Worried Trump could 'go rogue,' Milley took top-secret action to protect nuclear weapons

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Arkanis, Sep 14, 2021.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    As far as I knowed Joe Biden has never served at anything udder danny
    the Altar of the gods { Always driven by Democrat demands }.
    At least Donald Trump attended Military school and was pretty good at
    Marching drills as a Cadet { New York Military Academy }
    close to West Point Military Academy.
    In his book { 2015 } - Never Enough - he explains that the Academy provided
    him with " more training militarily than a lot of guys that go into the military. "
    Very believable.Sounds about right.I spent a year at a Military style
    Prep school outside Philly.I Hated it.We had formation before each meal and
    rose each morning by loud bell in the dorm.Everything was regimented.
    Even mandatory study hall { in a large gym with those little wooden chair desks }.
    Instead of Military uniforms we had to wear prep school stuff { Shirt,tie and
    sports jacket }. No T-shirt,or tennis shoes.I hated every minute of it.
    I then got into a much better { Nice Grammar } Prep school back home.
    A very good Prep school.One of the Best in the state.
  2. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I have asked YOU repeatedly what your own ability is to judge Trump's mental 'stability' and have gotten nothing (NOTHING) but vacuous bloviation in response... a shrill 'penny-whistle' blowing in the wind.

    My earlier error in inquiring about academic credentials among those who are unlikely to possess any was one I won't repeat here.... :lol:
  3. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    Have you not noticed that I've typed the word "allegedly" like 47,000 times when discussing this issue? Your statement is as obvious and unnecessary as telling me the sky is blue. I know what you said is true, and everything I've had to say on this topic is built upon the hypothetical that GEN Milley is in fact guilty of the allegations. But until and unless there is an investigation, charges, and a Courts Martial nobody except perhaps GEN Milley himself (and possibly a co-conspirator or 5) KNOWS the actual truth of the matter as of this moment.

    Even if every single word you just typed is absolutely and indisputably true, it does not change the fact that the 25th Amendment is/was the only legal way to do what GEN Milley is alleged to have done. If, I repeat if those allegations happen to be true, then in fact he is guilty of Treason. Good intentions is not a defense for that charge, should it ever be leveled and proven to whatever the standard of proof is in a Courts Martial. This statement is about the only thing about this entire matter that is indisputably true at this moment in time.

    As for paranoia, if the current Administration and leadership in the Congress is so afraid of what an investigation may lead to that they refuse to allow one to happen at all, who then is the person(s) being paranoid?

    You may not like it. You may applaud Milley's alleged actions. That is your right, I suppose. But your opinion is completely irrelevant and ignores the actual Law. However well intentioned he may have been, the Law doesn't provide for a "get out of jail free" card to a Treason charge. The US military reports to, and follows the orders of the civilian chain of command, and the head cheese of that is the sitting President, crazy or not.

    Sorry not sorry. What is so hard to understand about this? It's crystal f-ing clear.
    Pollycy likes this.
  4. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    And committing Treason by doing so. If he in fact did as alleged. The actions he took (allegedly) are not within the purview of his authority. Full stop.
    mswan likes this.
  5. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I'm unaware of any "treaty" we have with China that obliges us to inform its highest military command of what we, the U. S., would or would not do in any theoretical or actual wartime scenario. Please feel welcome to educate me!
  6. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Name the mistake.Just for posterity sake.And name-calling or
    berating or boasting on Twitter is no Presidential Mistake.
    It's not very Presidential but neither is the way he was treated.
    It took 3 years to Prove to those haters like Adam Schiff and
    Eric Swalwell that he was definately No Russian Agent.In Fact,
    the fathest thing from one.The Bidens { James,Hunter and Joe }
    are arguably Big Chinese agents.That is how The Bidens became rich.
    And it's proveable and documented by established Writer and Researcher
    Peter Schweizer.
    I have written that Trump is Humility deficient.That he cannot expect to
    gain Heaven with such a deficiency .Plus I am no fan of his personality.
    Constant memes like Charlie Sheen ... Winning ... Winning anyone.
    But Trump has a good heart and loves America and Americans so
    I overlook obvious flaws like his constant Boasting personality.
    mswan likes this.
  7. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    Which, even if true, is completely irrelevant. The Constitution does not say "unless the President is crazy" when it provided the definition of Treason. You guys keep trying, over and over and over again to somehow justify Milley's alleged actions when there is no legal justification for it. None. At all. Full stop.
  8. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    You are dealing with those who say anything for the sake of demonstrating
    their lust for Hate talk.Again ... Name a Lefty,any lefty that listens to CNN,
    MSNBC and reads the N.Y.Times.Name one time they { just once }
    disagreed with CNN,MSNBC or the N.Y.Times.
    If that ain't proof than never eat Puddin' again.
  9. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Speaking to his counterparts overseas is IN his JOB DESCRIPTION.

