Comments on Profile Post by DennisTate

  1. DennisTate
  2. DennisTate
    "The opposite... its a multi-religious issue. Saints and war heroes are sent to burial places related to their cultures. Jewish law as interpreted by halachic experts would require burial on the mount of Olives. National pride requires burial on Mt Hertzel. Canada and the world need to send the coffin to Mt Hertzel next to Shimon Peres who made the request. The final resting place is our problem.
    Apr 10, 2022
  3. DennisTate
    As a Christian, you can easily explain that the oath given to Josef has not yet been kept and this was Gods plan for the Sabbath or Jugement Day. Rabbi Nachman who was reborn as Na Nach (can be revealed) left a coffin behind to allow the nations faithful to God to keep the second commandment
    Apr 10, 2022
  4. DennisTate
    The eight commandments below the second are so in order of importance.

    Organizations helping Ukraine are where you need to bring
    influence. There is a lot of money offered." (Mordecai Geoffrey Max)
    Apr 10, 2022