Evidence for the Creator: Angst

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by usfan, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    This is a continuation of a series of articles that examine the evidence for a Creator. This is not a religious analysis, appealing to texts or religious beliefs or dogma. This is an examination of reason and scientific evidence, that imply or suggest the model of creation.

    But, since the Bully Pulpit of Atheistic naturalism opposes any rational or scientific inquiry into the possibility of a Creator, and pounds the false narrative,

    "Atheism is science! A Creator is religion!"

    ..i have dutifully put this in the religious subforum, to save the trouble of moving it.

    If there is not a Creator, then ALL who believe in that are deluded. They are either blind fools, who deny and ignore Reality, or they are willful deceivers, knowingly promoting a lie for some agenda.

    But... if the Objective Reality is that there IS a Creator/God, then it is the unbelievers in this reality who are either deluded fools, or deliberate deceivers.

    There IS.. an Objective Reality, about the nature of the universe. It is either designed and Created by an Intelligent Designer, or it is a random accident of godless chance.

    I have simplified this dichotomy with a one word descriptor for each:


    Believing in one or the other has no bearing on the ultimate reality. If one believes there is a Creator/God, and there isn't, they are a deluded fool. If one believes there is NOT a Creator/God, and there is, then he is the deluded fool. There is only ONE, Ultimate, Objective Reality. Discovering this Truth has been the goal of many humans for thousands of years.

    IF.. knowledge is knowable,

    THEN.. some might know this truth, while others are ignorant or deceived.

    That condition can only be determined if the Ultimate Truth is revealed. Until then, we offer opinions, and arguments for those opinions. But neither the arguments nor the opinions have any influence on Objective Reality.

    Truth is true, whether we know it, believe it, or not.

    Neither believing in something nor denying it has any effect on Objective, Absolute Truth.

    The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

    Human angst

    There is no naturalistic explanation for this. It does not aid in our survival, or improve the species in any way. It is common throughout the human experience, traversing time, race, religion, and culture. It is a gnawing 'something' in man that hints and implies a spiritual connection.

    “There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator." ~Blaise Pascal c. 1670

    There are 2 possibilities, concerning angst, as there are with everything in this world. The bumper sticker terms illustrate those possibilities:

    1. Goddidit
    2. Nuthindidit

    Is it a Real Thing, embedded by God, or it is a human delusion? A construct for manipulation?

    If Angst, as experienced and defined by philosophers and most humans over the millennia, is REAL, then it has to have a source. Either it was placed there by a Power with ability to do so, or it happened naturally.

    I see this angst as the motivation for the pursuit of 'more'. There is a dissatisfaction with life.. our existence.. that we mask with 'more'.

    The recurring theme among human gurus, psychologists, shamen, priests, self help conferences, and religious theories is 'enjoy life & have fun!', and we have to constantly remind ourselves to do that, and not be nagged by the inner desire for more. Yet no matter how we try.. or how we reassure our psyches of the wise and balanced path we have chosen, an undercurrent of desire.. a hole in our souls.. belies our bluff of contentment.

    We are not satisfied with meeting our basic needs, but want more.

    We come into the world laden with the weight of an infinite necessity. – Albert Camus

    I submit that human Angst is a Real Thing, embedded by God, to awaken us from fruitless distractions, materialism, and the illusions of self gratification, which never fulfill us like we think they should. It is a 'homing beacon', to redirect our spiritual compass back to our Creator. It is evidence that we are more than soulless, purposeless, accidents of nature, but have been created for a purpose.
    Injeun and ToddWB like this.
  2. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    If there were evidence of His existence then everyone would have to believe in Him which makes the point of having faith worthless.

    Besides, many of these people that laugh at the idea of God are not people we want to spend eternity with anyways so quit trying to convince them.
    ToddWB likes this.
  3. Swensson

    Swensson Devil's advocate

    Dec 16, 2009
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    Of course there is a naturalistic explanation for angst. On Darwinism, humans have evolved to do certain things and succeed at certain things, and avoiding angst (perhaps in a broader sense than you're thinking of it) is a good motivator for us to do those things. In particular, angst is generic, it's not like hunger or thirst because it is clear where those come from. Angst has evolved to get us to respond to the surroundings, to gather information from our brain about what needs doing, on a way shorter timescale than for instance hunger. Angst over our bank accounts doesn't arise because cave men have always needed stocked bank accounts, but because humans have evolved to know that there are a lot of things like bank accounts that you need to worry about, and the brain can identify them and aid our own survival by being proactive.

