder of the Provisional Government. Horace Allen was well-connected in these modernization efforts for the Korean Empire, for the trolley line, the telephone lines, the gold mining operations, to have also set up an idea concerning immigration, we'll assume centered around Yonsei, so Ahn Chang Ho famously has one of 100 passports issued by the Korean Empire to farm labor in Hawaii.

    Korea has suffered enough by almost any standard of any nation and not by their own cowardice, their own backwardness, any fault, no, we need to fully recognize human beings, who were forced into the belief of inferior language, who died in degrading an humiliating conditions as laborers through out the Japanese empire, removed from their homes. One famous Korean Presbyterian today, Lee Myung-bak, before being President, he and his family had to be shipped back from Japan to Korea and as a boy his family's boat capsized, and his entire family barely swam ashore, destitute and distraught.

    Nearly three million civilians died in Korea from the Korean War, a horrible toll of a horrible war, ranked next to the Japanese destruction of Nanking, and Nazi war atrocities. No doubt is the toll of a divided nation into North and South from the end of world war 2. Unlike European settlements, even in Russia, it seems that the Asian countries have produced no settlements, as their own ideologies and sides only entrenched after the war, concerning Republic of China (Taiwan), North and South Korea, and even Japan.

    Horace Underwood's Call of Korea has a very central theme for those religious in quality. The Call of Macedon is a biblical event in the book of Acts. A man of Macedon ( a Kingdom in Greece) called as did King Gojong, for assistance in the country. The missionary Paul and the Missionaries do answer. As Greece was a gateway to all Christian Europe, Korea was also a gateway for an entirely Christian Asia.

    I have also come to Presume concerning in Acts 17 the appearance of the "Unknown God". In Presbyterianism, we note 3 Parthenons in the world, 2 of these being copies. One is the iconic Parthenon original from 400 BC to stand for Athens Greece and Democracy. One is the National Monument of Scotland. And a third, marks the 100 year celebration of the founding of Tennessee in Nashville. There near the Parthenon, in Athens Greece, the Missionary when proclaiming Christianity the first time, to a Nation outside the Nation of Israel in the all-encompassing Roman Empire, picks out one God of these people, as a present Act of God. God has acted in this region of Greece, and it was through a God that they didn't know. Some claim that the Unknown God in fact saved some flocks of sheep and no one knew who that God was. In the same way, the God of Creation, the God Hananim, or Haneulim, is already proclaimed in the mission, to have acted in Korea. Korea celebrates National Foundation Day around the supposed acts of Haneulim.

    General Dwight Eisenhower in Preparation for the Normandy D-Day invasion called for the Crusade of Free Man. This is his theme during his presidency. Any religion in these United States must proclaim that all men are created Equal. He proclaims that this is a fight of light against dark in regards to slavery. Is Southern Presbyterianism guilty in some small degree to these oversights and crimes, of course. However, are we more in effect involved in Government Overstep that Outlaws Responsible Religion in the 50's to the 70's.

    President Eisenhower ran publicly on leading the Religious life of America as far as the 1st amendment allowed. While in office he joined Presbyterianism straight away, the only President to 'become Christian in office" its said? He has now promoted Presbyterianism we could say in a much stronger fashion than any individual state has done so, we could say, even more than Alabama, in the Montgomery capitol building, which wrote the Bonnie Blue Flag in assembly, made a Confederate Constitution newly establishing the "Almighty God in the Sovereign Character of the States", the new Alabama constitution pasted in the phrase from the Confederate Constitution, to "invoke the favor and guidance of Almighty God" exactly. The first flag of Alabama showed off the usage of the Bonnie Blue Flag to the rest of the Confederacy, obviously. Eisenhower however has outdone this example I'm sure, by point, to have made an oath and covenant of a blinding nationalism's character by adding "under God" to the pledge of allegiance. The new Presbyterian motto of this country became "In God we Trust'. Many people aren't aware of Eisenhower's actions or the United Presbyterian Church that encompassed all United States Presbyterianism, while Eisenhower was in office in 1958. That would be to eliminate the Southern Presbyterian Branch.

