Comments on Profile Post by Yakamaru

  1. Frank Fontaine
    Frank Fontaine
    Thanks! We should try to get Sargon of Akkad and a few others that we both listed in that one thread to come over here. Won't happen, but it would shake things up quite a bit... and those guys would be interesting to have around.
    Jul 9, 2018
    Yakamaru likes this.
  2. Yakamaru
    Holy crap!

    Sargon of Akkad
    Dave Rubin
    Jordan Peterson
    Computing Forever
    Chris Ray Gun
    Milo Yiannopoulos
    Tim Pool

    You name it. Would make this forum a hell'uva lot more interesting. Could at least extend an invite over here.
    Jul 9, 2018
    Frank Fontaine likes this.
  3. Yakamaru
    Though I'm a little curious as to why you decided to follow me. I'm practically new on the forum.. :P
    Jul 9, 2018
  4. Frank Fontaine
    Frank Fontaine
    You may be new but you know who those people are and we are similar thinkers (at least I think so) and I believe it's just us two that are of the classical liberal stripe. There may be others, but I've yet to come across them.
    Jul 9, 2018
    Yakamaru likes this.
  5. Yakamaru
    Hmm. True. Then a looking we shall go!
    Jul 9, 2018
    Frank Fontaine likes this.