    However, this feeling doesn't necessarily go away. Evolution never saw a reason to turn the feeling off when you think you have everything you need (in fact, that may introduce complacency, which may be bad for your survival). Thus, we can get the feeling about things we can't actually do anything about, and even things that do not exist. For people who believe that there is a spiritual connection, it makes sense for the brain to start angsting about it (and that process is completely detached from whether the spiritual connection actually exists).

    I agree that for our purposes, God either did it, or he did not. However, your last line here seems to make unfounded assumptions. If angst was imbued by evolution, then it would be a real thing (I'm not certain if you mean something specific by capitalising "Real Thing") and not a delusion.

    It seems to me, this is no bigger a hurdle to materialism or evolution than any human aspect.

    This seems like a bit of a simplification. I'm sure there are people who argue that we should just have fun, but as far as a recurring theme goes, I think it's more in line with avoiding worry or angst for things that do not deserve worry or angst.

    I think I'd rather agree with Camus. We all agree that humans have a desire for meaning, but I'd submit that that is in no way a reason to believe that such meaning exists.

    People of other beliefs (Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, humanists, even Islamists and communists) all feel the feeling but end up going in different directions. The directions change over time, and there are people jumping between the different understandings. That seems to me to imply that it's not so much a homing beacon as a spinning compass.
    Diablo likes this.
  4. DaveBN

    DaveBN Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Spoken like a true Christian.
    JET3534 and cd8ed like this.
  5. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    I don't know how this is possible, but each of these "arguments" get more braindead. There isn't a sliver of logic in any of them. Yes, dissatisfaction has survival value. Just more support of the the notion that creationism requires a complete abandonment of all critical thought.
    Giftedone and Derideo_Te like this.
  6. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    His favorite hobby is claiming that he isn't a theist while making arguments that would logically require him to be a theist if he were being logically consistent, while also defining his position in a way that would make him (according to his own inconsistent definitions) an atheist if he were being honest. Good luck getting anything out of him other than blatant intellectual dishonesty and vapid semantic arguments. No one else has succeeded in doing so
  7. Matt84

    Matt84 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2015
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    And yet that's exactly what you were doing in an earlier thread. Hypocrite much?
    cd8ed and Derideo_Te like this.
  8. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    It’s all they have even down to following the principles in the book they worship as fact — throw in a dash of blind faith, a major superiority complex along with rapid condemnation / hate of others and you have the modern day evangelical.
    JET3534, Matt84 and Derideo_Te like this.
  9. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    I am a philosopher, who enjoys pondering the deeper nuances of our existence. People can laugh, mock, cry, or dismiss these concepts, but here they are, for the entertainment of the reader.
    Ridicule is not a logical rebuttal.
    ..very ironic. Your angst filled 'protest!', only illustrates the OP. Lashing out at me, personally, does not rebut any of the points..

    ..except in Progresso World..
    I am openly a theist. I defend the Creator as the Cause of all things, and expose the pseudoscience of atheistic naturalism, even while being censored in progressive echo chambers.
    Where have i made any appeals to religious texts, or dogmas? I use reason and science, and find those compelling enough, to refute the hysterical Hostiliy from progressive indoctrinees.

    As usual, you have it backwards.. the hate and 'blind faith!', are the progressive agenda. Critical thinking, skepticism, and empiricism are the tools i use.
  10. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Learn about hubris!
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  11. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    I gave a civil, rational reply to each poster, and you counter with ad hominem..

    ..this does not address the topic, at all.
  12. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    More fecal matter!

    You did NOTHING of the sort in the OP!

    There is NO reason NOR any science in that flatulent denial of Scientific Facts which has already been EXPOSED in post #5 above!
  13. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    What I posted was not directed at you.
    usfan likes this.
  14. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    ..sorry for the misunderstanding.
    cd8ed likes this.
  15. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    Dismissal, definition deflections, demeaning decrees, denotes desperation.

    Debate disrupted.

    Done, Derideo
  16. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Your DESPERATE DENIALISM of factual REALITY is not my problem.

    You were provided with FACTS that DEBUNKED your bogus OP.

    You cannot REFUTE those facts so you are flailing instead.

