Comments on Profile Post by Ronstar

  1. ArmySoldier
    Ron, your profile is hate speech. You list your occupation as "hating Donald trump" lol talk about hypocrisy
    Jul 14, 2017
  2. Ronstar
    im not allowed to hate DT? what is he a God or something?
    Sep 16, 2018
  3. ArmySoldier
    @Ronstar your post is about avoiding hate speech, and you're using hate speech. and i see you have since banned certain users from seeing your profile now :)

    what a coincidence!
    Sep 17, 2018
  4. Ronstar
    Trump is not a protected group. Hating DT is not "hate speech".
    Sep 18, 2018
  5. ArmySoldier
    @Ronstar yes, it's the definition. You are speaking hatred of a person or party. No one has to be "protected" to be spoken hatred of. Is this another one of your wild theories? Much like how Donald Trump had no chance to win the election?

    BTW- Why did you necro a post that was over a year old.....?
    Sep 19, 2018