    ONUS is entirely on YOU to prove your IMAGINARY charge of "treason".
  10. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Again the Proof is not in some Puddin' but more like in what
    Puddin' heads insist.How many calls for use of the 25th Amendment
    on President Trump were made.It was made,virtually by all the
    Usefull Idiots { Lefties and Democrat sycophants }.
    Not just a few times but ad nauseaum.
    And how many of these same Useful Idiot sycophants brought up
    use of the 25th amendment for cursed Joe Biden.
    Like never to none.
    Or sometimes in the context as to Why Never.Why would or
    could we use the 25th amendment for Biden.He ain't no Trump.
    Spoiled,bratty,childlike and for cause.Like maintaing some
    Biden Charm Offensive.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
  11. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    There are ONLY 3 nations EXCLUDED from that policy and yes, China is one of them, however it would be Congress that would have to AUTHORIZE that 1st Strike and NOT your biggest *LOSER^, Cy.
  12. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    You aren't debating anything.You are establishing Your Way or the Highway.
    The onus is on You to prove Right or Wrong.This ain't some silly
    course in Critical Race Theory where no mention whatsoever is made
    of who held slaves,Helped create the KKK,authored and bullied Jim
    Crow authority and made sure firehoses and attack dogs were used
    against a Republican Preacher man { Martin Luther King } as he
    protested for the rights of blacks having dignity.
    If on a college debate team,you use WRONG multiple times
    you would be asked to sit down.Just as if you used Right too often.
    I saw something remarkable this past week.Like black troublemaker
    Joy Reid { Host of MSNBC's 7 pm - The ReidOut } had on another
    constant bully used by Blacks.Professor Michael Eric Dyson.
    And Reid was going thru a list of Things Republicans have been
    accused of regarding Suppressing of the vote.Tyson nodded in agreement
    and said RIGHT almost each time.More than a half dozen times.
    That also is not Debate.It's more like reading off a checklist from an
    Autocratic novel by Franz Kafka.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
  13. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    WRONG again!

    Those who are alleging TREASON have the ONUS to PROVE it.

    The principle of INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY still applies in spite of YOUR biggest *LOSER* and the GOP trashing the Law of the Land.
  14. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    I get it like Obama did.Consulted and gave Congress their due by
    letting them decide whether or not to Invade Libya.
    Obama { your Idol ? } did no such thing.In fact,he never even bothered
    to Consult Congress.Just went ahead and stormed Libya.
    LIke way a nutter yer Idol { Joe Biden } to this day has not visited the
    Southern Border or admitted to a Crisis ....he Created and does nothing
    to stop.
    You don't have a leg to stand on ... Bub.
    So stop acting as if you do.
    The Country is on to your type.
  15. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Is YOUR imaginary version of the events in Libya sourced from an extremist rightwing DISINFORMATION comic book?


  16. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    From the looks of things, Milley did NOT commit treason.

    1. Speaking to his Chinese counterpart IS part of his official duties.
    2. As of now, it is said that he told his subordinates "to follow the proper procedure" which is exactly what they should do.
    3. He may or may not be charged but, on the surface, it sounds like he did everything he was responsible for doing.
    Trump certainly has some mental illnesses. No doubt. He also has a serious addiction to flattery and chaos and destruction. This is often an outward projection of one's inner turmoil.

    He also has never worked at a real job. Like his offspring, he inherited a lot of money so he's never been in the position of having to answer to anybody. He was the shot caller. That is why he's so quick fire people (like he enjoyed doing on whatever tv show that was). He's never been fired, himself and it's clearly pushed him over the edge. This is to not make excuses for him but put in perspective that his failure to follow procedures and work *with* Congress and his staff, his go-to solution is to circumvent and terminate (anybody he had the power to fire). He's not a good leader. Being a blowhard, delusional rage-aholic bully is NOT leadership and we saw this deficit in his handling of the pandemic.
    I understand why you label Pence a "coward" but, in fairness, his willingness to do as he told, take a far, far back seat to Trump who needs 24/7 validation and adoration and toe the party line submissively are ALL the EXACT reasons he was probably chosen as his running mate. It's not fair to malign him for the very qualities that made him Trump's VP.

    He hasn't said too much since January 6, 2021, but I'm guessing that it really, really hurt him for Trump to turn on him as he has been a very loyal wingman. Until he spoke to his attorneys who informed him that he had no legal pathway to not certifying the votes, he probably never moved out of his "lane" and I'm certain it weighed heavily on him because he took a lashing from Trump AND was thrown under the bus. Trump has killed his career by making millions of people think Pence is a traitor. He's not. He upheld his oath of office; however, they don't want to face that because it clearly shows that Trump is the traitor in our midst.