    I think how Eisenhower phrased this argument, is in support of the many Ukranian slavelaborers of Nazi Germany, and etc, which should be asked to participate. How are we to now compare that period to the wild attempts of the Nazi killer regime?

    What this actually does is overstep to null and void the International Religious Christendom established by the League of Nations. This overt loud and proud covenant centered in the 10 commandments, noted by the chancellor of Germany as 14 points having 4 more than the 10 commandments. This league of Peace lasted until Japan left with its colony Korea, a colony of Korea that with all its might tried to join this League of Nations and adjustment of colonial claims, and started World War 2. We can see how today the PCUSA is such a radical proposition as this entirely. The PCUSA proclaiming to be "Always Reforming" and to be fighting a 2nd "Protestant Reformation" is this exact claim, to have the United States to be so entirely removed from its predecessor body. No claims of the previous one relates at all to the PCUSA and particularly in International Relations.

    I use my numbers from earlier to say that , as far as membership, 7 million observers reduced to 2 million is a sign of neglect, elderly and confused organization. Will American religion be returned to free full exercise? Will we honor the Solemn League and Covenants of the League of Nations? What is the future of any Christian harmony among the Nations, as is the very same emphatic plea of Christ and the Apostolic Christians, the Peace of Christ among all the Nations, not any Methodist/Baptist/Church of God Revival movement. Does any Church in the future relate to American Christian responsibility? What direction are we taking?

    I finally want to relate my renewed interests concerning the case of Lemon V. Kurtzman. I'm relating this to my paragraph on the Napoleonic Laicite. In what ways are we even allowing our administrators any free conscience of any promotion of any kind, concerning this three-prong test, in which no administrators can now promote any religion? This assuredly would make Eisenhower's actions 20 years earlier illegal! Or what is your take on the issue? Is it more local and specific than that? What can we describe as the difference in the US legal environment between the Liacite principle and where we are now in US law? I can answer in at least the ability of religious peoples in public institutions to profess the interactions of religion in a public sphere among private citizens.
  3. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Everyone is free to believe whatever they want in this country and everyone is also free to dismiss them out of hand. When belief tries to invade public policy however, it becomes invasive and must be stamped out.
    Diablo and Sallyally like this.
  4. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    As friendly advice, I’d suggest that your post is far too long (and for what it matters, too scattered and unstructured). You also seem to be making a definitive statement rather than asking questions or seeking alternative opinion. This is a discussion forum, not an essay repository, and I doubt you’ll get much response on the basis of this.
    Sallyally likes this.
  5. MikeDwight

    MikeDwight Banned

    Oct 12, 2019
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    This forum is a 120 character tweet repository. You're not giving much help on a structured, highlights version, of a history of American Presbyterianism, on the history of the world's relation to religion. @tecoyah if you go to school then you recite every morning in a solemn manner as if to covenant, oath, and pledge, your activities, in a pledge of allegiance, I Pledge allegiance to a paper thingy, over the top of humanity, of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, Under the Guidance of God, indivisible as the Confederates suggested, One Nation unlike the Confederate definition, with liberty and Justice to whom the Union chooses today. And you are here to tell me about being free to dismiss the Rebirth of Presbyterian out of hand? That'd be to be in Nazi Germany and say, look ,a Nazi, what's that, I hadn't heard of that. Its invasive now you stamp it out tecoyah. Go ahead.

    Kings of Europe were excommunicated by a checks-and-balances Religious Branch of Government, we see King Henry rewarded "Defender of the Faith" and his daughter Queen Elizabeth I permanently infallibly excommunicated by "Papal Bull" as a Calvinist and this is the way of European government, of importance and solemn highlight. What makes people assume freedom from international checks and balances of all sorts, through American exceptionalism, is the theme.
  6. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    I honestly do have reading trouble.
    Would you kindly supply a synopsis to your above uploads.

    Lucky for me I went to the Medical School that invented
    Synopsis Medical Textbooks. Univ. of Calif. Medical Center, San Francisco.
    The Lange Series.

