Impeachment 2.0 is rolling right along / in 10 days, Biden/Harris will be inaugurated

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Statistikhengst, Jan 10, 2021.

  1. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Today is Sunday, January 10th, 2021.

    Things were quieter on the surface yesterday, January 9th, 2021, mostly because current and soon-to-be Ex-President Trump was unable to tweet or facebook or instagram his hate and bile to the outside world.

    Yesterday, the number of Republicans not only denouncing Trump for his role in last Wednesday's illegal, murderous, seditious coup attempt at the Capitol Building has grown, but more and more Republicans are outright -and without mincing words- calling for him to resign right now. If not, according to those Republicans, he should be impeached. I am thinking that it is very unlikely that Trump will resign. His ego is just way too big for him to do that.

    On the flip-side, the (currently) single Article of Impeachment will be introduced to the House of Representatives tomorrow morning and is apparently scheduled to go on a very fast track. It is expected that the full vote on the House floor will be Wednesday or Thursday, so history is likely to be written in the next 72-96 hours, namely that a US-President was impeached TWICE. Then there is the question of when the HOR should walk the article of impeachment over to the Senate. And there is also the question whether a Senate can hold a trial to remove someone from office who is already out of office. Past precedent with at least one judge in the past says that this is probably likely, but as you all know, we are in undiscovered territory right now, to say the least.

    And then there is the Senate schedule to consider. The Senate is currently on vacation until January 19th, 2021, but of course, an emergency session of either or both chambers can be called at practically any time, so this all could flip on a dime, so to speak. But assuming that the argment that "why yes, it's possible to vote to convict a person who is no longer in office" is possible, there is nothing in the law that says that the HOR must transmit the article of Impeachment (which only means Indictment, nothing more) to the Senate immediately after it passes the HOR. The HOR could decide to transmit the AoI on, say, the 101st day of the Biden administration, since most administrations are graded on their performance in the first 100 days, although I find this number to be silly, but hey, it is what it is.

    So, putting aside Trump's unpredictable behavior and conflicting reports that "no, Pence is not considering invoking the 25th" vs. "why yes, he is considering invoking the 25th", the one thing we all know for sure is that in 10 days, on January 20th, 2021, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and Kamala Devi Harris will be sworn-in as our Republic's 46th President and 49th Vice-President, respectively.

    One point that is going somewhat unnoticed is that in the interim, the most important person in the political universe may not be either Trump or Biden, but rather, Chuck Schumer, who will soon become the majority leader in the US Senate. This may not be well known, but the majority leader gets to decide the rules for a legislative session, all the way from how much leeway he allows the minority leader in deciding committee assignments, what goes on the docket and what doesn't and especially in this case, whether or not the filibuster will be allowed as a debate/obstruction technique in the Senate. Both Schumer and McConnell know all too well how this kabuki theater works and both want to get as many advantages out of it as they possibly can, for that is human nature. And there is nothing quite like the lunch deal, something like, "hey Mitch, strip the seditionist Senators of all House assignments and their security clearance for anything above level so and so and I won't kill the filibuster" or "hey Chuck, if you don't killl the filibuster, I promise to not stand in the way of any of Biden's cabinet appointees". So, a pro-tip for all of us: good reporters will be keeping their ears to the ground to see what kind of extra communication happens between these two men during this coming week.

    In my view, the next most important person in the political person just for the next days is: Brad Raffensberger, the SOS of the great state of Georgia, for he can, if so inclined, hurry up to certify the results of both Senate races since both GOPer have already conceded which means there will be no recounts and no challenges, which means that both new Democratic Senators could be sworn-in this coming week already. That would still not change the balance of power in the Senate until Kamala Harris is sworn-in as VPOTUS on the 20th, but should the Senate be called early into emergency session due to an impending impeachment from the HOR, then the Senate would have a full compliment to debate the article.

    The third most important person this coming week, in my view, is: Mike Pence, the current Vice-President. I certainly would not want to be in his shoes, but surely he knows that there is no threading the needle anymore, his career is over. The Trumpsuckers will hate him for all eternity for having done his job and doubtless there will still be enough Trumpsuckers around come 2024 to make sure that he would have no chance at a presidential nomination. So, for Mike Pence, who is surely smarting that the President didn't give a flying **** about Pence's safety in the Senate Chamber as the illegal, murderous mob-riot started and also didn't give a **** about Pence's family, which was with him in the chamber, I can imagine that his internal calculus is: **** Trump, I'm going to let the clock run out on this administration. But then again, who knows, Trump may try to pull another fast one just to get attention.

    Finally, just because I haven't written about it yet today, I have not forgotten nor will I ever forget the GOP treason and treachery on January 6th, 2021 and I will be reminding the PF membership of this day of shame every single day from here on.

    Every. Single.Day.

    And yes, let the investigations rain down like a monsoon in Thailand.

    Last edited: Jan 10, 2021
    Independent4ever likes this.
  2. gnoib

    gnoib Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Or snow on Spain.

    They are rounding them up, one by one.
    The guy who chase the police officer up the stairs, with the mob behind him, got a visit from the FBI
    He aint going to wear that Q sweater for a long time.
    Don't drop the soap, boy.

    Next on the list should be all GOP elected officials who joined that rally and than the riot.
    Out them, make them resign.

    Why did it take over an hour to release the National Guard. Pence finally called, when nothing happened.

    Why were there no Federal Law Enforcement, like during the BLM protests.

    I think Bunker Boy and his inner circle tried to pull an Adolf. Burn the Capitol, maybe, have serious blood shed so he could declare a national emergency and rule without congress.

    This was very well planed, not a accident.

    The Net was full of it. Everybody knew it would be bloody Wednesday. So why did the Feds not prepare, as they did for BLM???????????????

    This was not just a riot or terrorism, that was a planed attempt to take over.

    Only the fast reaction of the security inside the Capitol, to get everybody to a save place, prevented it.

    If they would have captured some Senators or Representatives, we would live in a very different US today, Dictatorship, or the Generals would be mobilizing to storm Washington and the White House and some would probably defend Bunker Boy.

    I think the US got very lucky on Bloody Wednesday. That was to close to be funny, out right scary.

    I am a German, you are a American Jew, living in Germany. During my live I took great pains to learn how could my Grand Father, my Father fall for Hitler. How could that happen, well educated decent people, how could the country of poets, componists and scientists, become the butcher.
    How could people fall for the lies, propaganda, misinformation, 90 years ago.
    We just watched it, bro, like time travelling into the 1930s.
    Statistikhengst likes this.

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