    Given the situation, I would be surprised if somebody somewhere did NOT mention him invoking the 25th and I can picture Pence dismissing that as a non-starter. I believe, in his mind, if he followed the letter of the law, he could escape Trump's wrath. He could reconcile within himself that he honored the job responsibility required of him. Keep in mind, certifying the votes for Biden/Harris also meant that he was fired too. I'm sure he would have loved having a way to stay in office but this shows us what an honorable person he really is. In spite of the verbal abuse, Capitol riot, harassing phone calls, death threats (he and his family were staying in hotels just to stay safe) Pence stood up and did his job and was gracious enough to attend Biden's inauguration and he did that KNOWING that Trump would pull out all the stops to destroy his political career and his millions of supporters would hate him forever.

    I don't know about you, but that doesn't say "coward" to me at all.
    ChiCowboy and Derideo_Te like this.
  17. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Hitler was given the Iron Cross for bravery.Well deserved because
    as a runner { Ran message from one battle to the next } dodging bullets
    along the way.He was the remaining survivor of his Company.
    He was well intentioned as an original member of German Workers Party.
    Germany's early version of our Tea Party. Grass roots oriented for
    for a better society with less control,less taxation and better overall
    The German Workers Party became compromised and taken over.
    As far as Hitler being any devout Catholic,there is not much known
    about that.Surely after his WW I service or as a struggling artist hanging
    around Vienna painting Christmas cards.
  18. DentalFloss

    DentalFloss Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    I am not a JAG, so I have nothing to prove here.

    But, as I have said so many times I'm really getting sick of it, if the CJCOS went behind the President's back to assure a country that is essentially our enemy, even though there is no current military conflict, that all was well and he would tell them ahead of time if that changed, unless he was doing so on the orders of the President rather than, as is alleged, without him even knowing about it, not to mention taking steps to essentially render the President's authority to launch a nuclear strike aimed at any country, at any time, for essentially any reason as essentially broken, then it's Treason. If it did not happen as I just outlined, then it's not.

    The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Military (the single highest ranking military officer that exists) does not have the authority to do what it is alleged that he did. Period. Do you see how simple that is? A properly education 5th Grader can understand that clearly. Why is it that you cannot?
  19. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    WRONG ... Milley has no right to talk on the phone with our most
    powerful Adversary W/O both knowledge and consent of the President.
    Which is what Milley Pulled.
    Where do you get off saying such things like " Speaking to his
    Chinese counterpart is Part of his Official duties. "
    WRONG in the extreme.That is what Diplomats and the State Dep.
    are for who also have to report everything said back to the Commander-in Chief.
    Stop yer infestation of cutesy little crap.
  20. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Thank you for CONFIRMING that CANNOT substantiate your utterly BOGUS allegation of TREASON against Gen Milley.


  21. mswan

    mswan Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2021
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    I don't think there's much evidence for Hitler's being a devout Catholic. He WAS born into a Catholic family and seemed interested in the faith as a young boy. But he rejected the Catholic faith, considering Christianity a religion for slaves, starting in his teen years. He liked the practice of rituals but gradually twisted that into bizarre occult beliefs.

    Hitler hated Judaism. But he loathed Christianity, too.
  22. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    YOUR uninformed opinion has NO relevancy as far as the DUTIES and RESPONSIBILITIES of Gen Milley are concerned.

    NOT my problem that YOU have ZERO knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of Gen Milley.


    FACTS matter!
    MJ Davies likes this.
  23. Arkanis

    Arkanis Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    List of Trump administration dismissals and resignations

    In this list, there are at least 40 Trump appointees who left for lack of ethics, fraud or incompetence.

    More than 50 resigned because they were unable to work with Trump.

    This results in a turnover rate of 85%, three times higher than any other administration since WW2.

    Someone who insults people on a daily basis, constantly boasts of false achievements and perceives himself as God's messenger cannot have a good heart.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  24. mswan

    mswan Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2021
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    Trump was masterful at taunting and baiting, but I'm convinced he did have a good heart.
  25. Arkanis

    Arkanis Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    I am aware that it will take a long time, because the cult of personality around Trump is strong, but I guarantee that time will overcome this false image that Trump was someone with a good heart.

    Even before talking about the Big Lie and its consequences, Trump had defrauded the 1600 students of his fake university and exclusively used his 'charitable foundation' to shelter money from taxes.

    That's why the courts forced him to shut it down.
    Derideo_Te likes this.

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