  17. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    ..thanks for the thoughtful, civil reply. I have been ruminating over your post for a few days.. there is much to ponder, and you offer compelling arguments.

    I'm not easily impressed by the level of 'debate!', in these online forums, but you have been a continuous highlight of my days, here. :D

    Angst' is much deeper, in it's classical, philosophical usage, than mere anxiety or ambition. It is not animal frustration, or worrying about survival. It is an inner sense of 'more', when reason and our senses say this is all there is. Augustine called it a 'God shaped hole', in every man. I've already quoted Camus and Pascal, and could go on indefinitely with quotes from others over the millennia.

    "Deep cries to deep", said the psalmist, and the existential angst is palpable in Solomon's writings in Ecclesiastes.

    It is a universal, deeply felt sense that transcends all material, rational, and physical explanation.

    The 'desire for meaning', as you put it, is itself evidence that 'something' is there.. ..that we can't quite put our finger on. We 'feel' it, but our rational minds cannot explain or define it. It has no natural source, and it is a logical conclusion that it was placed in us by the Creator, to return us to our Maker.

    Confusion, deception, or denial may SEEM to make the compass spin, and our minds are adept at confirmation bias, spinning anything to fit whatever neat little philosophy we have concocted. But even in the cacophony of noise, hysteria, polemy, personalities, and muddy perceptions, the inner gnawing of primordial angst, nags our complacency and carefully constructed worldviews, and calls to the deep.

    A wise and reflective person would ponder this mystery, and see if it leads to Enlightenment or understanding of this universe we find ourselves in.

    I tell you the Truth. The Creator is real. He has overlooked times of ignorance and folly in the human experience, but reaches out to His creation, so that we might grope for Him, awaken, and discover the Reason for our existence. I urge you, and anyone reading this, to heed the call, and listen carefully to the Creator's 'voice' to your soul. Nothing can be more important than discovering the ultimate meaning of life.
  18. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    Angst is the common, universal, & very uniquely human condition of panic, fear, or dread about the abstract ideas of eternity, infinity, & existence. Human beings for all of history have exhibited it, explained it, rationalized it, & fled from it. It is the realization of our mortality.. coming to grips with the fact of our existence, impending death, solitude, or anything else we might imagine. We realize we are on a path that we did not make, & there is nothing we can do about it.

    This might be a good place to make fun of ourselves, & angst filled, existential gloom. Existentialist philosophers have grappled a lot with angst, but it is a common concept, going back as far as we have records of man's thoughts. It is a very serious subject, but is faced better with a little self deprecating humor..


    Here are some possibilities, regarding the afterlife:
    1. Death is the end. No soul. No purpose other than immediate existence. A naturalistic view of the universe.
    2. There is a unique soul, and eternal consequences for its words & actions. Individual accountability.
    3. There is a unique soul, but no consequences for words or actions. Amoral relativity.
    4. There is a life force, but no individuality. Your 'spark' returns to the pool & your individuality is gone.
    I can't really think of any other possibilities, from a philosophical POV. If there is not an individual soul.. a unique spark of life that continues in some kind of afterlife, then the result of either #1 or #4 is the same. Your essence, whatever it is, will be lost, & your uniqueness will dissipate into the nether regions of eternity.

    But, if there is an eternal soul, that will continue on in another dimension, then the choices we make in this life take on eternal significance.

    If we got to choose the above 'reality', i'm not sure any of the choices are very comforting. I've always like Clarke's quote about the supernatural:

    “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” ~Arthur C. Clarke

    Some people believe in the naturalistic/atheistic worldview. Others believe in a supernatural/theistic ideology. Many others admit to not knowing. I can't really see that any of the common beliefs has much comfort to the angst filled person, wondering what the meaning of his life is. On the one hand, there is eternal nothingness.. end of story. Life is over, & there is no memory, no future, no purpose or significance to our lives, at all. We are a cosmic accident, with no explanation, no hope, no meaning. Not much comfort there, but at least the pain only lasts a short time, while we are alive.

    On the other hand, there is eternal existence. A Supernatural Being (or Beings) hold us accountable for our brief lives in this existence, & we will face consequences for our thoughts, words, & actions. There is a possibility that this Supreme Being is very strict &/or ruthless in His standards, & that the 'sins' that we might consider to be small potatoes, relative to other people, are major issues in the Presence of a Holy God. Not much comfort there, either, if there is a possibility of eternal torment, or continued pain from the actions in this life.