    Be Warned; if you keep writing those PhD thesis uploads,
    @DennisTate just may be your only source of dialog.
    :blowkiss: @DennisTate :)

    Moi :oldman:

    Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic,
    regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
    Sallyally likes this.
  7. Diablo

    Diablo Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2016
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    A fate worse than death.
    Moi621 and Sallyally like this.
  8. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Thank you for the laugh.

    Honestly, I did Laugh Out Loud for some 20 - 30 seconds. Thanks

    :heart: @DennisTate :blowkiss:
  9. MikeDwight

    MikeDwight Banned

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Brief Outline would run as,
    1.Christianity doesn't promote Nationalism
    a. Founding religions in America
    b. Reformed branch off Catholicism
    C. Andrew Jackson's Presidency
    conclusion: understrength America against British Imperialist Superiority is Religious
    2. Christianity is Controlled by Nationalists
    a. Civil War Napoleon's Favorite
    b. "Laicite"
    c. Civil war Details
    d. Eisenhower's destruction of Southern Presbyterianism and Rebirth United Presbyterianism to the PCUSA all from the Demagogue Whitehouse
    3. A Prevented one Communion of Presbyterianism
    a. Orthodox provides the example of autocephalic parishes since the Pentarchy
    b. The League of Nations follows that model for Churches of each Nation
    c. the PCUSA is involved in a 2nd Reformed Reformation, by itself, all alone

    Later post relates how all America's Christian spirit is determined by these actions, in Presbyterianism.
  10. Diablo

    Diablo Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2016
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    Someone should probably torpedo this thread.
  11. MikeDwight

    MikeDwight Banned

    Oct 12, 2019
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    What's this all about? I don't ever have any jokes at anybody. What's this joke? Some waste of my time you get to do.
  12. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    The joke is . . .
    @MikeDwight fires so many hardly associated theories . . . .
    in one upload.
    Hardly the stuff of dialog.
    More the stuff of a genius in high gear or schizophrenia.

    Bring it down a notch or three @MikeDwight
    Make it more simple for us dullards.

    @DennisTate HELP. @MikeDwight
    I'm not the only one who witnessed a similarity.

    BTW @DennisTate be :flagcanada:.

    Moi :oldman:

    No Canada-1.jpg
    Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic,
    regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019
  13. MikeDwight

    MikeDwight Banned

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Then feel absolute pity for the blameless citizenry of these United States. Because Korean Americans do not Assimilate to another religion, like every population in history, they brought their religion, they're not %*($ing beasts of burden that join your taxi caddie religion, or whatever, *****s. That religion that they do not assimilate REQUIRES 3 evolutions of a Church in rebirths to even arrive at. That will be in the routine Performance of your University work idiots. In the routine conversations of innocent on task people talking to Presbyterians. The work of Alabama State and the Governors funding Public Universities, and their Presbyterian flag, Presbyterian Constitution by John Knox, their Presbyterian Confederation theory. We are at the mercy of the institution we attend without any other situations, socializations, or choices besides whom is most professional and open enrolling for the class.

    I haven't made any Choices or Interests or Scholarly inquiries for over 10 years, while the FBI or some shadow puppets destroy my options I've never taken in anything. I never had a wrongdoing. I never caused Any incidents. I Never am part of the problem. They could fake my Death. They removed my job market. They removed contacts. they faked that routine tasks formed any interests of mine. They fake that I can't claim my parents funding my work, didn't also fund Dr. Liu's apartment recovery and that I don't have rights to suggest similar to Presbyterians with that example.
    This post is The Only reason for any of that, and I wouldn't care if they find excuses that I'm Amy Bishop, or I project obsessions onto the Students, or any other Cover for Their insanity, oh ya and that they Had to get me mentally examined and facebooking too, or they would expel me immediately, how about that insanity. I wouldn't care one or the other, but they Do seem to care, when they were Not listening in asserting the one about obsessions projected onto normal students, and then facebooking about it. They seem to be obsessed with their pick 100%.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019

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