    And then of course, there is not knowing. That is hardly comforting, either.

    And the other unfortunate thing about Reality, is that we don't really get to choose it, regardless of the fantasy illusions of identity politics, where you can choose your gender, race, self image, & eternal destiny. Actual reality is not so accommodating. It IS, & we have to live with it. So hoping that our BELIEFS about the afterlife or the soul is the one that Really Is, might lead to a rude shock.

    Humans for millennia have searched for Truth. Angst is a very real thing, in the human experience, & IMO, it is the ONE clear evidence that we are here for Something More. Angst has no naturalistic explanation. But, it has been recognized by wise men & seekers of Truth throughout history.

    “What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words by God himself.” - Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

    And the famous quote by Augustine (354-430)[​IMG]

    “I took a test in Existentialism. I left all the answers blank and got 100.”
    ~Woody Allen

    So what is the conclusion? Pick the one you like best? Pretend you are at a philosophical buffet, pick & choose the things you like? That does not seem very wise, since there MIGHT be so much at stake. I submit that the words of Jesus & Jeremiah are good advice, for the human seeking clarity of Reality.

    Jeremiah 29:12. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

    John 8:31. “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

    If there is something i note from these quotes, it is the necessity of sincerity & honesty, which stands to reason. If there is an afterlife, & eternal consequences for our words, thoughts, & actions here on earth, then a genuine search would let go of any bias or preconceived notions about God or the afterlife, and sincerely seek Reality. Truth is the goal, not validation, or comfort, or justification. The seeker of Truth must be willing to set aside all of their beliefs, opinions, notions, and indoctrinations, if they are truly seeking Truth. If there is a God, He is no fool, & will not be deceived by games or manipulations.

    “To love truth for truth's sake is the principal part of human perfection in this world, and the seed-plot of all other virtues.”
    ~John Locke

    And of course, you can just ignore it all & hope for the best. But, if there is an afterlife, and an eternal soul, & a Supreme Being, to whom we must answer for our lives, it seems to me at some point we should make a concerted effort to discover the true nature of Reality, rather than piddle our lives away with temporal distractions. What could be more important than discovering the nature of our soul & eternal welfare?

  19. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    The theist SERMON above is the REASON why ALL of these threads BELONG in this forum and NOT in the Science forum.
  20. edthecynic

    edthecynic Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2014
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    They. are the same thing!
    God is not a thing, so Goddidit means nothing created everything from nothing!
    A more honest descriptor of Atheism would have been energydidit but then your argument falls apart.
  21. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    Do with it what you will. I offer it as a sincere argument for the Reality that is already known, in every person.
  22. Gelecski7238

    Gelecski7238 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 26, 2012
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    5. A sort of blend of #2 and #4: There is an oversoul, the real seat of your individuality. Aspects of your earthly sojourn are registered in the oversoul, along with those of previous individuals that were connected to the oversoul. Your earthly individuality is not eternal; it is only a transitory existence.
    usfan likes this.
  23. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    I uphold your right to your individual religious beliefs and your right to express them in THIS forum.

    That you BELIEVE that your imaginary creator has something to do with objective reality is just your OPINION on the matter.

    I prefer to deal with FACTUAL REALITY instead.
    JET3534 likes this.
  24. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    My one word quips are representative of the continual 'debate' over origins. There are 2 possibilities:
    1. An intelligent Being (or beings), Caused all life, matter, and the universe we observed..
    2. The universe happened by accident, through natural processes, with no intelligent direction.

    AKA, 'Goddidit! or Nuthindidit!'

    Energy has no creative or directive power, and if your argument/belief is for atheistic naturalism, then the Goddidit/Nuthindidit dichotomy still applies.

    ..thanks for the civil, reasonable response.

    I still see no other category. If your 'oversoul' is not unique and eternal, then it has the same parameters as #1 or #4 in the list.

    If it is unique to each person, and continues indefinitely (or outside of time), then it is the same as #2 or 3.
  25. Gelecski7238

    Gelecski7238 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 26, 2012
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    IMO, angst is just separation anxiety, i.e. insecurity due to separation from The Source and a consequence of individuation. Whereas you used it to produce an elaborate discourse, I flunked English Composition for coming up empty-handed when challenged with poems that didn't mean much to me.
    usfan likes this.

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